Choosing the best chainsaw in 2024


In the not too distant past, at the very beginning of the 20th century, felling, felling trees, as well as preparing firewood required a person to have great physical strength and endurance. The process of harvesting firewood and cutting trees in itself is a very time-consuming and difficult process, for a quick implementation of which it is simply necessary to use chain saws.

Chainsaws powered by an internal combustion engine were first produced around the 20s of the last century. Since then, technical progress, of course, has not stood still, and today you can find a huge number of chainsaws from a variety of manufacturers, as well as for different purposes, with a variety of functions and technical characteristics. In the construction market, they are presented by budgetary (the cost of which varies up to 10,000 rubles), semi-professional, as well as professional models. The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best chainsaws of different classes, as of 2024.

What to look for when choosing a chainsaw

A tool such as a chainsaw was invented a long time ago, but until recently it was used exclusively in large-scale, industrial logging. In the domestic market, chainsaws have become popular among consumers relatively recently. Previously, they were used only when felling trees or dead wood in the forest. However, today such a tool is indispensable during the daily routine work at the summer cottage (cutting trees, harvesting firewood).

On a note! Chainsaws are often used as working tools during construction work. They are also often used in agricultural and municipal work.

For all gasoline chainsaws, the principle of operation, as well as the structure, is not much different from each other. This tool consists of a gasoline two-stroke engine, which, during operation, starts to rotate a special sprocket located directly in the tool body. The sprocket itself, while driving, starts the sawing part of the tool, which consists of a bar, as well as a special saw chain with sharp teeth.

Simply put, such a saw is a machine that is powered by a two-stroke internal combustion engine that runs on gasoline. The structure of this machine consists of:

  • Chain bars;
  • Centrifugal clutch;
  • Crankshaft;
  • Leading sprocket.

The drive sprocket is mounted directly to the tool crankshaft. It is connected to it through a centrifugal clutch.

The modern construction market is represented by a huge number of various models of gasoline saws from different manufacturers. As a rule, they differ from each other both in purpose, technical characteristics, and in cost, cutting speed, rotation speed, maximum cutting depth.Depending on the power indicators, they are household (as a rule, their maximum cost does not exceed 10,000 rubles), semi-professional and professional. They can be equipped with a soft start, smooth speed control, and have different weights and tire lengths.


One of the most important criteria to look for when choosing a chainsaw is the tire length. It is worth noting that the cutting depth of the tree depends on this indicator. Simply put, the longer the bar, the deeper the wood will be cut.

The average length of tires for household saws is no more than 40 cm.Therefore, when cutting large-diameter logs, the trunk has to be sawed from both sides, since the length of the tire, in this case, does not allow cutting the trunk from one cut. Models of saws for semi-professional and professional use, are able to cope with sawing even large tree trunks or logs in just one go.

Anti-kickback protection

During the sawing of logs, on contact with solid objects, for example, earth or nails, the saw can be thrown back towards the person who is directly cutting the tree. During such a kickback, a person can be seriously injured. Therefore, in order to maximally protect the user from this so-called kickback, most manufacturers equip their models with special protection. The kickback protection is a special handle that fits directly onto the saw body. When this handle is turned towards the tire, the chain instantly stops, so that the possibility of injury to a person during a kickback is minimized.

Chain selection

When choosing a chainsaw, you should also remember that the structure of the chain affects its performance indicators. Chains differ in profile height, pitch, as well as in the shape of the teeth. A small pitch chain can reduce vibration during sawing, but the quality of sawing wood is significantly reduced. The chain pitch is set taking into account the technical characteristics and features of the tool, as well as the nature of the work it does.

On a note! During operation, even at rated load, the chain on the bar will stretch. It is possible to adjust its length and tension either manually or by using a screw located on the side of the saw body.

Availability of anti-vibration protection

During the operation of the internal combustion engine, which is equipped with gasoline saws, fluctuations of strong amplitude appear. These fluctuations lead to the fact that during work, the hands begin to strain unnecessarily, and the person has a feeling of severe fatigue and muscle pain. Quite often, people who constantly work with chainsaws disrupt blood flow in the body, and joint diseases develop.

A special anti-vibration system is able to reduce the amplitude of vibrations that appear during the operation of the tool. The simplest and, at the same time, the best way to eliminate such vibrations is to install special rubberized gaskets, which are mounted directly between the body and the tool handle itself. In professional models, the effect of anti-vibration protection is achieved due to the optimal ratio of the mass of the combustion engine and other parts of the saw.


The main element of any chainsaw, of course, is its engine. Everything is simple and even banal here, the more engine power, the higher its productivity indicator. Depending on the power indicators of internal combustion engines, gasoline saws are divided into 3 types:

  1. Household intended for home use. The engine power output of such saws does not exceed 2 kW, and their volume is no more than 40 cm3.
  2. Semi-professional.They are also often called farm ones, as they are excellent for performing simple chores. The engine power of such a tool ranges from 2-3 kW, and its volume is 40-60 cm3.
  3. Professional. Equipped with an internal combustion engine with an output of 3 kW and a volume of 60 cm3.

It is worth noting that high quality engines are equipped with a piston system with 2 compression rings, a metal crankcase, and a forged crankshaft. In addition, in reliable engines, the cylinder walls are additionally chrome plated.

On a note! The efficiency parameters are also one of the important aspects that need to be guided when choosing gasoline-powered tools. Typically, household-type models are much more economical than professional-type tools.

The capacity of a chainsaw tank is usually designed for about 40 minutes of continuous operation. Therefore, it should be noted that the larger the volume of the tank and the gasoline tool, the more fuel consumption will be during its operation.

Comparative table of chainsaws of different classes

A typeAdvantagesdisadvantages
Household+ Compactness-It is impossible to work for a long time without stopping (the time of continuous work is no more than 2 hours)
+ Low cost-Fast wear
+ Economy (consume a small amount of fuel)-The chain is tightened only with a key
+ Do not create strong noise during operation-It is difficult and inconvenient to saw large diameter logs
-Small number of revolutions per minute
Semi-professional+ Equipped with emergency brake and automatic chain adjustment-In some cases, the width of the groove may not correspond to the manufacturer's declared power
+ Have high rates of continuous work, which is up to 8 hours- The tire may bend severely during seizure
+ Presented by models with different price ranges-For some models, you need to select, if necessary, replacement, only original components
Professional+ Have high power ratings-Cost
+ Equipped with an emergency brake, high quality wear-resistant components-High weight
+ Can cut thick logs from one cut-In some models, there is a strong level of vibration, due to the presence of a high power engine
+ Have a long period of work and operation

Today on the market you can find many chainsaws from a wide variety of manufacturers, which differ in both technical indicators (tire length, the presence of an automatic chain brake, a different number of speeds) and the power level. To choose the right saw, first of all, you need to decide on the scope of its use and carefully read its description. After all, they can be of both household and professional, semi-professional purposes. Also, popular models of gasoline saws (including budget ones), even from the best manufacturers, have different functionality and technical characteristics.

Rating of the best household chainsaws worth up to 10,000 rubles

The most common and popular among consumers are models of the household class. This is due to the fact that they have quite acceptable power, which allows you to successfully cope with daily household tasks, a sufficient level of quality, as well as low cost.

However, most people have a completely natural question: how to choose a household chainsaw (for a summer residence or for a house), which company is the best tool, what selection criteria to use when choosing a chain saw? Answering this question, it should be noted that when choosing a chain chainsaw, it is best to familiarize yourself with the rating of quality saw models and try to avoid the most common mistakes when choosing. After all, most people, when selecting household-type chain saws, first of all, are guided by price.It should be noted right away that inexpensive tools are not suitable for performing construction or repair work. Therefore, when choosing even a household saw, you must first of all pay attention to its technical performance and functionality.

Caliber BP-2200 / 18U

It is a gasoline-powered tool for household use. Designed for short-term, high-quality, stable work in the garden or at a construction site. It can also be used during the harvesting and cutting of firewood. Caliber BP - 2200 / 18U is a budget chainsaw, which has a good level of ergonomics, a spacious benzo and an oil tank. It is simple and easy to use.

Caliber BP - 2200 / 18U


  • Low cost (within 4000-4500 rubles);
  • High power, which is 2.2 kW;
  • The presence of a chain brake;
  • The length of the guide bar is 450 mm;
  • Low noise level, which is generated during operation (no more than 110 dB).


  • Large weight (6.2 kg);
  • Use only high quality oil and fuel.

Mekkan MK 1158B

This gas powered tool is inexpensive, but great for home use at the same time. Thanks to the Mekkan MK 1158B, you can quickly and comfortably, without much effort, harvest firewood at a summer cottage or in a private house. Suitable for sawing small trees and small diameter trunks. It has high performance and a good level of comfort, despite its low cost.

Mekkan MK 1158B


  • Equipped with a long bar (500 mm);
  • The motor power is 2.2 kW;
  • The fuel tank capacity is 550ml;
  • Low cost (average price is 3600 rubles).


  • It is inconvenient to refuel;
  • Small motor resource (no more than 10,000 hours).

Huter BS-52M

Chainsaw Huter BS - 52M is a convenient and high quality household gasoline tool made of quality materials. Perfect for everyday gardening tasks. For the convenience of work, it is equipped with an anti-vibration system. Easy to start and unpretentious during operation.

Huter BS - 52M


  • Low cost (the average price is 5740 rubles);
  • Good power (2.8 kW);
  • Equipped with anti-vibration system and chain brake;
  • The busbar length is 450 mm.


  • Large weight (6.3 kg);
  • Equipped with a small oil tank for chain lubrication.

Review of the best semi-professional chainsaws for 2024

Chainsaws of a semi-professional or, as they are also called, a farm class, are more serious than a household tool. As a rule, a semi-professional grade gasoline-powered tool has good power indicators, good motor life and a long operating time, which is no more than 5 hours a day.


The lightweight chainsaw ECHO CS - 361WES - 14 is suitable for working with different types of wood. It is lightweight, comfortable, and reliable during operation. Its body is covered with a special coating, due to which the service life of this gas-powered tool is significantly increased. The light weight of this saw allows it to be used at high heights and to prune trees with just one hand.

ECHO CS - 361WES - 14


  • Light weight (3.8 kg);
  • Small size;
  • Good indicators of the quality of materials used in the assembly;
  • Reliable while performing work;
  • Can be operated with one hand.


  • Equipped with a small length bus (350 mm);
  • Equipped with a low power motor (1.6 kW).

Oleo-Mac 941 CX-16

It is one of the best, popular models of semi-professional type gasoline saws. Has a good performance level. Equipped with 3 rubber clutch, piston, chrome plated. The crankshaft and connecting rod of this power tool are made of durable, forged steel. Saw Oleo - Mac 941 CX - 16 possesses good indicators of strength and reliability and is practically in no way inferior to similar professional grade tools.

Oleo - Mac 941 CX - 16


  • Light weight (4.2 kg);
  • Equipped with a powerful two-stroke motor;
  • Easy to start in all weather conditions;
  • Easy to use.


  • Cost (19,990 rubles);
  • The chain tensioning mechanism is inconveniently located;
  • Noisy during operation.

Husqvarna 450e

Husqvarna chain saws, according to the rating, reviews and, in the opinion of buyers, are considered one of the highest quality. In terms of reliability and quality, it is practically not inferior to professional-grade gasoline-powered tools. Thanks to the ergonomic handle, it is easy and comfortable to use.

Husqvarna 450e


  • Economical;
  • Has a good power reserve (2.4 kW);
  • Starts quickly and easily even after extended periods of inactivity;
  • Made from reliable components.


  • Cost (17374 rubles);
  • If necessary (for repair), you need to purchase expensive spare parts.

Rating of the best professional chainsaws

The advantage of a professional grade gasoline-powered tool is that it can be used continuously for a long period of time. Such a tool has high reliability and performance indicators. During its production, high-quality, durable and wear-resistant components are used. Therefore, professional-type chainsaws can be operated up to 8 hours a day, for a long period of time (more than 3-5 years). As a rule, such a tool is used during felling, for construction work or when harvesting large quantities of firewood.

Husqvarna 395XP

It is used for sawing hard wood. Has a good level of performance and power. The light weight of the Husqvarna 395XP makes it easy to work and cut trees at high heights. Thanks to the high engine torque, the fuel consumption of the Husqvarna 395XP is minimal. Equipped with good anti-vibration system, easy start and quick start function. In addition, it is additionally equipped with a centrifugal system for cleaning the supplied air.

Husqvarna 395XP


  • Engine power (5.2 kW);
  • Equipped with an adjustable oil pump;
  • The crankcase is made of magnesium and aluminum alloys;
  • The air filter is equipped with a quick-release fastener.


  • High cost (46,910 rubles);
  • For work, you need to purchase special protective headphones, as it creates a lot of noise.

STIHL MS 661 C-M-25

Easily tolerates extreme loads, has a good level of performance and power. The STIHL MS 661 C - M - 25 chain saw is the best choice for cutting firewood from large trees. It is equipped with a high-quality anti-vibration system, due to which the load on the body is minimized.

STIHL MS 661 C - M - 25


  • Equipped with an effective anti-vibration system;
  • Good tire length (640 mm);
  • High power (5.4 kW);
  • Easy to start up in different weather and ambient temperatures.


  • High cost (71,990 rubles);
  • Heavy (7.4 kg).

Makita EA6100P45E

Makita brand products are very popular all over the world. The Makita EA6100P45E chain saw has good power indicators, as well as a large margin of safety. It is irreplaceable and the best option during long-term work related to timber harvesting. Simple and easy to use.

Makita EA6100P45E


  • Good power, which is 3.4 kW;
  • Equipped with a tire, the length of which is 450 mm;
  • Equipped with a chain brake and anti-vibration system;
  • The chain and bar that come with the chainsaw are made of quality materials.


  • Large weight (6.1 kg);
  • Cost (41,880 rubles).

What is the best chainsaw to buy

When choosing a gasoline tool, you must first of all be guided by such criteria as the build quality and components, power, economy, functionality.In addition, when choosing a chainsaw, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the reviews of users who have already purchased and tested one or another saw model in operation. Before choosing a chainsaw, first of all, you need to determine the scope of its application and the budget that can be used to purchase it.

Household chain saws are perfect for everyday household needs. Despite the small indicators of power and motor resource, they will still easily perform the tasks assigned to them. In addition, a household tool is much cheaper than a professional one. To perform and solve more complex tasks, for example, industrial felling of wood or harvesting firewood in large volumes, it is recommended to purchase a professional tool or, in extreme cases, a semi-professional class. If you have experience using the chainsaw models described in the rating, or you are using a more interesting saw model, tell us about it in the comments.


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