Choosing the Best Minimum Hand Tool Set in 2024


Hand tools are an indispensable assistant when performing repair or construction work both in a private house and in an apartment. If there is a need to fix or repair something in the house, then in this case you cannot do without it.

It is worth noting that there are so-called special kits, which, without a doubt, are suitable for all occasions. Sets can be universal, which can be safely used to solve a wide variety of tasks, as well as specialized. Specialized kits are suitable exclusively for narrow-profile work.

In order to choose the right and correct tool, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with all the requirements that it must meet. You also need to remember that each, separately taken type of set is suitable for solving some specific problems. The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best sets of hand tools as of 2024.

How to choose the right hand tool

There are many different factors that, first of all, you need to pay attention to when choosing a tool. These factors include:

  1. The material that was used in the manufacture;
  2. Processing quality level;
  3. Cost;
  4. The presence of protective coatings and connecting mechanisms;
  5. Reliability of the handle.

Also, when choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and the way it is stored. The best quality tool is made of steel, which contains impurities of chromium and vanadium. Hand tools made of such a material are distinguished by high strength rates, and are also capable of excellently withstanding a variety of loads.

Hand tools made from such steel are abbreviated as Cr-V. This inscription should be present directly on the body itself, for example, a purchased screwdriver, saw or key. In some cases, when purchasing a kit, such an inscription is applied not on the product itself, but in the passport to it.

When choosing screwdrivers, it is best to give preference to copies that are equipped with a magnetic tip. The color of the magnetic tip is different from the main tip of the screwdriver. Using a screwdriver with a magnetic tip is much easier than, for example, an ordinary screwdriver. Indeed, during operation, for example, self-tapping screws when screwing in or vice versa unscrewing, do not get lost and do not get stuck in the hole.

What to look for: There are a number of unscrupulous manufacturers who manufacture their products from a material that looks very similar to chrome-vanadium steel. However, during operation, it begins to bend or even break down. Also on it, in the course of long-term operation, the chromium deposition begins to flake off and peel off. Therefore, when choosing a tool, you should not only pay attention to its rating, average price and the availability of various accessories in the kit, but also you need to read the reviews about this or that manufacturer.

In addition to the materials from which the hand tool is made, it is also recommended to pay attention to the quality of its processing.It is important that it is free of burrs. Otherwise, the presence of burrs indicates that it has not been finished. Quite often, such a disadvantage is found on, although popular, but still inexpensive, budget models of instruments.

One of the most important parts of almost any hand tool is its handle. Answering the question of how to choose the right tool for frequent use, it is worth noting that it is better to choose models with an ergonomic handle, as well as made of soft material. The best options are models with rubber inserts or rubberized grip. Electrician hand tools must be equipped with a handle made of dielectric materials.

Types of sets

The complete set of almost every kit consists of a box and, in fact, its filling, which consists of a certain number of items. All tools such as a hacksaw for wood or metal, bits, side cutters, wrenches are an integral part of the kit. It should be noted that the more items in a set, the more versatile it is. The largest sets contain over 500 different items, such as pliers, socket wrenches, adjustable bits, long nose pliers, files, pliers, chisels, ratchet wrenches.

Drawers that are used to store items can be made of metal or, for example, plastic. Also, during their manufacture, other materials are used. The dimensions of the box can vary, depending on the configuration and the number of items included in it, from a small pencil case, up to an overall rack, which can be additionally equipped with wheels for convenience.

Universal set

The universal set may contain sets of individual, narrow-profile items. It can also be represented by an assembly of a wide variety of items that differ in their functionality. The complete set of a universal set of hand tools may include:

  • Extension cords;
  • Special holders;
  • Socket heads;
  • Gates;
  • Screwdrivers and bits;
  • Keys (including imbus keys);
  • Ratchets;
  • Head holders.

The versatile kits are perfect for car repairs or minor breakdowns. They are also often used in everyday life to eliminate minor malfunctions.


Hand tool kits for cars are used for both repair and maintenance work on a vehicle. Such special kits are specially divided separately for car services, for cars of Russian and foreign production, for cargo vehicles. There are also special kits for ordinary car enthusiasts.

Special kits

As a rule, special kits consist of highly specialized items and are used to perform precise assembly work. They are mainly used in electrical or telephony applications. They are completed with impact bits, dies, dielectric screwdrivers and taps, nippers, round-nose pliers.

A special kit is also a kit designed for electricians. It includes a variety of wire cutters, dielectric screwdrivers, as well as special items that are used during the work of laying a cable line or installing a variety of electrical appliances.

It should be noted that there are a variety of special kits for different areas of activity. For example, a set for carpentry work includes chisels, gravers or cutters.

Choosing the Best Minimum Hand Tool Set in 2024

A suitcase with a set of good tools should be at hand for every owner in any home. Such kits are relevant for eliminating minor faults or when carrying out repair work in the house. A locksmith, electrician or carpenter cannot do without them at all. In addition, the tool will always be an excellent gift for any man.

Such sets are of several varieties - universal (used when troubleshooting various problems), as well as specialized. Specialized ones are used to solve certain problems, for example, during the replacement of plumbing or when repairing electrical wiring. It is worth noting that each of them, even the most popular models, have both their own specific advantages and some disadvantages.

Intertool ET - 6001

All products of the Intertool brand are of a good level of quality and are durable. As a rule, chrome vanadium steel is used during their production. The set of hand tools Intertool ET - 6001 is represented by 21 items.

Each individual item in this kit is designed to perform specific tasks. For example, a nail hammer, hardware (metal fasteners), and a locksmith's wrench are perfect for locksmith work.

Other items that are in Intertool ET - 6001 can be used to solve a variety of household tasks. For example, pliers made of high-quality metal, tape measure, hex wrenches, as well as screwdrivers with various attachments will help you quickly and efficiently repair a broken thing in the house or perform minor repairs.

According to buyers, Intertool ET - 6001 is one of the best options for home use.

Intertool ET - 6001


  • It contains a large number of items with various characteristics and functions, designed to perform plumbing work;
  • The tools have a good margin of strength and durability;
  • Part of this kit can be used when performing a variety of diverse works;
  • The handles are made of high-quality plastic, so they have a good margin of safety and are not subject to deformation.


  • Few items suitable for solving various professional or highly specialized tasks;
  • The screws in the set are of very low quality.

Yato YT - 0062

Yato is a Polish manufacturer of quality tools. The Yato YT - 0062 set is perfect for both motorists and people who work with plumbing. This set is represented by 12 combination wrenches that do an excellent job of loosening, or vice versa - tightening bolts or nuts.

This kit is equipped not with a special storage box, but with a simple small cloth cover. This case is perfect for storing, carrying or transporting combination keys.

Yato YT - 0062


  • Made from durable, chrome-plated steel alloy;
  • They have a large margin of safety;
  • Represented by a large number of combination keys;
  • The combination wrenches that make up this kit have an extended range of applications.


  • There is no dedicated storage box;
  • The case for storing inventory is open, which is why items often fall out of it during transportation.

Utool U10101SW

Utool U10101SW is a professional set of hand tools, which is represented by the Yutul brand. The Utool U10101SW kit includes 120 different items that are perfect for both professional, narrow-profile and daily tasks.

For carpentry work, Utool U10101SW is represented by a file, a chisel, a ruler, and a caliper, which will allow you to accurately measure. For repairing wiring or electrical appliances, it is represented by items such as an electrical indicator, various types of screwdrivers, a special stripper used to remove insulation.

In addition, Utool U10101SW is represented by a set of combination and adjustable wrenches. For locksmith work, it is also equipped with special scissors, thanks to which you can cut metal of small thickness.

Utool U10101SW


  • Quality;
  • Reliability;
  • Equipped with a reliable suitcase for transportation;
  • The set is represented by a large number of items.


  • High price.

King Tony 91333MQ

A firm called King Tony is one of the best known and best Taiwanese hand tool manufacturers. The King Tony 91333MQ kit is perfect for electrical or wiring work. It is represented by 33 items.

To store all items, King Tony 91333MQ is equipped with a special bag made of tarpaulin. This makes them easy to store and easy to transport over long distances. The handles with which all items are equipped are dielectric. They do not conduct electric current, are made of high quality material and save from shock.

The King Tony 91333MQ kit is perfect for performing installation work on cable laying or during repairs, installing an outlet. It is represented by such items as pliers, platypus, pliers, hex keys (hexagons), wire cutters, screwdrivers of various configurations. In addition, the King Tony 91333MQ has a special stripper that allows you to quickly and easily remove insulation from the wire, and a knife equipped with a segmented retractable blade. For measurements, the King Tony 91333MQ also has a tape measure.

King Tony 91333MQ


  • Provide safe work when replacing or repairing electrics, wiring;
  • In addition to narrow-profile items, the kit is also represented by the minimum number of commonly used tools that can be used in everyday life;
  • Items (their metal part) are made of an alloy of chrome-plated steel, increased strength;
  • The handles are equipped with special, flexible rubber inserts, so that they do not slip in the hands when doing work.


  • The strap of the bag is not equipped with a soft insert, which makes it difficult to carry it over long distances;
  • High price.

Ombra OMT101S

Ombra OMT101S includes items that are suitable for carrying out vehicle inspections, laying or repairing wiring, as well as troubleshooting a variety of problems that arise in the house. The Ombra OMT101S kit is large and varied at the same time. It includes 101 subjects, which are designed for both professional, highly specialized and domestic work.

The complete set of Ombra OMT101S consists of socket heads, bits, hex keys, as well as open-end wrenches. Ombra OMT101S also includes items for general use. These include: a hacksaw, a hammer, nippers, a tape measure, 5 m long, pliers, which are also included, a knife, screwdrivers (6 pieces), round-nose pliers.

Ombra OMT101S


  • Is multifunctional;
  • High-alloy steel was used in the manufacture;
  • The set includes 101 items;
  • Equipped with a special case made of high quality, durable plastic.


  • Cost;
  • It is difficult to acquire, as there are frequent interruptions in its supply to stores.

Kits Comparison Chart

NameClass descriptionA typeNumber of items in the set (pieces)What kind of packaging is used for storagetotal weightManufacturer country
Intertool ET - 6001DomesticBelongs to the universal type24Case made of plastic3.99 kgChina
Yato YT - 0062ProfessionalCar12A case is used as a packaging for storage1.92 kgPoland
Utool U10101SWSemi-professionalJoiner120Case made of aluminum8.53 kgTaiwan
King Tony 91333MQProfessionalDesigned to work with an electrician33A special bag is used for storage and transportation6 kgTaiwan
Ombra OMT101SProfessionalUniversal101A case made of high quality plastic is used for storage7.93 kgTaiwan

There are many sets of hand tools that differ in both price and functionality. It should be noted that their equipment can be varied. The minimum set consists of several keys and at least one screwdriver. Extended configurations, depending on the manufacturer, consist of items such as bit handles and taps, pipe and toggle wrenches. Some kits may contain duct tape (usually as a gift).

When choosing a tool, most people ask such questions as, for example, which company and which set is better to buy, which sets are available, how much they cost. Answering these questions, it is worth noting that when choosing, first of all, you need to pay attention to the advice and recommendations of the specialists who are selling it. Match advice with your needs, planned scope of work. In addition, in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, you need to familiarize yourself with the reviews of different sets that are posted on the network, and also consider the rating of at least 3-5 of the most high-quality manufacturers.

Of course, each person has different criteria for choosing one or another product, but when choosing a hand tool, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made, as well as the quality of its handle. If you have experience using the sets that are described in our rating, or you use another tool, tell us about it in the comments.


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