Group B compounds are considered to be the foundation of well-being, psychological state and human health. They must be included in the daily diet. We will talk about the most effective complexes containing vitamin B below.
Role for the body
B vitamins are water-soluble components that include nitrogen. Now 8 vitamins of this group are known. They all perform the following functions:
- normalize sleep;
- contribute to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
- improve the condition of the skin;
- improve the work of the intestines;
- help to cope with depressive conditions and high emotional stress;
- increase the body's resistance to disease;
- strengthen the immune system.
Each vitamin from group B has its own personal number, name and purpose.
List of elements in the group of B vitamins
The following B vitamins are currently known:
- B1 (thiamine) - is the first identified in the group. It has a beneficial effect on the performance of the brain and the human nervous system. Thanks to this vitamin, acecholine is formed, which affects the digestive organs and the tone of the heart muscles. Without this vitamin, a person would not have enough energy to perform various actions. Thiamine is found in many vegetables as well as eggs.
- B2 (riboflavin) - has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system. This vitamin is infinitely important for the synthesis of hemoglobin and the process of absorption of iron, affects the function of human vision and the work of the adrenal glands.
- B3 (niacin) - is the most stable compound of the whole group. Promotes the normalization of carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism. Thanks to this vitamin, blood pressure decreases, the work of the central nervous system and the condition of the skin improve.
- B5 (pantothenic acid) - promotes wound healing, as it participates in the process of tissue regeneration and antibody synthesis, and also normalizes metabolic processes and helps the body receive energy
- B6 (pyridoxine) - has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, the nervous and immune systems, provides attractiveness and strength of hair, strength of nails and elasticity of the skin
- B7 (biotin) - this substance is considered one of the most important in the metabolic process. Thanks to it, the blood sugar level is stabilized, and the severity of muscle pains is reduced and carbon dioxide is transported. Also, like all other vitamins of the group, biotin has a positive effect on the nervous system and improves the condition of the skin and hair.
- B9 (folic acid) - this vitamin is very important for women planning pregnancy and preparing to become a mother. He also takes part in the synthesis of leukocytes and erythrocytes, in the growth and division of cells.
- B12 (cobalamin) - activates the blood coagulation system, lowers cholesterol and participates in the process of assimilating amino acids and the processes of hematopoiesis.
In addition to vitamins, the human body contains vitamin-like elements that have the qualities of vitamins, but with a deficiency or an excess of them, they do not provoke the development of negative consequences or diseases.
These include B4 (choline) and B8 (Inositol), and B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid). Choline has a positive effect on the body in case of gastrointestinal diseases. It is he who starts the processes of liver regeneration and promotes easier excretion of fats. Also, the substance inhibits the processes of wilting and protects nerve cells from destruction.
Inositol takes an active part in metabolic processes, normalizes blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Also, the substance takes care of beauty, helps to get rid of excess weight. Without the presence of inositol, it is impossible to conceive a child.
B10 helps to normalize the thyroid gland and protects the body from hypoxia and infections, and also reduces the risk of thrombosis and malignant neoplasms.
Daily rate
B vitamins are aimed at maintaining the stable functioning of the whole organism. In order for a person to stay healthy as long as possible, he needs to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamins. To understand how much vitamin a person needs per day from birth to old age, refer to the table.
Category | Newborns and children under one year old | Children from 1 to 10 years old | Adults | Pregnant women | Senile and elderly people |
Thiamine | 0.3-0.5 mg | 0.7-1 mg | 1.1-2.5 mg | 1.5-2.0 mg | 1.5-3 mg |
Riboflavin | 0.3-0.5 mg | 0.7-1.2 mg | 1.3-3 mg | 1.5-2.0 mg | 2-3.5 mg |
Niacin | 5-6 mg | 9-12 mg | 12-25 mg | 15-20 mg | 15-27 mg |
Pantothenic acid | 2-3 mg | 3-5 mg | 5-12 mg | 4-7 mg | 7-15 mg |
Biotin | 10-15 mcg | 20-30 mcg | 35-200 mcg | 30-100μg | Up to 300 mcg |
Folic acid | 160-400 mcg | 200-500 mcg | 160-400 mcg | 0.8-1 mg | 200-500 mcg |
Para-aminobenzoic acid | X | X | 2-4 mg | X | X |
Cyanocobalamin | 0.3-0.5 mcg | 0.7-1.4 μg | 2-3 μg | 3.0-4.0 μg | 2.5-4 μg |
Pyridoxine | 0.3-0.6 mg | 1-1.2 mg | 1.6-2.8 mg | 2.5 mg | Up to 20 mg |
If a person has been under stress for a long time or was under the influence of alcohol, as well as nicotine or heavy metals, then the norm of vitamin B1 should be increased to 5 mg.
It is very important to satisfy the body's daily need for vitamins, since the lack and excess has a negative effect on the body.
Signs of a lack of vitamins in the body
There are certain signs that there are too few B vitamins in the body. People may notice numbness in the limbs, as well as loss of elasticity of the skin. Some people report increased heart rate, shortness of breath, or hair loss.
The most common symptoms of a vitamin B deficiency are:
- loss of strength, memory impairment and insomnia may indicate a lack of vitamin B1 in the body;
- the fact that there is not enough vitamin B2 is evidenced by constant fatigue and decreased visual acuity;
- if insomnia appears, as well as tinnitus, then this may indicate a lack of vitamin B3;
- emerging cirrhosis and obesity indicate a lack of vitamin B4;
- memory problems, decreased appetite and rashes indicate a lack of B5;
- a rash, decreased appetite and sluggishness indicate a lack of B6;
- muscle pain, lowering blood pressure and nausea indicate a lack of B7;
- if the body does not have enough vitamin B8, then the joints are damaged, visual acuity decreases and fatty liver is diagnosed;
- lack of vitamin B9 in the body, mainly only in pregnant women;
- headaches, early gray hair and allergic reactions indicate a lack of B10;
- with nosebleeds, ringing in the ears and muscle pain, vitamin B12 is lacking in the body.
The negative effect on the body with a lack of vitamins has been scientifically proven, but their excess is also dangerous. As practice shows, with excessive ingestion of vitamins, intoxication begins, and allergic rashes may appear.
With excessive consumption, vitamins B6 and B12 are considered the most dangerous. They can provoke problems with the nervous system, as well as disorders of the gallbladder and liver function.
Features of the choice of drugs
Currently, there are many vitamin complexes on the pharmaceutical market. Most often they are sold in the pharmacy in the form of tablets or capsules. It is up to everyone to decide which vitamins are better to buy, but it is important to first find out their characteristics, what they affect, and also consult a doctor.
A qualified specialist in each individual situation will explain what to look for, which company is better to purchase the drug, and will also select the required dosage depending on the problem that has arisen and advise how to take it.
Before choosing these or those drugs, you need to consult a doctor. Since mistakes in choosing can lead to unforeseen and unpleasant consequences.
When choosing drugs, it is imperative to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of all the funds presented. Before purchasing, you can see the rating of quality drugs and the best manufacturers
You can buy vitamins budget, popular, inexpensive and average prices on the iherb website. Here you can, according to your selection criteria, choose a quality product of both foreign and Russian production.
Vitamins and vitamin complexes of group B
On the modern pharmaceutical market, there is a huge selection of vitamin complexes that differ from each other not only in composition, but also in effectiveness.
Complex vitamin preparation Angiovit
Angiovitis is a Russian vitamin complex containing vitamins B6, 9 and 12, developed specifically for the treatment of cerebral circulatory insufficiency, diabetic angiopathy and cardiac ischemia. It is recommended to take this drug for people at risk of developing thrombosis and atherosclerosis, as well as diabetes. Angiovitis can be purchased at pharmacies at a price of 210 to 260 rubles for 60 tablets. It is recommended to take the drug 1 tablet once a day for 30 days.
This vitamin preparation contains:
№ | Name | Content |
1 | Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 4 mg |
2 | Folic acid (vitamin B9) | 5 mg |
3 | Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12) | 6 mg |
- promotes the production of hemoglobin, protein and other components that lower cholesterol levels and improve the contractility of the heart muscles;
- improves the functioning of the nervous system and liver;
- activates the process of hematopoiesis;
- normalizes placental blood circulation.
- may cause allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance;
- a small number of constituent elements.
Contraindications for use are sensitivity to components, which can cause allergies.
Complex of B vitamins Blagomax
Blagomax is another drug from Russian manufacturers, which is a source of vitamins of group B. There were no adverse reactions or cases of overdose during use. Recommended for use with increased mental and physical stress, as well as systematic stress conditions. It is recommended to take Blagomax one capsule once a day for 6 weeks. The average cost of the drug is about 200 rubles.
The vitamin complex contains the following components:
№ | Name | Content |
1 | Vitamin B8 | 103 mg |
2 | Vitamin B3 | 20.5 mg |
3 | Vitamin B6 | 6.1 mg |
4 | Vitamin B2 | 5.1 mg |
5 | Vitamin B5 | 5.1 mg |
6 | Vitamin B9 | 0.35 mg |
7 | Vitamin B 12 | 0.009 mg |
- regulates redox processes;
- has a vasodilating effect;
- improves metabolic processes in the body;
- has detoxification properties;
- lowers cholesterol levels;
- improves myocardial contractility;
- prevents the development of obesity and atherosclerosis.
- prohibited for use during pregnancy.
- pregnancy;
- if you are allergic to one of the components;
- lactation.
Combined multivitamin preparation Kombilipen Tabs
Kombilipen Tubs - produced in Russia and prescribed to people with neuralgia, neuritis, as well as alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathies. It is recommended to take the drug 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day for 4 weeks. You can buy the drug in pharmacies at a price of 270 rubles per pack, which contains 30 tablets.
The preparation contains:
- vitamin B1;
- vitamin B6;
- vitamin B12.
Taking this drug helps:
- normalize the production of neurotransmitters;
- improve the conduction of nerve impulses;
- reduce pain;
- to increase the general resistance of the body to adverse factors;
- restore the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber.
- enhances immunity;
- differs in affordable cost.
- not approved for use with increased individual intolerance;
- the result after application is not immediately noticeable.
- childhood;
- breastfeeding and pregnancy;
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- decompensated heart failure.
Vitamin B Complex 50
B-complex 50 is produced in America. Most often they are recommended for use in case of problems with the condition of the skin, with brittle nails and hair cut. The drug has an excellent effect and helps to cope with existing problems in a short period of time. No adverse reactions have been reported while taking this drug. The drug should be taken one tablet once a day for a month. The average cost of the drug is about 1,500 rubles.
One tablet contains the following components:
№ | Name | Content |
1 | Vitamin B1 | 50 mg |
2 | Vitamin B2 | 50 mg |
3 | Vitamin B5 | 50 mg |
4 | Vitamin B6 | 50 mg |
5 | Vitamin B12 | 50 mgk |
6 | Vitamin H | 50 mgk |
7 | Niacin | 50 mg |
- provides the body with energy;
- normalizes the work of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
- increases intelligence;
- restores vision;
- increases the body's resistance to disease;
- strengthens the immune system;
- eliminates skin problems.
- not advisable to take if pregnant or breastfeeding;
- high price.
B vitamins in ampoules
Intramuscular vitamin-containing injections are often preferred. They help speed up the positive dynamics of the disease. Despite the fact that this method is more painful, it is the most effective. This is due to the rapid absorption of vitamins by the body.
Among other things, ampoules with vitamins are very popular among women. They use them to improve their appearance, they are added to shampoo and face masks.
Before using ampoules, it is also necessary to consult a doctor and take into account contraindications for use.
How to choose the right one
When choosing a vitamin complex, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:
- it is desirable that all 11 vitamins are present in the complex at once;
- the number of tablets should be close to normal;
- preference should be given to products that are easily assimilated by the body;
- it is not recommended to purchase products that contain other ingredients in addition to vitamins B.
By adhering to these recommendations, you can provide the body with only a positive effect. For maximum benefit and achievement of the desired result, you should choose a vitamin complex with full responsibility.
In order to identify the necessary set of trace elements, when deviations appear, seek qualified medical help and take tests. For prevention, it is also important to choose the right drugs, depending on individual stress and health.
Vitamin complex for pregnant women
During pregnancy, the need for vitamins in the body increases significantly. Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to get everything you need from food.
Especially for pregnant women, special vitamin complexes were created, which mainly include only B vitamins, or to be more precise, B9. It contributes to the correct formation of the placenta, prevents the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. To choose a vitamin complex in this crucial period of life, it is better to first consult a doctor.
Vitamin complex for children
Not only adults, but also children are subject to information and emotional overload. In addition, in large cities, the growing body is negatively affected by harmful substances, which increase the likelihood of infection with viral pathologies.
To ensure protection for your child, you need to choose the right vitamin complex. Preference should be given only to drugs from well-known and proven manufacturers. During the reception, strict adherence to the instructions for use is required. For a long time, the most popular vitamin complexes for children are Complivit and Alphabet. But, despite this, it is imperative to consult a doctor before using.
For every organism, B vitamins are of great importance. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are gradually washed out of the body, and then excreted in the urine. It is as a result of this that their constant replenishment is required, otherwise such a situation threatens with vitamin deficiency and a deterioration in general well-being, the condition of the skin, hair, nails and health problems.