Features of the choice of creams or gels for intimate hygiene


From birth, intimate hygiene is extremely important. If in infancy the skin of the whole body is tender and needs care, then as we grow up, only some parts of the body require special care. These places include the intimate area, face and armpits. For this, manufacturers of cosmetics have begun to improve the usual soap. As a result, they came up with a very mild and useful product for intimate hygiene, which only improved with the development of medicine and science. In 2024, there are already various products for every taste, for every woman, such as foams, creams, oils and mousses.

Why use intimate hygiene products?

The intimate zone has a special environment for the emergence of microorganisms that maintain a slightly acidic Ph level, which is a barrier to the appearance of pathogenic bacteria and various fungal diseases. Soaps and various shower creams are not suitable for running, since they disrupt the microflora, destroy it, which is why beneficial bacteria can no longer appear, which is a serious violation of the beneficial environment. Special products of gel-like, creamy or mousse texture gently and gently cleanse without deforming the acid-base balance, maintain the required Ph level and help the body in the fight against diseases and disorders.

There are differences in method of application and consistency. Creams, as everyone knows, do not need to be washed off, and foams are a faster option, since they are washed off quite easily and comfortably, leaving no traces behind, only cleanliness and a pleasant smell. Gels, on the other hand, have a thicker (soapy) consistency, which helps to quickly clean the entire area.

The composition of such funds is approximately the same with some differences:

  • Lactic acid. It is this element that guarantees the right acid-base environment, supporting beneficial microorganisms.
  • Various herbs. Manufacturers usually add extracts of aloe, chamomile, calendula. They give a good smell and various effects that have a beneficial effect on the microflora.
  • Antiseptics. It is usually added to correct the imbalance between good and bad bacteria. They are used to treat various diseases. But overuse is harmful and not recommended.
  • Oils. They add a good scent, provide a moisturizing and nourishing effect. Tea tree oil is usually used.
  • D-panthenol. It is a vitamin that nourishes the skin, accelerates regeneration, and has a soothing effect on irritation.

How to choose the right one?

In order to carry out the best selection of a delicate remedy, it is recommended to visit a specialist (therapist, gynecologist). But if a trip to the clinic is not included in your plans, then you can choose according to the characteristics on the Internet sites or go to the nearest cosmetic boutique. But it is worth noting that there is much more choice in the global network, there is delivery and reasonable prices.You can also compare the product, which makes the purchase more useful and effective.

What characteristics should you look at when choosing a gel

  1. Composition... Some components may be intolerant, allergic. Therefore, the parameter can also determine the quality of the product.
  2. Gel type... There are various effects that drugs cause:
  • Moisturizing;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor;
  • Calming;
  • Cleaning.
  1. Woman health... It is very important to keep an eye on him. He is the main criterion for the selection of a gel. Because if you are itchy, the usual remedy will have minimal effect on you. And the calming effect is exactly what you need.
  2. Price... There is a different price segment: budget, mid-range and expensive.

At what price to choose? Each remedy will work, something stronger, something weaker. But the effect will always be. The price is influenced by the composition, manufacturer, shape of the vessel, country of production.

It should be noted that expensive drugs are recommended by doctors for serious reasons that have a very strong effect and may be contraindicated for constant use.

  1. Manufacturer... Different scientists work in different countries, different people create a product. Which, of course, will have a distinctive effect. There are foreign brands that have already firmly occupied the market, but they are usually in the middle price segment. Domestic manufacturers are more affordable and of the same quality.
  2. It is worth paying attention to contraindications to use:
  • Postoperative period... Since open and bleeding seams, wounds and traces of papilloma cauterization should be treated with special means. And they should not get alkali or bacteria, because irritation, itching or burning can be caused.
  • After childbirth... In some cases, a perineal incision is used. As a result, seams are applied. They are treated only with antiseptics prescribed by doctors. If there is no damage during childbirth, then gels, foams and all other means can be used.
  • Allergic reaction... The composition may include combinations of herbs or their extracts, which cause itching, burning, inflammation. In this case, it is worth taking action, finding out what the reaction is and changing the hygiene product.
  • Lactose intolerance... Due to the content of lactic acid or lactose in gels, there can be unpleasant consequences. It is worth choosing funds without them.

There are tons of tools out there, but which manufacturer is the best, which company to choose in 2024?

Each company has its own peculiarity. Depending on the preferences of buyers, they focus on one or another nuance. The selection is made individually.

Top popular products for intimate hygiene

Gel-soap "Malavit"

It is convenient to use them on an ongoing basis or on vacation. It cleanses, soothes the skin and is perfect for the most delicate areas of the body. It is used for problem skin of the face and body. Has a special component "Malavit".

Manufacturer Russia.

Price: 365 rubles for 250 milliliters.

Gel-soap "Malavit"


  • budgetary;
  • low in alcohol;
  • lack of dyes, preservatives, parabens;
  • contains an individual component.


  • inconvenient vessel shape;
  • may cause intolerance.


Contributes to the maintenance of the natural microflora of the intimate zone. Gives a feeling of comfort and freshness. It is chosen by a large number of women.

Price: 96 rubles for 50 milliliters.

intimate area soap LACTACYD


  • convenient packaging;
  • maintaining women's health;
  • a budget option;
  • suitable for daily use;
  • functional.


  • for home use only;
  • not suitable for permanent use.

Organyc chamomile gel

Gently cleanses, soothes the skin, gives a delicate aroma. Contains ingredients from organic farms.

Price: 697 rub. for 250 milliliters.

Organyc chamomile gel


  • at an average price;
  • from natural products;
  • has a good effect;
  • does not contain dyes and parabens.


  • not suitable for travel;
  • for permanent use.

Abena intimate care

A very gentle and gentle product for very sensitive skin. Has a creamy texture. Washes off easily.

Price: 225 rub. for 200 milliliters.

soap Abena Intimate Care


  • free of dyes and preservatives;
  • for sensitive care.


  • bulky vessel shape.

Hasico liquid gel for intimate hygiene

Due to the content of natural gelling agent and nonoxynol, it produces an antiseptic effect. Qualitatively cleans and protects against bacteria.

Price: 122 rubles for 250 milliliters.

Hasico liquid gel for intimate hygiene


  • qualitatively, efficiently;
  • consists of natural ingredients;
  • does not contain alcohol.


  • there may be intolerance;
  • not suitable for permanent use.

Malizia camomilla

Protects the skin, maintains its natural balance, gives freshness. Suitable for the whole family. Has a more liquid consistency than other products.

Price: about 110 rubles for 200 milliliters

soap Malizia Camomilla


  • Convenient packaging;
  • Beautiful design;
  • Foams well;
  • Economical;
  • Cleans well;
  • Suitable as a shaving gel.


  • There is no dispenser;
  • The inscriptions are completely in English (only there is a little translation on the box);
  • Poor quality plastic (the lid may break);
  • Poorly washed off;
  • May cause irritation, discomfort, tingling, dryness;
  • Bad smell.

Carefree aloe

Every day you will feel the effect of freshness and purity. Due to the content of aloe extract, it has a calming effect. Specially formulated for delicate areas while maintaining the Ph. The consistency is watery.

Price: 200 rubles for 200 milliliters.

Carefree Aloe soap


  • Gynecologist and dermatologist tested;
  • Does not contain soap and alcohol;
  • Beautiful packaging.


  • Contains Disodium EDTA, a toxic antioxidant that may irritate the skin;
  • Other ingredients include Phenoxyethanol, a preservative that can provoke allergic manifestations;
  • Cannot be used on sensitive skin;
  • No dispenser;
  • Some people don't like the scent;
  • It is difficult to achieve foaming at the tap;
  • Does not help with problems of a gynecological nature.


Maintains the required Ph balance, improves health, eliminating disorders. Consistency: liquid, transparent

Price: 400 rubles for 335 milliliters.

Vagisil soap


  • Lasts for 3 months (if used daily twice a day);
  • Good smell all day;
  • Freshness;
  • Doesn't cause irritation.


  • No dispenser;
  • Inconvenient packaging.

I am the

The gel gently cleanses, lathers well and rinses off. Has a pleasant scent that stays on for a long time. The consistency is liquid, the color is white.

Price: 100 rubles for 265 milliliters.

gel soap I am


  • Foams well, washes off;
  • Leaves a pleasant smell;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.


  • May destroy Ph balance;
  • Not economical;
  • Not suitable for sensitive skin.

Saugella Attiva

It has many varieties. This one is for women of childbearing age. Consistency: translucent, moderately liquid.

Price: 450 rubles for 250 milliliters.

soap Saugella Attiva


  • Convenient dispenser;
  • Delicate smell;
  • Feeling clean all day;
  • Economical.


  • Not suitable for sensitive skin;
  • May cause problems.

The opinion of gynecologists

To get an answer to the question "which one to buy", you should consult a doctor.

It is worth taking a more responsible approach to intimate hygiene at any age. But there are a few things worth knowing:

  • It is much easier for women to disrupt the balance of the Ph level at a young age before puberty and during menopause than for those of childbearing age;
  • During pregnancy, it is also worth monitoring the condition of the genitals, because many diseases can be transmitted from mother to child, during breastfeeding or childbirth;
  • There are special gels for children that have a softer texture and a good scent.

Returning to the composition:

  • Triclosan is added to many gels. This element can be used on an ongoing basis only by people with weakened immunity. It is addictive to harmful bacteria and counteracts the effects of antibiotics that make life difficult. Such intimate funds should be used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

  • It is desirable that the gels contain as little dyes, preservatives, alcohol and alkali as possible. The funds must be natural. If they are, then there should not be any consequences in the form of a rash, redness, irritation, an increase in the number of secretions and other consequences. The composition may include tea tree oil, which heals inflammation and is used for medicinal purposes.
  • Calendula and chamomile are natural antiseptics, that is, they relieve irritation and remove some of the pathogenic bacteria. Other medicinal plants and essential oils can also be used. Such as: oak bark (protective effect), thyme (soothes burning), marigold extract (antifungal effect), common blood (enhances regeneration), mimosa and millennial (are antiseptics and soothe irritation).

Instructions for use

It is advisable to apply the product for intimate hygiene at least once or twice a day. First, dampen your skin with clean water. Apply a small amount of gel to the intimate area, this should be done from the clitoris back. Because the microorganisms of these zones are different. And bacteria from the anus are extremely harmful to the microflora of the vagina. Foam the liquid and rinse thoroughly with water. This procedure should be done during menstruation, before and after intimacy with a partner.

The benefits of an intimate gel have been proven. It supports and improves the microflora of the female genital organs, relieves itching, burning, gives freshness, cools and gives comfort. But if used incorrectly (too frequent use) and if carelessly selected a care product, the body will be harmed. Not only allergies can occur, but also an imbalance in Ph, the appearance of diseases such as candidiasis and vaginitis. Also, these diseases arise due to dysbiosis, climate change, long antibiotic treatment, frequent change of partners.When violations occur, you should immediately contact a specialist and begin a course of treatment. In no case should you do this yourself.

Often, after hair removal in the bikini area, the skin becomes dry, irritated, and peeling. Doctors recommend using a cream in this case. Because it moisturizes, nourishes and lasts much longer than a gel or other product. It is advised to apply it before going to the beach or pool.

Selection of products for intimate hygiene

Quality creams approved by gynecologists

  • Vagilak

It contains: lactic acid, potassium sorbate, propylene glycol, hydroxyethyl cellulose and water.

It is used to eliminate dryness inside the vagina and on the external genitalia. It also removes irritation and itching. Can be used daily. It is a medicine, so it is worth consulting with a specialist. It costs 436 rubles for 50 grams.

  • Vagisil

Applies only to the upper and lower labia. Moisturizes the skin, relieves dryness, irritation and itching, nourishes with vitamins D, E, A, aloe juice, laureth 9 substance, which gives an analgesic effect. According to reviews, it is no worse than a gel or mousse. It costs 287 rubles for 15 grams.

  • Feminel

This product is from Oriflame. This company has a whole line of intimate area care. The cream is designed to eliminate discomfort. It contains lactic acid, milk proteins and shea butter. It absorbs quickly, leaves no residue and is quite effective. The price of this product is 450 rubles for 75 milliliters.

  • Belita

Contains essential oils, aloe juice, aphrodisiacs. It moisturizes the skin well. The price for 30 milliliters is 50 rubles. A very compact and convenient tool.

  • Green mama

The price for 300 milliliters is 250 rubles. As part of tea tree oil, lactic acid, contains the aroma of needles.It casts doubt on its naturalness, but moisturizes well, gives freshness and comfort.

The same cream is recommended to be used at the onset of menopause.

Rating of quality products for intimate hygiene, according to gynecologists.

  • Lactacyd femina

One of the best in the business. Most women choose it to maintain their health. It contains absolutely no alkaline component.

  • Intimate hygiene gel - Intimate

From the Nivea brand. It is approved by gynecologists and dermatologists. Does not contain dyes or alkali. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

  • Gel-milk for intimate hygiene "Lavender"

Does not leave the effect of tight skin, itching or irritation. Suitable for permanent use. Has a wonderful smell and texture.

  • Delicate gel for intimate hygiene "Lotus Flower".

It's cheap enough. Has a good texture. This gel is convenient for constant movement (rather compact and does not take up much space).

  • Tian De Gentle Care Gel

It does not cause allergic reactions, dryness, burning, swelling. As gentle and effective as possible.

Experts also recommend using intimate wipes to maintain good health, since ordinary wet wipes contain alcohol, preservatives, fragrances, they are not suitable for the sensitive bikini area. Purchase cotton underwear for permanent use.

A few tips for intimate hygiene

  1. You should wash yourself several times a day, at least with a special tool or without;
  2. Monitor the condition of your skin;
  3. Shave against hair growth, then use the cream.
  4. Before and after visiting the pool, pond, beach and intimacy with a partner, be sure to take a shower or wash yourself.

Adhering to the rules of intimate hygiene is a useful habit that should be in the life of every person.


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