💊Best vitamins for women over 70 for 2024


Over the years, there is a natural aging process of the body. After 60 years, the production of hormones is inhibited, and there is a lack of vitamins.

This is usually associated with a monotonous diet. Age-related depletion of the body's enzyme systems leads to impaired absorption of nutrients.

What are vitamins for in old age

Oxygen deficiency occurs in the blood, tissues are depleted due to the lack of minerals and water.

To aggravate the situation:

  • bad ecology;
  • stress;
  • chronic diseases;
  • taking certain medications.

How does the lack of vitamins affect the elderly body:

  • there is a problem with vision;
  • the condition of hair, nails, skin worsens;
  • bones become brittle;
  • the body is more likely to become infected with acute respiratory infections;
  • failure in the digestive tract.

The female body after 70 years needs antioxidants: vitamins A, C, E. Minerals are necessary for women: iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine, selenium. Pharmacy preparations can help to replenish the necessary substances.

What vitamins are necessary for a woman's body after 70 years, and what effect do they produce. Let's try to figure it out, here are the main groups:

  • D - helps to retain calcium, in old age it is washed out, which can provoke fractures. Helps counteract colds. Mushrooms, eggs, dairy products, parsley, corn oil, seeds - foods with vitamin D .;
  • B2 - its deficiency affects the quality of vision and the nervous system. Decreases resistance to infections. Products containing the element: greens, sour berries, cocoa seeds of flax, sunflower, green buckwheat, pistachios;
  • B12 is beneficial for brain function and helps improve memory. Lack of vitamin in people over the age of 70 can cause depression, dementia;
  • B6 improves immunity, participates in the formation of lymphocytes involved in the production of antibodies. The presence of this element in sufficient quantities prevents night cramps, numbness of the arms and legs, muscle cramps. B6 also functions as a diuretic. All of these properties are necessary for an elderly body;
  • PP or nicotinic acid helps to normalize the stomach and pancreas. A deficiency of this element can manifest itself in the form of insomnia, irritability. Some scientists believe that acid prevents healthy cells from becoming cancerous;
  • Due to the thinning of blood vessels, in old age, nosebleeds and hematomas may appear. Vitamin K will help prevent these phenomena. Its presence helps better absorption of calcium.

With the onset of old age, oxidative processes begin to intensify. They are triggered by free radicals - processes that accelerate aging and the destruction of cell walls. As a result, unpleasant diseases appear: cataracts, dementia, depression, oncology.

In the fight against such an unpleasant phenomenon, antioxidant vitamins will help: A, E, C. For women, after 70 years, they need to be taken regularly, but first you should consult a doctor.

How Each Antioxidant Works:

  • And, beta-carotene helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protects against cardiovascular diseases.It has been found that people with vitamin A deficiency are more likely to suffer from strokes. The element is in the products: carrots, pumpkin, prunes, zucchini, dried apricots, peaches.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and is included in almost all vitamin complexes for the elderly. The main function is to protect against blood clots, and the brain from damage, aging processes are inhibited. The presence of vitamin E prevents the appearance of age spots, prevents cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, and normalizes blood pressure. The use of vitamin with retinol is more effective. Antioxidants are found in foods: nuts, avocados, seaweed, fish, spinach, dried apricots, celery.
  • Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, strengthens blood vessels, boosts immunity and helps fight infections and viruses. The acid is involved in cell repair. Also, regular use of vitamin C is the prevention of atherosclerosis.

What you need to know

It must be borne in mind that an excess of vitamins can adversely affect health.

For example, excess vitamin D can cause calcium build-up or bone destruction. An excess of vitamin A leads to disruption of the liver, the appearance of yellowness of the skin, nausea.

Excess vitamin C can lead to dysfunction of the gonads and a deterioration in well-being. In addition to the vitamin complex, older women need regular replenishment of the body with iron, magnesium, selenium, iodine.

Of course, even a balanced diet cannot fill the need of an elderly organism for the necessary useful elements. For this, there are special complexes of drugs. They can be categorized by manufacturer and price.

Imported funds are more expensive than domestic ones. Quality drugs must meet international standards. No additional complexes can be prescribed independently - the appointment must be made by a doctor.

Below is an overview of the best drugs for the elderly.

Imported drugs


A German product with a dense consistency has a greenish brown tint. It is produced in the form of a syrup, it contains iron and plant extracts: hawthorn, motherwort, nettle. The drug normalizes the work of the heart, activates the production of hemoglobin. The use of the elixir is recommended for women with neurotic disorders, hypertension.

The use of the drug helps to protect the female body from colds. It is well absorbed, allergic and side reactions have not been identified. On sale you can find bottles of 30,50,100 and 200 ml, a measuring cup is included in the kit.


Country: Germany.

Price: from 260 rubles.


  • Increases hemoglobin levels;
  • Helper in the work of the heart;
  • The emotional state improves;
  • Price.


  • Specific taste.

Multi for Women 55+

As part of the complex: vitamins, minerals and other components necessary to maintain the well-being of women after 70 years. Many users note the natural composition. After application, the stomach reacts positively, and a surge of energy is also noted.

Among the ingredients: natural enzymes from orange, broccoli, carrots, brown rice, and green tea extract. Vitamin D3 provides a daily requirement and is nutrition for the brain. The use of the course ensures good sleep, shortness of breath disappears, women are less likely to get colds.

Sand-colored tablets with splashes are released in a glass bottle of 60 pieces. It is recommended to take 2 tablets with or without food.

Manufacturer: American trade mark Mega Food.

Price: from 1733 rub.

Multi for Women 55+


  • Natural ingredients;
  • No side effects or allergies.


  • High price;
  • Glass bottle.

Vitrum Centuri

The American preparation contains 13 vitamins and 17 minerals. Contains: vitamin A, which improves eyesight. The group of elements allows you to strengthen bones, because women after the age of 70 suffer from osteoporosis.The group of B vitamins helps assimilation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and normalizes metabolism.

The complex can be a good helper for recovering from a cold. Gray tablets in the form of a capsule with a dividing strip. Reception once a day in the morning for a tablet.

Price: from 600 rubles.

Vitrum Centuri


  • Rich composition;
  • Taking only 1 tablet.


  • Overdose causes nausea, diarrhea.

Doppel herz

The complex contains about 3 dozen components: nutritional, plant, macro and micro elements. Recommended for older people after an illness. Taking the drug has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, the state of blood vessels, the vitality increases, an improvement in mood is noted, and metabolic processes are normalized.

The drug can be produced in tablets "Vitamin-mineral complex" and in the form of a tonic elixir "Energotonik-N".

Country: Germany. Tablets of 30 pieces, cost: from 300 rubles. elixir 1000 ml - price: from 400 rubles.

Doppel Herz Energotonik-N


  • Easily absorbed;
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels.


  • An allergic reaction is possible.

Apteo Dla Seniorów

The composition of the drug will quickly fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in an elderly person. Among the components of iodine, which is necessary for brain activity and the normalization of the thyroid gland, this is especially true for women over the age of 70.

The complex contains vitamin E, which helps to lower cholesterol. Zinc and riboflavin help maintain sharp eyesight, and vitamin D is beneficial for bone strength. The drug is effective in the postoperative period: it will allow you to quickly recover. Take 1 tablet a day.

Country of origin: Poland. Price: from 600 rubles.

Apteo Dla Seniorów


  • Rich composition;
  • Supports immunity;
  • Convenient use, only 1 tablet.


  • Not installed

Centrum Silver Women 50+

The vitamin complex contains all the necessary elements for the female body after 70 years. Biologically active substances help the heart, improve vision, strengthen the skeletal system. After a course intake, sleep is getting better, women are less sick with colds.

Among the reviews, most note that even with prolonged walking, shortness of breath does not occur. The tablets are quite large, taken with meals 1 piece per day.

Country: Italy. Price: from 600 rubles.

Centrum Silver Women 50+


  • Shortness of breath disappears;
  • Strengthens the immune system.


  • Large tablet, difficult to swallow.

Female Multiple

The preparation of the American company Solgar contains the highest concentration of nutrients. For tablets, a formula has been developed that is suitable for both young and old. Contains no gluten, yeast, sugar, artificial flavors or preservatives.

Dong Kuei root purifies the blood, increases hemoglobin levels. The complex is prescribed in case of an acute lack of vitamins in the body, since a high content of nutrients can cause an allergic reaction.

Country of origin: USA. Price: from 1200 rubles.

Female Multiple


  • Effective in acute vitamin deficiency;
  • Stops vision loss;
  • No artificial additives.


  • High price.

Domestic complexes

Alphabet 50+

The drug is good because all vitamins and nutrients are sorted according to compatibility. All tablets are divided into 3 types by color and composition: pink, blue and white. Vitamin A protects the retina, antioxidants help to seal the walls of blood vessels. Also among the components are vitamin D3, iron, zinc, iodine and others.

Take 1 tablet of each color per day. The package contains 60 pieces.

Country of origin: Russia, price: from 330 rubles.

Alphabet 50+


  • Convenient combination of nutrients;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • You must take 3 tablets.

Evalar Antioxidant Formula

A balanced complex of 22 vitamins, plant extracts, amino acids. For production, the raw materials of the leading companies in France, Switzerland and Germany were used.The product belongs to the ANTI-AGE series, protects against negative environmental influences, prevents aging.

According to reviews, the use of the drug improves mood, there is a surge of strength, improvement of well-being in women after 70 years. The complex is available in capsules in a can of 60 pieces. Reception for a month, 2 pieces once a day.

Packing cost: from 711 rubles.

Evalar Antioxidant Formula


  • the emotional state improves;
  • packing for one course.


  • individual intolerance is possible for some components.


Multivitamin complex for an elderly organism. The drug has a positive effect on the organs of vision, nervous and muscle tissue. The elements of the drug activate the muscular work of the heart, regulate the state of blood vessels.

The use of the drug helps the quickest healing of wounds and burns, reduces the side effects of antibiotics and the negative reaction after chemotherapy. It is used in the treatment of disorders of cerebral circulation, atherosclerosis and heart failure.

Vitamins can be taken for prophylaxis 1 piece twice a day. During treatment, it is necessary to increase the number of doses to 3. The package contains 30 tablets.

Cost: from 220 rubles.



  • low price;
  • complex effect on the body.


  • there are complaints of heaviness in the stomach half an hour after application.


This drug, familiar for many years, inspires confidence among the elderly. It contains antioxidant elements, rutin, B vitamins. Indications for the use of the agent are:

  • improving the metabolic process in old age;
  • elimination of the consequences after the use of antibiotics;
  • rehabilitation after illness;
  • hypovitaminosis.

For prophylactic purposes, 1 tablet is usually prescribed per day. After an illness or increased stress, the dose is increased to 2-3 pieces. During application, urine may turn yellow, which ensures the presence of riboflavin in the composition.

The drug is produced in the form of pills, 50 pieces each. Price from 60 rubles.



  • proven drug;
  • low price.


  • possible individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug.

The female body after the age of 70 needs additional replenishment with essential nutrients. Special complexes designed for women in old age will help to get them. All drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, and the article will help you get acquainted with the best vitamin preparations.


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