Best home fans for 2024


The demand for fans does not decrease during the summer, even though most modern homes are air-conditioned. Choosing and buying a fan is a troublesome and significant undertaking that must be approached responsibly. It is important to first familiarize yourself with all the features and characteristics of the models so as not to waste money. Only in this case will the choice be correct. The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best fans for 2024.


The features of the fans directly depend on the place of installation. Modern devices are subdivided:

  1. Outdoor - are considered one of the most cost-effective and functional. They can effectively blow over a large room, since they are based on large blades. They can function in all kinds of directions. They are distinguished by the presence of additional functions.
  2. Desktop - characterized by smaller dimensions. Placed on horizontal surfaces. They are not distinguished by outstanding power characteristics. This leads to a decrease in performance. They stand out for their mobility and lower power consumption. Suitable only for small spaces.
  3. Ceiling - lesser known models. This is explained by the complexity of their installation and the fact that they require high ceilings, which not all apartments and houses can boast of. Such fans rapidly and effectively cool even premises of a large area, therefore they are often used in shops, offices, cafes and other commercial areas.
  4. Ducted - exhaust-type devices that are built into the ventilation shaft. Helps to eliminate polluted and excessively humid air. They are mainly installed in bathrooms or kitchens. Baths can also be used overhead fans.

Floor-standing and tabletop devices are recognized as one of the most sought-after varieties.

Selection features

Before purchasing, it is recommended to find out and determine the size of the blades. The indicator affects the area blown and saturation. It is best if the diameter is at least 10 cm. The presence of a safety cover on the blades is also an advantage.

The power of the device plays an important role. It should be selected depending on the area of ​​the room. If the fan is installed in a small room, then a device with a capacity of about 50 watts can be purchased. For a large room, you need a fan with a power of at least 60 watts.

Despite the fact that many manufacturers do not indicate air strike parameters, this indicator is very important. It has a direct impact on the ventilation time of the room and is in direct proportion to the diameter of the blades.

It is necessary to take into account the air exchange and the blowing area. These two metrics are entirely dependent on device performance.A fan with a tilt and turn function will help to cool different parts of the room at the same time.

So that the fan does not cause irritability and does not interfere with rest, it is best to make sure in advance that it is noisy. Most of the noise comes from cheap models.

The presence of a remote control in the kit will be an additional advantage. Thanks to it, the fan can be controlled remotely. If you prefer to fall asleep with the fan on, then it is best to purchase a device with a timer. Among other things, devices can be equipped with additional functions. It can be an ionizer and a humidifier. They have a beneficial effect on human well-being.

Top manufacturers

The question often arises as to which fan to buy. In addition to technical nuances, the manufacturer, as well as the country of production, is of no small importance. For a long time, the following companies engaged in the production of fans have proven themselves best:

  1. Vitek is a Russian company that has been producing quality equipment for several decades.
  2. Polaris is an international holding company engaged in the production of fans, split systems and other heating equipment, as well as household appliances.
  3. Rolsen is another domestic manufacturer that has been producing high quality steamers, air conditioners, fans, vacuum cleaners and much more since 1994.
  4. Maxwell is a subsidiary of the Russian corporation Golden Electronics. It produces small and medium household appliances of good quality according to Chinese technologies for people with average incomes.
  5. Bork - the company produces premium technology.
  6. Vitesse is a French company that produces high quality products with a minimum percentage of defects.
  7. KITFORT is a Russian company offering good quality products at an acceptable cost.
  8. Dyson is a British company specializing exclusively in the production of hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, dryers and fans with a non-standard operating principle. Machinery is produced in Malaysia.
  9. SCARLETT is a domestic company engaged in the production of quality products since 2012. During its existence, it received the “Product of the Year” award for the production of fans.
  10. VES is a domestic brand that produces inexpensive, but high-quality equipment. All products are manufactured in China.

It is very difficult to identify one of the best fan manufacturers. In each case, the choice will depend on individual preferences and financial capabilities.

What fans are not recommended to purchase

All companies specializing in the production of household appliances produce fans. Many of them are of good quality, but there are also those that should not be purchased. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, the following features should be taken into account when choosing:

  1. It is not recommended to purchase fans that are too light, since they are unstable during operation at high power. This factor is not fundamental only for wall options.
  2. Special care should be taken with goods that are offered at too low a cost and are produced by unknown Chinese brands.

Before you buy this or that option, you must make sure that the selected copy is in perfect working order. During operation, there should be no extraneous sounds, and all the parts specified by the manufacturer should be present.

Rating of inexpensive fans

Currently, due to the unstable financial situation in the country, low-cost home fans are in significant demand. But their low cost does not mean that they are of poor quality, they just have fewer options.

Ballu BFF-805

Presentable and stable fan. The body is made of high quality plastic. It is fixed on a telescopic metal leg. It can easily cool a room up to 25 m2. The noise level does not exceed 40 decibels even at the highest speed.The size of the blades is 45 cm.

Average price: 1900 rubles.

Ballu BFF-805


  • large blades;
  • elegant appearance;
  • stable stand;
  • switchable head rotation function.


  • lack of a remote control;
  • not the quietest option;
  • not the cheapest option.

Scarlett SC-1370

The device does an excellent job of its intended purpose. Moreover, its power consumption does not exceed 35 W. In working condition, the modification has good stability. There are practically no third-party noises, and effective airflow is confirmed.

Average cost: 1490 rubles.

Scarlett SC-1370


  • effective airflow;
  • good build;
  • acceptable cost.


  • the fan height is only 1 meter.

Maxwell MW-3546

The floor fan has an ordinary set of features and is distinguished by good quality. At the same time, it can be adjusted in height, change the speed of the blades and enable / disable head rotation. Equipped with blades with a diameter of 40 cm and push-button control. The power of the device is 35 W.

Average cost: 1650 rubles.

Maxwell MW-3546


  • able to cool small rooms with high quality;
  • head tilt angle is adjustable;
  • the rotation speed changes.


  • lack of a remote control;
  • typical appearance.

Lumme LU-105

Of all the working models, this option is considered the most inexpensive. The rest of the model has a rather attractive appearance. It consumes 45 W of power, has three high-speed modes with step regulation. The head tilts and turns.

Average cost: 950 rubles.

] Lumme LU-105


  • low cost;
  • high-quality airflow.


  • the protective cover is loose;
  • thin and soft foot metal.

Mystery MSF-2402

A budget fan that is systematically used in rooms with an area of ​​up to 20 m2. Outwardly, the model is unpretentious. Moreover, it is very effective. The performance is 45 watts. You can adjust the height of the stand. Push-button control, the presence of three speeds of blowing.

Average cost: 980 rubles.

Mystery MSF-2402


  • low cost;
  • telescopic rack;
  • stepwise increase in blowing performance.


  • during the first application, there is a peculiar smell;
  • lack of remote control;
  • there is quite a lot of noise during operation.

The best floor standing fans with remote control

Many fans are equipped with a remote control. Remote control allows you to control the operation of the device from a distance. Now the lack of a remote control is considered by many as a significant disadvantage of the model.

Tefal VF5550F0 Turbo Silence

The fan will help create comfort in the room on a hot day and a sweltering night. Manufacturers have made sure that its owners can fully enjoy the pleasant coolness at any time, choosing the optimal blowing force. This was achieved thanks to fully electronic control and three operating modes.

The model has a low noise level, and the increased number of blades and Turbo Boost mode guarantee a powerful flow of fresh air without additional energy consumption.

Average cost: 5300 rubles.

Tefal VF5550F0 Turbo Silence


  • sustainability;
  • convenience;
  • power;
  • quiet operation at all speeds;
  • quality;
  • remote control.


  • no shortcomings were identified.

Xiaomi Mi Smart Fan

One of the best, highest quality and most popular floor standing axial fans. The model will perfectly fit into the interior of the "smart home". It can be controlled both from a tablet or smartphone, and from a laptop. The fan can work both from the mains and from the battery.

Average cost: 9850 rubles.

Floor Fan Xiaomi Mi Smart Fan


  • choice of control;
  • quiet work;
  • adjustable angle of inclination;
  • autonomy;
  • programming function;
  • elegant design;
  • the presence of a timer off.


  • not adjustable in height stand;
  • high price.

Bimatek SF 302

A unique model that combines both serious advantages and significant disadvantages. A huge advantage of the model is the ability to adjust the head from the remote control. The blades are 40 cm in diameter, which provides an air strike of 5 meters. Power consumption 50 watts. The model is also equipped with a timer with a delayed shutdown and an air flow distribution function. Differs in reliability and the ability to adjust the height.

Average cost: 3500 rubles.

Bimatek SF 302


  • elegant appearance;
  • full control by remote control;
  • strong airflow.


  • poor build quality;
  • short-lived support cross;
  • strong minimum mode.

Polaris PSF 3040RC

Quality fan with floor standing installation. The device is equipped with a function of changing the flow rate from high to low every three seconds. Fans are manufactured in China. The blades are 40 cm in diameter.

Average cost: 3300 rubles.

Polaris PSF 3040RC


  • sleep timer;
  • control from the remote control;
  • high quality;
  • low cost;
  • height adjustment of the rack.


  • the inability to program on / off at a certain time.

Vitek VT-1909 CH

The fan is capable of creating a powerful air blow at 6 meters. The model is equipped with large enough blades, the diameter of which is 42 cm. Electronic control, step speed control, allowing you to choose one of three options.

Average cost: 3000 rubles.

Vitek VT-1909 CH


  • stylish design;
  • almost no noise;
  • the presence of touch control and pulse mode;
  • ease of assembly;
  • efficiency.


  • the inability to adjust the turns from the remote control;
  • the support cross is made of weak metal.

Best Radial & Bladeless Floor Fans

The models of such fans are technical innovations that are rapidly gaining popularity, even despite the rather high cost. They are distinguished by their unusual appearance and complete safety.


A radial fan manufactured by a Russian trading company has a significant power and the same energy consumption, which is 120 W. Three speeds are available in the model with step regulation.

Average cost: 5200 rubles.



  • elegant design;
  • power;
  • convenience;
  • safety;
  • the presence of a remote control and a timer.


  • significant noise at high speeds;
  • low quality of materials for the case and assembly.

AEG T-VL 5537

The radial fan is stylish and economical. The model can operate almost silently at any of three speeds. The device has a power of 40 watts. The air jet has a rotation angle of 75 degrees.

Average cost: 7800 rubles.

AEG T-VL 5537


  • attractive appearance;
  • compactness;
  • almost complete absence of noise.


  • the remote control works in a narrow range.

Dyson AM06 25

The high-tech device of the British brand stands out for its non-standard operating principle. Thanks to the air blow of three meters, the model can be used to cool a small room. The fan is efficient, consuming only 26 watts.

Average cost: 22,900 rubles.

Dyson AM06 25


  • high power;
  • smooth speed control;
  • unusual design.


  • high price;
  • significant noise.

Best desktop fans of 2024

There are many models of desktop fans on the market today. They are multifunctional and quiet. In addition, such fans are notable for reasonable cost.


The four-blade fan is distinguished by its elegant appearance, the ability to adjust the angle of inclination, as a result of which the air is evenly distributed throughout the room. The model is distinguished by the presence of three speed modes. The diameter of the blades is 30 cm and the power is 40 W.

Average cost: 2800 rubles.



  • attractive appearance;
  • affordable cost;
  • efficiency.


  • not found.

Bork P510

The model is distinguished by its compact size and two-meter air strike. The diameter of the blades is 15 cm. The fan is made of durable stainless steel. The power is 14 W. The adjustment is done mechanically.

Average cost: 4000 rubles.

Bork P510


  • quality;
  • compactness;
  • metal case.


  • not found.

Timberk TEF T12 TH3

Compared to all other desktop models, this fan stands out for its special design. The blades are made of soft material, so the model is considered safe for children. Can work autonomously without network connection. The power consumption is 15 W. The fan rotates within 90 degrees. Switching can be performed between two speeds.

Average cost: 2,400 rubles.

Timberk TEF T12 TH3


  • silent work;
  • safety;
  • soft blades;
  • autonomy;
  • attractive appearance.


  • not found.

In order to choose the right fan and spend money wisely, you should give preference to high-quality models. Before buying, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics and only then purchase the selected model. At the moment, manufacturers offer a huge range of different fans, which differ not only in appearance, but also in functionality, additional options and cost. If you have experience in choosing the best fan, or prefer to use other models, tell us about it in the comments.


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