Best Muscle Gaining Exercises for 2024


A beautiful, slim, athletic body is the dream of many men and women. But, as you know, it is not so easy to get a dream figure without some effort. Human anatomy is designed in such a way that the possibility of building muscle mass is impossible without a combination of proper nutrition and physical activity. If you want to know what needs to be done for your dream figure, carefully read this article. The editors of the site "" have studied the main strategies of leading fitness trainers and prepared for you a rating of the best exercises for gaining muscle mass.

Basic principles of muscle building

As mentioned above, you will have to try to create the relief. These principles are formed from an integrated approach that includes many aspects. Let's start in order.

Consultation with a doctor

This point may seem pointless to you, but we strongly advise you to heed all the advice of your doctor. It is not uncommon for a person to work unsuccessfully in the gym, completing all the tasks of his coach, but he still cannot get the desired result. This happens due to a lack of growth hormone in the body. In this case, building up muscle mass is hampered by the peculiarities of human physiology. It is possible to correct this defect, however, only after consulting an endocrinologist.

In addition, for novice bodybuilders, visiting a therapist or cardiologist to clarify the capabilities of the cardiovascular system will be an important point. The intensity of training depends on this indicator. Only after receiving complete information about the state of health, you can start working with your body.

Sports nutrition

Proper nutrition is one of the most important components of gaining muscle mass. To create a relief, protein is extremely necessary, which, as you know, is the building material of the body. The total amount of protein per day is 2-2.5 g per kg of total body weight. In this case, do not forget about the main rule: the amount of energy received during a meal should exceed the amount of energy spent during training.

What are the most important meals? Breakfast and meals after training. It is after classes in the gym that the full assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and other useful substances occurs. During this time period, all foods eaten will go to muscle recovery. Therefore, it is so important to include "the right foods" in the soy menu, among them there should be as little fatty food as possible, since fat is also subject to assimilation, and this will be very harmful for muscle building.

What foods should be included in the daily diet of a bodybuilder:

  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt and kefir;
  • beef;
  • a hen;
  • seafood;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits (especially bananas);
  • berries;
  • porridge;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • broths and soups.

For men, it is important to add oysters and Brussels sprouts to the menu. These foods have a beneficial effect on testosterone production. Women should include fatty fish in their diet, although this product is beneficial for both sexes. Also, amino acids must enter the body, nuts and legumes are responsible for their production.

Do not forget to replenish the loss of fluid in the body, drink enough water and natural fresh juices.

All products must be of high quality and fresh. Sweets, rolls, flour products should be excluded from the diet. Carbonated drinks should not be overused either. If you want to eat something sweet, go for protein bars. They contain useful substances that do not interfere with the formation of relief.

Sports Supplements

Such supplements will further stimulate muscle growth. First of all, you should pay attention to protein shakes. These drinks are easily accepted by the body, they will be an excellent reinforcement after training.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for athletes are a must. Take these supplements in courses with short breaks. You can choose complexes depending on the gender and the intensity of the load.

There are also additives called BBCA. These are kind of acids that are important for muscle building. Since the human body is not able to produce them on its own, these acids should be obtained from the outside in the form of additives. It is also important to take omega-3 capsules. This acid is found in large quantities in fatty fish, but if you do not like fish, you can replenish this component with a capsule.

Regular exercise

Frequent intensive training is the key to success. Do not be lazy and do not skip workouts, and do not spare yourself during exercise. Excessive sweating, light dizziness and slight nausea are positive manifestations of active exercise for a healthy person.

Remember that basic and basic exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, squats) should be the main part of your training. Exercises for a specific muscle group only serve to consolidate the result.

Remember that vigorous exercise promotes the production of growth hormone, and also stimulates the release of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), which prevents the development of depression.

It is a little more difficult for girls on this path, since testosterone is produced in them in an insignificant amount. However, the fair sex is much more enduring, often training for them is much more aggressive.

Training technique

In no case do not ignore the advice of the trainer in the gym, compliance with all the rules of the exercises will allow you to quickly feel the result. Over time, you yourself will begin to feel the effect of training on the muscles and independently learn to regulate the training process.

Rest mode

Progress can only be achieved with proper sleep and rest. Recuperation after exercise plays no less role than the exercises themselves. If you do not get enough sleep, if you are constantly exposed to stress, then most likely you will not be able to see the result.

Listen to your body, understand your strengths. Adjust your daily routine as needed.

Go to the goal

Muscle building doesn't happen at the snap of a finger. You will have to work long and hard to get what you want. Follow only your own results, do not evaluate the progress of other athletes. If over time you will easily begin to perceive classes, and the load will become more and more intense, you should know that you are on the right track. Believe in yourself and do not allow yourself to be lazy.

Hall or house

Without a doubt, the home environment is much more comfortable. However, for beginners, we recommend gym classes. First, the trainer will assess the capabilities of your body and draw up a correct exercise program.Secondly, the equipment and equipment in the hall is professional, you do not have to purchase bulky sports equipment.

Feel free to train in the gym. Even if you are not in your best shape, others will not notice it. Also, do not be afraid to ask for help in case of inability to turn on and configure the simulator, there are still more good people, someone will definitely help you. Over time, when you master the theory and acquire basic skills, you will be able to study at home.

General Tips

Also, for effective training, you should follow the basic rules of training. Remember gym at school? A large and cool gym, a must. All of these principles should be followed in a home workout or gym.


  1. The room where the exercises are performed should be spacious and well ventilated. The optimum temperature for training is 23-25 ​​degrees. In the hall, these indicators are usually observed, there is also an air conditioner.
  2. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. The material of the sports uniform is cotton. Do not chase fashion trends, we come to the gym to study, and not arrange a photo session for Instagram.
  3. Before training, you should carry out a mandatory warm-up to warm up the muscles. Make sure to shower after class.
  4. The training time should not exceed 60 minutes; it is recommended to take a break of 1-5 minutes between each new exercise.

And who can't

Sport is life, but unfortunately, intense exercise is not shown to everyone. Active training is contraindicated in the following categories:

  • pregnant women, women in the first months after childbirth or cesarean section;
  • people with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the kidneys, liver;
  • persons with diabetes mellitus;
  • people suffering from acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • people with bronchial asthma;
  • elderly people with concomitant diseases;
  • also, exercises in the acute period of any infectious and inflammatory processes are not recommended.

The above cases are not extreme contraindications to sports loads, however, all exercises should be carried out in a sparing mode, taking into account the pathology or characteristics of the body. In this case, you should practice under the careful supervision of a trainer.

Ranking of the best muscle building exercises for 2024

Bench press for men

One of the most versatile and common ways. The following muscles take part in the load: biceps, triceps, flexor muscles, anterior delta, large abdominal muscle.

Technique of execution: lie with your back on a bench, put your feet on the floor, feet should be shoulder-width apart and firmly fixed. The gluteal muscles are tense. Hands should be placed on the bar with a wide grip, the closer the bar is to the face, the wider the elbows should be. When the bar reaches its lowest point, you should take a second break, then raise the bar as you exhale.


  • one of the simplest exercises;
  • you should not understand the complex structure of the simulator.


  • a small muscle group is involved;
  • not the most pronounced effect.

Deadlift for girls

One of the most powerful exercises. This is what professional trainers like to appoint so often.

How to do it. You should stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to take a barbell in your hands, place your palms with a wide grip. The arms with the bar should be lowered along the body. Next, you should bend your back in the lumbar region, while the line of the spine should be even. Only the lower back and knees are involved in flexion. Lower the bar just below the knees, as you exhale, return to the starting position. At the same time, the gaze should be directed forward, the neck and head should be kept straight.


  • the most effective method for girls;
  • also suitable for men.


  • can not be performed in the presence of hemorrhoids, back injuries;
  • intra-abdominal pressure rises.

Barbell Squat (Universal Exercise)

One of the most effective activities.The following muscles are involved in this exercise: delta, sartorius muscle, pectoralis major, gluteus muscles, thigh and lower leg muscles, abdominal muscles.

Execution technique. Legs should be shoulder-width apart. During squats, the feet and heels must not be lifted off the floor. During the entire period of the squat, the back should be bent, this will relieve tension from the spinal column. The knees should not go beyond the line of the feet, they should bend straight, and not to the sides. Legs are wide apart. The head is level, the eyes look forward. The bar rests on the shoulders from the back.


  • many muscle groups are involved.


  • contraindicated for knee and back injuries.

Barbell lift for men

One of the hard but demanded exercises. In the process, a large number of muscles are active, in particular the muscles of the back, buttocks and shoulders.

How to do it. Stand straight in a confident stance, the bar is in front. Bend your knees, squatting to the bar. Put your hands on the bar with a wide grip. Without unbending your knees, pull the barbell to your shoulders, straighten your legs. Raise the barbell over your head, with the right leg laid back, the left leg slightly forward and bent at the knee (performed in a jump).


  • no analogues;
  • efficiency.


  • cannot be performed without some preparation;
  • contraindicated for heavy weight;
  • quite a difficult exercise.

Weighted Leg Press for Girls

Want to work out your glutes? Try this technique. A conventional simulator acts as a weighting agent.

Lie comfortably on the bench of the simulator, set your legs in a bent position on the weight. Pushing it forward, straighten your legs. The exercise is very simple, but powerful.


  • efficiency;
  • suitable for men;
  • no pressure on the spine.


  • can not be performed in the presence of knee injuries.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar for men

This load allows you to perfectly work out the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.

Correct execution technique. Before starting, it is recommended to firmly grasp the timber with your hands and just hang. Thus, you will get used to the horizontal bar and form a strong grip. The torso is tense, the legs are crossed and slightly bent at the knees. Next, you should perform pull-ups by means of a jerk, the head should be above the level of the bar. If you find it difficult to immediately start such an exercise, you can only pull up to the level of your palms.


  • efficiency;
  • there is no need to master complex simulator devices.


  • some preparation is required;
  • excess weight does not contribute to the correct performance.

Lunge (universal exercise)

One of the most effective exercises that allows you to work out the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to combine lunges with dumbbells or a barbell.

How to do. You should stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. You can hold a dumbbell in your hands; in the case of a barbell, it is recommended to put it on your shoulders. Alternately put one leg forward. After you put your leg out, you should squat. The head and back are straight during execution, the gaze is directed forward.


  • allows you to work out the relief well.


  • absent.

Push-ups from the floor (universal exercise)

Everyone knows this simple yet effective exercise. Despite the acute dislike for him since school, you should not ignore this activity. During execution, the following muscles are involved: shoulders, pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, triceps.

Effectiveness depends on the correct technique. The main provisions of push-ups are as follows. It is necessary to take an emphasis while lying, the body rests on the palms and socks.The body is in an even, straight position, hands are shoulder-width apart, fingers are straight and extended forward. Inhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible to the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position. In this case, the elbows should not be pulled apart.

If you wish, you can do push-ups from a table, bench or wall - it all depends on your physical capabilities. You can also do push-ups with a jump, you can put a ball under your shins. Push-ups on fists are also very effective.


  • many variations of performance;
  • efficiency.


  • it is difficult to achieve results if there are mistakes in technique.

These were basic and powerful muscle building exercises. We recommend doing them in 4-5 sets of 6-8 reps. These procedures can be included in your program, or can be performed separately. In any case, over time, you will see a positive result.

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