The best brands of buckwheat for 2024


On the shelves of the store you can find a large number of cereals. Each of them has its own beneficial properties, as well as contraindications. Buckwheat is very popular in Russia, because it is not only tasty, but also contains a large amount of minerals. There is a huge selection of dishes that can be prepared from buckwheat.

A bit of history

Why did buckwheat get this name? Initially, this cereal was brought from Greece, therefore it was called Greek groats, but over time the name was slightly reduced. This is how the familiar name "buckwheat" appeared.

This cereal first appeared in India and Nepal 4 thousand years ago. She became the queen of all cereals in the 20th century, because it was proven that it contained a large amount of useful substances.

Interesting Facts

  1. Buckwheat is much easier to grow than other grains. It does not need complex maintenance and is excellent weed control.
  2. The product can replace meat, because it contains a large amount of essential amino acids. But this porridge is absorbed much better. That is why there are a large number of diets, the main product of which is this cereal.
  3. Does not lend itself to genetic modification, unlike other cereals.
  4. In some countries, it is believed that this cereal can help to treat and prevent diseases. To do this, you need to walk on a cereal rug.
  5. Buckwheat honey is the healthiest and sweetest. It really helps fight colds.
  6. Buckwheat is very popular in Japan because it is used to make the legendary noodles called soba.
  7. China is the leader in buckwheat cultivation.
  8. The product is not recommended to be mixed with sugar, because beneficial properties are lost.
  9. 1000 seeds weigh only 20 grams. Provided the product is properly dried.
  10. Regular use of this product leads to improved brain function.
  11. When cooking, the amount of cereal increases 6 times.

Benefit and harm

Beneficial features

Buckwheat contains 18 amino acids that humans need. It also contains iron, copper, boron, potassium, calcium, vitamins B and E, which are necessary for a person to feel good.

Groats are used in the treatment of liver problems, hypertension, diseases of the stomach, kidneys and edema of varying degrees.

Since the leaves and flowers of the plant contain a large number of beneficial elements, they can be used to treat measles, heal wounds and other diseases.


Buckwheat can harm a person only with individual intolerance.

You should not cook steep porridge, because it can cause constipation.


You can use cores not only for cooking, making flour and noodles, but also for preparing medicines. Pillows are also made from husks, which have a positive effect on the quality of sleep.

Use in traditional medicine

  1. Expectorant. You should mix flower raw materials (50 grams) with 1 liter of boiling water. Drink one glass 3-5 times a day.
  2. With a disease such as bronchitis, you can mix 40 grams of buckwheat flowers, black elderberry 20 g, linden tree 20 g, mallow, wild poppy and pour all 1 liter of boiling water. For best results, leave for 12 hours. Drink 50 ml 10 times a day.
  3. For convulsions, arthritis or sclerotic lesions, a solution is prepared from leaves, grass or buckwheat flowers. They need to be steamed with boiling water and cooled. Drink 200 ml several times a day.
  4. If a person feels weak or blood pressure is low, then an infusion of dried plant leaves will cope with the problem. Drink half a glass up to 3-4 times a day.
  5. For abscesses or purulent wounds, washed leaves help.
  6. The herb infusion helps even against baldness and cataracts. To do this, use a concentrated infusion (2-3 tablespoons of dry herb per 250 ml of hot water).
  7. In Eastern cultures, buckwheat is recommended to be combined with natural pomegranate sauce for anemia.
  8. Hard grains are used in medicine in China and India for therapeutic massage.

In cooking

The ideal proportion for cooking porridge is a 1 to 2 ratio of water to cereal. In this case, the water will completely evaporate and you will not need to add it. It is best to cook in a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom, then the taste will be richer. But you can also cook in the oven or microwave.

  1. Buckwheat is great for making a hearty side dish for the whole family. It is also used to make soup, hominy, bake pancakes or pancakes, grind it into flour and use it as a base for sauce.
  2. Can be used to make delicious desserts such as candy and chocolate.
  3. Granola and whole grain buckwheat bread is becoming more and more popular every year.
  4. In many countries, buckwheat itself is not popular, but the noodles that are made from it.
  5. In India, buckwheat noodles are substituted for other foods during fasting.
  6. In France, pork sausage wrapped in a buckwheat pancake is a popular street dish.
  7. In Holland, locals love boiled buckwheat with fried bacon and gravy. This dish is called a stip.
  8. Vegetarians germinate the grains and eat them raw.
  9. Buckwheat whiskey is a popular drink in the US. And in Japan they like buckwheat shochu. But not only alcoholic beverages, but also teas are made from the grains.

Weight loss

This cereal is used for weight loss, because 100 grams of boiled buckwheat contains only 90 calories. Since the glycemic index is low, the product is acceptable for dieting.

A small result can be achieved by replacing one of the meals with this porridge. If you need to lose a few pounds, then you should follow the buckwheat diet. But it is worth remembering that porridge should be consumed without adding additional sauces and spices. Salt is permissible only in minimal quantities, but it is better to refuse it altogether. For the best result, you should not cook the cereals, but steam them.

Nutritionists recommend eating buckwheat several times a week. Many girls and guys recommend it, because the body receives all the nutrients, and the person does not want to constantly eat. Such food is very easily tolerated.

For cosmetic purposes

Why buy expensive skin care products when you can make them at home? Buckwheat flour is a popular ingredient that body care girls love to use.

  1. Scrub for very dry skin. For cooking, you will need one yolk, a teaspoon of sugar, a little olive oil and a teaspoon of buckwheat flour. All components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face along the massage lines. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and wash off with plenty of cold water. After the procedure, be sure to apply the cream.
  2. Peeling from grated pumpkin pulp. You should combine a teaspoon of flour, olive oil, half a teaspoon of sugar, yolk and pumpkin. For the best effect, pre-steam your face with a warm towel or wash with water. Apply the mixture for a few minutes, then rinse.
  3. Toning mask.For preparation, you need to mix 10 g of coffee pomace, 7 g of buckwheat flour and 7 ml of grape seed oil. Dilute the whole mass with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply with massage movements. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
  4. Buckwheat flour is used not only for the face, but also for the hair. For the mask, you need to mix 200 ml of milk, an egg and 1 tablespoon of buckwheat flour. Apply the mixture to the roots and evenly over the entire length. Leave on for 30 minutes. Wash off the mask and wash your hair with shampoo.


  1. The husk is used to fertilize the earth.
  2. The husk is used to make plastics.
  3. Potassium carbonate is obtained from straw.
  4. The grain is used for feeding poultry and animals.
  5. Making honey.

How to choose?

When choosing buckwheat groats in a store, you should pay attention to several important parameters.

  1. Packaging. It is better to give preference to a transparent plastic bag, because the quality of the grains can be judged by the look. When buying, you should pay attention to the absence of holes in it.
  2. Grain color. If the beans are steamed, they are brown in color. The preparation of such cereals takes a minimum of time. If the shade is creamy, yellowish or greenish, then the beans are not steamed. They have retained a greater number of useful elements.
  3. Smell. You will not be able to evaluate it in the store, but you must definitely do it at home. There should be no smell of dampness, mold, and so on.
  4. The taste should not be bitter or sour. If it is observed, then immediately discard all packaging.

Rating of the best brands of buckwheat groats for 2024

Agroholding STEPPE

The company has been on the market for over 15 years and is popular with most families. It produces several types of cereals, which are distinguished by their quality and long shelf life. If you like buckwheat, then you can buy not only cereals, but also buckwheat flakes.

The packaging design has a striking design, so it is impossible to pass by such a product. Since the bag is transparent, you can see the quality of the beans.

There are no foreign odors or impurities in the package. The kernels meet all the requirements.

Packaging - 900 g. Average price - 80 rubles.

buckwheat groats Agroholding STEPPE


  • Budget cost;
  • Product quality;
  • Useful product;
  • It turns out a delicious porridge;
  • There are no additives.


  • Can be underweight up to 20 grams.

Mistral clean

If you do not have time to prepare food, then buckwheat ungrounds in individual packages are created for you. For cooking, you do not need to rinse the cereals and waste time stirring. It is enough to wait until the water boils and put 1-2 sachets there. Buckwheat is not digested, so it is simply impossible to spoil its delicate taste. It's very fast and incredibly convenient. Customers who once bought bagged cereal no longer want to switch to the loose option.

According to the results of the chemical laboratory, there are no chemical elements harmful to humans, so this is ideal for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Packaging - 400 g (5 bags). The average price is 85 rubles.

pure buckwheat groats Mistral


  • Saving time;
  • Quality;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Nutrients are retained.


  • Not.

Uvelka Extra

Krupa Uvelka correspond to the declared extra status. The packaging is very simple, but this did not affect the quality of the product. After the analyzes carried out, the laboratory recognized the goods as complying with all standards. The products are free of mold or pathogenic microorganisms.

The grains are ideally shaped; there are no modified kernels or husks. When cooking, the cereal does not stick together.

Packaging - 800 g. Average price - 100 rubles.

buckwheat groats Uvelka Extra


  • Good value;
  • Product quality;
  • Safe to consume;
  • Whole grains;
  • No husk.


  • Not.

Healthy grain green

Green buckwheat is one of the healthiest foods. It is easily absorbed by the body and has a pleasant nutty flavor. The cereal contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins necessary for a person.

During the production of green buckwheat Healthy grain was not heat treated, so it can be germinated. This product is useful for the prevention and treatment of vascular diseases. Sprouted grains can be consumed either in pure form or with the addition of spices or salt.

The product is environmentally friendly, therefore safe for the whole family. Heavy metals do not accumulate in it, and pests do not start.

To prepare porridge, it is enough to pour the required amount of the product with hot boiled water. The dish should be infused for only a few minutes, after which it can be consumed.

Green buckwheat belongs to dietary products. It is suitable for the daily diet of both the elderly and children. It can also be used by people who are overweight and who have type 2 diabetes.

Bio composition: 100 percent green buckwheat grain. Packaging - 500 grams. Price - 120 rubles.

buckwheat groats Healthy grain green


  • Diet product;
  • Meets taste requirements;
  • It is possible when losing weight;
  • Whole grains;
  • An easy way to cook.


  • Not.

Nikolskie ProRostki green for germination

The Nikolskie ProRostki company offers customers unique seeds that need to be germinated. This process fascinates not only children, but also adults. The preparation phase is like a game. There are step-by-step instructions on the packaging in the form of pictures. It is simply impossible to spoil this dish.

This green buckwheat is ideal for germination. Virtually odorless. The grain must be completely immersed in water and covered with a wet rag. You can use clean gauze. Water should be added when the fabric is dry. The seeds will get wet and decay. Then the seedlings will appear. It will take only 2-3 days in time, after which the grains can be consumed. The highest value in sprouts up to 1 cm. Can be added to various dishes, such as salads or omelet.

Packaging - 500 g. Price - 120 rubles.

green buckwheat groats Nikolskie ProRostki for germination


  • Discounts are often available;
  • Safety;
  • Fascinating process;
  • Manual packing;
  • Kraft bag with a clip;
  • Good quality;
  • Whole and even grains;
  • Germinates quickly.


  • Not.

Mistral Farmerskaya

TM Mistral presents to its customers a unique premium product that was grown in ecologically clean fields of Altai. This manufacturer is notable for its bright packaging design, so it is simply impossible to pass by.

The packaging is made in dark colors - red and black. It depicts mountains. The bag is transparent in some places, so you can evaluate the quality of the cereal in the store.

The product is very popular due to its affordable price and useful properties. Suitable both as a quick breakfast and as a side dish for any dish.

For cooking, it is enough to pour the cereals into a saucepan with boiling water, which must first be salted. The ideal proportion is 1 to 2 (1 glass of buckwheat to 2 glasses of water). Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool for 10-15 minutes.

Store only in a dry place with a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Packaging - 900 g. Price - 150 rubles.

buckwheat groats Mistral Farmerskaya


  • Good quality;
  • Checked by Rosekostandart;
  • No trash;
  • No overcooked grains;
  • No need to wash and sort;
  • Pronounced taste.


  • Not.

All brands reviewed are highly rated and popular. You can buy products freely in the supermarket.


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