Best pregnancy tests for 2024


Most women use special tests as the primary method for diagnosing pregnancy. Today the market for these products is quite diverse. There are inexpensive and high-quality models, but you can make a mistake, even purchasing a not quite budget option. The editors of the site "I found" in this article will help you figure out what tests are, how much they cost, how to use them correctly and what you should pay attention to when buying.

How the pregnancy test works

Determining pregnancy using a test - diagnosing the level of hCG - the hormone Chorionic Gonadotropin. This hormone is produced by the female body from the moment the egg is fixed (7-10 days after fertilization), increasing the concentration during the first trimester.

It should be borne in mind that even in the presence of pregnancy, such a diagnosis usually shows the correct result after 12 days from the moment of ovulation.

With an irregular cycle, experts advise using tests starting from the 4th week from the last menstrual cycle, repeating the diagnosis (in case of negative results) once a week.

If it is possible to establish an approximate date of conception, then the test should be done 2 weeks later (not earlier). Also, diagnostics are needed as prescribed by a doctor or if the cycle duration has exceeded the usual for you.

The fact of pregnancy is determined by the amount of hCG in 1 ml of urine. The measurement is carried out in mMU / ml. Today, products with a sensitivity of 10-25 mMU / ml are used, which make it possible to determine pregnancy from the 1st day of a delay in menstruation.

For the study, a reagent that is sensitive (i.e., having antibodies) to hCG is used. The result of the reaction depends on the concentration of the hormone: either positive (changes the color of the stripes) or not.

It should be borne in mind that a weak streak is usually (but not in every case) a positive result. If in doubt, the diagnosis can be repeated after a week. Weak staining is possible for many reasons, including insufficient concentration of hCG (for a short period) or the use of low-quality products. Also, this situation may be a consequence of the ectopic attachment of a fertilized egg. If a second check shows a similar picture or the strip does not appear, in the presence of dizziness, nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek medical help.

Where can I buy

Pregnancy tests should only be purchased from pharmacies or specialist stores. Otherwise, the likelihood of a correct study and a correct result is reduced.

Determining pregnancy using a test

The use of modern tests is a simple and effective way to determine pregnancy.It is important to remember that establishing the fact of pregnancy in the early stages allows a woman to pay attention to her lifestyle and health in a timely manner, which is of great importance for the health of the unborn baby.

At the same time, for all the ease of use, some details should be taken into account that are important for correct express diagnostics.

When to do the test correctly

Taking into account the peculiarity of the concentration of hCG in the morning, experts also recommend that diagnosis be done in the morning, using the first portions of urine. This is especially important when establishing the fact of pregnancy in the early stages. The time of day, if the pregnancy is more than 18 days after the onset of ovulation, does not matter.

Compliance with instructions

It is important for a girl or woman to follow the manufacturer's recommendations in the instructions. Any deviation, even insignificant in the eyes of the user, may result in the display of incorrect information.

With strict adherence to the instructions, most manufacturers guarantee an accuracy of 99.9%.

Before using the product, do not:

  • drink a lot;
  • take diuretics.

Other factors affecting the accuracy of these data

The following factors can affect the reliability of the diagnosis:

  • shelf life;
  • violation of the integrity of the package;
  • violation of storage conditions;
  • early (on time) performance of diagnostic procedures;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity;
  • taking medications that affect the concentration of hCG;
  • bifunctional activity of the ovaries;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • excessive fluid intake (lowers hCG levels);
  • frozen fruit;
  • kidney disease.

Manufacturer's choice

Considering that the establishment of the fact of pregnancy is of great importance for the majority of buyers of tests, the question of which company is the best product is also important. When choosing a product, it is advisable to use products from well-known manufacturers who are responsible for its quality. Otherwise, the risk of receiving incorrect data increases.

Rating of the best manufacturers of pregnancy tests in 2024

Despite the significant number of manufacturers of pregnancy tests, the products of some of them are deservedly in higher demand. The 2024 survey of such manufacturers includes the following companies:

  1. Human Gesellschaft. A German manufacturer producing products under the FRAUTEST brand. Pregnancy tests are presented in one of the best lines with different prices. Buyers note the accuracy of research of the specified products, high sensitivity and correct research in the early stages.
  2. HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh. Another German company with popular models in this market. Manufactured under the brand name "Evitest", which, like Human Gesellschaft products, it is represented by a wide range, allowing everyone to choose the option convenient for him.
  3. SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH. Swiss company that manufactures products under the brand name "Clearblue", which has a research center in the UK. Users have noted a high susceptibility of products with the use of some models for the diagnosis of early pregnancy.

Types of tests

The tests used today to diagnose pregnancy are very diverse. There are several types:

  • strip tests (strips);
  • inkjet;
  • tablet;
  • digital (electronic).

There is no definite answer to the question of which type is better and how to choose it. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Considering one principle of operation, the selection criteria are minimal: the manufacturer and the type that everyone chooses individually. Moreover, products of each type can be used at home.

Strip test

This is the most affordable option. Strip tests are made in the form of a strip of thick special paper coated with a reagent with antibodies to hCG.

Determination method:

  • take a clean tank for collecting material;
  • collect in it a sufficient amount of urine for the study;
  • immerse the strip in the container with the analyzed sample up to the mark defined on the strip;
  • wait for the time specified in the description of actions (on average 20 -30 sec.);
  • take out the strip and wait a few minutes.

It should be borne in mind that the sensitivity of the strip is from 10 to 25 mMU / ml. For the most accurate result, experts recommend using them in the morning and following the instructions exactly. In particular, if the time the strip is in the urine is not observed, the risk of error increases.


  • low cost;
  • availability;
  • easy use;
  • high percentage of receiving correct data.


  • inconvenience in the form of the need for a container for urine

Among the most popular, according to buyers, strip tests are the following.

FRAUTEST express ultra-sensitive

Made in Germany. Package - 1 pc.

FRAUTEST express ultra-sensitive

The sensitivity according to the manufacturer's data is 15 mMe / ML. In addition, the possibility of using the product 2 days before the 1st day of the delay in the menstrual cycle is indicated. At the same time, doctors are rather skeptical about this statement. The waiting time for the result from the moment the strip is removed from the urine is 3 to 5 minutes.

Average price - 85 rubles.


Strip test also from German manufacturer: HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh. The package contains 1 strip.

Evitest strip strip

The susceptibility threshold is 20 mMU / ml. As with FRAUTEST, the result will be known after 3-5 minutes.

The average price is 95 rubles.

BB Test

Strip strips of the French manufacturer Innotech International.

BB Test Innotech International

The advantage of this product is its high sensitivity. Determination of hCG - from 10 mMU / ml. When using, you do not need to be guided by the time of day. The waiting time for information is up to 10 minutes. According to the manufacturer, it is possible to use strips 3 days before the 1st day of the menstrual cycle or delay.

The average cost of 1 package with 1 strip is 150 rubles.

Mama check

Strip-strip manufactured by the German company Beromed.

Mama check beromed

Has a sensitivity of 20 mMU / ml. According to reviews, it is a reliable and inexpensive option for diagnosing pregnancy for home use. It is applied from the first days of the delay. The waiting time for the result is 3 minutes.

Average price of 1 piece. - 30 rubles.


The diagnostic procedure is carried out by wetting the strip directly with a stream of urine. In this case, the time of the study does not affect the result.


  • no need for a separate container to collect urine;
  • high susceptibility (from 10 mMU / ml).


  • price.

The rating of these tests is noted.

Premium Diagnostics

American-made products.

Premium Diagnostics test

High sensitivity is noted by users - from 10 mMU / ml. In addition, the manufacturer claims that diagnosis is possible as early as a week after conception. Data waiting time from 2 to 5 minutes.

Average price - 220 rubles.

Clearblue easy

Inkjet test of the Swiss manufacturer of the same name.

Clearblue easy

Users note the ease of use. Sensitivity - from 25 mMU / ml. The product is also used as a strip-strip, by placing it in a container with urine.

A staining tip will confirm all actions are correct. The result can be checked in a few minutes.

Average cost - 115 rubles.

Evitest perfect

The threshold of sensitivity is 20 mMU / ml. The product has a cassette with a holder and a cap. Like all jet models, the hygiene of the procedure and the convenience of its implementation are noted. Waiting time - 5 minutes.

Evitest perfect

Price - from 230 rubles. The package contains 1 test.

FRAUTEST comfort

An inkjet product of a German manufacturer with the possibility of early diagnosis (sensitivity ranges from 15 mMU / ml). According to the description in the instructions, it is possible to use it 3 days before the 1st day of menstruation. After completing all the necessary actions, you can get the result in 3 - 5 minutes. Data is valid for 10 minutes.

FRAUTEST comfort

Frautest comfort can be purchased at prices ranging from 170 to 250 rubles.

FRAUTEST exclusive

Another 1 inkjet product from this company, with a sensitivity of 15 mMe / ml. Like all other models of this company, its use is possible 2 - 3 days before the expected 1st day of delay.It takes up to 5 minutes to get the final information. Buyers note the originality and convenience of Frautest exclusive, the design of which allows you to keep it as a keepsake.

The price range for this option is from 140 to 350 rubles.

FRAUTEST exclusive

Be Confident Midstream

The product of the leading Russian manufacturer - Med-Express-Diagnostics company. It should be noted that its effective use in the early stages is noted by many users, which is achieved by high sensitivity - from 10 mMU / ml. The test refers to express items, because the result is visible from 1 to 3 minutes. The advantage of this model is its cost in comparison with analogues (from 150 rubles).

Be Confident Midstream


Models of this type are quite popular. They represent a small device with 2 windows:

  • with a reagent;
  • to display information.

Product material - plastic.

Diagnostics is carried out by applying a few drops of urine to the window with a reagent using a special device - a pipette included in the product kit. The result appears in the 2nd window after a few minutes.

The sensitivity of the tablet products is from 20 to 25 mMU / ml. Their higher accuracy is noted in comparison with strip-strips, and slightly lower than in comparison with inkjet models.


  • convenient use;
  • average price.


  • the need for a container for collecting urine into a pipette.


The susceptibility is 20 mMU / ml.

According to available reviews, it is one of the best options for this type. The convenience of the design, contributing to the uniform distribution of urine, and the deep location of the reagent, which reduces the possibility of its contamination and, as a consequence, the receipt of incorrect data, are noted.

It is possible to purchase EVITEST PROOF at a price of 190 rubles.

EVITEST PROOF cassette test


Country of origin: Canada.

The sensitivity is 20 mMU / ml. Data display time: 1 - 5 min. The advantage of this option is accuracy, availability and low cost (from 25 rubles).



Highly sensitive test (15 mMU / ml.) With data acquisition after 3 - 5 min. after the procedure. Diagnostics can be done 2 to 3 days before the expected start day of the cycle. Users note the high accuracy of the study. The advantage of this option is the presence of a urine reservoir.

Cost: from 160 to 200 rubles.



Another tablet test is the Canadian LADY TEST. Sensitivity - 20 mMU / ml. A budget option that has a significant number of positive reviews.

You can buy such a product at a price of 40 rubles.


Digital (electronic)

These are products of the latest generation. Depending on the characteristics and the possibility of repeated use, the cost of the product can reach 1000 rubles. Functionality of digital tests - definition:

  • the presence of pregnancy;
  • term;
  • estimated due date (some models only);
  • favorable dates for conception (if pregnancy is not confirmed).


  • research accuracy;
  • in a number of models, reusable;
  • the ability to connect to a computer to save information.


  • high price;
  • lack of choice in the Russian market.

Clearblue digital

The most widespread digital test in Russia. Belongs to digital inkjet models. Susceptibility - 25 mMU / ml. This is a product with identification function on the gestational age indicator (in weeks):

  • 1 – 2;
  • 2 – 3;
  • 3+ (more than 3 weeks).

Application of the product is possible 5 days before the 1st day of possible delay.

The average cost is 350 rubles.

Clearblue digital


The manufacturer describes this digital test as the only one in the range to be used before the delay. It can be used as an inkjet and as a strip-strip. The end of the examination procedure and the acquisition of data are accompanied by a sound signal.

This model does not determine the gestational age. Application - single.

This product can be purchased at a price of 230 rubles.

EVITEST PERFECT digital test

It should be remembered that tests do not give 100% results. Despite all their diversity, the principle of their operation is the same.Therefore, the answer to the question of which test is better to buy is more a matter of taste, convenience and financial capability. We hope that our article will make this choice easier and easier, and will help prevent mistakes when choosing. And if you already have experience using pregnancy tests, tell us whether the result was correct and rate the comfort level of the testing process itself.


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