💊Best high blood pressure pills for 2024


Probably, each of us at least once in our life faced the problem of high blood pressure. Sometimes this condition is temporary and does not lead to serious complications. And it happens that a person is forced to live with this pathology for many years, constantly monitoring the level of blood pressure. This disease is called arterial hypertension, it can lead to serious complications, up to and including death.

Timely intake of antihypertensive drugs will allow patients to live a normal life without fear for their health. This article will discuss the best medicines to lower blood pressure.

Causes of arterial hypertension

An increase in blood pressure numbers can occur for various reasons, often this problem is just a symptom of other diseases. It is also worth considering that, despite the presence of certain norms, the pressure figures are individual for each person. For some, 150/80 is absolutely normal, while for others this condition requires immediate medical attention. So what can cause hypertension

  • obesity - overweight is the cause of many pathologies;
  • unhealthy diet - an excess of animal fats, the abuse of salty and smoked foods can affect the level of pressure. Also, fatty foods lead to the deposition of fatty plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. Thus, the risk of developing a stroke and heart attack increases, coupled with hypertension, the likelihood of these complications increases significantly;
  • bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • a sedentary lifestyle - sedentary work and a lack of walking in the fresh air negatively affect any body;
  • excess salt in the diet - this mineral retains fluid in the body, disrupts kidney filtration and causes edema;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies - for example, endocrine disorders, diseases of the excretory system;
  • constant stress and nervous strain, lack of sleep and gross violations of the daily routine.

Complications of hypertension

This pathology is capable of disrupting the functions of almost all organs. What are these violations, we will consider below.


High blood pressure can cause stroke. Hemorrhage is of varying severity, its consequences cannot be predicted by any doctor, but the rehabilitation period is delayed for many months, or even years.

The cardiovascular system

With arterial hypertension, the heart experiences severe overload. On the ECG, this is manifested by left ventricular hypertrophy with overload. As for the vessels, they cannot fully saturate the body with oxygen in this state. As a result of hypoxia in the myocardium, ischemic zones are formed, which can develop into zones of necrosis. This pathology is called myocardial infarction.


The urinary system suffers no less with hypertension. In this condition, the kidneys cannot properly filter and remove fluid from the body.As a result, you get pronounced edema on the arms, legs, face, and there are also hidden edemas.

How to relieve pressure correctly

First of all, before taking medications, you should normalize your daily regimen, diet, and also include physical exercises in your life. These simple steps are enough to reduce the pressure numbers. However, if this does not work, you can start taking antihypertensive drugs.

The next question that arises in patients is the need for constant medication. If the hypertension is transient, taking pills as needed is sufficient. If the BP numbers do not decrease within 2 weeks even after dieting, you should start taking medication regularly.

Most often, numbers from 150/90 and above should be controlled. Another important point is the presence of crises in the patient's history. This complication requires constant medication and blood pressure control.

Do not forget that arterial hypertension is a chronic disease that requires constant monitoring by a specialist, frequent monitoring of the state of the body and, accordingly, constant medication.

The best high blood pressure medications for 2024

Advice! This article is for informational purposes only. In no case do not self-medicate, contact a specialist in a timely manner. The doctor will correctly identify the cause of the pathology, prescribe additional tests and select the treatment that suits you. Do not listen to the advice of neighbors, acquaintances and distant relatives. What helped them can harm you.


This is a relatively new, but already very popular tool. It belongs to the group of sartans, the main advantage is the lack of influence on the heart and vascular system. This approach provides a gentle decrease in pressure figures as soon as possible after taking the pill. The maximum effect occurs in the first hour.

The main purpose of use: arterial hypertension, heart failure. The effectiveness of the drug for the prevention of myocardial infarction has also been proven. In addition, losartan saves from edema, it is not toxic to the kidneys. It can be used as a regular treatment, as well as to reduce blood pressure in the event of a temporary increase in indicators.



  • efficiency;
  • well tolerated;
  • a small number of side effects;
  • compatibility with other hypotensive drugs;
  • acceptable price.


  • causes headache and dry mouth.

The average cost is 100 Russian rubles for 30 tablets.


The best ambulance for high blood pressure. The remedy is rarely used as a full-fledged therapy, but it is quite suitable for stopping an attack.

Often, the remedy is used as a therapy for stopping a crisis, and it also copes well with an ailment in the presence of heart failure and diabetic kidney damage. A decrease in blood pressure figures is observed in the first 30 minutes after taking the pills, the maximum effect is achieved after 1.5 hours. The fastest treatment of an attack of hypertension is ensured by the correct taking of tablets: one 25 mg should be placed under the tongue (sublingual method), the second 25 mg should be taken orally with plenty of water. There are different dosages, so be careful not to cause poisoning.



  • fast effect;
  • prevention of heart attacks and strokes;
  • low price.


  • not suitable for long-term treatment;
  • can sharply lower blood pressure numbers, causing fainting.

The average cost is 20 Russian rubles for 40 tablets.

Indapamide (indapafon, indap)

This drug belongs to the group of diuretics. That is, it removes excess fluid from the body, reducing the load on the cardiovascular system. The medicine works mildly by increasing the volume of urine, rather than the frequency of urination. For the best effect, it is recommended to take indapamide early in the morning on an empty stomach.

The medicine is well tolerated in all groups of patients, has many positive reviews. However, we do not recommend taking it to relieve swelling, since the effect will be minimal.

Indapamide (indapafon, indap)


  • normalizes vascular tone;
  • reduces the load on the left ventricle;
  • few contraindications and side effects;
  • efficiency.


  • should not be administered to patients with lactose intolerance.

The average cost is 30 Russian rubles for 30 capsules.


Another popular drug for the treatment of hypertension. Refers to blockers of slow calcium channels (another name is calcium antagonists). This group of drugs is distinguished by the action of saturating tissues and cells with oxygen, due to which hypoxia in the body is eliminated, respectively, the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes is significantly reduced.

The effect of taking the pills is long-lasting, and a pronounced analgesic effect is also observed, which causes the appointment of amlodipine for attacks of angina pectoris. There are several pharmaceutical companies that manufacture this drug. The cost of the drug and its analogues varies due to the production technology and active ingredients. In this case, the patient chooses the drug depending on his financial capabilities. Dispensing from pharmacies with prescription only.



  • versatility;
  • long-term result;
  • the ability to purchase inexpensive tablets.


  • contraindications;
  • you can overdose.

The average cost is 50 Russian rubles for 60 tablets.


An ACE inhibitor is a fairly modern drug, it is able to cope with hypertension at any stage of neglect. Most often, the drug is prescribed to patients at risk of recurrence of heart attack and stroke, with ischemic changes. Due to the fact that the tablets restore the elasticity of the vessel walls and reduce the load on the myocardium, they can be prescribed to patients with impaired cerebral circulation.

The original drug has a relatively high price, there are cheaper analogues.



  • can be prescribed as monotherapy;
  • does not require additional medications;
  • efficiency;
  • availability.


  • the beginning of treatment is characterized by an increase in blood pressure;
  • high price;
  • there are contraindications.

Average cost -

The average price is 500 Russian rubles for 30 tablets.


The drug belongs to potassium-sparing diuretic tablets. It is produced in the form of capsules, in addition, it is quite popular among cardiologists for the treatment of hypertension. Potassium is a very important trace element for the heart muscle, its deficiency negatively affects the activity of the cardiovascular system. Also, a lack of potassium causes severe cramps in the calf muscles.

Taking pills guarantees a soft removal of edema even in the case of endocrine disorders.



  • effectiveness in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure;
  • retains potassium;
  • prolonged action.


  • care is required in the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • requires the appointment of additional medications.

The average cost is 150 Russian rubles for 30 capsules.


Tablets are beta-blockers. The principle of action of the drug is reduced to a decrease in the activity of receptors that produce adrenaline. This hormone affects the work of the heart and, accordingly, increases the level of blood pressure. Concor reduces the heart rate, it is most effective for patients who have had myocardial infarction.

However, the remedy is contraindicated in an elderly patient, and it also does not cope with a hypertensive crisis and high blood pressure.



  • allowed for patients with ischemia;
  • prevention of heart attack and stroke.


  • causes insomnia;
  • metabolism is disturbed;
  • reduces potency in men;
  • creates a feeling of fear.

The average cost is 160 Russian rubles for 30 tablets.


Another ACE inhibitor, the mechanism of action of which is the regulation of water-salt metabolism. Doctors note the positive effect of these tablets on the state of the cerebral vessels, especially in elderly patients.

Taking medications is not accompanied by dysfunction of the nervous system; it is also possible to take these tablets for patients with kidney disease.



  • efficiency;
  • availability;
  • low price;
  • can be prescribed to patients with renal insufficiency.


  • there are side effects.

The average cost is 80 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.


The drug belongs to combined action drugs. Most often, doctors resort to prescribing such pills when monotherapy is ineffective. It will also be advisable to prescribe tonorma at high and critical blood pressure indicators.



  • easy to carry;
  • does not cause hypotension;
  • can be prescribed in old age;
  • pronounced action.


  • there are contraindications and side effects.

The average cost is 120 Russian rubles for 30 tablets.


An effective calcium antagonist is able to quickly reduce the highest blood pressure and stop a hypertensive crisis. The mechanism of action leads to vasodilation and a decrease in the load on the left ventricle. The regulation of water-salt metabolism is also observed.

The active ingredients are quickly absorbed, the result comes almost instantly. A positive effect on the respiratory system allows prescribing a remedy in the presence of a history of bronchial asthma, as well as for the treatment of broncho-obstructive syndrome.

Nifedipine [


  • prevention of angina pectoris;
  • versatility;
  • quick effect.


  • there are contraindications;
  • after taking the pills, there is a pronounced redness of the face.

The average cost is 30 Russian rubles for 50 tablets.


If the medications you need are not on hand, you can try homemade recipes to lower your blood pressure. However, do not delay self-medication, it is best to treat hypertension under the supervision of a physician. Here are the most popular folk methods.

Extremity baths

Collect cold water in a basin and dip your hands or feet into it. Hold the limbs in water for a few minutes. You can sprinkle liquid on your face or wipe your temples, neck, and chest.

Mint tea

Mint is able to calm the patient, thereby preventing an increase in blood pressure figures to critical levels. To do this, it is enough to brew mint tea in an amount of 200 ml, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink at one time. In half an hour, the pressure figures should drop.

Lemon with garlic

Do not be afraid of such a strange combination, it is quite capable of helping a patient with hypertension.


  • 100 ml of honey;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.


  1. Grate the lemon along with the peel.
  2. Add to honey.
  3. Crush the garlic into this mixture.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Remove the resulting mixture in a cool dark place. Insist for seven days.
  6. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day. Keep refrigerated.



  • a pound of cranberries;
  • 100 g of sugar.


  1. Combine cranberries with sugar.
  2. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Switch off.
  3. Hold under a closed lid for half an hour.
  4. Take 200 ml every day before meals.

If you have had experience using the tools described in the rating, write your feedback in the comments.


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