💊 Best Giardia Pills for 2024


The gastrointestinal tract is the second human brain. Therefore, it is important to treat it well, take only the right food and do it at the right time. Unfortunately, the modern pace of life and the high cost of natural products do not allow you to take good care of your intestines. From this, a person has many diseases, ranging from harmless pains to ulcers and oncology.

There are also situations when the organ is affected by parasites, for example, lamblia. This pathology leads to disruption of the digestive tract and is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. If earlier it was difficult to cure the ailment, today medicine has found effective medicines. The editors of the site "best.bigbadmole.com/en/" have prepared for you a rating of the best tablets from lamblia for 2024.

What are the classification of tablets

Before buying a particular drug, it is necessary to take into account the criteria that will help determine the correct option. The first thing that is taken into account is the age of the patient, then the degree of infection, what symptoms appear and the weight of the person. Most of the manufactured products can be divided into three types:

  • Group of nitroimidazoles. In this case, a person is advised to buy tablets "Tiberal", "Ornisid". All conducted clinical trials estimate the effectiveness of such funds at 90%, this is a high result that can guarantee a complete recovery of the patient. Doctors recommend taking the drug once or making several doses for 1.5 days - this is the maximum course of treatment. If the medicine does not help, then you need to seek help from a specialist. Side effects of such phenomena are rare. If they occur, they appear on the gastrointestinal tract or central nervous system, stop quickly when you see a doctor.
  • Products based on nitrofurans. It is also a popular variety that is prescribed by many specialists. In addition, the positive point is that the medicine contains an antibacterial substance. Previously, doctors prescribed the drug "Furazolidone", but microorganisms have acquired resistance to its components, so today "Nifuratel" is preferable. The drug has a number of positive aspects, in comparison with its predecessor, and also has a minimal number of side effects.
  • The last active agent is a drug with acridine. However, such a product is prescribed only for adults, because it is highly toxic, which can negatively affect the condition of a child or adolescent. This is important to consider if the doctor has prescribed drugs such as "Mepacrine" or "Quinacrine", and this can happen by mistake or inexperience of the specialist.

To increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic course, some doctors necessarily prescribe Enterol. This is a valid product that is included in the mandatory treatment regimen. A similar remedy is represented by a probiotic, which contains live fungi. It is produced in the form of a powder, so a person needs to prepare a suspension, and then take it orally.The advantage of such a medicine is any age category (with the exception of children under one year old), which makes it possible to use it for everyone with minimal health consequences.

If the disease is started and the parasites have developed in the intestines, the doctor prescribes a long course. For this, special pills are prescribed that can be used for a long period. However, together with them it is important to buy Karsil, this product will protect the liver so that the intensive course does not harm the organ.

Treatment stages

As soon as a person detects the simplest microorganisms in the feces, for example cysts or similar forms, then it is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor.

It is important to do this immediately, even when there are no initial symptoms that may be characteristic of such a pathology. The specialist will help you choose the optimal drug, focusing on the tests passed. Such a solution is necessary because this is the only way to find an effective remedy. You can use folk remedies, but without special education, a person will aggravate the situation and will not bring any benefit to the body.

The entire course can be divided into three main stages:

  • Preparatory, when negative symptoms decrease. The main task is to reduce the number of parasites that live in the intestines.
  • The second stage is the complete destruction of harmful organisms. For this, special medications are prescribed that contribute to effective cleansing. Depending on the complication, the course can be several days or a day.
  • The last stage is the restoration of the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This is an equally important point, as the damage caused by parasites must be reduced so that the person does not have further problems or complications. The main task is to strengthen the barrier functions in order to prevent the recurrence and strengthen the patient's immune system.

Rating of the best pills for the treatment of giardiasis in adults


A similar agent is intended for oral administration. The main substance is metronidazole, but besides it there are special auxiliary components that increase the effectiveness. The positive side is that the drug can be prescribed in conjunction with other drugs and not interfere with their work.

Not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age. During pregnancy, it is better to consult with a specialist, use the drug on your own, in this case, it is forbidden, otherwise it can cause negative consequences for the fetus.

The substance is contraindicated for use in lactation or lesions of the central nervous system. If a person has impaired kidney or liver function, epilepsy, leukopenia, the product is also prohibited for use. It's important to follow the instructions and not expect everything to work out.

For adults, the course of treatment is 10 days inclusive. The recommended dosage per dose is 250 mg. The drug is applied only twice a day. It is necessary to follow the course daily, and you should also refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. With proper dosage, the risk of side effects is minimal.

Average cost: from 76 rubles.



  • Efficiency;
  • Minimal risk of side effects;
  • Price.


  • Not found.


An excellent drug that will help get rid of almost all harmful organisms that live in the intestines. The medicine is effective for both lamblia and worms. In addition, doctors prescribe this remedy to treat the body from mixed helminthiasis. The peculiarity of the product is in a good active substance, which almost instantly removes parasites from the intestines.

The tablets are taken orally after a meal, they must be swallowed whole. Do not chew, suck or grind. Since this reduces the effectiveness, and the person, by such actions, will increase the course of treatment and contribute to the development of the disease.The gram depends on the age and body weight, and these indicators also affect the duration of the drug use. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 800 mg, which means two doses of 400 mg for the average adult patient.

The product is recommended for people over 6 years old. When breastfeeding or pregnancy, taking pills is excluded. Before buying a product, it is important to first consult with a specialist.

Sold at a price of 210 rubles.



  • Good efficiency;
  • Fast healing;
  • It affects worms and lamblia.


  • High price.


The drug is an antibiotic that belongs to the nitroimidazole group. With the right treatment, the effectiveness is high. The active ingredient is the compound metronidazole.

The principle of operation is simple: the substance enters the body and finds harmful bacterial cells, after which it begins to attack them, damaging the DNA shell. The effect is best achieved if the body is infected with anaerobic bacteria. Because they do not require oxygen to carry out their activities.

The range of application of the tablets is high, but the active ingredient copes best with the simplest organisms, including lamblia. Also, some doctors prescribe this remedy for women so that they can treat pelvic inflammation or gynecological diseases.

The product is suitable for treating intestines affected by parasites. The dosage is prescribed by the treating specialist. However, the standard dose for an adult patient is no more than 1000 mg per day. In some cases, the value may be higher or lower. Manufacturers release the product in two forms: in the form of tablets or solution.

There are side effects, but there are not many of them, only nausea or vomiting is often found. The phenomena are associated with an incorrect dosage or violation of the course of administration, but may occur due to the sensitivity of the body to the active ingredient. In some cases, an allergic reaction or tingling sensation occurs in the extremities, but this is rare.

The average cost is 800 rubles.



  • High efficiency;
  • A short course of treatment;
  • Suitable for the treatment of many inflammatory diseases.


  • Difficult to find.


A good medicine for treating the intestines from parasites. The active ingredient in the composition is nifuratel, the auxiliary elements are corn starch, talc, gum arabic, macrogol, etc. The main feature of the drug is low toxicity, which allows it to be used with minimal risk to the patient. Reception is carried out orally, after entering the body, the product is rapidly absorbed and eliminates harmful elements. Then, at the same rate, it is excreted from the digestive tract through urine.

The optimal dosage for adults is 400 mg, depending on age and weight, it may be less. Before buying, you need to consult with your doctor. The product is contraindicated for use by people who are highly sensitive to the active ingredient.

Average price: from 61 rubles.



  • It is quickly absorbed and excreted;
  • Practically does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Cost.


  • Not found.

Parasites in children

Treatment of parasites in a child is practically no different from that of adults. The only thing is that doctors select medicines that have low toxicity so that there are no poisoning, and the chance of side reactions is zero. These are important parameters for organizing the correct course of treatment. It should be remembered that the child's gramme is much lower, it is better if the doctor himself prescribes it.

Products for the treatment of giardiasis in children must comply with strict international standards. Doctors should prescribe this or that drug only after laboratory tests and tests.Parents should not buy medicines on their own, focusing only on positive reviews or recommendations from friends / relatives. Failure to comply with the rule will entail serious problems for the child's health, which can develop into chronic diseases.

Rating of the best products for children


The product is available in the form of tablets or suspensions. Doctors prescribe it to treat parasites in the body. The main active ingredient is pyrantel, the component has good anthelmintic properties and low toxicity. It is prescribed for children from 6 months. The use of a medication is not allowed if there is a high sensitivity to the active element.

For children under two years of age, the drug is prescribed in the form of suspensions. The recommended dose is 5 ml per 10 kg. A child weighing from 10 to 75 kg needs to drink 30 ml in 24 hours. Tablets are suitable only from the age of six, the optimal dose is 500 mg per day. When taken by persons over 12 years of age, the value increases to 750 mg.

Average cost: from 42 rubles.



  • Cost;
  • A short course of treatment, as a rule, lasts 1-3 days;
  • Easy to find in every pharmacy.


  • It is poorly absorbed into the blood;
  • There are fakes.


The product has good antifungal and antibacterial properties, it is intended for the treatment of children from lamblia. The product can be used by pregnant women, but only with the permission of the attending physician. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to the active ingredient.

For an adult, the maximum dosage is 200 mg 4 times a day. When treating babies, a suspension is used, here the value is: 2.5 ml age - 1 month - 3 years (2-3 times a day with an interval of 8 hours), from 3 to 18 years old - 5 ml 3-4 times. The duration of admission is set by the doctor after the examination. The specialist identifies the number of living parasites and creates a preliminary course.

The main side effects are: bitterness in the mouth, nausea, or a rash on the skin.

The average cost is 305 rubles.



  • Completely excreted from the body;
  • Efficiency;
  • Fast healing;
  • Convenient application.


  • There are side effects.


A popular tool that does an excellent job with the main task. Available in pill form only. Ornidazole is an active ingredient. The substance effectively fights against lamblia and has antibacterial action. All harmful microorganisms are destroyed and safely removed from the body.

The product can be used by both children and adults. The optimal dose is 1500 mg for a person weighing more than 35 kg, with a lower value, the value is calculated based on body weight. So, one kilogram accounts for 40 mg of the active ingredient. The maximum course duration is 2 days.

The average cost is 608 rubles.



  • Short reception;
  • Efficiency;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Well tolerated by the body.


  • Not found.


A good remedy that will help cleanse the intestines from various microorganisms. One tablet contains 0.5 grams of active ingredient. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, the optimal dose for a child is 50-75 mg per kg. Contraindications - hematopoiesis disorders, problems with the central nervous system, high sensitivity to the active ingredient.

The average price is 70 rubles.



  • The minimum admission period is 1 day;
  • Efficiency;
  • Acceptable cost.


  • Hard to find;
  • Serious side effects.


Giardia, although they seem to be the simplest microorganisms, they are able to develop and evolve. If you deviate from the course of admission or self-medicate, the parasites will begin to acquire high resistance to the active ingredient, which may entail additional problems.

When the first signs of giardiasis are found, you must immediately consult a doctor who will send a person for examination and, only on the basis of the results, will prescribe the correct remedy.If you have experience in using the medicines described in the rating, or you know more effective drugs, tell us about it in the comments.


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