The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best pills for lactation of milk. Taking such a drug is necessary for young mothers with problems with the sufficiency of feeding the baby. The presented tablets are absolutely safe for the health of both mother and child.
When lactation pills are needed
The main food for a child in the first six months of life should be breast milk. It not only provides the baby with useful substances and strengthens his immunity, but also spiritually binds mother and child. There are only 1-3% of women who are naturally incapable of breastfeeding. And some may develop problems over time due to the lack of milk.
How to immediately understand that there is not enough milk This is indicated by changes in the child's behavior:
- Feeding anxiety;
- Weight gain - up to half a kilogram per month;
- Lack of appetite;
- Dry mouth, lethargy;
- Rare urination.
To prevent milk from wasting, young mothers need to adhere to the following rules:
- Proper nutrition, plenty of water in the diet;
- Comfortable underwear;
- Quiet and calm environment during feeding;
- Feeding the baby on demand;
- Breast milk training immediately after childbirth;
- Correct position of the child when eating.
If you follow these rules, there will be no problem with the loss of breast milk.
What components should contain preparations for lactation
A nursing mother should definitely consult a doctor who will suggest an effective and suitable remedy. All such drugs are divided into three types.
- Natural - these are healthy oils and herbs. Dill, nettle, caraway seeds, and royal milk are good for increasing the flow of breast milk.
- Combined dietary supplements are the most popular medicines for mothers. These tablets contain natural ingredients. Supplements can also be in the form of herbal tea.
- Homeopathy - granules with natural ingredients. They include twig, nettle, meadow lumbago, and other medicinal herbs.
Complementary feeding stimulation methods
Before starting the medication, a young mother can take the following steps to produce milk:
- Learning correct latching techniques.
- Varied and proper nutrition. Preferred foods include carrots, oatmeal, dill, sesame seeds, almonds, and cashews.
- Sleep for at least 8 hours.
- Herbal teas.
- Breast massage - done independently, in a circular motion with light pressure.
- Taking vitamins.
- You can not give the baby anything to suck. If you need to feed it, it is better to do it with a spoon.
- Favorable family atmosphere.
- During feeding, the mother is advised to relax and think only about the positive, better about the baby.
The most important points of stimulation include feeding at night. The mother should, if the child wishes, feed him at any time. Also, during sleep, the baby should be as close to the mother as possible.
Ranking of the best natural lactation products for 2024
Nutrima Lactamil for nursing mothers
Milk powder for increasing lactation from a popular manufacturer does not contain GMOs, sugar and other additives. It contains only natural herbs - nettle, fennel, anise, cumin, Omega-3 and prebiotics. Vitamins D, E, B, C help to strengthen the baby's immunity and prevent allergies.
The mixture should be taken 1-2 times a day. To do this, dilute 4 tablespoons of the product with boiled water and stir. The product tastes good and is almost odorless.
The average price for a package of 350 grams is 325 rubles.
- Large amount of vitamins and minerals;
- Pleasant smell of herbs;
- Effectiveness of application the first time;
- Does not cause allergies in either the child or the mother.
- High price;
- No measuring spoon in the package;
- Fast product consumption.
Collection of herbs No. 73a, which enhances lactation in nursing mothers
This remedy promotes milk production in the mother, eliminates intestinal problems in the infant, and increases resistance to infections. Dill seeds, chamomile and lemon balm - eliminate gas formation and colic in the baby. Nettle, rose hips, oregano, anise saturate the body with minerals and vitamins, and also prevent allergic reactions.
The collection is not recommended for pregnant women and those who are allergic to any component. To obtain the effect, drink the collection is required 4 times a day before meals. A spoonful of herbs is brewed with boiling water and infused for one hour.
The cost for 150 grams is 340 rubles.
- An additional property is the treatment of the intestines in the baby;
- Economical consumption;
- Only herbs are included.
- Long cooking time.
Evalar Lacto Tea
Tea bags with natural content increase the amount of breast milk by 50%. Melissa and oregano soothe and tone the intestines. Fennel increases baby's appetite and stabilizes metabolism.
Packaging in the form of filter bags allows you to preserve the smell, taste and healing properties of herbs for longer. It is necessary to brew tea twice a day, with meals. For full recovery, 1 month of application is enough.
Price per pack - 120 rubles.
- Doesn't change the taste of milk;
- 100% quality product;
- Pleasant taste;
- Low price;
- Tea additionally cleanses the intestines and stimulates the baby's appetite.
- Not suitable for everyone.
Tea for nursing mothers Weleda
Natural tea based on lemon balm, caraway seeds, fennel and raspberries. Taking this product is absolutely safe for both mom and baby. The composition does not contain dyes, sugar, salt, flavorings, and other preservatives.
For cooking, pour boiling water over a bag and leave for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to drink it in the morning and 2 times a day.
The cost for a package of 40 grams is 845 rubles.
- Pleasant soft taste;
- The effectiveness of the application from the first dose;
- Fast welding;
- It contains only natural herbs.
- High price.
Levrana Breast oil during pregnancy and lactation
Oil from the Levrana brand is used for young mothers during pregnancy and lactation, to eliminate stagnant breast milk. It contains almond, jojoba and black cumin oil for firmer skin. Lavender and mint have a calming effect and promote faster wound healing.
You can use the oil from the 9th month of pregnancy. And then during the feeding period. A small amount of oil is applied to the breasts without affecting the halos. Massage is done with gentle movements for 5 minutes. Breast oil can be used before and between feedings.
The cost is 261 rubles.
- Branded packaging;
- The smell of lavender;
- Contains only natural oils;
- Does not leave greasy marks on clothes;
- Acceptable price.
- It takes time for the effect to appear.
Combined dietary supplements
Herbal tea Lacto plus for nursing mothers
Tea is used when there is a lack of breast milk. The composition includes natural ingredients - nettle and lemon balm leaves, fennel, caraway seeds and dill, rose hips. The only contraindication to use is intolerance to any substances.
Herbal tea is in filter bags that are brewed in boiling water. One package contains 20 pieces. It is necessary to insist for 10-15 minutes, and then strain and squeeze. It is recommended to take it 3 times a day after meals, one glass at a time.
The cost for one package is 103 rubles.
- Convenient packaging;
- Low price;
- Low consumption;
- It contains only useful herbs.
- Specific smell.
Milk mixture Milky Way
The mixture increases milk lactation and saturates the body of a young mother with missing vitamins and minerals. The product is made on natural cow's milk with added sugar, chicory, vitamins, ascorbic acid and mineral salt.
Doctors recommend drinking formula until breast milk supply is fully restored. After the application can be discontinued. An additional effect of the application is the elimination of colic in the child and the normalization of the intestines.
Price for 400 grams - 403 rubles.
- Improving milk quality;
- The result is noticeable after a week of use;
- Variety of vitamins and supplements.
- Unpleasant taste;
- Small shelf life.
Herbal tea for nursing mothers Health Mother's tea
BAA, in the form of tea bags, contains the fruits of anise, oregano, fennel and dill. This gives the drink a rich taste and light herbal aroma. Herbal tea is intended to increase milk lactation and improve the baby's immunity.
It is recommended to use the medicinal product for lactating women, 1 sachet 2 times a day. To achieve the result, 2 weeks of constant intake are enough.
The average price per pack is 130 rubles.
- Pleasant taste;
- High quality natural composition;
- Application efficiency.
- Difficult to find at a pharmacy;
- Inconvenient bags.
Milk mixture Celia Mama
Powdered milk mixture is used not only during the feeding period. During pregnancy, after pregnancy, she will help a young mother recover faster and saturate the body with useful minerals and vitamins.
The composition includes: iron, fatty acids, folic acid. Prebiotics and Bifidobacteria improve bowel function and prevent bloating. Minerals and vitamins make milk more nutritious and healthy for your baby.
The cost of packaging 400 grams is 422 rubles.
- Vanilla flavor;
- Economical consumption;
- Fast cooking;
- Enriches breast milk with vitamins.
According to customer reviews, the product has no flaws.
Fleur Alpine Tea
For mothers with a lack of breast milk, Fleur Alpine herbal tea will help increase lactation and fill milk with vitamins and supplements. Additionally, tea acts on the mother's chest, protects her from inflammation and tones up the muscles.
The tea contains leaves of nettle, lemon balm, mint. The natural composition improves the health of a young mother and the quality of her milk. You need to drink tea 3-5 times a day, one cup. For a greater effect, the composition must be infused for 7-10 minutes.
The price for a pack of 20 pieces is 265 rubles.
- The effect after the first application;
- Pleasant taste;
- Does not contain preservatives, dyes.
- High price.
Mlekoin granules
The drug is actively used by lactating women to eliminate stagnation in the mammary glands. The composition of the medicine is natural - meadow lumbago, nettle, grains.Beneficial substances reduce stress, soothe and improve blood circulation.
The drug is produced in odorless granules with a slight sweet taste. It is recommended to take it 1-2 times a day before meals. One dose is 5 granules.
The cost is 71 rubles.
- Sweet taste;
- Low price;
- Long shelf life.
- Not found.
Apilak tab. sublingual
Toner in the form of tablets, based on royal milk. The drug is used not only for the period of hepatitis B, but also for the treatment of neurotic disorders. The use of Apilak tones up and stimulates the metabolism in the body of a young mother. This is facilitated by micro and macro elements, amino acids and various vitamins.
The tablets should be taken three times a day, one tablet. For effectiveness, you need 10-15 days of admission.
The cost is 74 rubles.
- Ease of use;
- High content of uterine milk;
- Affordable price.
- There are side effects;
- Effectiveness only after prolonged use.
Pills are used not only with a lack of breast milk, but also in its complete absence. The drug contains leptadenia, brainium and excipients. They saturate milk with essential vitamins.
It is recommended to use the agent only after the onset of hepatitis B. Two doses of two tablets are enough per day. The course of admission is a month, and after termination, the result will remain.
The price for a pack of 100 tablets is 399 rubles.
- There are no side effects;
- Economical consumption.
- High price;
- When taking, you must adhere to proper nutrition.
Nature's Answer, Vitex (Agnus-castus)
A plant-based lactation stimulator ideally supports women's health and milk quality during hepatitis B. The drug is used as a food additive. Mothers need to take one tablet daily with food or water.
The main ingredient in the capsules is Vitex berries. They normalize hormone levels and speed up the process of treating mastopathy. In addition, regular intake of the drug soothes, relieves anxiety and stress.
The cost is 1,280 rubles.
- Stabilizes the work of the female body;
- Contains only herbs;
- The capsules are easy to use.
- There are contraindications.
Causticum 30
A homeopathic remedy that can be used immediately after leaving the hospital with the baby. It effectively copes with the lack of breast milk. But, in order not to harm the baby, it is better to consult a doctor about the dosage and period of admission before use.
The composition of Causticum includes sulfur, fumaric acid, caustic soda, meadow lumbago, extract of mountain arnica.
The cost for a pack of 80 granules is 520 rubles.
- Fast action;
- Nice smell;
- Acceptable price.
- Not suitable for everyone;
- Not available in every store.
A review of the varieties of drugs for increasing lactation showed that there are a lot of types of drugs. From manufacturers from different countries, in different forms and with individual application characteristics. It is better to select such a remedy when contacting a doctor. He will take into account everything especially of the body and select the right medicine or supplement.
When buying lactation tablets on your own, you should be guided by the reliability of the manufacturer, the reasons for the purchase. It is also important to study consumer reviews and compare them with what the manufacturer promises. The main thing is not to hesitate with treatment, as this will greatly affect the child.
If you have any experience with breast milk lactation medications, let us know in the comments.