Cockroaches are unpleasant neighbors who live in our apartments and behave like hosts. They annoy all townspeople and villagers, they can settle in the kitchen and bath, rarely in the rooms. Wherever, there is little food for them. And an adult cockroach needs only 20 mg of any product for active life.
In the fight against cockroaches, all means are good. Someone uses folk remedies, someone chooses traps.
With the onset of warm days, cockroaches actively breed and many go to stores to buy the most effective remedy. We will tell you how to choose the best remedy for cockroaches in this material.
Why nasty insects are dangerous
Cockroaches are tenacious and can survive without food or water. You can freeze them, but it is impossible to make a freezer from your own apartment. Why are small bugs dangerous?
Moving around many rooms in a day allows the cockroach to drag a huge amount of infections, pathogenic bacteria and helminth eggs on its legs and back. Everything can settle on the dining table, cupboards with food. And then get into a person's mouth and the troubles will already become very strong.
Many girls are afraid even of the sight of cockroaches. When unwanted guests appear, many develop neurosis and various manifestations of diseases, up to hypertension. Many are afraid to fall asleep, insomnia develops, and as a result they get more serious diseases.
Recently, doctors began to diagnose cockroach allergy. The etiology of the disease can be manifested by a runny nose, sneezing, itching and eczema on the skin. If symptoms persist for a long time, it is better to see a doctor. And you need to get rid of unpleasant guests without waiting for serious complications.
Reasons for the appearance of cockroaches
The main trouble is the movement of adults across all premises. Cockroaches can be brought into the house from the street, industries, and other apartments. But they often crawl on their own through any cracks in apartments. Through toilets, baths. They can climb elevator shafts, basement entrances or just streets.
Often people associate the appearance of cockroaches with the opening of a number of grocery stores, cafes or restaurants. Malignant insects love such places and grow there with regularity. If the source is located there, it is necessary to contact the management of the institution and fight together.
Try to find out the source of the appearance. This will help prevent insects from reappearing and get rid of them permanently. Even if one individual gets into the apartment under good conditions, it will instantly multiply, and it is quite difficult and long to poison them.
Prevention of cockroaches
You need to deal with them regularly at home. How to start a complex do-it-yourself fight? We start with prevention:
- regular indoor cleaning;
- constant airing of kitchen cabinets and a close inspection from the inside;
- timely elimination of product residues;
- taking out the garbage every day, and when food waste appears, they should be disposed of immediately;
- block access to water, do not leave glasses or water for watering plants in the open.
Also, do not eat in rooms other than the kitchen. Having breakfast in the bedroom, you risk dragging the cockroaches to the resting place, and this is completely unpleasant: waking up from the fact that something is crawling over your body.
All means are good against cockroaches
You can use homemade recipes, but according to buyers, it is better to immediately purchase cockroach control products in specialized stores. Insecticides are almost always chemical agents, with various effects on the insect's body. All of them are intended for the mass destruction of individuals, not only which move on the surface of furniture, but also the destruction of newly hatched eggs.
Many people use an old remedy - acid. Most often, they start the fight by spraying or moistening the cabinets with acetic acid. There are many different proposals with boric acid in the retail network, both in the form of a dry powder and for preparing a solution.
There are many varieties of drugs, you need to choose the best one for your conditions and immediately start using:
- powders and crayons;
- gels and pastes:
- traps;
- aerosols and spray;
- ultrasonic scarers.
Each tool has a set of advantages and disadvantages. Not all products can be used in apartments with small children and pets.
How insecticides work
By their structure, chemical preparations are divided into several types. All of them lead to the death of insects by various methods:
- contact action, when an insect crawls onto a poisonous agent, the active substance enters the body through the paws, which leads to death;
- contact-intestinal, when the poison enters the insect through an edible bait, thereby poisoning the cockroach;
- nerve-paralytic, after contact with the drug, the insect paralyzes, then dies.
With this dire picture, most drugs are not harmful to humans. All of them are produced by the industry with acceptable dosages for residential premises. If you bought a room, and there are an incredible number of cockroaches, then it is better to turn to specialists. They will provide professional tools and guidance on home treatment.
Where to buy insecticides
Garden shops are considered the most popular place to buy. They sell pest control products, as well as city apartments. There are often such departments in large supermarkets, where the choice of products is not so great, but the most popular models are always available.
At city offices of Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological stations, and specialized organizations. Here, most often they provide comprehensive services to combat all insects, but many products can be sold in free form.
Household online stores offer similar products to gardening stores. There you can often find more budget options, sort by price, read the description and recommendations. It is better to buy unfamiliar products in reliable stores and not risk your health.
What to look for when buying
There are many tools and recommendations on how to get rid of cockroaches in the window. How to choose the best and most effective, and most importantly - not harmful in your case. Study the packaging carefully and apply to your own conditions.
- drugs must be safe for all family members, there must be an inscription on the packaging;
- if there are pets, products that are safe for them are needed, powders, crayons, gels are not recommended. Traps and aerosols will be optimal, provided that everyone is temporarily evacuated from the apartment;
- the effectiveness of the product, crayons and powders are used more often for prevention and long-term exposure, with an urgent solution to the problem, aerosols and ultrasonic baits will be better;
- the period of exposure to the drug, it is better to acquire different durations of action;
- simplicity and affordability in use, everything should be easily and accessible to be applied to the places of congestion of cockroaches and removed.
When all the selection criteria are taken into account, we buy all the necessary drugs and go home for a real battle with cockroaches.
Cockroach remedy rating 2024
The best drugs are those that will rid your house of crawling insects, if not forever, then for a long time. All of them are of different consistency, scope and action. But they work effectively in the fight against cockroaches. The rating is based on reviews of buyers who used the funds in their apartments and noted the effective action.
The best insecticidal crayons for cockroaches
Convenient for application. Standard poison powder chalk can be applied to baseboards, kitchen cabinet surfaces and all corners of rooms.
Price: from 16 rubles.
One of the first drugs to appear on the market, it has established itself as a reliable fighter against cockroaches. Practical application, long-term exposure and non-toxicity. Drawings were applied and left for 2-3 weeks. It is applied around the perimeter of the kitchen, or in the form of closed figures.
- has no smell;
- rinses off well;
- price;
- safe for people.
- with a large number of insects, additional funds are needed;
- if there are animals or birds at home, apply with caution to open areas.
Clean house
Price: from 29 rubles
The company produces a wide range of products, including the chalk format. The plastic must be cut at the top and lines drawn while holding the pencil in an industrial package.
- sold in many hardware stores;
- can be used for prevention;
- convenient packaging.
- long-term action;
- drawings do not always look aesthetically pleasing.
Price: from 16 rubles.
In addition to cockroaches, it fights fleas, bedbugs and house ants. Can be used in bedroom, toilet, bath. Gloves are required for application. Adheres well to vertical surfaces.
- economical;
- cardboard packaging.
- sometimes poorly applied to tiles;
- fights poorly against other insects.
Cockroach Powders
Practical convenient application. Dust is considered the oldest - it is still present in many products. An effective and popular remedy. There are options in granules, they are often used as an integrated approach in the fight against flies and cockroaches.
Boric acid
Price: from 13 rubles.
Popular folk remedy for cockroaches. Housewives use it both separately and as part of numerous homemade insect repellents. Spread over the baseboards and leave.
- availability of funds, you can buy at any pharmacy, garden or hardware store;
- ease of application.
- suitable only for horizontal surfaces;
- additional means of struggle are desirable;
- loses its effect with repeated use.
Clean house
Price: from 27 rubles.
Insecticidal dust for combating a group of insects. The bag opens from the corner and scatters in a thin stream over the cockroach habitats. One pack is enough for a room 10-122m. The effect begins in 2-3 days and after a week you have to sweep away the consequences.
- convenient application;
- quick result.
- crumbles only on a horizontal surface.
Price: from 26 rubles.
Powder for a large number of pests, including flies. Designed for professional use, but adapted for home use. The manufacturer company produces several types of powders, all have different compositions, but all show good results.
- convenient packaging;
- can be used in bed bugs;
- there are different packaging.
- long-term effect;
- processing is necessary throughout the apartment.
Best cockroach traps
They appeared not so long ago, but very quickly gained popularity. Most comfortable to use. You tear off the packaging, set it in the habitat, and the result will not keep you waiting. They are considered the safest. The insect sticks to the trap or dies instantly without crawling out from the inside. It is used in food factories. The funds are not from the budget, but with a good result.
Combat SuperBait
Price: from 180 rubles.
Open the package and place it under the sink, on the floor under the kitchen table, and you can forget about fighting cockroaches. For prevention and with a single occurrence, one trap is enough.
- safe remedy;
- set of 4 pieces;
- no toxic smell.
- high price;
- with a high population of insects, several pieces are required.
Price: from 200 rubles.
It is used for long-term insect control. Installed in any convenient place on the surface of kitchen cabinets or under the sink. Occasionally, once every 2-3 weeks, it is advisable to view the trap and, if possible, remove the remnants.
- if the insect does not die immediately, it becomes sterilized;
- harmless.
- high price.
Trap Raptor Express system
Price: from 210 rubles.
Manufacturers claim complete elimination of cockroaches and ants. This is confirmed by the users of this tool. It is installed in places of movement and guarantees destruction.
The kit includes a gel and 4 traps.
- highly effective due to 2 components in the composition, trap and gel;
- great after folk remedies.
- longer application of the product compared to other traps
Cockroach gels
They are considered the most optimal in the fight against cockroaches. Good effect, practical application and excellent price-quality ratio. The choice of many housewives in the fight against domestic insects.
Dohlox Professional "Instant poison"
Price: from 270 rubles.
The company produces several types of gels in various packages. The presented sample is 100 ml, the packaging is enough to coat a standard 2-room apartment. For the kitchen, you can purchase a 70 ml package. The drug acts on the nervous system of the cockroach - completely paralyzing.
- fast-acting, the effect begins on the same day;
- easily applied to any surface;
- safe for people and pets.
- repeated use reduces the effect;
- when applied openly, it looks like an ugly brown stain over time.
Price: from 120 rubles.
It has been on the market for a long time and has proven itself as a stable insect control agent. Used in kindergartens and food blocks. The gel has a convenient form for application. The top of the tube is cut off and the gel is applied in a thin stream.
- economical consumption;
- easy application.
- poorly washed off after prolonged application on the surface.
Convenient application format - syringe. The tip of the package is cut off and the gel is smoothly squeezed out onto the surface. The amount of the drug is regulated by pressure. You can not use all the packaging, the gel will not deteriorate or dry out.
- ease of application;
- applied to any surface.
- it is advisable to update after 2-3 weeks.
Choosing the best products
How to poison cockroaches, each owner decides for himself. But the choice is better to make in favor of professional means. Choose a convenient application format, and the result will not keep you waiting. Disgusting insects will leave your home forever, and your sleep will become restful.
Not all funds were included in the rating, but the most popular ones were selected. Many buyers have never purchased electric traps or liquid fumigators. Everyone has their own selection criteria. But all funds have the right to life, and buyers choose for ease of use.
The house should be comfortable, and only people should be in charge there, and cockroaches should not be given a chance to live together.