Bedbugs have long been unpleasant "neighbors" of man. They are present not only in old dilapidated apartments or houses, but also in new buildings. No one is immune from their appearance, even if the house is kept clean, the chance of these creatures appearing is high. The insects' favorite spots are the mattress, printed books, and clothing. It is not necessary to get rid of the piece of furniture where they settled; thorough processing of the room should be carried out against their return. Therefore, it is necessary to know the effective substances that will help eliminate this trouble. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best remedies for bedbugs for 2024.
How to fight?
Today, dozens of remedies for bedbugs are sold, but not all of them have a good effect. Some do not kill them, but only scare them away, after which they return again. Therefore, it is important to know which products are best for a particular situation. There are three groups of different substances in total:
- For household use. This segment contains various drugs that are often found at home.
- Industrial preparations are designed to eliminate bedbugs in various rooms. The main feature of these products is their high efficiency.
- Folk remedies.
Each remedy has positive and negative sides. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the right choice so that the products show only 100% results and do not become useless.
What is important to know before processing?
The first thing a person needs to do is find the insect nest. The list of places where they can live is not so long. They are often found in mattresses, sofas, pieces of furniture. In some cases, they can create their "shelters" in electrical appliances and under the baseboard.
Next, a person should carry out a thorough cleaning: sort out all the clothes and shake them, if possible, wash, look through books, pull out a sofa or bed. It is also recommended to remove excess items from the drawers and clean the shoe shelves.
After finding insect nests, you should use an aerosol or folk remedy. The former can be bought at the store, the latter can be found on the kitchen shelf, for example, vinegar. When processing, attention should be paid to insects, their larvae and eggs, they look like small black grains of sand, so there will be no problems with detection.
All work should be carried out in a mask that protects the respiratory system, while no one should be in the room, especially pets. Even when an odorless agent is used, it is impossible to be present in the apartment, since chemical poisons are still in the composition, and they are highly toxic, which harms the body.
After a person has completely processed an apartment or house, one should not immediately return inside. Some funds are designed for instant destruction, others will take three days.However, this does not mean that you will have to spend the night outside the home after processing. The main thing is not to clean the house after returning. You can wipe your work surface with a soda solution to neutralize the poison that is on top.
If there are not many bugs, then it is enough to disinfect with industrial means once. After that, for preventive purposes, you can use folk remedies or household drugs. If there are many insects, then the procedure must be repeated, but it is necessary to use an aggressive agent no more than once every two weeks.
To protect yourself and your loved ones after processing, you should wrap dishes, children's toys, furniture, clothes, etc. special film. When disinfection is carried out, there should not be open areas of the skin, otherwise poison may be concentrated there.
Features of household products
You can get rid of bedbugs not only with professional means, but also with household preparations. The main thing is to know the weak point of these creatures, one of which is the dislike of pungent odors. Therefore, some housewives use vinegar, kerosene, ammonia and other chemicals for these purposes. However, this option will be effective if the bugs have appeared recently. When they live in an apartment for a long period, it will not frighten them in any way. Because in time they will return.
Industrial drugs
These products are some of the best and are suitable for any situation. It doesn't matter when the bugs appeared. Substances will destroy them in a short time, making their return impossible. The chemical components contained in the composition will effectively cope with insects.
The products can be bought in any home store or supermarket in the corresponding department, while it is not necessary to have special knowledge, which makes such drugs available for mass use.
The only drawback of such solutions is their high toxicity. In addition, there are representatives who do not have sufficient efficiency and will not be able to remove bedbugs forever.
Folk remedies
Bedbugs are long-standing enemies of man. Therefore, over the entire period of their existence, dozens of weak points and effective means of dealing with them have been identified. Chemical preparations, of course, are effective, but it is better not to use them for preventive purposes, as it harms a person. In addition, there are special herbs and methods that will help remove insects without harm to the body.
Some people use wormwood to eliminate bedbugs. They take its leaves and spread it over the area where these creatures live. The main advantage of this option is absolute safety for humans, but the bugs do not like the smell, which is why they start to run away. If there is no such plant, then tansy can be used. This decision has both positive and negative sides.
Leaves work effectively and in most cases remove insects. But due to its high toxicity, it is not recommended to use if there are children or pets in the house.
The second method is to lower / raise the temperature or use a vacuum cleaner. After a person finds the lair of insects, it is necessary to remove them from there. For this case, it is enough to use a cold rag. The sudden change in temperature will prevent them from surviving until the next day. For example, at low values (up to about 10 degrees), the creatures feel unpleasant and die after a day, and if you use hot water (from 40 degrees), then complete death occurs after 4-8 hours. If the bugs are treated with steam or boiling water, then the maximum they will live is 10-15 minutes, while all the clutches are destroyed.
But it is important to understand that not every popular method gives a 100% guarantee of a positive result. Sometimes insects cannot be destroyed, but it is quite possible to scare away. But if they live for a month or more, then the chance of returning is high.Therefore, experts recommend using such methods only as a preventive measure.
It should also be remembered that bedbugs are living creatures, they also have an immune system that develops protective elements against various poisons. Therefore, they may not respond to treatment with industrial agents, in which case a consultation with a disinfector will be an effective solution. He will help you find an excellent product that guarantees instant destruction of pests.
Top aerosols rating
Clean Home Super Versatile Odorless Protection
An excellent tool that will help cleanse the house from various pests. Sold in a convenient package that makes it easier to spray without sacrificing effectiveness. The maximum operating area is 80 sq. m. The jet can be directed into the air or in places where insects accumulate. After application, it is recommended to leave the room for a couple of hours.
Average cost: from 240 rubles.
- Efficiency;
- Easy to spread;
- Long lasting effect;
- Wide area of action.
- Not found.
Dichlorvos Neo
A popular universal remedy that will cleanse your home and apartment from pests, including cockroaches and moths. The effectiveness of this tool has been proven not only by laboratory specialists, but also by hundreds of users. In addition, the advantage of this model is that it is widespread in retail chains in all cities of Russia. After application, a protective barrier is formed on the surface, which lasts for two weeks.
Sold at a price: from 100 rubles.
- Instant destruction;
- Popular remedy;
- Low price;
- The effect lasts for 14 days.
- Not found.
An affordable model designed to kill various insects and their nests. The main active ingredient is tetramethrin and cypermethrin. A distinctive feature of this option is that it can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors.
Sold at a price: from 88 rubles.
- Good composition;
- Versatility;
- Simple spraying;
- Long lasting effect.
- Not found.
Aerosol Raptor universal
A quality product that can destroy up to 17 species of insects, while the lethal effect will come in 5-7 minutes, which will not leave the bugs a chance to quickly escape. Spraying creates small particles that fall to the floor and prevent pests from reoccurring. The composition contains tetramethrin, cypermethrin, perfume, special solvents, propane, etc. There are no halons in the product, which makes it safe for the ozone layer of the earth.
Sold at a price: from 190 rubles.
- Instant destruction;
- Unpleasant odor disappears quickly;
- Convenient use.
- Not found.
Rating of the best powders for bedbugs
NoGuest! from bedbugs SZ.060025
A good option that will help get rid of unwanted "guests". Sold in a convenient package containing 4 grams of powder. Destroys insects, including bedbugs, in a short period of time. The tool has been repeatedly tested by hundreds of users and has positive results.
The average price is 129 rubles.
- Convenient packaging;
- Simple to use;
- Fast effect;
- Price.
- Not found.
GEKTOR against bed bugs
An excellent preparation that will rid the room of fleas, lice, ticks, etc. Suitable for use in an apartment where there are pets, since the product does not leave negative consequences from use. However, during application, it is recommended to wear a protective mask and gloves to avoid inhaling the contents.
Sold at a price of 650 rubles.
- Good composition;
- Provides long lasting effect;
- Kills insects quickly.
- High price.
A model that has a natural composition and is able to cope with various insects, including spiders and cockroaches. The main advantage of this option is safety for humans and animals. The principle of action of the drug is simple, as soon as it gets on the bugs, the active ingredient begins to destroy the chitinous layer and destroys the pests. It doesn't take long, only 2 hours.
Average cost: from 330 rubles.
- Stored throughout the year;
- Rapid destruction;
- Safety and environmental friendliness;
- Versatility.
- Not found.
Fas Super 10g
An excellent powder that quickly attacks insect chitin and has no unpleasant odor. The composition contains only effective components that work perfectly against 8 insects found in apartments and houses. The main advantage of the product is that it can be used in residential and non-residential premises. The powder is completely water-soluble, so it will not be difficult to clean the surface after killing bed bugs.
Average cost: from 50 rubles.
- High efficiency;
- Eliminates insects in a couple of hours;
- Easy to clean;
- Low price;
- Long lasting protection.
- Not found.
Rating of the best sprays for destroying bedbugs
Delicia Wespex Quick
A good model that contains only active ingredients. The spray can kill mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, etc., making it a versatile product. The active ingredient is permethrin, which has a good effect and effectiveness. At the same time, the cost of the product is not as high as in some similar models. Suitable for indoor use.
Sold at a price: from 500 rubles.
- High quality;
- Efficiency;
- Rapid destruction;
- Convenient packaging.
- Not found.
Clean House Ready Form
A good drug that will rid the room of pests. The composition contains alphacypermethrin and tetramethrin. These two components contribute to the rapid and effective destruction of harmful insects. The spray is intended for disinfection inside an apartment or house. The jet is directed upward or directly to the area where the pests are located.
Sold at a price of 170 rubles.
- No pungent smell;
- Quickly acts on bedbugs;
- Long-lasting effect;
- Optimal cost.
- Not found.
Rubit Kill All
An excellent spray with the active ingredient thiamethoxam will destroy ants, cockroaches, wasps, bedbugs, etc. In this case, a person does not need to wait long, everything happens quickly and does not take a long time. The atomizer is easily adjustable to help you choose your preferred mode for effective exposure. The packaging is convenient and the price is low. The only drawback is only 30 ml of solution, which may not be enough with a long struggle.
Average cost: from 100 rubles.
- Qualitative composition;
- The effect lasts for a long period;
- Affordable price;
- Rapid destruction.
- Not found.
Vigilant Guardian Spray
An expensive product that has a wide spectrum of action and can instantly eliminate cockroaches and other insects. The atomizer is made of high quality, does not jam from frequent use. There is a comfortable finger cutout, which makes the container ergonomic.
The method of application is the same as for the previous options. It should also be remembered that the composition contains toxic substances, therefore it is necessary to carry out the treatment in personal protective equipment.
Sold at a price: 780 rubles.
- Simple application;
- Ergonomics;
- 750 ml;
- Low consumption.
- Not found.
It is easy to destroy bedbugs, but making it so that they do not return again is more difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to use only high-quality products that will help eliminate pests in a short period of time.If you have experience using the models described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.