Cough is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at removing foreign objects, irritating receptors, inflammation due to the ingress of viruses, bacteria or fungi. He does not appear for no reason. But effective treatment exists, it is enough to purchase a suitable medicine.
The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best cough remedies for adults and children for 2024.
Why does a cough occur?
This is the body's signal for a problem. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon: ingress of dust particles, accumulation of secretory fluid, pathogens.
Why is this happening
Experts name the following factors:
- prolonged cold;
- a disease of the respiratory system, such as pneumonia or embolism;
- bad habit of smoking;
- asthmatic manifestations;
- throwing gastric juice into the esophagus;
- bacteria or viruses;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- mechanical damage to the vocal cords.
Depending on the origin, a cough is:
- Dry when phlegm does not come off well.
- Barking, irritating, provoking vomiting cramps. Swelling in the larynx makes it difficult to remove mucus.
- Asthmatic, accompanied by shortness of breath.
- Moist when the body resists disease; sputum comes out easily, the condition improves.
- Bronchial, heavy, in which wheezing is heard. Harmful substances accumulate in the respiratory tract.
- Neurological, which begins to manifest itself during stress or anxiety.
Cough is not considered a disease, but rather a symptom of a respiratory system disorder. Its intensity, the general condition of the patient, sputum color, as well as other body reactions help to correctly establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Often users have a question: is it necessary to treat this phenomenon Maybe everything will go away by itself
Experts do not recommend experimenting, it is better to consult a doctor. If the cough of a smoker or a person who abuses alcohol can be a chronic phenomenon that does not respond to treatment until bad habits are abandoned. Or stress-related attacks can be relieved with sedatives. That a neglected inflammatory process of the bronchopulmonary system, provoked by viruses or bacteria, can lead to severe complications. Also, a bronchial or asthmatic cough will easily turn into a chronic one with unpleasant sensations obstructing breathing, if you do not pay attention to it.
Best Medicines for Adults
Manufacturer - Serbia. The drug is intended for the treatment of dry cough. The main component, butamirate, directly affects the cough section of the nervous system, reduces the stimulating impulse, removes the depressing effect. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory properties. Release form: tablets, syrup, tinctures. The average cost is 162 rubles.
- quick results;
- eases the condition of a patient with flu, colds, whooping cough;
- syrup with a pleasant taste;
- a variety of odds allows you to treat people of different ages;
- acceptable price.
- there are age-related contraindications;
- not recommended for pregnant women;
- it is better to start taking after a doctor's prescription.
The preparation is Hungarian. The basis of the drug is prenoxdiazine, which has a moderate analgesic property, helps to reduce vascular sensitivity, relieve bronchospasm. It is prescribed for dry, unproductive cough. The effect of the drug on improving blood circulation, relieving the load on the heart muscles was also noted, which is important for the patient at night, when the body needs good rest. The average cost is 507 rubles.
- effectively relieves coughing attacks;
- brings tangible relief to the patient;
- high result in bronchitis, pneumonia;
- allowed for children from two years old.
- the price is above average;
- individual intolerance to the components.
Domestic mucolytic drug. Ambroxol stimulates additional production of sputum, promotes its dilution and removal from the respiratory tract. It is prescribed in the complex therapy of colds, bronchitis. The medicine has antibacterial properties. Eases dry cough, makes it productive. The average cost is 36 rubles.
- suitable for both adults and children;
- not addictive;
- quickly begins to act;
- budget price.
- not recommended for gastrointestinal diseases;
- an allergic reaction to the components is possible.
ACC Long
Germanic drug of the mucolytic group. The main component, acetylcysteine, promotes effective liquefaction of phlegm, facilitating its excretion from the body. The medication is offered to users in the form of dissolving effervescent tablets or powder. The resulting solution tastes good and is easy to drink. The soluble form begins to have a faster healing effect. The average cost is 349 rubles.
- recommended for the treatment of purulent inflammation;
- acts quickly;
- relieves the feeling of discomfort and dryness;
- safe use;
- allowed from the age of two.
- take with caution in case of gastrointestinal diseases;
- an allergic reaction to the components is possible.
Medicines made in France. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antihistamine properties. The remedy is popular for its high efficiency in the treatment of cough. Erespal not only reduces the inflammatory process, but also relieves bronchospasm, making the patient's condition easier. Dispensed in pharmacies in the form of tablets and syrup. The average cost is 350 rubles.
- can be given to children;
- high result;
- soft impact;
- large bottle.
- not very pleasant syrup taste.
The drug of French manufacturers, a wide range of effects. Helps treat coughs of various etiologies. Concomitant effects: reduces inflammation, relieves pain, relieves fever, eliminates laryngeal edema. The average cost is 299 rubles.
- makes a dry cough moist;
- removes phlegm;
- use in complex therapy is possible;
- with a pleasant taste.
- contains ethanol.
Domestic drug of wide impact. It has antitussive, anti-inflammatory, anti-bronchoconstrictor effects. Relieves bronchospasm, has an analgesic effect, has anti-allergenic properties. It is prescribed for laryngitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis. The average cost is 187 rubles.
- quick results;
- treats dry cough;
- relieves swelling of the mucous membrane;
- allowed for children from 3 years old in the form of a syrup;
- affordable price.
- individual intolerance to the components.
Medicine of Russian production. Mukaltin is effective in treating respiratory diseases. It is prescribed by doctors for tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. Herbal remedy.The herbal component envelops the mucous membrane, softens, relieves irritation, protects against drying out, reduces inflammation, promotes phlegm excretion, and stimulates cell regeneration. The average cost is 6 rubles.
- improves the work of the bronchi;
- effectively cleans the respiratory tract;
- natural ingredients;
- budget price;
- allowed for pregnant women.
- individual intolerance to the components.
Cough pills
A classic medicinal product manufactured in Russia, tested by more than one generation of users. According to experts, the drug has long established itself as an effective drug for the treatment of cough. The tablets stimulate the work of the bronchial glands, contributing to the liquefaction of phlegm, its quick and easy removal from the body. The average cost is 28 rubles.
- the minimum composition of the components;
- natural ingredients;
- use in complex therapy;
- low price.
- approved for use from 12 years old;
- an allergic reaction is possible.
The drug is produced in Bulgaria. The product is unique due to its combined effect. It has antitussive and bronchodilator properties. The components included in the composition expand the bronchi, relieving edema; facilitate breathing, eliminate spasm, reduce laryngeal edema. It is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by dry cough, as well as shortness of breath. The average cost is 142 rubles.
- a wide range of effects;
- an effective tool in complex therapy;
- has anti-inflammatory properties;
- contains natural herbs;
- available.
- contains alcohol, sugar;
- can not be taken for a long time.
Codelac broncho
The medicine is produced by Russia. According to user reviews, the drug is a strong expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent that helps in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. The combined effect of kodelak broncho is explained by the presence of components such as ambroxol, glycyrrate, and thermopolis extract. The combination of effective ingredients makes it possible to obtain high results. The average cost is 180 rubles.
- has different forms: tablets, syrup;
- a good set of ingredients;
- effectively liquefies and also removes phlegm;
- affordable price.
- contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers.
number | Drug name | Manufacturer country | average price |
1 | Omnitus | Serbia | 162 rubles |
2 | Libexin | Hungary | 507 rubles |
3 | Ambroxol | Russia | 36 rubles |
4 | ACC Long | Germany | 346 rubles |
5 | Erespal | France | 350 rubles |
6 | Stodal | France | 299 rubles |
7 | Rengalin | Russia | 187 rubles |
8 | Mucaltin | Russia | 6 rubles |
9 | Cough pills | Russia | 28 rubles |
10 | Bronchodilator | Bulgaria | 142 rubles |
11 | Codelac broncho | Russia | 180 rubles |
The best remedy for children
Proposal from German pharmacists. The main component, ambroxol, has a directed action to remove phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. It is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system. It belongs to the group of expectorant mucolytic drugs. Reduces the period of taking antibiotics. Average cost - 186 rubles
- has high efficiency;
- three convenient release forms;
- can be diluted with milk or water;
- use for inhalation;
- tastes good;
- allowed for diabetics;
- treat chronic forms of the disease.
- with prolonged use irritates the gastric mucosa;
- has cheaper counterparts.
Bromhexine syrup
Medicinal product manufactured in Germany. Helps treat chronic respiratory diseases. It has secretolytic, antitussive, antibacterial properties. Children are prescribed a sweet solution. It relieves uncomfortable sensations, helps to dilute sputum, release breathing, and improve the patient's condition. The average cost is 162 rubles.
- tastes good;
- can be taken for any type of cough;
- treats the chronic form;
- affordable price.
- not stored for long.
The manufacturer of the drug is India. The drug has gained popularity among consumers due to the combination of three effective components: bromhexine, guaifenesin, salbutamol. The tool has high efficiency in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Most often, experts prescribe ascoril for patients with pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, as well as those with tuberculosis or bronchial asthma. The drug relieves bronchial spasm, reduces laryngeal edema, facilitates breathing, dilutes and easily removes phlegm. The average cost is 264 rubles.
- combination drug;
- allowed for children from 6 years old;
- quick results;
- relieves coughing attacks.
- not for small children.
Swiss cough remedy. Approved for use in children from two months (in the form of drops). The main substance is butamirate. Has a direct effect on reducing the stimulation of the cough center. The main purpose is to eliminate dry cough. At the same time, the medicine relieves irritation, improves sputum discharge, and makes breathing easier. It is prescribed for pharyngitis, whooping cough, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis). The average cost is 220 rubles.
- pleasant vanilla taste;
- natural ingredients;
- sugarless;
- the result comes quickly;
- cleans the bronchi.
- not suitable for patients with fructose intolerance.
Manufacturer Pakistan. Linkas is an expectorant containing a complex of herbs. The drug has an expectorant, mucolytic, bronchodilator properties. Can be used by children from 6 months. The medicine relieves inflammation, converts a dry cough into a wet one. Helps treat respiratory problems with difficult sputum. The average cost is 185 rubles.
- natural herbal ingredients;
- soft impact;
- tonic effect;
- anesthetic effect;
- affordable price.
- individual intolerance;
- contains sugar.
Produced by Slovenia for the treatment of the upper and lower respiratory tract. A herbal preparation containing useful components. It has mucolytic, anti-inflammatory effects. The average cost is 370 rubles.
- natural ingredients;
- effectively eliminates symptoms;
- effectively treats cough;
- gently affects;
- relieves bronchospasm;
- allowed for small children.
- not recommended for diabetics;
- the price is above average.
The drug is produced in Germany. It is intended for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Gedelix relieves irritation, reduces inflammation, heals mucosal wounds. The syrup contains herbal ingredients. Has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. The average cost is 385 rubles.
- can be given to small children;
- tastes good;
- economical consumption;
- sugar replaced with fructose;
- no ethyl alcohol;
- intense expectorant effect.
- individual intolerance to the components;
- the price is above average.
Manufacturer Germany. The medicine contains ivy, thyme, which comprehensively help to treat dry cough. Heals the inflammatory process, reduces the secretory function of the glands, dilutes phlegm, and facilitates its excretion. It is prescribed as an expectorant in complex therapy. The average cost is 200 rubles.
- allowed for small children;
- has natural ingredients;
- gently affects the tissues of the respiratory system;
- has a bronchodilator effect;
- affordable.
- an allergic reaction is possible.
number | Drug name | Manufacturer country | average price |
1 | Lazolvan | Germany | 186 rubles |
2 | Bromhexine | Germany | 162 rubles |
3 | Ascoril | India | 264 rubles |
4 | Sinekod | Sweden | 220 rubles |
5 | Linkas | Pakistan | 185 rubles |
6 | Herbion | Slovenia | 189 rubles |
7 | Gedelix | Germany | 385 rubles |
8 | Bronchipret | Germany | 200 rubles |
Specialists will help you choose cough medicines. Then the treatment will be more effective, relief will come faster, the healing process will accelerate.
If you have experience with the cough medicines described in the rating, or a more effective drug, tell us about it in the comments.