The best artificial stone cleaners for 2024


What cleaning agents should I use to clean sinks and artificial stone products? How to properly care for them, clean them, what to look for when choosing a detergent composition? Every day this question becomes more relevant, because products (sinks, countertops) made of this material are gaining more and more popularity.

To answer this question, it is necessary, first of all, to become familiar with the features of the artificial stone. It has good strength indicators, as well as resistance to moisture, well tolerates exposure to a variety of chemicals. However, one must take into account the fact that not all detergents are perfect for cleaning a variety of products made from natural or artificial stone.

The editors of the site "", taking into account the advice and feedback from most consumers, have prepared for your attention a rating of the best, high-quality products from popular manufacturers for cleaning a variety of products made of artificial stone.

Review of alternative methods for cleaning artificial stone

Sinks, as well as sinks made of artificial stone, are associated with reliability and durability by many people. It is worth noting that the various products that are made from it visually look attractive. However, it should be noted that an artificial stone, and unlike materials such as stainless steel, does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and is easy to stain with various dyes (tea, coffee, juices).

Artificial stone is a composite material that is made on a polymer basis and has its own specific functionality and characteristics. It is prone to the formation of cracks, small chips, which may appear on it due to strong impacts or excessive physical impact. If the mixer in the bathroom leaks and passes water, then rusty streaks can form on this composite material, which will be very difficult to remove later.

Important! In order to avoid problems and various inconveniences in the future, it is necessary to adhere to all rules, instructions and recommendations regarding the use of products made of composite materials. To clean them, you can use both a variety of household chemicals (only for their intended purpose, having previously read the instructions), and folk, time-tested remedies.

For cleaning and removing dirt, you can purchase special detergents that are sold in stores, or use improvised substances that are in every home. To cleanse this material, you can actively apply:

  1. Baking soda. It is a universal, the best product that can remove even stubborn dirt. Just before use, add a small amount of water to the baking soda and wipe the contaminated area with it to wash it off the accumulated dirt.
  2. Mustard powder. Able to quickly remove grease stains and other dirt. Used dry or mixed in equal proportions with baking soda.To prepare the paste, which is used as a detergent, you need to add a little warm water to the powder.
  3. Citric acid. It is an organic, chemical compound that can be actively used when cleaning even the most delicate materials. Thanks to the use of this acid, you can quickly remove dried stains left after drinking such drinks as coffee, tea. Also, this acid is able to remove yellowness, salt deposits, various streaks, as well as stains that form on the countertop, sink as a result of prolonged use.
  4. Table vinegar (9%). An excellent tool that can clean almost any surface from dark spots formed on them, as well as large deposits of lime. Before use, the vinegar must be diluted with water, maintaining a ratio of 3 to 1. In the resulting solution, you need to moisten a sponge and wipe the contaminated area with it. After cleaning, the vinegar solution must be washed with warm, clean water.

No matter how strange it may sound, one of the most popular folk remedies that is used to clean a variety of products is a soft drink called Coca-Cola. Thanks to its use, it is possible to remove traces of rust, as well as salt deposits from almost any material.

An overview of the best cleaning products

Name, description a brief description of
Chlorine cleanersThey are able to quickly clean the darkened areas of shells, during the manufacture of which an artificial stone was used. Perfect for removing stains from tea, coffee, and tomato. Chlorine compounds quickly remove greasy stains and deposits, limestone deposits. The most popular chlorine products are Comet, Dosia, and Domestos.
Melamine spongeThey are products made from a special material called melamine. This material is intended for cleaning surfaces. The melamine structure contains many small crystal structure elements. Thanks to the use of such melamine sponges, even the most stubborn dirt can be quickly and easily dealt with. When using a melamine sponge, you do not need to use a variety of chemicals, so the treated surface stays smooth longer. Thanks to the use of a melamine sponge, you can quickly remove a large layer of obsolete limescale, large, coarse salt streaks, as well as formed dark spots. This sponge also removes rust and dirt well.
Special tablets used for dishwashersDishwasher tablets contain citric acid salts. In addition, they contain soda and other elements. Due to their composition, such tablets are non-toxic material that can quickly cope with a wide variety of contaminants. Before use, the tablets must be dissolved in a small amount of water (2 tablets must be dissolved in 3 tablespoons of pure water) and the resulting mixture must be used to treat the contaminated areas of sinks and countertops. Suitable for cleaning products made of both artificial stone and granite.
Use of other chemical type substancesWhen choosing products for cleaning various products made of stone, first of all, you need to pay attention to their composition. Household chemicals should not contain a variety of toxic, caustic and corrosive substances. Also, you can not use products that contain a strong inorganic acid (hydrochloric or phosphoric). It is not recommended to use acetone and various solvents for cleaning. To clean products made of artificial or natural stone, it is recommended to use special creamy cleaning compounds (pastes or gels): Yplon, Cif, Tyron Effect, Sonata.

What compositions are not recommended for use

When caring for products made of such material as artificial stone, it is necessary to adhere to and observe all the established rules regarding their operation. Sinks, countertops, sinks made of this material visually seem to be durable, but they can be easily damaged by simply throwing a knife, fork or heavy metal object (dishes) carelessly.

So that the surface to be cleaned does not deteriorate, you cannot use a variety of powders, as well as pastes, which contain a variety of abrasive particles. You should also refrain from the active use of household chemicals, which contain corrosive inorganic acids that can damage the upper layers of the product.

The best artificial stone cleaners for 2024

Artificial stone products do not need specific care. A feature of this material is that it is compatible with most household detergents. Also, this material practically does not absorb odors and various dyes that are used in the manufacture of detergents. However, it is difficult to remove traces from water drips from it. This problem is especially relevant for models of sinks and sinks, which are made in dark colors.

Which company is the best cleaning compositions for cleaning artificial stone, what are they, what are the selection criteria for such compositions? What composition is the best to buy, what mistakes to avoid when choosing? It is recommended to use special detergents to remove limestone streaks.

Cooky spray

A universal product that is suitable for cleaning products made of artificial stone and granite. Supplied in the form of a spray, its structure is a liquid for cleaning products from dirt and deposits. Perfect for cleaning all types of surfaces (acrylic, liquid stone, quartz).

Thanks to the use of this spray, dust accumulated on sinks, countertops, and a variety of organic pollution can be quickly removed. Does not damage glossy and matte surfaces. This product does not contain abrasive components, so it does not damage the treated coatings.

Cooky spray


  • Affordable price (average cost is 95 rubles);
  • Versatility (suitable for different coatings);
  • Release form (supplied as a spray, making it easy to use);
  • Does not damage the treated coating;
  • Well removes water marks on dark sinks;
  • Able to quickly clean organic dirt (cleaning takes about 2 minutes).


  • There is a slight unpleasant odor during use;
  • Poorly removes traces left by aluminum products (dishes);
  • Poorly removes old stains left by coffee, tea.

Dec spray for stone surfaces

Popular with most buyers, a universal cleaning compound that is used to remove limestone deposits and unpleasant odors. Suitable for cleaning sinks, countertops, window sills. Has a pronounced antibacterial effect. It is not a concentrate, does not contain chlorine, acids of organic and inorganic origin. Supplied in a bottle with a volume of 500 ml.

Dec spray for stone surfaces


  • Cost (the average price is 202 rubles);
  • Eliminates odors well;
  • Has antibacterial properties;
  • Does not damage the surface.


  • Poorly removes old organic stains (food, coffee, drinks);
  • Poorly removes oily plaque.

Pramol STONE - NET

Strong, effective product, according to customers, which is used for the care of artificial stone and other surfaces, only outdoors. Suitable for all types and types of artificial stone. Country of origin - Switzerland. As a rule, it is used for cleaning terraces, walls, garden paths, decor items and so on from dirt.This composition is able to quickly dissolve various organic deposits (fungi, moss) in a short period of time. Before use, you need to make a 20% solution of the cleaner. It is applied using a watering can or a spray bottle. After application, the solution does not need to be washed off.

Pramol STONE - NET


  • Able to remove organic compounds;
  • Effectively removes even old dirt;
  • Suitable for all types of stone.


  • Too high cost (7139 rubles);
  • It can only be used outdoors (it is not recommended to use it indoors).

Active Lemon Cif Cleaning Cream

A versatile, inexpensive budget cleaner that comes in cream form. Perfect for the maintenance of metal, enamel surfaces. It can also be used to remove organic dirt, old grease, stoves, countertops, sinks, and sinks. Perfect for cleaning interior stone, marble, porcelain stoneware.

Can be actively used for the care of sinks, countertops, sinks. For surfaces made of limestone or shale, it is best not to use it. Easy to apply and rinse off, leaving a smooth and clean surface. Suitable for removing soapy streaks and limescale deposits. When used on the area to be cleaned, the cream does not leave scratches or mechanical damage.

Active Lemon Cif Cleaning Cream


  • Availability (average price is 69 rubles);
  • Versatility;
  • Is a safe detergent (does not scratch, does not damage coatings);
  • Ease of use.


  • Strong smell;
  • Removes obsolete, old dirt for a long time (cleaning time is about 15 minutes).

Sponge - eraser aQualine

By using a sponge made of melamine, a wide variety of stains can be quickly removed from hard surfaces. Suitable for cleaning sinks, kitchen sinks and countertops. When using the sponge, you do not need to use a variety of household chemical detergents.

The sponge is easy to use. It is necessary to apply a small amount of water to it and wipe the surface with it until the dirt is completely removed. This sponge works on the principle of an eraser, gradually erasing various organic dirt, traces of drinks, food. After cleaning with a sponge, the surface does not need to be additionally polished or wiped.

Sponge - eraser aQualine


  • Acceptable cost (135 rubles for a set of 2 sponges);
  • Does not require the use of a variety of cleaning chemicals;
  • Suitable for people who are allergic to household cleaning products;
  • It removes organic dirt well.


  • Cannot be used together with hot water, which makes it difficult to remove old dirt;
  • Not suitable for cleaning shiny or polished surfaces.

There are many of the best household and specialized compounds for simple and professional cleaning of surfaces made of artificial as well as natural stone. To clean a surface made of artificial stone, it is not recommended to use substances that contain abrasive materials and strong acids. If you daily use the cleaning products listed in our rating in your daily life, or use other methods to clean surfaces made of artificial stone, please share your opinion and recommendations with us in the comments.


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