Best shower faucets for 2024


There is nothing difficult in choosing a mixer. It is more difficult to choose a model that will fit into the interior and will last 10-15 years. Despite the fact that the mechanism of these products is the same, some still begin to fail and leaks form. The reason for this defect is not in the high-speed wear of the sealing gum, but in the aging of the structure itself. Therefore, it is important to select the model that will not cause this discomfort. In addition, the product should not cause difficulties during installation, otherwise a simple breakdown will result in the replacement of the whole device. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best shower mixers for 2024.

Mixer features

A shower faucet is necessary for mixing hot and cold water so that a person does not experience discomfort while taking water treatments. Thousands of models are sold in stores, each with a distinctive feature and not similar to the previous version. It is also necessary to select the device so that it fits into the overall interior, and it does not work out that everything in the bathroom is in harmony, and the mixer is completely out of place.

Making the right choice is not easy. But we must not forget that there are faucets not only for the shower, but for the bathroom. They may not differ in appearance, but only in some features, for example:

  • Shower models do not have a spout;
  • Most often they are made in compact sizes, which allows them to be installed in any cab;
  • The product for the bathroom has a special hole to which the shower hose is connected, this is not provided in the standard design, since it is a separate element. It mixes water and then supplies it to various parts (if a custom design is used).

Today, the store contains not only standard representatives, but also unusual products. For example, most modern apartments are equipped with a thermostatic mixer, which makes it possible to regulate the water temperature. This greatly simplifies the use and increases the functionality of the device. Unfortunately, not all products are equipped with such a system, so the devices can be roughly divided into two categories:

  • Models with standard adjustment;
  • Products with a thermostat that controls the temperature in a given mode.

The traditional model will cost several times cheaper, but only if a person plans to save money in advance when buying. After all, there are also devices that do not have any auxiliary functions, but at the same time their cost reaches 20,000 rubles and more. The reason for this price is the quality materials used in the production. The service life of such options reaches 30 years or more. Therefore, the price tag here serves as a guarantor of quality, but at the same time one should not forget about the manufacturer.

Differences in the way of adjustment

The shower mixer allows you to perform three functions at once:

  • Mix hot and cold water;
  • Regulate the temperature;
  • Change the strength of the water supply.

To fulfill all these points, a special element is provided in the design.It can be made in the form of two valves, which is a classic design, or it can be sensor-controlled or single-lever adjustment.

In modern apartments, where centralized water supply is used, it is customary to use a mechanism with one lever. This is a more practical solution as it allows you to quickly and accurately adjust the water temperature. For example, warm water will flow when the device is in the middle, if you need hotter or colder, then you need to turn the lever in a specific direction. To turn on the feed, it is enough to lift the element up. In addition, most of the products are equipped with a special sensor that allows you to adjust the temperature to your personal preferences.

Products equipped with a rotary valve are classic designs. It is a little more difficult to regulate the temperature here and you have to do it in advance so as not to burn yourself or, on the contrary, not freeze. Of course, such a system is outdated, but even today it is in great demand, since the price of such a performance is small and even the cheapest element looks beautiful and unusual.

Models with two valves differ not only in appearance, but also structurally. So some can use a rotary locking device, while others are equipped with a ball. Whom to give preference, there is no fundamental difference, both options are reliable and simple. The main difference between these elements lies in the way of turning, so the ball version opens with one movement, in contrast to the opposite model, where several turns are required.

Another advantage of mixers with two valves is maintainability. Basically, the gaskets wear out, which causes an unpleasant estrus, which intensifies over time and will annoy the user. To replace an element, you do not need to have special knowledge, every user can do this. All that is needed is to buy a seal and unscrew part of the structure.

The most common cause of wear is accidental damage during opening or closing of the mechanism. In addition, water quality affects rapid wear. So if it contains a lot of impurities, then over time they will begin to form deposits that will destroy the sealing layer.

Constant temperature

In order to achieve maximum comfort when taking water procedures, a person just needs to buy a mixer that constantly maintains a certain temperature. After all, using manual adjustment is not always practical. Therefore, it is better to purchase products with thermoregulation. Yes, such a system will cost more, but there will be more benefits from it.

The thermostat is a compact unit that is installed inside the mixer. A person no longer has to worry that the temperature will go out if he accidentally touches a lever or valve. The water will flow in a certain mode.

The peculiarity of the device is that it does not need to be constantly adjusted, because the specified parameters are saved. Another plus of this device is safety for children. Parents can no longer worry about their child getting burned due to improper use.

The most comfortable temperature for taking water procedures is 38-40 degrees. Less will be cool, and higher will be hot.

Manufacturing materials

Despite hundreds of models and unusual functionality, most buyers pay attention to the material of manufacture. After all, he indicates the quality of the product, which allows you to make the right choice. In addition, reliability and service life depend on this indicator.

Brass constructions were especially popular. The material is a multicomponent alloy, the main element of which is copper. This decision is still relevant for those who live in apartments with "hard" water. In addition, the advantage of this product is the durability and reliability of rotating mechanisms. Thanks to the easy processing of this material, designers create unique forms of construction.The only drawback of this solution is the high cost compared to the rest.

Budget models are made of plastic, but not ordinary, but durable, which reduces the rate of wear. To prevent people from being embarrassed by the white color, manufacturers cover products with special paint that resembles metal. This option is one of the most common, because its cost is low. Due to the flexibility of plastic, during production it can be given any shape, even abstract. But this solution also has disadvantages, for example, a low service life.

Rating of the best single lever mixers

Grohe Euroeco 32740000

A beautiful and reliable product that is suitable for installation in every shower cabin. The product is made of durable material with good wear resistance and durability. It is covered with chrome, which gives the product a beautiful appearance and allows it to fit into the overall interior. Installed on a vertical surface. The watering can is not included. The number of mounting holes is 2.

The average price is 3,200 rubles.

Grohe Euroeco 32740000


  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Convenience;
  • Good material;
  • Durability.


  • Not found.

hansgrohe Logis 71600000

Modern version with easy connection. The product is made of brass, which is an excellent guarantee of reliability and quality. The maximum water consumption is 22 liters per minute, this is the optimal solution and will suit every user. To ensure easy installation, the product is equipped with S-shaped eccentrics. Liner type - hard. Connecting size - universal - 1/2 ″.

Average cost: from 5000 rubles.

hansgrohe Logis 71600000


  • Durability;
  • Beautiful execution;
  • S-shaped eccentric;
  • Optimal consumption.


  • Not found.


An excellent product that suits many users with its value for money. The product is made of durable material that can withstand high loads and does not break from frequent use. There is a ceramic shut-off valve, which significantly increases the efficiency of the device. Dimensions for connection are standard and do not require special knowledge or skills.

The average price is 3 400 rubles.



  • Made of brass;
  • Long service life;
  • Efficiency;
  • Ceramic shut-off valve.


  • Not found.

Rating of the best mixers with a thermostat

Grohe Grohtherm 1000

A popular device that makes taking water treatments easy and comfortable. Type - double wishbone. The design includes a check valve and a built-in filter. Placed on a vertical surface. The suspension is tough and reliable. An eco-mode is provided for comfortable use. To simplify installation, the manufacturer has equipped the device with an S-shaped eccentric.

The average price is 9,500 rubles.

Grohe Grohtherm 1000


  • Durability;
  • Optimal price;
  • Reliability;
  • Good build;
  • Eco-mode;
  • Suitable for connecting a spout.


  • Not found.

OSGARD Lundebrunn 39002

A budget option that is made of brass. The design has no special distinguishing features, it is a standard device that allows you to keep the temperature in a given mode. The case does not leak over time and has a high-quality assembly. It is installed in a standard way and does not require special knowledge from the user, it is enough to follow the installation instructions.

It is sold at a price of 4,200 rubles.

OSGARD Lundebrunn 39002


  • Keeps temperature well;
  • Low price;
  • Brass body;
  • Durability;
  • Simple installation.


  • Not found.

Oras Nova 7471

An expensive option that has several helper functions that greatly enhances usability. The connection size is 3/4 ″, this is the optimal solution for a similar model. The design provides for the presence of a check valve and filters, they increase the comfort and efficiency of the device. The declared service life is 10 years, but when used under normal conditions, the figure increases. The warranty is 60 months.

Sold at a price of 12,000 rubles.

Oras Nova 7471


  • Several helper functions;
  • Easy installation;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Life time.


  • High price.

Rating of the best double lever mixers

Ledeme H08 L2008

The classic version, which is made of durable material. Designed for installation in shower cabins. If a person is looking for a good model that will last 5-7 years without leaks and at the same time does not want to overpay, then this is a suitable device.

Of course, no additional possibilities are provided here, this is a standard mechanism with two valves. The outer part is covered with chrome, which allows the product to be installed in any interior. Installation takes a minimum of time, how to make it correctly is described in detail in the device passport.

The average price is 1,300 rubles.

Ledeme H08 L2008


  • Low price;
  • Good service life;
  • Simple installation;
  • Classic appearance.


  • Comes across a marriage.

hansgrohe Logis Classic 71260000

A stylish solution that is perfect for a modern interior. The stop valve is ceramic, which significantly increases the durability and reliability of the structure. The maximum water flow rate is 22 liters per minute.

Coated with chrome, which gives the product a beautiful appearance. Installation will take a minimum of time, while almost every user who knows the basics of installing such devices is capable of connecting. The sealing element is made of polyurethane, which reduces the wear rate.

The average price is 7,300 rubles.

hansgrohe Logis Classic 71260000


  • Simple installation;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Long service life;
  • Good consumption;
  • Value for money.


  • Not found.

WasserKRAFT Berkel 4822 Thermo

An expensive option that is efficient and comfortable to use. A thermostat is used to maintain a certain temperature. The body is completely made of brass, without unnecessary additives, which allows to increase the durability indicator significantly. A ceramic cartridge acts as a shut-off valve.

The product is plated with chrome and a protective layer that prevents corrosion. For greater convenience, an eco-mode is provided. Therefore, the temperature will never rise to a critical value. Standard connection size - 1/2 ″.

Sold at a price of 12,200 rubles.

WasserKRAFT Berkel 4822 Thermo


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Durability;
  • Good performance;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Eco mode.


  • High price.


Choosing the right plumbing equipment is a complex process and requires some knowledge. It is important to understand that the durability and reliability of the structure depends on the quality of the material. The presence of auxiliary functions increases comfort while taking water procedures and makes it easy to adjust the flow and temperature of the water. If you have experience using the models described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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