Best water leakage protection systems for 2024


The reality is that no one in life is immune from accidents. The most common problem in apartments and houses is water leakage, which comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Even in the latest pipes and systems, there is a risk of an accident. Therefore, in order not to trust the fate of disposing of property, it is important to install the correct equipment. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best water leakage protection systems for 2024.

Why do you need and how to install?

If for some reason a person cannot be constantly present at home, and does not want to rely on chance, then the right decision is to insure the apartment and pay 5-7 thousand rubles. in year. However, it is better to invest once in the purchase of a water leakage protection system and forget about the times when thoughts of a flood filled your head.

The device works like this: water enters the system sensor, in a few seconds the signal goes to the main control unit and the taps in the room are closed. The system is trouble-free and always works in any situation, the exception is if a person made a gross mistake during the installation of the warning device. Then the signal will be delayed and the room will be flooded. Therefore, if there is no experience in installing similar devices, then it is better to call a specialist who will make the installation quickly, efficiently and for a long time.

Stages of installation of the protection system

The first thing to do is to install a ball valve at the pipeline inlet after the valve handles. Also, along with this, it is recommended to install filters, so a person will increase the operating rate by 1.5-2 times. After that, an uninterruptible power supply is installed so that the device can function in the absence of electrical energy. Moreover, in rest mode, electricity consumption is 3 W, and in working condition it reaches 12 W.

Installation of sensors

Fastening the sensor in the floor with the contacts upwards complicates the protection system, false signals start to work, and in some cases the device fails. If a person installs the device above the floor, placing the contacts on the bottom, the device will work when there is already a puddle on the floor.

There are at least 7 places where the sensor will be useful:

  • Under questionable hoses. More often these are flexible elements that do not stand out for strength and durability.
  • Low point. There are no perfect floors; every house has small irregularities. The user's task is to find the bottom and install the sensor. Water will start to drain there, and the device will work.
  • Place under washing machine or drain hose. It is not recommended to put the device next to it, there is a possibility that then the water will not reach it, and it will not work.
  • A good place is under a heating boiler, radiator, etc.
  • Some also install equipment near a pump or boiler.
  • Near water systems such as a sink, toilet, shower, etc.
  • In the kitchen, the device is located under the siphon.

In addition to the examples presented, a popular method is “floor installation”. This method is recommended not only by plumbers with over 10 years of experience, but also by protection manufacturers.It is important here to place the device in a place with a large accumulation of water. In this case, the location of the contact elements should be about 3-4 mm above the floor. Such accuracy is needed to exclude false positives. When the wired signaling device is installed, the driving element is hidden in the corrugated pipe.

Wired or Wireless?

Wireless sensors are installed in rooms where renovations have begun or if the owner prefers modern devices. Radio sensors are also installed in rooms where, even theoretically, it is impossible to lay wires.

It is important to mount the controller in a dry place as it supplies power to all components. There are two options: wired and wireless. However, during repair work, you can hide the wires under the wall. A reliable way is to use the base unit with wired sensors and connect several wireless ones to the system. Thanks to this, security will be at a high level.

Installing the controller

Installation of the controller consists of 5 stages:

  1. Holes are drilled in the place where the device box will be located.
  2. With the help of construction tools, grooves are made for the wires that reach each wire element.
  3. The installation box is attached.
  4. The controller is being prepared for installation. This process will take a little time, just open the front case and connect the wires in the way indicated in the adjacent instructions. After completing this measure, the device is attached with a pair of screws to the installation box.
  5. The frame and front body are put back.

If during installation, the person did not make mistakes, then the protection will work for a long time. In standard mode, when there is no flood, the warning light is green. When water begins to fill the floor, the color changes abruptly to red, a sound signal appears, and an electric tap blocks the flow of water.

Main selection criteria

Since the principle of operation of protection systems against water leaks is the same, this paragraph will consider the main elements that are responsible for the safety of the house. Indeed, despite the simple actions that they perform, these devices have their own functions. When a person understands them, it will be easy for him to determine the convenience and protection of the proposed systems.

Electric crane

In order not to make a mistake in choosing an electric crane, it is important to know 6 basic criteria and be guided by them:

  • Closing speed. This is the main parameter that must be considered for every defense system. Not only the state of the property depends on the closing time, since if a breakthrough occurs in hot water supply, then human life will be at risk. Therefore, the higher the rate of closure of the water system, the lower the probability of critical consequences.
  • Compactness. This parameter is taken into account if the owner's plumbing elements in the closet are in poor condition. Thanks to the mobility of the cranes, installation will become easy and a person will spend a minimum of time. Often, apartment owners do not install wiring with specialists, but with the help of video tutorials or articles. At the exit, a whole cabinet is obtained, which is a labyrinth of pipes, taps, filters, etc. Therefore, there may simply not be a place for an electric crane. Of course, an experienced plumber will disassemble the web in a short time, he will either sort everything out or replace the main elements. But it is important for the owner to understand that the costs in this case will become large-scale.
  • Easy installation and removal of the reducer. Since you never know what kind of surprise life will bring, this parameter is also relevant. Because it is possible that there will be a case when a person will have to manually open or close the tap. If it is located in a closet in an inaccessible place and there is no way to crawl there, then all actions will be accompanied by abuse and discontent. The chance that a person will meet with something like that is small, but due to the fact that he is, it does not interfere with playing it safe and placing the element in a convenient place.
  • Body material.If the owner plans to use the leakage protection system for more than 5 years, then this indicator is important to consider. The main thing to remember is that if you buy a product made of zinc or silumin, then the reliability of this model will be 40-60%. One hydraulic or mechanical damage will break the device, from which the cost will add another point. In addition, according to Oxford scientists, zinc contributes to the appearance of cancer. However, this theory has not found proper confirmation, but there are no refuting facts either. If a person does not want to take risks, then it is better to refuse such taps. Devices that are made of stainless steel or brass are considered safe.
  • Wire length. This indicator can make the installation convenient. Most people think that this is not such an important parameter, since the length can always be increased. However, not everyone can do this correctly, because it is worth considering the number of cores, polarity, etc. A person without special education will ruin good wires, and will never get the job done.
  • The thickness of the wire is taken into account when a person needs to route the cord unnoticed. So if the electric crane has a thin wire consisting of two cores, then it will be easy to hold it between the junction of the tile. There will be problems with a three-core, since its diameter is 5 mm.


This element has two versions: wired and wireless. In the first case, the main power source is the controller, in the second, AA batteries. However, the difference also lies in the installation method. Wireless models do not have restrictions in installation and place, unlike wired ones. After all, it is not always possible to lead the wires to the right room, making the installation of the device impossible.

Main parameters of wired equipment:

  • How many can be connected. As a rule, 4 sensors will be enough for the user. So the apartment will be protected and a long trip or business trip will only bring joy. But this is not always the case, because 4 devices will be enough for a standard room, for a large number of devices it will increase significantly. Therefore, a sensor-sensor system would be a good solution.
  • Easy installation. This is the main parameter when connecting an element to a controller. So, if the wires of the device have a corresponding connector, and the main unit is marked, then the connection will take a couple of seconds. From what the installation time will be reduced, and the person will save nerves and strength.
  • The number of equipment in the set. There are firms on the market that are trying to save on everything and, accordingly, there is no need to expect several sensors from the product. Buying such a product, a person risks spending more than buying. Therefore, it is better to buy a set from a trusted company and be calm in quality and quantity.
  • Long wire. This parameter affects the ease of installation of the device. If the manufacturer has made elements with a short wire, then it would be good to check with a specialist the possibility of extension in order to simplify the work in the future.
  • Thickness. The indicator affects the possibility of laying and is often important. When the wires stick out, not only does the appearance deteriorate, it is also dangerous. By accidentally hitting him, a person will lose protection and will not know about it.
  • Easily replaceable. This parameter is important because if an element inside the sensor fails, it will have to be completely changed, you will have to remove the wiring, then rewire it. Therefore, when buying a device, it would be good to clarify whether there is a possibility of simple disconnection or it is not provided by the manufacturer.
  • Contact protection against oxidation. Due to the fact that the sensor is installed in places with a high humidity, this parameter is important. A person often puts things in order in the kitchen, and the bathroom is washed after every working day. Moreover, when cleaning, detergents are used that can negatively affect the working condition of the equipment. Therefore, it is worth choosing a sensor with reliable protection against such means. Then the system will serve as long as possible and reliably.

When choosing radio sensors, remember that not all systems are compatible with this type.Therefore, you need to pay attention to this point, otherwise the cash costs will not pay off.

When using wireless devices, the specific distance to the "base" must be considered. More often this indicator is indicated in meters. The only caveat is that the distance is calculated along a straight path, and the house has walls that can be thick or thin. Therefore, before installing the equipment at a considerable distance from the control unit, the first thing to do is to consult with a specialist. Then the security will be performed at a high level and you will not have to worry about the timely signaling.


A good device should meet 7 main parameters:

  • Autonomy. In the event of an emergency in an apartment or house where there is no electricity or a short circuit has occurred due to an incident, the controller must eliminate the problem without interference and as quickly as possible. This will be possible if the device is capable of operating in stand-alone mode. Otherwise, the accident cannot be avoided.
  • Reaction time. This parameter can be decisive, it depends on it whether there will be a small puddle on the floor or the beginnings of a flood. So the faster the device sends the signal, the less water.
  • Can the controller work with 6 or more devices. For a standard apartment, you will need two electric taps and four sensors. This amount can provide good protection against an accident. In the case when there are a couple of bathrooms in the house or apartment, this option may not be enough. Therefore, it is recommended to take equipment with the support of additional devices. Then the protection system will work at the declared level.
  • Availability of a spare power supply. Even though the device can be self-contained, there is a chance that the controller will run out.
  • Support for wireless equipment. Not all rooms can be wired, so this feature will not be superfluous.
  • Protection against sloppy exploitation. The main wire that leads from the sensor to the controller may be hit or cut. Therefore, the availability of the additional “open circuit monitoring” feature guarantees the owner safety and reliability. Because if the controller does not detect damage, then the person will also not soon pay attention to it.
  • Convenience. For correct operation and proper protection, it is good when the controller is equipped with additional functions. They will allow you to track the charge, turn off the sensor during tidying up, or allow you to find the leak in a second.

Rating of the best water protection systems

Neptun Bugatti ProW

Thanks to this model, no leaks will go unnoticed. The set includes three wire sensors, which are protected from the effects of detergents and have a 2 meter long wire. It is enough to lead from the bathroom to the place where the controller is installed. Also included are two electric cranes, which in 21 seconds (taking into account receiving a signal and sending it to the control unit) will block the water.

To achieve greater safety, the device has a backup power source that operates from a 12V network. This system can be used as a stand-alone product, or integrated into an existing smart home or dispatching system.

The controller supports work with 375 sensors simultaneously, which allows the device to be used on a production scale. Manufacturer's warranty - 6 years.

The average cost is 19,000 rubles.

Neptun Bugatti ProW


  • Supports 375 sensors;
  • Works from a 220 V network, and in emergency situations from a 12 V battery;
  • Long-term guarantee;
  • Equipment;
  • Wire length 2 m.


  • Response time - 21 seconds.

SpyHeat TRITON 20-002

The system is designed to troubleshoot any residential area and basement. The controller is powered by a standard battery. If a power outage occurs, the protection will withstand autonomous operation for two days. The main advantage of the model over analogues is the response time.So, from the moment the signal is received, it is transmitted to the controller in 1 second, which instantly informs the electric cranes and they cut off the water supply in 4 seconds.

The gear motor is powered by a 5V power supply, which makes the device practical and safe. To ensure that the cranes are in good working order throughout the entire time and work as quickly as at the time of purchase, the manufacturer has installed an automatic cranking (1 time in two days). There is a function of manual shut-off of taps.

The package includes one controller, 2 batteries, 4 sensors and 2 electric valves.

The average cost is 11,000 rubles.

SpyHeat TRITON 20-002


  • Fast response;
  • Autonomy;
  • 4 sensors included;
  • Supports up to 8 devices;
  • Cost;
  • Additional functions.


  • Not found.

GIDROLOCK Country House 1

This model is useful if the owner of the house or apartment has only cold water supply. The ball valve is made of high quality brass, harmless to the human body. The maximum working pressure is 40 bar.

The complete set includes 2 three-meter sensors that give a signal in a few seconds. 4 finger batteries Energizer. One electric tap that operates within 15 seconds.

The average cost is 7500 rubles.

GIDROLOCK Country House 1


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Auto cranking is glad in two months;
  • Cost;
  • Wire 3 m long;
  • Response speed.


  • Not for all users.

Neptun Profi WIFI ½

A good option from a Russian manufacturer, which is suitable for people with a smart home. In addition to one wired sensor, the set includes 2 wireless ones. The faucet is made of stainless steel, therefore it has a high indicator of durability.

31 pcs can be connected to the system. radio sensors and 375 standard. The response speed, like almost all systems from this manufacturer, is 21 seconds. Backup power is present.

The average cost is 23,000 rubles.

Neptun Profi WIFI ½


  • Quality firm;
  • Wi-Fi support;
  • Possibility to connect up to 400 sensors;
  • Good build quality.


  • Response speed.

Aquastorozh Expert 2

Standard set with two 20 mm diameter taps. The proprietary controller with two sensors that operate on a wire ensures that the leak is eliminated in a short time. There are also 3 batteries (type "C") in the package. Despite the meager equipment, the system was appreciated by hundreds of users. It also has a breakage control function, thanks to which, a person will know when the warning device fails. According to the manufacturer, the device is capable of functioning for 2-9 years using only one set of batteries.

Self-cleaning of electric cranes occurs once every two weeks, while the closing speed is 2.5 seconds. Manufacturer's warranty - 4 years.

The average cost is 20,000 rubles.

Aquastorozh Expert 2


  • Closing time;
  • Long battery life;
  • Equipment;
  • Price break control function;
  • Compactness.


  • Not found.


The rating was compiled taking into account the positive feedback and opinions of users. Each device has a minimum rating of 4.5 and has proven itself to be used by hundreds of people. If you have experience using the water leakage protection system described in the rating, or a more interesting model, share your opinion in the comments.


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