The best plasters for different types of work for 2024


Plaster is used for leveling walls and subsequent cladding. Repair work is not complete without this material. The quality of the finish depends on the latter. Professionals are more fortunate in choosing this product, since they have experience with various models, but beginners need to study all the information on their own. To simplify this task, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best plasters for different types of work.

Varieties of plaster and main advantages

Before purchasing a mixture, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis in order to select the appropriate material. It is important to pay attention not only to the composition, but also to the operating conditions. It also takes into account what the surface is made of, and what factors of influence it is exposed to. For example, if the wall is located in the bathroom, then the model should be selected appropriately. The cost of the product is taken into account in the last place, but it must not be forgotten either. Because today you can find cheap products that will not be inferior in quality to premium options.

Cement plasters

This substance contains sand with cement. This is a mandatory requirement. There are also auxiliary additives that improve the adhesiveness (adhesion) and make the surface resistant to various factors. The process of preparing the solution is simple and does not require special skills. To perform it efficiently, it is important to know 3 main rules:

  • Water is poured into an empty container, after which the mixture is added. You can't do the opposite.
  • Stirring should be done using specialized tools, for example, professionals use a construction mixer, but at home, a drill with an appropriate attachment is suitable.
  • The resulting consistency should be infused and only then used. It is not recommended to use the resulting solution immediately, this will negatively affect the final result, up to the formation of cracks.

If there is no time for cooking, you can always buy a finished product. Of course, the price for it will be more expensive, but energy is saved.

When choosing a plaster, attention is paid to the composition and preparation method. You should never forget about the expiration date, if it expires soon, it is better to refuse such a purchase, even at a low cost. There will be more problems with using such material than benefits.

There are two types of cement plaster sold in stores:

  • Cement-sand mixture is a versatile solution that is suitable for use both dry and ready-made.The products are divided into two groups, where one is intended for roughing operations (with coarse sand in the composition), and the second for finishing operations (with fine sand fractions). The option is chosen that is necessary for a specific situation. The main advantage of the coating is its high durability and strength characteristics. The price for such executions is at an affordable level. There is also a drawback - long drying. A good quality primer should be used before application to the wall. It is necessary to apply thin layers, otherwise the outer part will crack, which will negatively affect the strength. Storage should be carried out under normal conditions, high humidity and frost are not acceptable.
  • The cement-lime product has a low cost and good durability. Thanks to this mixture, the outer part is protected from various factors, including fungus and mold. The peculiarity of this option is high plasticity and moisture resistance. Such positive characteristics make it possible to apply the product not only to concrete surfaces, but also to wooden ones. In addition, the user can even drill walls, this operation will not bring any harm. However, this solution also has a downside - a low compressive strength. If you only need to align, you should buy finished products, this will save time and effort.

Plaster mix

This option is a good alternative to the previous model. However, it should be used exclusively for interior work with standard moisture values. If you apply gypsum plaster from the outside, it will have a short service life.

A distinctive feature of this design is high plasticity. Also, the model retains heat and increases noise insulation, which is an advantageous side. Surface leveling is carried out immediately after plastering. This reduces the time spent on repair work. Some professionals use one thick coat on the finish, which completely flattens the walls, making them beautiful and even.

Another advantage is the speed of drying. The gypsum mixture hardens within a few hours. The main disadvantage is the low pot life of the solution. The resulting mixture will be suitable for use within 20-40 minutes, after which it is not recommended to use it. In cases where the consistency hardens, nothing can be diluted.

Models for interior work

The variant appeared recently on the Russian market. The name of such a solution is “warm plaster”. The composition contains only cement without the addition of sand. These components are replaced by expanded clay aggregate or special pumice powder.

There are also three popular varieties of this product in the store:

  • With vermiculite;
  • With sawdust;
  • With expanded polystyrene granules.

The first option is considered universal and is suitable for both external and internal use. A mixture with sawdust is intended for processing brick or wood surfaces. The latter option is distinguished by good strength and high service life; lime is added to its composition.

Plaster for finishing in the apartment

There is nothing difficult in buying a mortar or dry mixture for finishing apartments. It is enough for a person to pay attention to the composition. Models containing cement, gypsum or perlite are best suited for this job. They are easy to apply, and their service life is high, which will allow for high-quality repairs with minimal investment.

Bathroom mixes

When choosing products for a bath, attention is paid to the composition and moisture / steam resistance. Because in this room their concentration is too high. Gypsum solutions immediately disappear, since upon contact with water, the material will begin to become covered with ugly cracks, and after a few months it completely falls off.

There are moisture-resistant gypsum mixtures, but professional builders do not recommend using them either.Because during the tests it was found that such a consistency has low strength characteristics. Even in the kitchen, you cannot use moisture-resistant gypsum products.

The main criteria for choosing plaster for wet rooms include:

  • Good resistance to frequent exposure to water;
  • Antiseptic properties that prevent the development of microorganisms;
  • High degree of adhesion;
  • Does not crack;
  • Easy to apply.

The following representatives meet these requirements:

  • Sanitizing compositions. The plaster contains substances that are highly resistant to water and have good plasticity, which allows it to be easily applied to any walls. The only drawback is that it sets for a long time compared to standard cement-sand mixtures. Therefore, time costs increase. Decorative materials can be applied only after 7 days, which should not be forgotten when purchasing this substance.
  • Facade solutions. This material has been developed for outdoor and indoor applications and shows excellent results, especially in rooms with high humidity. Thanks to the solution, any cracks and irregularities are repaired, which makes the room beautiful and neat.
  • The best option is considered to be cement-sand plaster. However, before creating a mixture, it is important to remember one rule - you cannot add lime, because of this, the water resistance indicator decreases.

Venetian variant

When choosing such a model, it is important to remain vigilant. Because it is very easy to find low-quality Venetian plaster. You should choose not by price, but solely by manufacturer. It's better to trust the brand once than to renovate it again.

The material resembles natural marble in its appearance. The practicality of this product is high, while it is almost impossible to damage it. The downside of this design is the high cost and complexity of the choice. Often, even amateurs cannot distinguish a fake from a quality product. Therefore, when choosing a Venetian mixture, you should trust the master.

The product contains three main materials - slaked lime, marble dust and additives to give a certain color. Also, there are often performances that contain synthetic dyes or crushed granite.

Acrylic primers

Some facing measures cannot be performed without acrylic mixtures. The main advantage is versatility. The finished consistency can be applied to wood, chipboard, concrete and even metal. At the same time, practical indicators remain at a high level, and a person should not think about the appearance of cracks if the operation is performed correctly.

When buying plaster, attention is paid to every aspect, only the durability and quality of the cladding depend on this. To learn more about each model, just read the composition or look at customer reviews. Often, they provide all the necessary information about the advantages and disadvantages of the selected option.

Rating of the best cement plasters

Litokol Litoplan Rapid, 25 kg

A quality mixture that is sold in a 25 kg bag. Suitable for facing activities inside the building. The recommended application temperature is 5-35 degrees. Water consumption per 1 kg is 200 ml. The pot life of the solution is 25 minutes, so it must be used quickly.

The average cost is 1,000 rubles.

Litokol Litoplan Rapid, 25 kg


  • Good quality;
  • Ease of use;
  • Cracks do not appear;
  • Low water consumption;
  • The maximum layer thickness is 2.5 cm.


  • High price.

Volma Aquasloy MN, 25 kg

A good leveling plaster suitable for a variety of interior applications. Application temperature - 5-30 degrees. The optimum layer thickness is 10-15 mm. Bag weight - 25 kg. It can be used both in dry and wet rooms. The pot life of the solution is one hour.

Sold at a price of 200 rubles.

Volma Aquasloy MN, 25 kg


  • Low price;
  • High vitality;
  • Grain size - 1.25 mm;
  • Possibility of machine application.


  • There are no significant ones.

Mapei Nivoplan Plus, 25 kg

Cement dry mix suitable for interior and exterior use. The minimum layer thickness is 5 mm, the maximum value is 5 cm. The recommended temperature for use is up to 30 degrees. The pot life of the resulting solution is 120 minutes, which is a positive result.

The average cost is 350 rubles.

Mapei Nivoplan Plus, 25 kg


  • Low price;
  • Simple application;
  • Fast cooking;
  • Viability - 2 hours;
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.


  • Not found.

Rating of the best plaster models

Rusean Plaster, 30 kg

Gypsum mix for interior use. The weight of one bag is 30 kg. Consumption is 8-9 kg per square meter if the layer thickness is 10 mm. Suitable for ceilings, walls or paintable surfaces. For 1 kg water consumption is 580 ml. The resulting consistency must be used within 20 minutes.

Sold at a price of 220 rubles.

Rusean Plaster, 30 kg


  • Convenient application;
  • Good composition;
  • High-quality adhesion;
  • Suitable for painting;
  • Cost.


  • Not found.

Gypsum base PG25 W

Gypsum universal mixture for interior decoration. The type of plaster is leveling. Purpose - for the ceiling and walls. The grain size is 0.63 mm. The resulting composition is recommended to be used within 1.5 hours. It is used only in a dry room, otherwise there is a high probability of cracking.

The average price is 175 rubles.

Gypsum base PG25 W


  • Quality;
  • Plastic;
  • Viability;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Suitable for dry rooms.


  • Not found.

Etalon Story ClimLife

A good solution for finishing living rooms in an apartment. Easily applied to stone, concrete and aerated concrete blocks. Fits on ceilings and walls. The mixture is completely dry and therefore requires cooking. Pot life is one hour.

The average cost is 205 rubles.

Etalon Story ClimLife


  • Value for money;
  • Easy application;
  • Plastic;
  • Cooking takes a minimum of time;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not found.

TOP-3 mineral-based models

Prospectors Optimum

A good option for interior types of work. Thanks to this product, a good leveling of the surface will occur. The purpose of this mixture is different, so the composition is suitable for the ceiling, walls, under tiles, painting, etc. It is used both in dry and wet rooms.

The average cost is 255 rubles.

Prospectors Optimum


  • Duration of use;
  • Low price;
  • Convenient application;
  • Can be used in the bathroom;
  • Strength.


  • Not found.

TERRACOT heat-resistant

Heat resistant model suitable for stoves and fireplaces. The composition contains only high-quality components, which contribute to the entrainment of strength characteristics. It is used only in a dry room, the consumption is 5 kg per sq. m. with a layer thickness of 5 mm. The grain size is 2.5 mm. The pot life of the solution is 30 minutes.

The average price is 440 rubles.

TERRACOT heat-resistant


  • Efficiency;
  • High heat resistance;
  • Suitable for fireplaces;
  • Does not crack;
  • Convenient application.


  • Not found.

Caparol Capatect ArmaReno Sockel

An expensive but high quality product with a grainy texture. The maximum layer thickness is 5 mm. Type of plaster - leveling. Suitable for application on concrete, particle board, stone, drywall, etc. Purpose - for walls and plinths.

The average cost is 2,960 rubles.

Caparol Capatect ArmaReno Sockel


  • Quality components in the composition;
  • Low mixture consumption;
  • Pot life - 90 minutes;
  • Grainy texture;
  • Suitable for various surfaces.


  • High price.

Rating of the best acrylic plasters

Jobi rollputz

A high-quality option that is used for decorative finishing and protection of building facades from atmospheric phenomena. Suitable for bricks, concrete, cement and plaster. The main feature of the product is its high resistance to moisture and ease of application.

Sold at a price: from 2 750 rubles.

Jobi rollputz


  • High breathability;
  • Resistance to pollution;
  • Forms a surface with a high-quality texture;
  • Simple application;
  • Does not crack.


  • Not found.

Ceresit CT 77

An expensive model that is suitable for decorative structural surface finishing. Does not get dirty and easily tolerates moisture. Packaging - plastic bucket. Small consumption of only 4.5 kg per square meter. The grain size is 1.4-2 mm.

The average cost is 5,590 rubles.

Ceresit CT 77


  • Efficiency;
  • Good durability;
  • Does not crack;
  • Convenient application;
  • Long service life.


  • Price.

Dali Decor Fur Coat

Another decorative acrylic plaster that is suitable for finishing various surfaces. Color of execution is white, without tinting. Used for protective cladding of facades and walls. Sold in a plastic bucket.

The average cost is 2,290 rubles.

Dali Decor Fur Coat


  • Hides small cracks;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Strength;
  • There are antiseptics in the composition;
  • No smell;
  • Resistant to sunlight.


  • Not found.

Rating of the best polymer products

Terraco Terramix Smooth

A good model of Russian production, which is designed for finishing plaster. Consumption is 1.7 kg per square meter with a layer of 1 mm. The shelf life is 6 months. Work should be carried out at a temperature of 5 degrees.

The average cost is 830 rubles.

Terraco Terramix Smooth


  • Convenient application;
  • Durability;
  • Quality;
  • Aligns well.


  • Not found.

Bergauf Bau Interier

Inexpensive polymer plaster for interior use. Weight - 25 kg. Layer thickness - 30 mm. Application temperature up to 25 degrees. Machine application supported. The finished composition can be used within 50 minutes, after which it slowly solidifies.

The average price is 280 rubles.

Bergauf Bau Interier


  • Low cost;
  • Aligns well;
  • Suitable for concrete;
  • Pot life is 50 minutes.


  • Not found.

Knauf Rotband

An effective model based on plaster and polymer additives. After application to the ceiling or walls, a smooth surface is formed. At the end of the hardening, it is not necessary to carry out puttying. Another feature of the option is high efficiency, which is half that of cement-sand mortars.

It is recommended to apply a layer 5 cm thick. Due to its high plasticity, this product can be used not only as a plaster, but also as a putty. This feature makes the material versatile, which is why some professional builders use it. There are no harmful substances in the composition, so there is no harm to health and the environment.

Sold at a price: from 370 rubles.

Knauf Rotband


  • Famous brand;
  • Plastic;
  • Versatility;
  • Does not contain harmful components;
  • Can be used in damp rooms;
  • Good alignment.


  • Not found.


To buy the right plaster, it is important to look at the composition and expiration date. The first determines the purpose of the product, and the date of manufacture indicates the quality of the mixture at the present time. If you have experience using the models described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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