The shelves of modern stores are full of a wide variety of drinks - from the usual cognac and vodka to such foreign delights as tequila and bourbon. However, true connoisseurs know - the most delicious is the drink that is made with your own hands. Homemade alcohol is also attractive due to the fact that in recent years the spread of counterfeit products has increased and doubts about the quality of store products are increasingly raised. In this regard, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best moonshine stills.
- 1 Moonshine still - how did it all start?
- 2 How to choose a moonshine still?
- 3 Advantages and disadvantages of devices made of various materials
- 4 List of the best moonshine stills in the budget segment (up to 5000 rubles)
- 5 List of popular moonshine stills of the middle segment (from 5 to 10 thousand rubles)
- 6 Rating of the best moonshine stills in the expensive segment (over 10 thousand rubles)
- 7 Tips: how to make moonshine?
Moonshine still - how did it all start?
A moonshine still is a device used to obtain strong alcohol at home - moonshine.
Devices operating on the principle of distillation, that is, evaporation followed by condensation, were known in the ancient world. The first of them appeared in the homeland of the Egyptian pyramids. However, according to the findings of scientists, then distillers were used to prepare widely used aromatic oil suspensions.
Later, the Arabs improved the design of the device, but instead of the clay body they began to use a copper one. Later, it was on copper units (alkitaras) that they began to drive such strong drinks as whiskey and brandy.
The tradition of home brewing had already developed by the middle of the 1st millennium AD, which is confirmed by a device found on the territory of present-day Bulgaria, dated to the 9th century. The device was half clay, half copper.
The invention of moonshine is directly attributed to an Italian monk who created a drink called “acqua viva”, which translates as living water. This composition was used to heal wounds and treat diseases.
People in Russia have been familiar with home brewing since the 16th century. Periodically, a ban is introduced on it, then it is removed. At the legislative level, moonshine is allowed, but only in small volumes and for own consumption. Large-scale production, supply to the market and sale of the first is still a criminal offense.
The principle of operation and design of the moonshine unit
Regardless of the functionality and design features, the main components of the moonshine equipment are the evaporator and the refrigerator-condenser.
The evaporator is a container where the wash is poured and heated to certain temperature indicators, as a result of which the ethyl alcohol is converted into steam.This is the essence of home brewing.
Then the separated vapors enter a condenser - a device with a built-in coil immersed in cold water. The condenser can be stationary and flow-through. In it, vapors are converted to liquid due to cooling.
The first vapors, called the head fraction, are poisonous, since they are a mixture of methyl alcohol, ethers and acetone, which is strictly prohibited for ingestion.
Next, ethyl alcohol evaporates, followed by fusel oils.
In addition to the indicated evaporator and condenser, the apparatus may contain other elements related to the distillation system - a reinforcing column, a rectification column, a beer column.
A reinforcing column is a high pipe, where separation into fractions takes place - light vapors (ethyl alcohol) are sent to the refrigerator, and heavy vapors (fusel oils) return back to the cube, while strengthening the drink.
A rectification column is an installation that makes it possible to obtain pure alcohol, the strength of which will be 96 degrees.
The beer column is understood as a combined element, which is an average version of the rectification and film column, allowing to drive a strong and pure drink.
What are they?
Devices for making moonshine are divided into the following types:
- A distiller with a steam boiler is the most common option for the home. The dry box is a glass cylinder, where alcohol vapors enter and partially condense. As a result, phlegm settles at the bottom - a released harmful residue. Thus, the dry steamer partially cleans the future moonshine from hazardous impurities, and also speeds up the technological process.
- Electric moonshiner - suitable for both city and village. It differs from the standard unit by the presence of a tubular heating element (TEN), thanks to which the distillation is carried out faster, and the operation of the device is much easier. Such a device functions autonomously, without the need to install the device on the stove.
- A non-flowing distiller is an excellent option for a summer residence where there is no central water supply. It is as easy to use as possible - you just need to pour alcohol-containing liquid into the distillation tank, pour water into the cooling tank and install the structure on the stove;
- The device is made of stainless steel - easy to clean, resistant to mechanical damage and has good heat conductivity;
- Mini moonshiner - modest dimensions allow using such a device in an apartment. It does not take up much space and is easily carried from place to place;
- Professional device - characterized by large dimensions, additional equipment and a high level of performance;
- Alambik is a classic type of distiller, a characteristic feature of which is the upper part of the distillation still made in the form of a dome. Traditionally used for the production of cognac and whiskey. The best alambiks are made of copper. And since most of the models are made by hand abroad, they have a high cost.
Now you should consider the main selection criteria that will help you determine which unit is better to buy.
How to choose a moonshine still?
Models with the possibility of further design improvements are in demand. The popularity of such devices is due to the fact that it allows you to buy a column or tsarga. The latter in the classical distillation technology is increasingly replacing the dry steamer. The tsarga solves the problem of splashing and at the same time fights sulphurous gases, strengthens the drink and even cleans it from impurities to a certain extent. Another plus of the drawer side is its compact size, which saves space.
Additional elements can both simplify and complicate the distillation process. For example, dismountable unit modules are easier to clean. And the presence of drain valves on the distillation cube and dry steam chamber simplifies operation.
When purchasing a mash or distillation column, remember that their length in height, as a rule, exceeds 1 meter. Taking into account the installation of the device on a stove, there may not be enough free space to the ceiling or chimney.
In this case, you can buy a cube with a built-in heating element, which will eliminate the need to put the device on the stove. The main thing is that during the distillation, the heating element is completely immersed in the wash, otherwise it will burn out.
One of the prerequisites is the presence of a thermometer in the unit, which will allow you to roughly track the process of separating the distillate into fractions. In modern models, controllers are automatic, which, on the one hand, simplifies interaction with the unit, and on the other hand, complicates maintenance. If at least one sensor fails, the device will become useless.
Cube volume
There are models on the market with a distillation volume of 10, 50 and even 100 liters. According to buyers, a volume of 10 liters is not enough for effective home brewing. The optimal capacity is 12, or even better 20 liters, which will allow you to get up to four liters of moonshine.
A tank of 50 and 100 liters is too large for household brewing of moonshine and is necessary only in the case of large-scale production of an alcoholic beverage.
The width of the neck of the distillation cube should be such that you can easily lower your hand inside and remove scale.
The performance of moonshine stills is measured in liters per hour. And some manufacturers indicate this indicator in terms of diluted alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. That is, the indicated 4 liters can mean in practice only 2 liters of pure alcohol, further diluted with water.
DIY devices are rarely capable of producing more than 1 L / h. Low-cost, but industrially manufactured devices allow to receive from 3 to 5 liters per hour during distillation. The most modern devices achieve a capacity of 7-10 liters per hour with direct distillation.
The rectification process does not allow achieving such a rate and, as a rule, the indicators vary in the range of 1 - 1.5 l / h, sometimes - 3 l / h. But in this case, the output is 96 percent alcohol.
The driving speed depends on the cube heating speed. By increasing the heating rate, you can increase the driving speed, but in this case, the quality of the moonshine decreases. Rapid boiling leads to the fact that fusel oils get into the distillation faster.
The quality of the product obtained and the productivity of the alcohol vapor cooling system increase. That is, it is necessary to increase the length of the coil and increase the throughput of cold water through the refrigerator-condenser.
You can also increase productivity by increasing the diameter of the tubes and installing a copper coil. Additional sheds in the form of a steam room, tsargi, columns also reduce the driving speed.
For the manufacture of moonshine units, aluminum, stainless steel and copper are used. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed below. However, most often the priority is stainless steel and copper.
The main requirement for stainless steel is compliance with GOSTs for the food industry and a wall thickness of at least 2 mm, otherwise the mixture may burn with active heating. The bottom should ideally be thick, multi-layered.
Copper does not in any way affect the organoleptic properties of the product and due to the fact that it heats up quickly and also cools down quickly, this material contributes to an increase in the performance of the device. It is used to obtain elite drinks - whiskey, cognac, calvados.
Some reviews of the owners of copper appliances contain complaints about the clouding of moonshine and the presence of an off-taste when using copper units. However, these side effects occur when the machine is poorly maintained and have nothing to do with the material itself.
Advantages and disadvantages of devices made of various materials
Advantages of copper:
- Has high rates of heat conductivity;
- Copper ions bind sulfur compounds, thereby improving the taste and quality of the drink;
- Copper devices are considered one of the best in terms of their functional characteristics.
- High cost compared to stainless steel devices;
- The copper unit must be constantly and carefully looked after, removing the copper oxide that forms inside;
- During operation, copper oxidizes very quickly, which affects the appearance of the device.
Advantages of stainless steel:
- Low price, which is lower than the cost of copper, but higher than the cost of aluminum;
- Stainless steel does not oxidize, and therefore the device is easy and simple to clean.
- Low thermal conductivity rates compared to copper and aluminum;
- Stainless steel devices are more difficult to manufacture.
Advantages of aluminum:
- Aluminum units are inexpensive;
- Convenient to operate;
- Available.
- The aluminum unit is short-lived, since the wash corrodes the material. In this regard, the "life" of the distillation still is short.
What to look for?
To avoid mistakes, you should pay attention to the following points:
- When choosing a copper moonshine still, it is worth remembering that copper can be different - food and technical. Technical copper cannot be used, since the material contains various impurities (for example, lead), which are undesirable in the manufacture of the product used internally;
- Stainless steel is an alloy, and therefore, like copper, can contain harmful impurities. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the brand and certification of the device in accordance with GOST;
- Materials can be combined with each other. For example, combine a copper distiller and a stainless steel distillation cube. The high thermal conductivity of copper shows efficiency exactly where it is needed - in the place of steam condensation. And the steel cube is easy to maintain and not subject to wear and tear.
Which company is better?
Today, there are many models of moonshine stills of various brands on the market. However, there is a list of the most trustworthy firms.
The best manufacturers of home brewing devices are:
- "Dobrovar" - the main activity of the company is reduced to the production of units equipped with dry steam rooms. The most famous models are considered "Katyusha" and "Kudesnitsa".
- Pervach specializes in the production and sale of direct-flow devices with an aluminum cube.
- "Good Heat" - is known for the production of universal systems that combine a distiller and rectification or strengthening columns. Popular models - "Source" and "Lighthouse", belong to the middle price segment.
- Phoenix is a broad-based company. They supply to the market devices with a dry steam bath - "Elegant", "Shakhtar", "Dream", "Narodny".
- "Magarych" - produces many good models, among which the most popular are "Narodny" and "Export".
- "AlkoPribor" - distillers with a beer column are manufactured under this brand. A distinctive feature is the rectangular distillation lips, not just the standard tank.
Demand models are also produced by "Moonshine Ural", "Bogatyr", "Gorynych", "Wayne", "Pragmatec", "Luxstahl".
Where and how to buy?
Cases of selling substandard devices are not uncommon. And carelessness in this matter can lead not only to the loss of a tangible amount of money, but also damage the health of the received alcoholic drink of poor quality.
It is best to buy the device in a regular store - where you can get competent advice and a guarantee for the goods, and if necessary, return the device to the seller. Before paying, you should carefully examine the device and check all connections.
In case the moonshine still is purchased through the Internet, the following steps should be taken:
- Read the seller's registration. Verification tools vary by country. In Russia, you can use the OGRN or OGRNIP system, which are available on the website of the Federal Tax Service.If the data does not match or is completely absent, then it is better not to contact such a seller;
- The firm must have a physical address where its representatives or employees can be found. And also a direct city number (without 8800) and full legal data. All this should be indicated on the site. The presence of a support service also plays in favor of the seller's integrity;
- The description of the goods on the site must contain full information - technical characteristics, listing of parts and assemblies, specific operating conditions, warranty period, purchase conditions, the name of the manufacturer and its contact details;
- Instructions and a certificate for the goods must be provided upon request or posted in the public domain. The document should contain not only complete information about the assembly of the device and its configuration, but also information on modes of operation, safety rules when working with the device, terms of warranty service;
- Quality certificates also need to be checked. In Russia, this is easy to do using the register of conformity certificates.
If all documents are in order, then you can make a purchase.
Main technical characteristics
room | Specifications | Recommendations |
1 | Device type | A standard still consists of a distillation still and a cooler (coil) connected together. Using such a device, it is impossible to obtain pure alcohol, since impurities will always be present in the resulting composition. Alcohol can be obtained in column-type devices - brew, rectification, and others. Also, for home brewing, an alambik is used - a distiller, the upper part of which is domed. |
2 | Body material | The body can be made of copper, stainless steel or aluminum. |
3 | Distillation volume | In accordance with the rules of use, the distillation cube should not be filled more than 75-80% of the total volume - the rest is taken away under steam. |
4 | How much is | For the price, moonshine stills differ depending on the typical features. Alambik costs an average of 17,000 rubles, a column unit will cost 19,000 rubles, and a classic moonshine still costs 7,000 rubles. |
List of the best moonshine stills in the budget segment (up to 5000 rubles)
Pervach Premium Classic
Manufacturer: Pervach (Russia)
Distillation volume: 20 l
Average price - 4760 rubles
The device with a steam boiler made of food stainless steel AISI 321 with a capacity of 2 l / h, cube diameter - 23 cm, 1.5 mm - wall thickness, neck diameter - 4 cm, allows you to work with heating power up to 2000 W. Cooling type is flowing. The seams are made from argon welding. High-quality polishing body, consists of a cylindrical barrel with handles, equipped with an emergency valve and a thermometer. The product is intended for novice users who will occasionally engage in home brewing or those who have decided to try themselves in this business.
Note! The manufacturer "Pervach" has three models in its line: "Economy", "Super-Elite", "Elite-Aromat". The highest capacity among all variants is 3 l / h.
- simple operation;
- inexpensive;
- the ability to use with an autoclave;
- with comfortable handles;
- meets all the parameters stated in the specification.
- low productivity;
- poorly processed seams;
- thin steam pipes are clogged between the cube and the reflux condenser.
Manufacturer: Magarych (Russia)
Distillation volume: 12 liters
Weight: 3.5kg
Average price - 4300 rubles
A stainless steel distiller with a steam boiler, which is installed between the distillation cube and a flowing refrigerator, is a budget option for home use. It is compatible with all types of hobs except induction types. Unit productivity - 1.4 l / h.
Technical characteristics (cm): wall thickness of the frame - 1 mm, height - 60, neck width - 8, alembic diameter - 22. Average service life - 5 years.
The large cover is equipped with a bimetallic thermometer. The separation of the moonshine body from the head and tail fractions makes it much easier to control the temperature inside the still.
When buying a gift, they give a 4-meter hose, clamps for it, an alcohol meter, a wine meter, yeast and an aromatic ingredient.
- compact;
- easy to assemble / disassemble;
- inexpensive;
- easy;
- equipment;
- can be operated with 2 dry steam tanks.
- there are defective models - they quickly rust.
Phoenix Dream
Manufacturer: Phoenix (Russia)
Distillation volume: 8 l
Average price - 4500 rubles
When purchasing this unit, a recipe book is given as a gift.
The model without a steam generator works as follows: steam passes through the coil, and the cooling liquid is outside - an excellent option for making tinctures and spirits at home. The unit can be heated on any of the listed stoves: electric, gas, ceramic, induction.
The body is made of food grade AISI 304/430 stainless steel, the thickness of which is 1-1.5 mm. 5mm heat resistant silicone gasket. Tank height - 35 cm, diameter - 23.2 cm, neck width - 120 mm. Productivity - up to 3 l / h.
The delivery set includes: 4 lambs, a refrigerator with a coil, a mash tank, adapter tubes, a silicone gasket and a warranty card.
- wide neck (easy to wash);
- volumetric bowl;
- does not rust;
- compatibility with any plates;
- convenient to carry.
- poor gasket;
- short hoses.
CHZDA Village
Manufacturer: CHZDA (Russia)
Distillation volume: 12 l
Weight: 2.7kg
The average price is 3690 rubles.
This moonshine still is made on high-performance equipment from polished stainless food steel 1 mm thick. Thanks to the 3.5 cm wide neck, it is easy to load the necessary ingredients for home brewing. The cylindrical tank is equipped with convenient carrying handles and a cooler. There is no safety valve.
The main advantage of the design is that any beginner can master it. The coil can be purchased separately if necessary. The delivery set includes a silicone gasket and a passport.
- large throat;
- cooks quickly;
- quality;
- safe;
- compact;
- easy to clean.
- small displacement at the exit.
List of popular moonshine stills of the middle segment (from 5 to 10 thousand rubles)
Robin Shchukin NEW
Manufacturer: "UTPZ im. Shchukin "(Russia)
Distillation volume: 12 l
Weight: 4.1kg
Average price - 8 990 rubles.
Moonshine still Malinovka Shchukina NEW is ideal for home use. The mechanism has a lightweight design and is suitable for beginners. With this moonshine still, you can prepare over 130 types of drinks. Upon purchase, you receive it already fully assembled and ready to use.
The design has 2 dry tanks (one collapsible, one stationary).
One of the dry tanks is equipped with a strutzer and is located at a high altitude, which makes it possible to cut off harmful impurities during the distillation process.
The second steam-box is collapsible. This allows you to put various herbs, dried fruits and flavorings into it.
12L tank with 110mm wide mouth and 1mm walls and 2mm bottom. Thanks to the wide mouth, the tank is convenient to wash and fill in the wash. The device is also equipped with three thermometers.
Thanks to the patented temperature control technology inside the chiller, you save water consumption by adjusting the flow rate.
All removable parts are firmly connected with high quality seals that prevent leaks and odors.
- ease of use;
- a thermometer on the distillation tank itself, which allows you to track at what point the process will begin;
- a thermometer in the refrigerator saves the amount of coolant;
- two dry steamers at the exit give a product practically odorless;
- on average, from the distillation of about 16-17 liters of mash, 2.5-3 liters of product with a strength of 55-60 ° are obtained;
- suitable for both beginners and professionals;
- easy to clean, disassemble, store.
- factory gasket on a small distillation still.
Germany Luxury
Manufacturer: "Russian Haze" (Russia)
Distillation volume: 20 l
Weight: 4.5kg
Average price - 8,000 rubles.
The moonshine still "Germany" made of stainless steel with a dry steamer is considered one of the best in the segment of inexpensive and affordable units for the Russian buyer. The manufacturer positions its product as developed entirely from scratch and does not hide the fact that it has nothing to do with the Germans. "Germany" is produced in Russia, in the city of Kirov.
This device is convenient and practical, and therefore appreciated by more than one generation of distillers. The wide mouth makes it easy to fill in the wash and wash the machine inside after use. The pot is collapsible and inside you can lay various herbal and fruit mixtures to flavor the moonshine. Below the distillation cube is equipped with a tap through which the sediment is drained. The distillation rate is 2.4 liters per hour. Productivity - up to 4 liters of raw alcohol per hour. Coil length - 1 m. Neck diameter - 9 cm, structure height - 65 cm.
- collapsible steam bath;
- silicone seal;
- bimetallic thermometer and recipe book included;
- thick walls (2 mm) and bottom (2.5 mm);
- high-quality assembly;
- elongated coil;
- good performance;
- excellent value for money;
- nice design.
- not very convenient conical shape of the tank;
- unstable due to a large refrigerator;
- there are many fakes, and therefore should be bought directly from the manufacturer.
Manufacturer: Wagner (Germany)
Distillation volume: 20 l
Average price - 7,000 rubles.
German stainless steel unit that is perfect for the kitchen. It will not be difficult for novice moonshiners to cope with this device, since its operation is as simple as possible. Equipped with a steam bath with a tap, a flow-through refrigerator and a digital thermometer. The set also includes a silicone gasket for a lid made of food-grade heat-resistant silicone, and "lambs" made of stainless steel. The distillation capacity of the device is up to 1.5 l / h. Neck size - 10.5 cm. Tank wall thickness - 3 mm, bottom - up to 4 mm.
Advice: before buying, you should make sure that there is a manufacturer's mark on the bottom of the distillation cube, which is proof of the originality of the product.
- good equipment;
- wide neck of the tank;
- quality materials;
- thick walls;
- excellent product quality at the exit;
- pleasant appearance;
- affordable cost.
- low productivity;
- non-collapsible dry steam room;
- does not have a safety valve.
Narodny 12
Manufacturer: "MAGARYCH" (Russia)
Distillation volume: 12 l
Weight: 3.5kg
Average price - 6,000 rubles.
Easy-to-use moonshine still with stainless steel steam pot. The main difference is a dry steam chamber and a vertical refrigerator soldered into one element. This ensures more efficient heat extraction and steam condensation. The device is equipped with a thermometer, as well as fittings (for draining fusel oils and for draining cold water), a sump and a cooler. Wall thickness - 1 mm. The diameter of the cube neck is 8 cm, the height of the device is 60 cm. The productivity is up to 1.4 l / h.
- highly environmentally friendly materials;
- lightweight;
- small dimensions;
- pleasant silvery color;
- high-quality assembly;
- good feedback;
- affordable cost.
- non-collapsible dry steam room;
- small performance.
Elite 20-T
Manufacturer: "Pervach" (Russia)
Distillation volume: 20 l
Average price - 6,000 rubles.
A popular mirror stainless steel moonshine brewing unit, equipped with a dry steamer.The ferrying process is fully automated, which eliminates the need to intervene. Equipped with a thermometer and an overpressure relief valve, making the device completely safe. There is also a removable cover. The diameter of the tank neck is 24 cm. The productivity reaches 2 l / h.
- beautiful appearance;
- wide neck provides easy access for easy cleaning;
- suitable for electric, gas and induction cookers;
- with automatic control function;
- affordable price.
- low productivity.
Producer: "Phoenix" (Russia)
Distillation volume: 20 l
Average price - 10,000 rubles.
A moonshine unit made of stainless steel, equipped with a steam boiler with a lid, as well as a bimetallic sensor for temperature control, a flowing refrigerator and a valve for draining fusel oils. Productivity reaches 3 l / h. The wall thickness is 1.5 mm. The width of the neck is 12 cm. The height of the structure is 58 cm.
- a collapsible design of the dry steam room, which allows you to add flavoring ingredients;
- wide neck;
- compact dimensions;
- suitable for all types of plates;
- easy to use;
- easy;
- recipe book and gift book included.
- overestimated performance;
- thin metal.
Rating of the best moonshine stills in the expensive segment (over 10 thousand rubles)
Manufacturer: Luxstahl (Germany)
Distillation tank capacity: 37 l
Weight: 16kg
The average price is 24,000 rubles.
Column made of stainless steel, which is a universal system for the production of alcoholic beverages at home. To date, devices from the German company Luxstal are the most popular among the models of 2-inch film columns. Equipped with a bimetallic thermometer, as well as a false bottom that allows you to distill thick wash without sticking to the heating element or bottom.
The productivity of the device reaches 10 liters per hour. The width of the tank neck is 37 cm, the height of the structure is 119 cm.
- versatility;
- high performance;
- thick walls (3 mm);
- quick-detachable connections;
- sparkling "pan" color of the cube;
- wide neck;
- high-quality assembly.
- high price;
- there are many fakes, in order to avoid the purchase of which, you should check the documentation and the presence of a brand mark on the bottom of the tank.
Phoenix Locomotive
Manufacturer: Phoenix (Russia).
Distillation volume: 20 l.
Weight: 5.7 kg.
The average price is 12,100 rubles.
Unit for the production of alcohol of small and medium volumes with a strength of 66%. The simplicity of the design allows even beginners to master it. The frame is made of stainless steel AISI 304/430 with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm, has a cylindrical shape with a height of 56 cm, with a water connection - 1 cm, a neck - 11 cm. Productivity - up to 2 liters per hour.
The design is equipped with collapsible dry steam tanks (natural aromatic additives can be added) with a drain cock, a flow-through refrigerator with a 5-coil coil, which is responsible for the efficiency of vapor condensation without losses, even at a high distillation speed. Stiffening ribs give resistance to deformation of the container. The flange is secured with lambs. The built-in thermostat can be equipped with a regular nozzle to increase the strength of the final drink.
- universal device: works on any stove;
- ease of care;
- productive;
- the unit is convenient in operation;
- good technical base;
- the possibility of preparing drinks with different tastes.
- not identified.
Bogatyr Mint Column Buran
Manufacturer: Bogatyr (Russia).
Distillation volume: 51 l.
Weight: 1.3 kg.
The average price is 13950 rubles.
Mash column with a powerful cooling system: the revolving shell and tube is equipped with 5 tubes with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 20 cm.There are partitions in the refrigerator that divide it into sections, which makes it possible not to mix the waste warm water with the newly supplied, cooled one. The recommended heating power in distillation mode is from 2000 W, thanks to which the installation will reproduce up to 4 l / h of the finished drink, with a strength of up to 90% and a temperature of no higher than 20 degrees. By water, the distillation rate is 3 l / h.
The body is made of food grade stainless steel AISI 304, 1 mm thick, the handles are equipped with solid wood plates, there is a drain valve. There is an electronic thermometer. A dephlegmator is built into the frame, its connection will allow you to get additional reinforcement, which affects the quality of the finished product - it cleans the moonshine from unnecessary impurities. This device can be turned off in the “potestil” mode.
Technical indicators (see): the mounting diameter of the clamp - 1 * 1/2, the diameter of the tank neck - 12, the section of the pipe used - 4, the height of the column - 38.
- easy;
- opportunities;
- high-performance;
- extended warranty period - 5 years;
- works on all stoves;
- powerful;
- the presence of an on-load tap-changer grid on which the heaviest fractions settle.
- not identified.
Wayne Wein 4L30
Manufacturer: Wayne.
Distillation volume: 30 l.
The average price is 11,990 rubles.
Column 93 cm high, made of AISI 304 stainless steel with argon arc seams (automatic TIG welding), capacity 7 l / h, wall thickness 1.5 mm and neck diameter 9 cm for stability, equipped with a tapered cover. It complies with the quality and safety standards of the European Union.
The maximum strength of the drink is 96%, achieved by a turbulent reflux condenser installed in the structure. It consists of 4 tubes with a diameter of 1.2-2.5 cm (inner and outer, respectively). The rate of distillation of raw alcohol due to the turbulent cooler can reach 10 liters per hour. Power consumption - 5000 watts.
The device is heated at any source convenient for the user. If there is no possibility of distillation on the stove, then the heating element is installed in the tank. You can adjust the heating power 500-3000 watts.
You can use additional equipment to expand the already great capabilities of the device. These can be devices with a water seal or a fragrance.
The design can work in several modes:
- bedding (up to 10 l / h, maximum quality raw alcohol);
- moonshine still (distillation of fruit and grain brews);
- strengthening (2-3 l / h, obtaining high-degree distillates);
- high strengthening (obtaining rectified maximum strength 96%);
- aromatization (production of own drinks with a unique aroma and taste);
- brewing beer (prepared in the alembic still);
- home brew.
The delivery set includes: a distillation cube, a collapsible column, an electronic thermometer (2 pcs.), A hydrometer, a divertor, a 6 m PVC hose, instructions in Russian, a needle valve (2 pcs.), A tee (2 pcs.) And a recipe book ...
- high quality product at the exit - 94%;
- multifunctional;
- productive;
- equipment;
- ease of cleaning;
- long service life - 10 years;
- compatibility with all types of plates;
- value for money.
- not identified.
Dobrovar Mini mash column Idea
Manufacturer: Dobrovar (Russia).
Distillation volume: 23 l.
Weight: 8 kg.
The average price is 12,150 rubles.
Mini-column with reinforcement, equipped with a built-in reflux condenser and a drawer with regular wire packing. Distillation cube equipped with a pressure relief valve. There is an adapter for a mixer, PVC hoses, heat-resistant plastic thumbs for fastening the lid and an electronic thermometer. At the outlet, distillates of a high degree of purity with a strength of 80-90 degrees are obtained.
The body is made of non-magnetic stainless steel that meets all food industry standards. Technical characteristics (see): wall thickness - 1 mm, alembic diameter - 27, neck diameter - 12, height - 78. Product productivity - 2 l / h.
- build quality;
- high-speed;
- compatibility with any kind of plates;
- 10-year manufacturer's warranty;
- universal;
- powerful;
- add-on capabilities;
- compact;
- good quality product.
- bad cooler.
Alambik Lux-plus
Manufacturer: Al-Ambiq (Portugal)
Distillation tank volume: 5 l
Weight: 3.9kg
The average price is 14,000 rubles.
A copper kitchen moonshine distiller like alambik is an excellent option for making good quality homemade alcohol. It will save you from the need to buy expensive drinks, and the process of ferrying itself will not take much time - the duration is about 30 minutes.
The brazed type of seams in the device ensures complete tightness and durability. The device consists of a distillation still, a steam pipe, a helmet and a cooler. Equipped with a thermometer and 3 fittings - for water inlet and outlet, as well as for the finished product. The height of the device is 40 cm, the thickness of the walls is 1 mm. Productivity reaches 4 liters per hour. For one stage of distillation, you can get 650 grams of alcohol.
- structural reliability;
- aesthetic appearance due to high-quality polishing;
- easy to assemble and disassemble;
- compact size;
- heats up and cools down quickly.
- high price.
Tips: how to make moonshine?
From the point of view of industrial alcohol production, moonshine is a product obtained by handicraft distillation of mash. And, contrary to popular belief, it is not an analogue of vodka.
The main stages of the technological process for the production of moonshine include the production of an alcohol-containing mass (mash), distillation (distillation) of the mass through distillation equipment, rectification (separation of liquid compositions into separate components) and purification of the resulting moonshine.
As an alcohol-containing liquid for distillation are suitable: grape wine (the output will be cognac alcohol), apple tincture on alcohol (for making Calvados), as well as sugar, grain, fruit and other compositions obtained as a result of fermentation.
When the alcohol-containing liquid is ready, it must be poured into the distillation cube, filling the container no more than 2/3. Then place the cube on the stove, close the lid tightly and connect the awnings (if necessary). Connect the tubes to the refrigerator-condenser: for water supply - to the lower connection, for water drainage - to the upper connection. This will allow the vapors to condense better.
Next, connect the underwater hose to the cold water tap, and fasten the drain hose firmly to the sink. Then open the water with a thin stream and light a fire. When the first drops appear on the outlet tube (these are dangerous poisonous heads), the pressure of the species should be increased in order to avoid heating the refrigerator, since by this moment the thermometer shows about 700C. Harmful impurities are removed either during the second stretch, or the first part in the first stretch, and the second - during the repeated procedure.
Professionals say that double sampling results in a cleaner, more delicious product.
Basic rules of use
The first thing to do immediately after purchase is to rinse the device with warm water and diluted dishwashing detergent. This will remove dust and residual particles deposited on the walls during the manufacture of the device.
Next, you need to distill the water. This is to make sure all seams and joints are tight, as well as to check the driving speed and operating temperature. The device must be allowed to work for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then cool, disassemble, pour out the rest of the water.
When making an alcoholic drink at home, you should adhere to certain rules.
When using a stainless steel apparatus, the alembic and dry steamer must be washed after each use. If there is no spray droop, flush all pipes, as well as the coil every 7-8 passes.
If the device is made of copper or aluminum, then the whole device must be washed after every 3-4 times of use.At the same time, using a detergent for copper appliances purchased from a specialized store.
To flush the coil, you can use your own homemade solution - mix a liter of water with a sachet of citric acid. Next, you need to muffle the coil, pour the resulting composition inside, hold for half an hour, and then rinse with water under the tap. Other parts can be rinsed with the same product.
Another way that you can use is to boil copper parts in a waste liquid (wash). It can also be applied to stainless steel and silicone hoses. The exception is PVC pipes. It is better not to expose them to this procedure, otherwise they will quickly become unusable.
In general, summing up, we can say that the moonshine is an excellent home appliance. Observing the technological process and operating rules, you can get a high-quality alcohol-containing product.
If you have experience in using moonshine still, described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.