Some people buy a country house where there is no central water supply. Therefore, they have two options: to make a well or to walk 4-5 km to the spring. Most prefer to conduct drinking water to their site, so as not to be limited in this resource. However, drilling, installing the necessary equipment and laying pipes is only part of the matter, it is important to properly protect the wellhead from the effects of the cold climate and the ingress of groundwater. For this reason, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of plastic and metal caissons for 2024.
The caisson is a waterproof chamber designed to perform underwater operations and protect the well from negative impact.
People living in a country house operate the well throughout the entire time. However, this is difficult to fully implement in conditions of sharp temperature changes, as it is too cold in winter and hot in summer. This affects the operation of the autonomous water supply system.
To prevent the incoming water from spoiling the electric pump during the next severe frost, it is recommended to use a caisson. It will protect the equipment from negative temperature effects. Because the device maintains an acceptable temperature throughout the entire period of operation, which minimizes the risk of failure of electrical equipment. Also, the equipment does not allow sewage, insects and small rodents to enter, which can harm sensitive equipment. Therefore, special attention is paid to its installation, otherwise the caisson will not reveal its potential.
Almost all the important equipment that is required for the well operation is located inside the tool:
- Water purifiers;
- Electric pump;
- Pipes for transferring water to the house;
- Electrical devices responsible for the automation of the water supply system.
Most often, the height of the sealed container is at least 2 meters; there is a closing hatch on top. Also, caissons differ in design features; there are round and rectangular models on the market. When choosing, the main thing is to remember that the larger the diameter of the inlet, the easier it will be for a person to enter. It is not recommended to buy products with a small neck. Because it will not be easy to squeeze in there, accordingly, the placement of equipment will become a difficult task, and the repair and maintenance of some devices will take several hours.
Is it really necessary to install a caisson?
Most people who have just finished a house and drilled a well are wondering about the importance of this design. After all, there are neighbors who do well without this unit. Moreover, the cost of purchase and installation often exceeds 50,000 rubles. Of course, you can live without a caisson, only there are a couple of nuances:
- The well exit should be directed to the basement of the house or another heated room. Thus, important electrical equipment will be safe.It should be remembered that in this case the noise level from the operation of the units will be several times higher.
- A downhole adapter must be installed in the casing.
By design, the equipment is round, square and rectangular, and by materials of manufacture they are divided into 5 groups:
- Concrete. The classic version that has been used for over 30 years.
- Brick. It is used if the water does not rise by more than 3 meters in the spring.
- Metallic. This model is expensive but reliable. Often, owners make such equipment on their own from improvised means.
- Plastic. Light weight, easy to install, but low wall strength.
Several years ago, some owners chose exotic instead of practicality. Therefore, they bought caissons with wooden walls, which cost 2-3 times higher than the standard ones, but there was practically no benefit from them.
Since its performance depends on the material of the equipment, it is important to consider each option separately.
Concrete rings
Concrete models were considered one of the best and most practical options due to their simplicity of design and durability. Manufacturing took place in 2 ways:
- In production, strong reinforced concrete rings were made, and then layer by layer were laid on the prepared place. When the height reached the selected value, a plate with a lid was placed on top. The process did not take much time and did not require the owner to dig out a whole pit, as plastic and iron caissons require. Therefore, because of this speed, this option was considered the best.
- The second way is to fill the structure. So, first, the base is cleared, reinforcement is installed, and pouring occurs.
It is important to know that regardless of the chosen installation option, the advantages remain the same:
- Long service life and durability. Even concrete itself is a reliable material that shows good resistance to strong mechanical stress. So, even a displacement of the soil cannot have a negative effect on the integrity of the product. Average service life of the material is 20 years or more.
- Weight. Due to the fact that the mass of reinforced concrete is several tens of kilograms, the chance of the product floating up is minimal, which is an important parameter in case of strong spring floods. Thanks to this, a person saves money on additional fastening in the ground.
However, this design has a number of disadvantages due to which some experts insist not to focus on this option. So, concrete perfectly absorbs moisture, which over time affects the condition of the walls. Therefore, if a person decides to make a caisson from this material, then it is necessary to think about high-quality waterproofing, otherwise the concrete will not be able to hold out even until the average period.
When processing, you should use only high-quality and effective products. The main thing to pay attention to, first of all, is the joints of the rings on the base. This is the place where moisture occurs most often. It is worth knowing that it will not be possible to completely get rid of moisture, but it is possible to reduce its amount.
The second disadvantage of a concrete caisson is thermal insulation. Therefore, the user needs to carry out additional work to improve this indicator.
Also, due to the large weight of the rings, special equipment will be required for installation, which also affects the final cost. In addition, due to the large weight, the risk of settling increases significantly, and this will lead to damage to the electric pump and other equipment. Therefore, it is not worth focusing on this particular option.
Most often, a brick construction is carried out by hand. First, a concrete base is set up, where the wall is later erected. A special cover is installed on top.
There are two known construction methods:
- Backfilled. In this case, a pit is being dug, its size should be higher than the caisson.After the brick wall is built, it is necessary to give time to dry, and then fill the voids with soil. So the owner will get rid of the hollow places where rain can get.
- The second method excludes the possibility of backfill. Therefore, during construction, it is important to accurately observe the dimensions. Bricks must be placed as close to the wall as possible, otherwise voids will form.
The advantages of this option:
- Reliability. With a high-quality construction of the wall and observance of all the nuances, a person will receive a solid structure that will be stable even when the ground moves. Also, due to the high weight, there is no risk of surfacing.
- Thermal conductivity. Due to the fact that the walls do not conduct heat well, the device will be completely resistant to negative effects of temperature. Additional insulation is optional.
- Profitability. The cost of such a product is 2 times cheaper than metal products. If you use old brick during construction, and not buy a new one, then a person can completely save on a caisson.
Even in spite of all the described advantages of concrete and brick products, people are increasingly purchasing structures made of metal or plastic. Because they do not require long work and are installed faster.
This option is a large box with special openings on the side for communication. The main material is most often a metal sheet, the thickness of which is at least 3-4 mm. One of the best options is stainless steel. However, the cost of such a product is 30,000 rubles.
Basically, the main reason why people prefer this design is easy installation and reliability. Also, if the owner has experience with metal products, then he can make the device with his own hands. It is important to remember that such products need insulation, otherwise there is a high probability of damage to the main equipment.
When choosing the required structure, the owner should pay attention to the quality and quantity of seams. If there are many of them, then the reliability and usefulness of the device is minimized, because at the slightest defect in the seam, the tightness will be lost.
- Strength and flexibility. Due to the fact that steel is used in the production, this product is considered to be as reliable and durable as possible. The equipment can withstand almost any ground movement, even the most dangerous. Due to its flexibility, no cracks form on the wall.
- Life time. This figure is even higher than that of concrete representatives. A device for 25,000 rubles can last 50 years, under ideal conditions - more. Therefore, when installing metal structures, the owner can be sure that the water from the well runs out faster than the caisson becomes unusable.
- Weight. Due to the fact that the weight of the product often exceeds 200 kg, the structure shows high stability. The chance of surfacing is minimal.
- Tightness. If the owner bought a quality product with a minimum number of seams, then the placed equipment will be in constant safety.
In addition to the advantages, the metal version has a couple of disadvantages:
- Corrosion susceptibility. Even stainless steel shows rust over time. Therefore, so that this factor does not become a headache for a person, it is important to carefully look after the product: cover the walls with a protective layer.
- High thermal conductivity. To avoid this, an insulating layer should be carried out.
- Due to the large weight, it is impossible to carry out the installation without special equipment.
This option is in demand among the majority. Because it is affordable, lightweight and durable. In addition, the material has good thermal insulation properties, it will save part of the money on expanded polystyrene and foam glass.
In the production of plastic caissons, 3 types of polymers are used. This ensures high tightness and durability.
- Resistant to corrosion.Unlike metal products, plastic does not experience destructive corrosion properties, so containers can last 60 years or more. Also, cameras do not require careful maintenance, which saves time and money for the owner.
- Tightness. This is the only variant that shows high sealing properties. If metal models have a chance of depressurization (albeit small), then polymer devices exclude this possibility. Therefore, a person does not need to think about additional isolation.
- Little weight. The mass of plastic products rarely exceeds 125 kg, which allows you to install the equipment yourself, without resorting to the use of special equipment.
- Rigidity. This parameter is achieved due to the thickness of the walls, and the company that produces plastic caissons can independently change the thickness, making the structure more rigid. Also, some models are made with stiffening ribs that are placed inside the container. This increases the strength of the product several times. In addition, if the owner's groundwater reaches a high level, then he can choose an option with a reinforced base.
- Thermal characteristics. Since plastic does not conduct heat, a person does not need additional insulation for installation in temperate continental climates. The only thing that needs to be protected from the cold is the entrance hatch. The walls do not require this.
- Additional elements. So, in some models, manufacturers install many things that have a positive effect on the operation of the device: from a comfortable ladder to a section for insulation.
- Deformation. To avoid this nuance, a person needs to select a model that is suitable for his type of soil. This is easy to do, because there are hundreds of models on sale, the wall thickness of which reaches 4 cm.
- Buoyancy camera. This minus is also easily eliminated, it is enough to make a concrete base, then place a plastic structure on it, which will prevent the soil from being pushed out. However, at the same time, the installation cost will increase.
Rating of the best metal caissons
Round metal caisson
Simple model with a thickness of 4 mm. Suitable for installation in many regions. Height 2 m, diameter - 1 m. Made of high quality stainless steel. Withstands groundwater movements and does not deform. With good operation, it will last over 30 years.
There is plenty of room inside to fit a lot of useful equipment.
The average cost is 15,000 rubles.
- Low price;
- Good stability;
- Tightness;
- Durability.
- Demanding to care;
- Weight.
Caisson with heat-insulating cover
This option from the Metal Rolling Plant will be an excellent solution for a country house. Inside is a Reflex tank, which is designed for 100 liters of water, as well as a pump and other equipment. The weight of the device reaches 250 kg, which makes installation difficult. You cannot do without the use of technology.
The product is covered with a high-quality protective layer, which provides corrosion resistance for the first time. Further, a person needs to take care of the structure on his own, otherwise the service life will be halved. 1 year warranty.
The average cost is 24,000 rubles.
- Strength;
- Reliability;
- Heat insulating cover;
- High quality protective layer;
- The material used in the manufacture is Steel 3.
- Requires care.
Metal square with square neck and mounting sleeve
Improved model, which is equipped with a convenient built-in ladder and hinges on the roof, which positively affects the ease of use. There is also a liner for the casing pipe. When placing the device at a remote distance, a person does not have to worry about the safety of internal devices. Since there are special eyelets on the hatch that will allow you to install any type of lock and protect the equipment from unauthorized entry.
The average cost is 31,000 rubles.
- Convenient operation;
- Persistence;
- Strength;
- Eyelets for the lock;
- Heat insulating hatch;
- Built-in staircase;
- Durability.
- Not found.
Rating of plastic caissons
Aquatek 3 m3
This model is made of high-strength polyethylene, which allows it to withstand significant loads. There are also stiffening ribs for additional protection, which will reduce the chance of deformation. The tank comes with a ladder that will greatly simplify the descent and ascent. The tightness is at a high level. Neck diameter - 70 cm.
The average cost is 40,000 rubles.
- Strength;
- Resistant to subzero temperatures;
- Tightness;
- Convenient operation;
- High quality stiffeners.
- Not found.
A plastic caisson that will fit most holiday homes. The body is made of monolithic polypropylene, so the tightness is made at 10 and 10. The cover has the ability to ventilate, and if necessary, a person can insulate it.
The average cost is 60,000 rubles.
- High quality;
- Good tightness;
- Easy installation;
- There is ventilation.
- Not found.
BIO-S Caisson 3
This option with a high service life and high-quality tightness will be an excellent assistant when conducting autonomous water supply. Thanks to him, groundwater and severe frosts will no longer become a problem for humans.
- Service life over 50 years;
- Low weight;
- Roominess;
- Easy installation;
- Tightness;
- Reliability.
- Not found.
In addition to using equipment for domestic water supply, some models are designed as a separate cellar. The equipment will become a reliable protector for electrical appliances. If you have experience using metal or plastic caissons described in the rating, then share your opinion in the comments.