Best virtual reality glasses for 2024


Quite recently, science fiction writers wrote about the virtual world who dreamed of immersing themselves in it. After a while, desires became real, and now everyone can fully experience themselves in 3D space. The editors of the site "" offer you a rating of the best virtual reality glasses for 2024.

What are VR glasses?

Virtual reality glasses serve as a guide to the three-dimensional world, for the purpose of teaching a person or spending time comfortably. In the modern world, this does not require an expensive personal computer or the latest PlayStation, almost any smartphone will do.

Most VR headsets are made of high-quality plastics, and most of the time even big manufacturers like Oculus make most of the parts on a 3D printer. The inner part is made of fabric and rubber for a comfortable contact with the face, but some models do not have this luxury. All virtual reality glasses have special lenses behind which the screen is located; to create a three-dimensional effect, it is divided into two parts. In addition, each model is equipped with a built-in gyroscope, which is necessary for orientation in the virtual world.

In some models of VR glasses, for better head tracking, special sensors are installed, information from which is transmitted to a computer via USB or HDMI. The high cost of the product is due to the fact that all important and expensive elements are collected in one gadget, which makes some models inaccessible to some users.

VR for smartphone. Principle of operation

If everything is clear with the traditional option, then what is the principle of operation of a VR headset for smartphones and how are they better or worse? The first company that decided to release VR glasses to a wide audience was Google. The device has become an innovator in this field. It is noteworthy that the body was completely made of high-quality cardboard, this equipment is devoid of any conveniences and some users paid special attention to this.

As already described above, in order to get full-fledged virtual reality glasses, 4 things should be combined in one device: lenses for creating volume, a display for displaying information, a gyroscope for orientation and the body itself. This is where the fun begins, because all smartphones are equipped with a display and a built-in gyroscope, and as you know, these two elements are the most expensive. Therefore, the manufacturer only has to make the housing and place it inside the lens, which is much cheaper and easier. Also, the price of equipment is reduced several times, which makes it affordable for a large number of people.

Features of the device

After purchasing VR glasses, you need to place the smartphone inside the case, customize the lenses so that the picture is clear and launch a special application. Then the person has a full-fledged virtual reality device.

But it is also worth remembering that although most glasses are universal and compatible with almost all smartphones, some support several models, while others are allowed only for a specific one. Therefore, before buying, you should check the compatibility with a consultant.

Feature of VR glasses for smartphone.

  • They work properly only with the phone;
  • The image quality is completely display dependent;
  • There is a special application that allows you to use games designed for the PC;
  • The presence of a powerful computer fades into the background;
  • You can connect your smartphone to your computer via a USB cable;
  • It becomes possible to view films or clips with 3D support;
  • The glasses are compatible with almost all popular VR applications.

A significant drawback is the lack of normal games on the phone, if the computer does not have such problems, then for the smartphone it is essential. However, do not forget that there was no VR either, so the issue of games is a matter of time.

Criterias of choice

In order to avoid mistakes when choosing a device, it must be borne in mind that there are a fairly large number of different models of virtual reality glasses. Therefore, when choosing a specific model, it is worth remembering simple rules:

  • The device must be compatible with the phone model, in addition to this, the screen size and the maximum allowable resolution must also be taken into account, since some VR glasses work properly with only one smartphone;
  • If a person has vision problems, then it is necessary to select glasses with lens adjustment. In cases where one eye sees better or worse, it is worth purchasing a device with separate adjustment so as not to spoil the impression of a game or a movie;
  • Based on the area of ​​application (for spending time in games, comfortable watching 3D films, etc.), buy the optimal model;
  • You should not go into debt by purchasing a very expensive model to choose a device based on financial capabilities, as it may not meet your expectations.

After scrolling through all the criteria in his head, a person can easily choose the option that he needs, without overpaying and without fear of incompatibility.

The advent of VR for the phone has revolutionized the gaming industry and fulfilled the dream of many people, bringing the cost of hardware to the lowest possible, which had a positive effect on increasing sales. Now everyone can afford virtual reality glasses and look at their favorite games or movies from a completely different perspective.

Glasses harm

Sometimes you can stumble upon an article about the negative aspects of a VR helmet and it is necessary to cover this topic here. The negative impact of the device on humans will be described below.

Equipment weight

At first glance, this may seem far-fetched, because the weight of the equipment (excluding wires) is only 300-400 grams, for example, gaming headphones weigh the same. And, if a person remembers the sensations from headphones before and after playing for several hours, then the difference will be on the face. Not only the ears will start to hurt, but also the head and, most importantly, the neck. The same symptoms also occur with prolonged use of virtual reality glasses.

In addition, do not forget that during use, the helmet covers almost the entire head volume. Of course, there are special belts, the main property of which is to reduce pressure, but the glasses put pressure not only on the head, but also on the bridge of the nose, which is felt after several hours of continuous use.

However, to judge the harmfulness of the device only by this parameter is silly. Because these painful sensations appear when you spend too much time in them.

Alienation from reality

No matter how it sounds, the reality is that some people spend more time in the virtual world than in the real one. Because of this, problems arise not only in personal life.A person forgets to eat elementarily, to rest in time, as a result of which he loses weight and immunity weakens. Just remember Wu Tai, a Chinese who spent more than 19 hours playing a computer game without taking any breaks, which negatively affected his health.

However, a thin thread can also be traced here, because these cases are rare and not all people may be as interested in the plot of the game so as not to feel tired or hungry, so in this case everything depends on the person.

Negative impact on the human body

The harmful consequences of long-term stay in the virtual world were proven at the end of the last century. Most often, after the game there were severe headaches, a person began to feel nausea and dizziness. Even in the modern world, despite the development of technology, it is not possible to get rid of the effects of overvoltage.

In addition, in some cases, people have been noted to be disoriented. Under normal conditions, the human brain receives signals that are consistent with each other. However, when in virtual reality, the senses do not send signals synchronously and some discord occurs. There were recorded precedents when, after a long stay in the game (or while playing), a person could not drink normally, but poured water past his mouth, not understanding what was happening.

According to scientists, this is due to the fact that some users play at low resolution, as well as frequent frame changes in the game, which affects the body. In addition, most experts note that spending time in virtual reality is possible for persons who have reached the age of 14 and do not have complex mental illnesses.

Does vision deteriorate?

Perhaps this is the most important question. And here you should know that both helmet users and most specialists cannot single out an unambiguous answer. Many scientists believe that the danger of virtual reality glasses is not as dangerous as they say in the media.

There is another side that substantiates its opinion with facts and speaks of excessive eye strain, due to which vision deteriorates over the course of several years. However, it is worth remembering that visual acuity deteriorates not only from monitors and VR-helmets, but also when reading your favorite book in the wrong light. The eyes are quite fragile in themselves, so you need to give them a rest, and then neither a computer, nor a book or virtual reality glasses will have a strong impact.

Therefore, it is rather difficult to accurately answer the question about the health risks of a VR helmet. Because some people may be genetically predisposed to vision impairment over time or psychological illness. Also, most of the negative impact is associated with a person's poor emotional state at the time of the game or when buying a low-quality device.

In any case, we can only say one thing: the main thing is to know when to stop. After a person learns this, he will enjoy the plot without harm to his health.

TOP 5 best virtual reality glasses for PS4 and PC up to 80 thousand rubles

Royole moon

The glasses are ideal for high quality movie lovers. Virtual reality is made at a high level, from which a person will feel like not an ordinary spectator, but practically a hero of an action-packed action movie. Although you can play games with these glasses, the manufacturer recommends them for watching high-definition movies. The helmet supports the Full HD format without any problems, and 2 high-quality displays are used for more accurate picture transmission.

The next parameter to note is sound. The glasses have excellent noise cancellation, which can reduce external sound by more than 20 dB. In addition, they have a wide capture of any frequencies. Virtual reality glasses are able to independently identify the content and correctly adapt the image. Almost all popular video formats are supported.The helmet is convenient not only in use, but also in carrying, it is easy to pack, and it does not take up much space. The battery can easily withstand active use for 5 hours. For people with low vision, there is the possibility of correcting lenses. The built-in memory capacity is 32 GB.

Average price: from 65,000 rubles.

Royole moon


  • High image quality;
  • Mobility;
  • High noise reduction;
  • Clear sound.


  • High price;
  • Small amount of internal memory;
  • Not the best for gaming;
  • Slightly blurred focus around the edges.

Sony HMZ-T3W

The model is also intended for watching movies, however, unlike the previous device, it has a number of positive differences. The device produces a large and excellent picture and fills almost the entire field of view. It has excellent isolation from the sun's rays, and therefore completely immerses a person in the virtual world. In addition, this Sony model has the best sound of any VR headset, which deserves a separate plus. Also, most users note an attractive appearance, the device is made as elegant as possible.

Glasses are perfect not only for watching 2D movies, but also 3D cinematography will not be left out. A significant drawback is the weight of the device at 320 grams, and this may seem like the usual weight for VR, however, coupled with the not the best head unit, which pretty much strains the neck muscles, watching your favorite movies can seem like a torment. The lack of diopter adjustment and built-in sensors to support 360 degrees also knock it out of the lead, leaving it far behind.

Average price of the device: from 80,000 rubles.

Sony HMZ-T3W


  • Unique sound transmission;
  • High quality;
  • Excellent 3D effect;
  • Can be used with regular glasses;


  • No diopter adjustment;
  • Cost;
  • High load.

Acer Windows Mixed Reality

The device differs from the rest, as immersion in virtual reality is performed at a high level. Works with PC and is intended for use in games, and if at the time of release the list of applications was significantly small, then with access to SteamVR this list will increase tenfold, which will make the purchase relevant for most avid gamers.

The design of the gadget is excellent, the bright blue front panel, covered with gloss, will not leave anyone indifferent. For those who like long diving, the device is equipped with ventilation grilles, which provides additional comfort. The gadget weighs only 171 grams, including batteries, so there are no problems with the neck. Users note not only ease of use, but also easy connection and configuration, which is carried out in automatic mode, which takes no more than 10 minutes. Also, the helmet automatically checks the compatibility of a computer or laptop. The downside is that the image displayed on the display does not differ in high purity and sharpness, in contrast to expensive analogs. Therefore, with a sharp turn of the head, the picture is displayed incorrectly. Another disadvantage is the continuous operation of the controllers.

Average price: 24,000 rubles.

Acer Windows Mixed Reality


  • Easy to set up;
  • Good price;
  • Immersive gameplay;
  • A high resolution;
  • Nice design and construction.


  • Eyes get very tired after several hours;
  • The batteries on the controllers are quickly planted;
  • Doesn't define the environment at times.

Oculus Rift CV1 + Touch

The model is widely popular among most gamers. All the necessary equipment is packed in a convenient box that does not take up much space. The helmet is equipped with two high-resolution displays with a viewing angle of 110 degrees. Built-in headphones with a three-dimensional sound system are included, which contributes to complete immersion in the game and adjustment of the lens gap, so the device is suitable for almost everyone.To create the effect of presence, special controllers also help, which have an ergonomic shape and an attractive appearance. Thanks to them, the user easily moves in space without discomfort. Also, in order to fully feel like a hero of the game, the joysticks transmit all signals through a gentle vibration.

The length of the wire is 3.5 meters, and the screen refresh rate is 90 Hz, which makes the picture bright and rich. The weight of the device is 470 grams, therefore, with a prolonged pastime, the neck begins to get tired and create some discomfort.

Average cost: from 38,000 rubles.

Oculus Rift CV1 + Touch


  • Comfortable headphones;
  • Ergonomic controllers;
  • Good 3D drawing application;
  • High performance;
  • Full immersion in the virtual world.


  • The lenses fog up;
  • No lens distance adjustment;
  • A small list of games.

PlayStation VR

For PS4 fans, the company has released special virtual reality glasses that will be a great addition to the console. The device has an original design and excellent technical characteristics. Standard headphones are included in the package, but in order to fully experience the immersive effect, it is better to purchase gaming headphones. The sound itself in any game turns out to be rich and there is a sound reflection. The screen refresh rate is between 90 and 120 Hz, so the image appears more vivid. The display is made using OLED technology, the viewing angle is 100 degrees. When playing, a person feels the entire virtual reality on himself, the edges are displayed clearly, and when turning the head, sharpness is not particularly lost.

There are 50+ games for a comfortable pastime. Also, using the helmet, you can watch TV shows and movies in high definition. A significant disadvantage is the weight of the equipment, which is 610 grams.

Average price: from 15,000 rubles, joysticks are sold separately.

PlayStation VR


  • Low cost;
  • Comfortable helmet;
  • Accurate tracking;
  • Variety of games;
  • Attractive design;
  • Long wire.


  • The lenses fog up;
  • Discomfort may occur at times;
  • Weight.

TOP 3 best VR glasses for smartphones

Xiaomi MI VR 2

The device is designed to work with phones that do not exceed a diagonal of 5.7 inches and at least 5. A USB cable with a Type C connector is used to connect to the glasses. However, it is not present in all phones. The device has a built-in motion sensor and a special remote control. To obtain a high-quality picture, hardware acceleration is used. The viewing angle is 103 degrees. The remote control is controlled by Bluetooth version 4.0. There is a lens adjustment that allows the device to be used by a wider public. The detail of the picture is good, in addition, the lenses additionally improve the image.

Most buyers note an attractive appearance and a convenient automatic shutdown after removal. Setting up the equipment takes less than 5 minutes, you can figure it out by the pictures in the instructions, since it is written in Chinese. The total weight of the device, excluding the smartphone, is 403 grams.

Cost: from 2500 rubles.

Xiaomi MI VR 2


  • Quality material;
  • Optimal cost;
  • Good orientation sensor;
  • Original design.


  • Compatible with some Xiaomi models only;
  • Applications in Chinese;
  • Conflicts with third party applications.

Google Daydream View

The 2017 model, which is still relevant in our time. The company has released an excellent device that is compatible with most modern flagships with a Type C connector. When choosing this equipment, the first thing that catches your eye is the design, it has both advantages and disadvantages. Although the mounts and appearance fascinate users, there is no sense of structural reliability. In addition, the device has a viewing angle of only 90 degrees, so when watching a 3D movie, the image is visible only in a small window. To control the gadget, a remote control is used, which is connected via Bluetooth. Weight - 220 grams. Cost: from 8,000 rubles.

Google Daydream View


  • Good remote control;
  • Variety of applications;
  • Original design.


  • With long use, red lines remain;
  • The smartphone heats up quickly;
  • Light often enters the eyes.

Homido V2

The big advantage of the equipment, compared to previous counterparts, is the support for iOS. The device works well with almost all types of phones, ranging from models with a diagonal of 4.2 and ending with 6. Also, there is an adjustment of focus and interpupillary distance. The viewing angle is 105 degrees, which makes the picture pleasant and immersive in VR. There is a special store that allows you to download a wide variety of games. Most buyers note that the device is ergonomic in use, even despite the weight of 340 grams, you can watch your favorite movies without discomfort.

Average price from 4,000 rubles.

Homido V2


  • Android / iOS support;
  • Are securely attached;
  • There are no highlights;
  • Lens adjustment;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Variety of content;
  • Price-quality ratio;
  • Good viewing angle.


  • There is no remote control.


To summarize, we can say that the market for VR glasses is only growing every year, most models have many positive aspects, which makes the purchase of a gadget relevant at the present time. If you have experience using virtual reality glasses described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.


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