The best wallpapers for the living room - news and trends for 2024


Wallpaper has been and remains one of the most convenient decoration options for wall covering. With their help, you can not only decorate the house, but also hide some wall defects. And also reflect your inner world. Or visually change the technical characteristics of the residence (lighting, size, height).

How to navigate the theme of decorating a room with wallpaper, how to choose them in order to realize your decisions on creating a dream home? In the article, we will consider which options are best for decoration using the example of the main room - the living room. After all, it is she who is the main one that determines the lifestyle of the owners and reveals their character. The editorial staff of the site "Ya Nashla" offers you an overview of the best wallpaper options for the living room for 2024.

The main criteria for choosing wallpaper for the living room include:
maintaining excellent external characteristics; fashion trends, to maintain style for more than one year; high performance characteristics.

Choosing a living room style: fashion ideas, the best manufacturers

To make the main room interesting and fashionable for years to come, you can choose what style will be present in it before decorating. They are:

  • classical

It is characterized by brevity. Beige, blue, burgundy, brown and gold will do. These colors will simultaneously emphasize the severity and luxury of the interior.

  • Provence

Monochromatic, delicate tones with floral ornaments are inherent in it. The use of cells or stripes is allowed. The combination of patterns is developed depending on and taking into account the location of furniture and various decorative ornaments.

The tenderness of nature, the warmth of calm pastel colors and bright, juicy, summer colors will set the tone and create an appropriate mood.

The best manufacturers of this style include the YORK SABEL 2 brand. Artistic painting made on paper in the form of prints is an imitation of handwork.

  • Modern

It is characterized by color accents, asymmetry of patterns, and wave lines. Using the pronounced texture of wood and stone, the contrast of gloss and matt, it is possible to create a luxurious interior.

A representative of this style is the collection of Chroma Karat.

It is a high quality, non-woven wallpaper with chocolate, gray, beige backgrounds and accents of gold, yellow and green.

Amazing combinations can be reproduced.

  • High tech

These are high technologies, functionality, originality. Modern style without anything extra. Bold decisions in the use of new materials in different combinations, with imitation of metal, without natural wood or stone textures.

But such an interior does not look boring and cold at all. This style can be created with the Covers brand.

Wallpaper with the texture of concrete, plaster and metal. Presence of neutral shades - from noble, gray and silver, to warm and sandy. They create a special look for the main room.

  • English

This is restraint in style, a fleur of luxury without ostentation and chic, but with the presence of nobility and dignity. The use of rich colors with a discreet palette of plain walls, the presence of symmetry. The material of the wall covering is solid and natural.

This style is always in fashion.

For southern and western living rooms, gray-blue and green colors look good. The east and north rooms will be decorated with brown, pink, yellow, golden colors.

For lovers of light colors, wallpapers are suitable for soft cream, tea, peach, beige and light gray shades.

This style doesn't like sharp, contrasting colors. Everything should be calm and restrained, noble.

To use ornaments, vertical or diagonal lines, cells, monograms are suitable.

  • Ethno

In addition to the English described above, when creating this style in the interior, you can use the national colors of other countries: Africa, China, India, Egypt, France, Japan, etc. The culture of any country to which there is a spiritual disposition can be created at home. It will also start with wallpaper.

Variants with plant prints and local colors are suitable.

  • Retro

To create a living room interior, materials with bright, rich colors are used. But the combination should not be "bland" and flashy, but harmonious.

This style is suitable for creative people, opening horizons for the flight of their imagination.

The interior contributes to the immersion in the romantic period of the past. But it is not "naphthalene", but updated for modern conditions.

If you want a more approximate display of this style, you can get acquainted with it in more detail, since it is divided into: 50s, 60s and 70s.

  • Minimalism

For lovers of simplicity and freedom, this is a good option. Soft severity, clarity of lines, symmetry and proportion.

  • Wallpaper cladding options

If there is no desire to create a specific interior theme, but the task is simply to update it and slightly change it, you can combine the finish using:

  • various colors;
  • allocation of certain areas;
  • considering the color of the furniture;
  • combination - textured, vertical, horizontal, patchwork, in the form of inserts; vegetable prints;
  • focusing on a specific area of ​​the wall;
  • panels and frescoes - to emphasize a specific area of ​​the wall.

General description of fashionable wallpaper, what are

Having decided on the general theme for the living room, you can proceed to the selection of the models themselves.

New modern trends include:


Refers to cellulose based textile nonwoven breathable materials that can be washed. It is similar to paper, but superior in strength. It remains durable and visually attractive for a long time.

The advantages include its ability to hide the flaws of the walls. They are fire resistant. Paintable options can withstand several layers. Do not deform or shrink. Highly durable and resistant to external damage. Low wear rate. Withstand high humidity. Do not wrinkle, do not attract dust and light dirt. Suitable for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Glass wallpaper

A new type of flooring ideal for living rooms.

Advantages: respectable appearance, durability, strength.

Disadvantages: the need to prepare the walls before gluing using a special type of glue, their high cost.

Long lasting and durable. They are basic for painting. Their durability is over 10 years. With them you can embody the most original ideas.


They have a rich appearance. They are attractive and will emphasize comfort.

The advantages include their leveling effect. They are able to hide all uneven surface areas.They are also easy to work with, strong enough. They have a durable base.

The vinyl covering of the upper part is moisture resistant and amenable to wet cleaning, up to light household dirt. They have a spectacular and rich appearance. They do not fade and last for a long time. They are also characterized by resistance to abrasion.

The disadvantages of this type include: the artificial material used. They are vaporless and breathable. They may have a specific smell that persists in the room for a long time.

  • Silkscreen

Refers to a variety of vinyl, the appearance of which resembles delicate silk. To create a noble interior.

  • Acrylic

Another type of vinyl wallpaper. Their difference is in the upper embossed layer of acrylic foam in the form of a different pattern.

Breathable, they are safe for health. Optimal price to quality ratio. But they are not resistant to moisture and damage, abrasion.

For painting

A convenient option for changing colors without the hassle of stripping old ones and gluing new ones. After their disposable sticker, you can change the color more than once.

There are three types of them: paper, non-woven, fiberglass.

Their difference in the components used in the manufacture and in the technology of subsequent use. Uniting Holy - the possibility of several degrees and options for coloring. And also with the use of combination.


This is a budget option for a home that deserves attention.

Modern options have a beautiful appearance and high quality.

With the help of modern technologies, they are presented by manufacturers in the form of: smooth, two-layer with embossing, moisture-resistant, structured, foamed.

They are produced using different technologies and materials for the production. The common quality that unites them is the paper base.

Advantages: environmental friendliness, affordability.

Disadvantages: not used with high room humidity, fragility, high abrasion, non-elasticity during the gluing process, exactingness to the ideal wall surface, increased surface error.


A non-standard and non-traditional option that compares favorably with other options.

Advantages: environmental friendliness, wide color range, durability, safety.

Disadvantages: their high cost, low resistance to dust and moisture, special conditions for gluing. It is a warm decoration material that is suitable for creating a cozy "nest".

You can get acquainted with the collections from Ameksko, San Giorgio, Kate exclusive, Italian Epocavil, Kaveris.

With bugles

Another name for such a model is with beads. It is a rich and unusual option with excellent performance.

They can be non-woven, vinyl, paper. The more expensive ones are on non-woven fabric with beads.

Correctly adjusted light in the living room or incoming sunlight will favorably highlight the sparkle and radiance of the glass beads.

The surface of any of the selected bases can be with mother-of-pearl, matte, or monochromatic pattern.

Advantages: exclusivity, beauty, value for money, pleasant to the touch.

Disadvantages: shedding is possible; require competent gluing. Undoubtedly, this is an option for sophisticated connoisseurs of a delicate, velvety shine.

They will transform the living room into a chic place of attraction:

  • Milan catalog with pistachio, glamorous purple, fantastic graphite.
  • Carl Robbins collection with a storm of crimson hues, fresh and tasty, it exudes energy, life, strength. There are also light shades with subtle pearl reflections.
  • Ball Lee with sand and bronze shades. Sugar with enchanting bronze. For decoration, you can also use graphic ornaments.


A separate type of material for decoration with an application technique similar to decorative plaster. With a difference in the structure of the composition.

They consist of an adhesive component with cotton, silk, cellulose components and decorative additives from marble, pearlescent or shiny chips, dry algae, threads, wood chips, etc.

The materials to add can be natural or artificial.

The advantages include: ease of application; environmental friendliness; safety; the possibility of self-application; plasticity, application to complex geometric shapes.


A thin plastic layer is applied to the paper base. The base can also be fabric. From above, the surface is painted with oil or water-based paints. The result is a smooth or embossed surface that can be washed.

Advantages: ease of staining; high wear resistance.

A more flexible and lightweight analogue of linkrust is anaglipta, using a paper base.

Flock and velor-coated

Flocking walls are suitable for rooms with high humidity. This is a finely cut textile polyamide, viscose and acrylic fiber. Their length, color and thickness may vary. The electrolyte-treated pile is applied in the same way as bugles. They are soft and velvety to the touch.

With them, the living room will become warm and cozy.

Notable representatives: Port Vinero, Clark and Clark.

Large patterns are suitable for creating a royal interior.

Pluses: excellent sound insulation; special impregnation for repelling dust and other pollution; cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or dry cleaning.

The velor coating is the same.

From natural materials

For those who prefer natural materials, wallpaper made of natural materials is suitable: bamboo, cork, natural leather, mineral chips, straw, algae.

Chemical impregnation in accordance with standards with water and dirt repellent properties. Fibers from natural materials are applied to a non-woven base, most often paper or non-woven, gauze.

Various design solutions for decorating the walls of the living room of a country house. The presence of nature will be felt in the living room.

The disadvantages include coating with paint similar to acrylic, which is prone to washing off.

They require care when gluing and further care. Use only special types of glue. Complete exclusion of wet cleaning. Either a "maid" broom, or a vacuum cleaner.

Exclusion of direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation (sunlight), because in one season they can burn out by several tones. Seam visibility.

Brands: Effinger, Skol, Rusha collection, Koska
De Garne, Paul Mont Gomery, Gressy, Fresco, Promental, - a work of art, handmade.


Three-dimensional modern materials in an apartment are an opportunity to turn a living room in an apartment into a world with an unusual landscape or a fantastic planet.

Their advantages include unusualness. They give a sense of presence or extension of space. With them, the illusion of expanding the limited space is possible. An individual approach to the topic. Simplicity of finishing work.

The vinyl surface is easy to maintain.

Latex wallpaper

You can decorate the wall or even the ceiling in the living room with latex photo wallpaper. By applying latex ink, the printer creates a specific pattern on the surface.

It is an environmentally friendly and safe building materials for wall cladding.

They have high resistance to fire, wear resistance, moisture resistance, sunlight, high quality digital printing with rich colors.

Other important little things

Selection guide and quantity calculation

To calculate the required amount you need:

  • measure the length of all walls (you can use the baseboard);
  • the resulting value is divided by the width of the roll of the selected model;
  • now we know how many strips are needed;
  • the area of ​​the entire roll is divided by the height of the ceiling;
  • so it becomes clear how many strips can be obtained from one roll;
  • now combine these two quantities.

That is, if you need 8 strips, and the footage of the roll gives only 2, then you need to buy 4 rolls.

When choosing, you must consider:

  • the quality of lighting in the living room directly affects the selection of the texture of the material;
  • the choice of color must be considered with the location of the living room. For the north and east - warm, bright colors. For the south and west - cold tones.
  • The overall background, pattern and texture should be in harmony with the chosen design.

How to avoid possible mistakes

Common mistakes when choosing can be:

  • choosing too dark a tone if the living room is located to the north or there is little access to natural light.
  • Loss of balance between aesthetics and common sense in pursuit of originality.

Tips for the correct sticker

If the walls are covered according to the rules, then they will be fixed efficiently. This requires:

  • cleansing the walls;
  • leveling and priming;
  • acquaintance with the recommendations for gluing from the manufacturer;
  • taking into account that most wallpapers are glued end-to-end;
  • one day sticker is desirable;
  • closing windows and doors to maintain a constant temperature;
  • smoothing takes place with a special scraper or napkin. With a gentle persistent movement, first in the middle, from top to bottom. Then from the middle to the edges.
  • Pay particular attention to the edges and corners of the canvas.

What you should pay attention to

  • Raw wallpapers do not like drafts. Because of this, they may be "led" or they may begin to peel off.
  • It is worth smoothing them out carefully, with feeling, really, with arrangement, so that they do not "bubble", especially for paper models.
  • A large print is perfect for a large living room.
  • Small ornament - only for a small room.
  • Vertical stripes will visually raise the ceiling.
  • Horizontal - expand the boundaries of the room.

Wallpaper can be sold:

  • rolls, i.e. sold already with a certain footage and width;
  • footage, with a cut of the required amount.

Rating of popular and high-quality models, according to buyers

Premium class

Classic wallpaper for the living room / 331769

  • Manufacturer: EIJFFINGER (Netherlands);
  • Collection: American Archive;
  • Roll volume: 10 m;
  • How much: 9155 rubles;
  • Reviews: Rated 4.8 out of 5.


Vinyl wallpaper from a Dutch vintage brand that has been producing wallpapers for over 130 years in the global market. Made in a roll version. Its width is 0.52 m.

Pleasant colors that do not cut your eyes in two shades of beige. The main background is in a darker tone. A patterned pattern of a lighter shade of beige is located throughout its area.

They can be used to create a luxurious and stylish living room. They look good in artificial, sunlight and natural light.

Sticking to walls takes place without complications. They create a smooth and even surface.

living room wallpaper / 331769 EIJFFINGER


  • ease of gluing;
  • pleasant shades;
  • stylish.


  • expensive.

VILDTUTA for living room

  • Manufacturer: BORASTAPETER (Sweden);
  • Material: non-woven;
  • Average price: 6200 rubles;
  • Reviews: Rated 4.5 out of 5.


Non-woven wallpaper with a plant print of large flowers. The multi-colored range of colors on the canvas expands the possibilities of using combinations that are in harmony with the rest of the design.

The ornament is repeated every 53 cm, roll length 10.05 m, width 53 cm.

Available in various basic colors: beige, green, pink.

With this wallpaper, the living room will "play". If you add live plants to the room, you can develop the idea of ​​the "Botanical Garden".

Undoubtedly, these "funny" wallpapers will cheer you up.

Wallpaper for the living room VILDTUTA BORASTAPETER


  • environmental friendliness;
  • quality;
  • colors.


  • not found.

Wallpaper geometry for living room / T115 (Thibault)

  • Manufacturer: THIBAUT (USA);
  • Collection: Serendipity;
  • Average price: 6796 rubles;
  • Reviews: Rated 4.9 out of 5.


Materials from an American manufacturer are perfect for decorating the royal living room.

They have a geometric pattern in the form of rhombuses, with the emblems of a lion, which are not often located and give them regality and harmony.

The general background of the canvas is pink with golden stripes of rhombuses and emblems. You can choose blue, peach, pistachio.

It is a paper version of wallpaper that is resistant to sunlight and abrasion.

The footage per roll is 8.22 m, with a width of 69 cm. Repetition of the aports after 22 cm. Some difficulty in gluing will be fitting the pattern. It will take a little longer, but the end result will be worth it.

Wallpaper geometry for living room / T115 (Thibault) THIBAUT


  • quality;
  • do not fade;
  • respectable appearance;
  • easy to stick;
  • variety of colors;
  • universal.


  • expensive;
  • require fitting the picture.

Living room wallpaper / 340005

  • Manufacturer: EIJFFINGER (Netherlands);
  • Collection: Bloom;
  • Average price: 6804 rubles;
  • Reviews: Rated 4.7 out of 5.


Materials of the premium segment will be harmonious in any interior. They are made of non-woven fabric, with a width of 0.52 m and a length of 10 m. With their help, you can significantly expand the boundaries of the room (visually, of course).

This design solution will give the living room an element of grace and art.

Bonding using a special non-woven glue or glue recommended for heavy wallpapers.

The main background is a lilac-brown lighter than the floral ornament applied over it in more saturated tones.

living room fights / 340005 EIJFFINGER


  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • price.

Amorina for living room

  • Manufacturer: BORASTAPETER (Sweden);
  • Material: non-woven;
  • Average cost: 5400 rubles;
  • Reviews: Rated 4.6 out of 5.


Made specifically for the decoration of the main room. Available in three colors: black, blue, green.

Drawing in the form of large leaves, densely covering the entire surface.

Standard rolls: 10 m long and 53 cm wide.

Such a model is glued end-to-end. Due to the chaotic arrangement of the print, the seams will not be visible.

Non-woven base.

If you decorate a room with good natural light with such wallpaper, adding white moldings, contrasting with the color of the furniture, you can get a stylish room that will breathe with mystery.

Wallpaper for the living room / Amorina BORASTAPETER


  • environmental friendliness;
  • variety of colors;
  • quality.


  • only dark colors.

Middle class

Geometric wallpaper for living room Illusion / DM 003

  • Manufacturer: LOYMINA (Russia);
  • Collection: Illusion;
  • Average price: 3200 rubles;
  • Reviews: Rated 4.6 out of 5.


Non-woven wallpaper from a Russian brand of delicate colors: pearl, beige, cream colors. Made in a roll version. They are 3 m wide and 4 m long.

With a geometric pattern in the form of squares, with a smooth surface. It will not be difficult to stick them on the walls, with which they "merge" together. Butt-glued, the seams will not be visible. Moreover, they have a good width.

A small footage per roll, but it is enough for an average of two strips.

Non-woven base.

Geometric wallpaper for living room Illusion / DM 003 LOYMINA


  • high resistance to abrasion;
  • withstand light mechanical damage;
  • cost;
  • width.


  • roll length;
  • technical difficulties when gluing in one.

Budget options

Living room wallpaper / 5961

  • Manufacturer: BORASTAPETER (Sweden);
  • Collection: Ornament;
  • Average price: 1300 rubles;
  • Reviews: Average rating 4.6 out of 5.


A budget option for wall covering from a Swiss manufacturer. They are washable, which makes them comfortable for long-term use.

A light blue floral ornament on a deep blue field is very pleasing to the eye.

Wallpaper is universal, because Suitable for any room decoration, they make the living room exclusive, making it luxurious and stylish.

Living room wallpaper / 5961 BORASTAPETER


  • cost;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning;
  • versatility;
  • beautiful ornament;
  • pastel shades.


  • not found.

Living room wallpaper / 7028

  • Manufacturer: ECO WALLPAPER (Sweden);
  • Material: vinyl;
  • Average price: 1800 rubles;
  • Reviews: Rated 4.8 out of 5.


This stylish Swedish wallpaper is perfect for hi-tech or minimalist living room interiors.

The main background is gray, associated with steel.Along it are hexagonal shapes of a lighter steel shade.

But do not be afraid that the living room will become cold with the choice of this option. With the correct addition of bright decorative details and additional artificial or natural lighting to the interior, the living room will give a sense of clarity of lines, order and accuracy, without being distracted by trifles.

Such an atmosphere is good for the intellectual type of people who love order and achieve the ideal in everything. Not boring, but simply seeing the harmony of life in this.

Living room wallpaper / 7028 ECO WALLPAPER


  • a budget option;
  • style;
  • quality;
  • ease of care;
  • ease of pasting;
  • visual expansion of space.


  • not.

Photo wallpaper "Wallpaper on the wall for the living room"

  • Manufacturer: KLV-WALLPAPERS (Russia);
  • Material: non-woven;
  • Average price: 990 rubles;
  • Reviews: only positive.


3D wallpaper on a non-woven basis with large white-pink flowers on a gray-blue background with mint foliage. The effect of silk and the presence of flowers right in the room will provide such photo wallpaper.

The composition is made in pastel colors, so it will not irritate the eyes. She will add zest to the creation of a delicate living room interior.

The smooth surface is easy to clean with a simple wipe with a damp cloth.

KLV-WALLPAPERS Photo wallpaper «Wallpaper on the wall for the living room


  • beautiful;
  • affordable cost;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • ease of gluing;
  • decent quality, not inferior to similar imported options;
  • invisibility of seams.


  • not found.


The choice of wallpaper as a wall covering is a decent and still fashionable option for decorating a living room. With their help, you can express your inner desires, give solemnity, originality, comfort, individuality to the living room.

A serious and responsible approach to the choice, the rules of combination and gluing will give a modern style to the living room for a long period.

Having followed the recommendations for choosing, described in the article, beauty and quality will "haunt" you for many years. If you have experience using wallpaper models from the collections described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.


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