The best materials for garden paths for 2024


At any summer cottage or in a country house there are garden paths. They are the main element of the improvement. Thanks to them, a person does not bring dirt into the house, and the appearance of the territory is ennobled. However, it is necessary to choose the right material so that it blends well and can last for a long period. It should be remembered that the tracks are created only once and for 30-40 years. Therefore, attention must be paid to their choice.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best materials for garden paths for 2024.

Rating of budget models

Wooden pallet

Some people who rarely visit the dacha use ordinary pallets as paths, which are sold in large quantities. If you want to save money, you can buy a used product. Their cost starts at 100 rubles apiece.

In this case, the entire pallets are placed. This option does not cost a lot of money and time. Pallets are filled with gravel or any heavy building material. Then the laying is carried out. The main advantage of this option is that the dimensions of the pallet just fit the dimensions of the garden path. The main thing is to lay them neatly and tightly so that they adhere to each other and leave no gaps.

The height of such a structure is 12-15 cm, which is also a suitable solution for arranging a garden. For greater efficiency, a person can prepare a groove in advance and create a curb. So the strength will remain at a high level. Also, we must not forget about the constant processing of the structure. Due to the fact that it is made of wood, it needs to be cleaned and covered with a special moisture-resistant varnish. This will increase the life of the product up to 15, and in some cases up to 20 years.

Processing is best done as it wears out. It is allowed to use a solution containing antimicrobial components, so that when moisture penetrates, the mold does not begin to destroy the material. Subject to correct operation, no negative weather phenomena will damage the pallet.

The average cost is 205 rubles apiece, you can find it cheaper.

Construction wooden pallet 1200/1000 mm, capacity 2500 kg


  • Easy installation;
  • Decent durability;
  • Low cost.


  • Requires special care;
  • Service life - 20 years.

Board path

A good option that looks nicer than regular pallets. To create such a path, a person only needs boards that are sold in a hardware store. The top should be smooth and beautiful.

For masonry, you will need to create a solid base, such as a sand cushion and a cement mixture. If a person cannot use the last ingredient, then the sand must be watered throughout the week. Moreover, this operation should be carried out twice a day or more. Thanks to such actions, the strength characteristics of this element will increase significantly.

As soon as you get a good result, you need to lay the boards. It is best to use logs that are pre-positioned on the sides and middle. They will provide the most tight fit, which will increase wear resistance and strength indicators.

It is not necessary to use new boards, you can also use used ones, the main thing is that they are of high quality and not rotten. The maximum service life of such a product is 20 years. However, it is possible only with proper operation and constant processing of the material with special compounds. If this period is enough for a person, then wooden products are a suitable option.

Boards are sold at a price of 150 rubles.

Decking, Garden parquet, WPC decking, Cottage Mode Garden Natur


  • Decent durability;
  • Easy installation;
  • Efficiency;
  • Cost;
  • Can be painted in any color.


  • You must constantly look after;
  • Life time.


It is an economical material that is rarely used. The main feature is easy installation. It is suitable if a person does not want to create a complex structure or concrete.

Plastic models are highly durable, and most are sold with special holes through which the grass grows. The tiles are small lawns that you can walk on without getting dirty. Before laying, you should prepare a recess, it is not necessary to cover it with sand. This is done to level the surface.

Average cost of a tile: from 200 rubles per piece.

Universal plastic cover / 6 pcs.


  • Durability;
  • Will give the garden a beautiful look;
  • Strength;
  • Maintenance-free.


  • Not found.

Top best products in the middle price category

Paving slabs

Popular material used to create tracks. It does not need to be created by yourself, all production operations are carried out in the factory. Therefore, a person should only choose a shape and color.

In order for the masonry to last for a long period, it is important to use cement. It guarantees a durable connection. You can carry out the work both independently and hire builders who will do everything in a short period of time.

There are only 3 types of paving slabs:

  • Thin tiles. The option is intended for installation on a personal plot. The thickness of the product does not exceed 3 cm. The main feature of this design is the low cost of the material, since a minimum of components are spent to create it. Despite this, the decoration can be different. Models are available with beautiful patterns or ornaments. Therefore, finding a suitable option will not be difficult. In most cases, you shouldn't look for an unusual shape, just buy a standard square. This will simplify the laying many times, making the path straight and will not have ugly cracks through which the grass will grow.
  • If a person plans not only to walk along the path, but also constantly transport various cargo, for example, using construction trolley, then the recommended thickness should be at least 4 cm. Because only such tiles are able to withstand high loads and will not wear out in a couple of years. This cannot be neglected, since thin paths are quickly pressed into the ground and cracks form on them. In the production of tiles, special requirements are imposed on them so that the structure can withstand a large weight without loss of quality characteristics.
  • The 4 cm tracks are not capable of supporting cars. If there is transport on the site, then it is best to buy a product with a thickness of 6 cm. The value is sufficient for daily trips, while the attractive appearance remains for 30 years. Before buying a model, you should check with the seller about the possibility of working with heavy loads. Tiles are made in the form of small rectangles, where the thickness is equal to the width. This is the best option for car owners.

Paving slabs are a great solution that suits everyone. The material does not require special care and is ready for use after purchase. Manufacturing is carried out on a natural basis, the laying does not take much time and effort, which is a profitable solution. The only thing to keep in mind is the weight you carry.

Paving slabs for garden paths are sold at a price of 400 rubles per square meter.

sidewalk tile


  • High strength;
  • A wide variety;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Saving;
  • Durability.


  • It must be carefully selected.

A natural stone

The option attracts most people with its unusual appearance and beauty. This is due to the fact that the material has an irregular geometric shape. The tracks made from it are original. To make them stand firmly and harmonize with each other, you need to try. The first thing that is done is that the stone is tightly fixed, it should not move under load. At first it will be difficult to implement, but over time everything will normalize. For high-quality masonry, it is important to know several styling features:

  • Natural stone is placed in a cement mortar. It is better to use products of the M500 brand, it meets the requirements of outdoor use. To avoid discomfort when walking, smooth surfaces are created, but they must be strong enough. To create a solution, you need sand, water and cement. Proportions 1: 3, where one part of cement and three excipients.
  • Plates are laid by pressing into the solution, its residues that have gone over the edges are removed with a dry cloth. It is important to do this quickly so that he does not have time to grab.
  • The base is created thanks to the sand cushion, but formwork must also be used. Before this, a hole is dug, 30 cm deep. It should be remembered that the depression must correspond to the boundaries and be created along the entire length.
  • After digging, sand is poured into the pit in a uniform layer, 10 cm thick. Before this, you should put a water-repellent material so that moisture from the soil does not get onto the track. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the material will fall apart. Roofing material or material that is used to cover the beds is used as an insulating layer. If the operation is performed correctly, a person will protect the track from moisture and grass, due to which it will last for a long period and will not collapse.
  • So that after pouring the solution, the base does not fall through, experienced builders use crushed stone, which is thoroughly mixed with sand. This creates a durable layer that will withstand subsequent loads and maintain an even surface.
  • Cement mortar is poured on top of the sand. So that it does not go over the edges, the formwork is being prepared. For this, boards or slate are used. The main thing is that the cement mixture fills the entire area and does not go beyond the boundaries. If you plan to use a curb, then the boards will not be required.

The advantage of stone construction is high strength and unusual texture. The material copes well with high loads and does not deform in winter. There is no need to look after, as the color will last forever.

Average cost of execution: from 300 rubles per square meter.

natural stone


  • High strength;
  • Does not deform;
  • Retains color;
  • Durability;
  • Low price.


  • The complexity of the masonry.

Rating of expensive models


A great solution that will help give the track a beautiful look. Some, in order to reduce the cost of work, use second-hand material. Of course, the price will drop lower than for a stone, but the strength characteristics will become worse. Better to use newer models. Buy white silicate and red bricks. The main feature is high strength and resistance to weather conditions.

Before using bricks, construction work is carried out. First, the foundation is being prepared. It is necessary to sprinkle a mixture of cement, sand and gravel on the ground. It is not necessary to prepare the solution. You just need to dig a trench and make a backfill.

For backfilling, M500 cement is used, it best meets the technical and weather requirements. Any sand is chosen, as long as it is dry. Then everything is loaded into a construction bath and thoroughly mixed. The proportions are 1: 2.

After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, it must be distributed over the entire surface.Bricks are placed. They are laid so that they fit snugly to the base and recessed by a centimeter or two. The surface must be completely flat and free of elevations. Large gaps are not allowed, so the material fits as tightly as possible. To be more effective, builders tap the bricks with a mallet so as not to deform them.

It is also possible to carry out laying without a mixture. The main thing is that the material fits snugly together. But such a performance will not be durable and will wear out quickly. It is preferable to use the option with a mixture, especially since it does not require effort to prepare. But the service life and wear resistance will increase significantly.

Brick is sold at a price of 860 rubles per square meter.



  • Attractive appearance;
  • High strength;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Does not deform;
  • Wide choose.


  • High price.


This option is suitable for people who want something unusual. Because the material can be given any geometric or abstract shape. This creates paths with a turn.

As in previous cases, a pit of 30 cm is created before use. Then it is covered with insulating material, covered with a sand base along with gravel and curbs are installed (if desired).

You can create a solution at home or order a ready-made mixture. Concreting can be done both at plus and minus temperatures. However, for the latter case, special factors are taken into account so that the mixture retains its strength for 30-40 years.

Ready-made options are expensive and this is their only drawback. Indeed, if the concrete layer is 20 cm deep, with a track width of 1 m, then at a distance of 5 m you will need at least 1 cube of concrete.

If we use the calculations as basic, it turns out that a person will need 4 cubic meters of concrete for a 20-meter long track. This amount is comparable to a truck that brings ready-mix to a construction site. In addition, you will need to order such a technique to transport your solution. It also costs a lot of money, so not everyone can afford such a solution.

To save money, it is best to create a mixture with your own hands. To do this faster, a mobile concrete mixer is used. You can buy it in a store or rent it. In one day, it is quite possible to make 4 cubes of solution if you start doing the work in the morning. But besides her, you should purchase cement, fine gravel and sand. If a person does not want to spend extra money, then you can make a cement mixture in a construction bath, however, it will take 2-4 days to lay such a path, depending on the pace of work.

All ingredients are mixed with each other, then poured with water and mixed again until a homogeneous mixture. Further, the consistency fills the path, and so that the solution does not leave the boundaries, formwork should be made.

The average cost of a ready-made solution is 4,150 rubles per cubic meter.



  • Strength;
  • Simple preparation if you order a ready-made mixture;
  • Durability;
  • Resistant to frost.


  • High price.

Special grates can be used for the ebb.

Mold for casting garden paths


The material is distinguished by its high cost and beautiful design. It is obtained as a result of crushing rocks, while the strength is no worse than that of concrete structures. However, for installation, you will need to create a recess and place an insulating layer there, and a special mixture on top to give strength. Of course, this will not save you from the fact that small fractions will spread throughout the garden, but the appearance of such a performance is many times superior to the rest.

The average cost is 150 rubles per bag of 30 kg.



  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Strength;
  • Durability;
  • Wear resistance.


  • High price as one bag is not enough to fill the entire track.


It can be difficult to find material for a walkway, but it is best to look for the one that works best for the garden, as it has been done for many years.If you have experience using the materials described in the rating, or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


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