Any girl wants to be the owner of long and thick eyelashes. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this from nature, for this very reason, cosmetologists have developed tools that will help to cope with this problem. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a review of the best oils for growth and thickening of eyelashes for 2024.
Rules for the use of oil
Since the oil must be applied to the eye area, be very careful. This area is the most delicate, so you should not get the product on the mucous membrane of the eye.
Professional masters advise starting the application from the tips of the eyelashes, so the oil will have the opportunity to gradually drain to the base. And in this case, the excess will not fall on the mucous membrane. It is recommended that you remove your contact lenses if you are wearing them.
It should be applied in a small layer so that the excess of the product does not get into the eyes and does not cause discomfort, and in some cases, their redness.
It is also not advised to leave the oil overnight, as this causes swelling. This mask is recommended to be worn for no more than two hours. This time is enough for the result to appear. It is best to perform the procedure in the evening. If you plan to use not pure oil, but a cosmetic composition, then carefully read the instructions before applying. There may be important points regarding the application.
The application method can be different. Many people use cotton swabs, but it is best to use a washed brush from used mascara. This will greatly facilitate the application process and will allow the composition to be evenly distributed over the hairs.
To improve the effect, beauticians advise to heat the oil in a water bath and wash off the cosmetics.
How to choose the right product
For the most part, when choosing, one should focus on individual preferences and the presence of allergic reactions. However, we will still offer you a few tips for choosing.
The first thing to look out for if you're not buying a pure product is the composition. There should be no unnecessary components. For example, petroleum jelly in the composition indicates that the product is unnatural, since it is a refined product and such a substance will not have a positive effect on your eyelashes.
The second thing to pay attention to is whether the oil is essential, since such funds cannot be used without a base oil. It will only hurt your eyes.
For the rest, be guided by your taste and preferences.
If you have any allergies or sensitive skin, choose oil without additives. And just before applying, try it on your wrist, so you can find out if the composition is right for you, and whether there will be harm from the product. After 10 minutes, it is recommended to check the area to which the composition was applied. And in the event that there are no manifestations, apply it before our eyes.
Always pay attention to the expiration date of the product and read the instructions before applying. There will be recommendations for storage and use, as well as a list of contraindications.These points are important to consider if you do not want to harm your health. And products with an expired date should be thrown away.
In the event that you just want to strengthen your eyelashes, you need to adhere to the following course:
- Make a mask for two weeks daily;
- Then take a month-long break;
- Then repeat the course in two weeks.
This method will strengthen the hairs and will not harm your eyes. It is recommended to take a break from application in order not to become addictive to the product and to improve the result from use.
If your goal is only to add elasticity and silkiness to the hairs, then masks should be done 2 times a week, this will be enough for a noticeable effect.
You should not abuse the use of funds, because instead of a positive result, you can harm your health and you will have to seek qualified help.
Rating of the best essential oils for strengthening eyelashes
The third line in the ranking is taken by Castor oil. This remedy has long been known for its regenerative properties. It contains fatty acids, for example:
- Ricinoleic;
- Oleic;
- Palmitinovaya and others.
And also the oil contains vitamins of groups A and E. Due to the presence of these substances, the product is able to moisturize and soften hairs, which prevents hair loss and reduces the impact on them of a harmful environment.
The texture of the oil itself is quite dense and even viscous. This slightly complicates both the application of the composition and its removal from the rivers. However, this product allows you to make the hairs not only elastic, but also strengthens and thickens them.
The average cost for a 30 ml bottle is 51 rubles.
- Availability;
- Economical consumption.
- Difficult to remove from eyelashes.
Usma oil
We gave the second place in our rating to Usma oil, which relatively recently began to gain popularity in our open spaces. It is obtained from the plant of the same name. The product allows you not only to strengthen the hairs of eyelashes and eyebrows, but also makes them thicker.
By its texture, the product does not have a strong fat content and density. Due to the fact that the composition contains a large amount of flavonoids and alkaloids, plus a vitamin complex, the product awakens dormant hair follicles. This activates hair growth and makes them healthy and strong.
The average cost of the funds is 250 rubles.
- Multifunctionality;
- Hypoallergenic;
- Easily removed from eyelashes;
- Economical consumption.
- High price;
- Specific smell.
The leader in our rating is walnut oil. It is best to choose one made from walnuts or pistachio. The composition of such a product is saturated with fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Due to this, the effect of strengthening the eyelashes is simply magical. They become softer and shinier.
Most users mark the DNC brand, because in addition to the nut oil itself, other components are added to the composition that improve the result. For convenience, a brush for application is included.
The product is fluid in texture, but has sufficient thickness.
The average cost per bottle is 151 rubles.
- Economical consumption;
- Universal application.
- Not detected.
Rating of products for improving eyelash growth
In last place we have a product that increases the intensity of hair growth from "Christian Breton". Polymers and wax are used to enhance the strength of the eyelashes and accelerate their growth. It also contains Caroline seaweed and Prokapil.
The product is manufactured in France, so its cost is not low. But it effectively allows you to restore the structure of the hairs, increase the length and provide a nourishing effect on the eyelashes. Due to the strengthening, the makeup will last longer and more firmly.
When used, the composition does not leak, due to its thick texture, so you don't have to worry about getting into the eyes. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the eye is safe.
It is recommended to apply the composition before going to bed, and in the morning before applying mascara. This will protect your lashes from exposure.
A positive result can be seen after a couple of weeks.
The average cost per bottle is 1,990 rubles
- Fast results;
- Thick texture;
- Allows makeup to last longer.
- High price.
The second line is occupied by the ALMEA XLASH eyelash growth stimulator.
Best for awakening "sleeping hairs". Manufactured in England. The composition includes usma juice, extracts of soft coral and arbovi herb. The large amount of nutrients allows you to achieve the desired results safely and in a short time.
Many users note that the length has noticeably increased after 4 weeks of use. The bottle itself is designed for 3 months of use.
This product was developed by cosmetologists to painlessly activate hair growth at the expense of the body itself. This is a significant advantage of the substance.
The bottle is sold immediately with an applicator, and simplifies application.
The average price is 2990 rubles.
- Natural composition;
- Visible results after 4 weeks.
- Cost.
The ELMA EYELASH OIL oil complex becomes the leader in the rating. A fairly popular product that has been at the top of the list for several years. The composition of the product itself has completely organic components, as indicated on the package.
It also contains a vitamin complex of groups A, E, H and PP.
The product perfectly promotes the activation of hair growth, as well as nourishes and moisturizes them.
The product comes in a convenient package, along with a brush, thanks to which it is convenient to apply the product to the eyelashes. The narrow neck removes the remaining oil and leaves only the amount required for application.
Recommended to apply before bedtime and overnight.
The average cost per bottle is 170 rubles.
- Accelerates hair growth;
- Strengthens and elasticizes eyelashes;
- A noticeable result after a month of use.
- You could stain your pillowcase or your hair.
Rating of oils for nourishing eyelashes
White camphor
White camphor oil is in third place in the ranking. It is obtained from the wood of Japanese laurel, and it is essential. It is for this reason that it cannot be used in its pure form, only with the existing base oil. Its composition allows you to thicken lashes and accelerate their growth. This is due to increased blood flow. It also helps to fight hair loss.
The most positive reviews can be found about the Botanika brand oil. It has a fairly fluid texture and dries quickly.
The use of the composition will make your eyes more expressive thanks to the long and curled eyelashes.
In order to obtain the optimal composition for application, it is necessary to mix three drops of camphor oil per tablespoon of the base oil.
It has a spicy aroma, so it may not suit everyone.
The average cost per bottle reaches 430 rubles per bottle.
- Economical consumption;
- Multifunctionality.
- Cannot be used without a base.
- High price.
Sea buckthorn
In second place in terms of effectiveness is sea buckthorn oil. The sea buckthorn product is a source of provitamin A and vitamins K and E. The oil also contains trace elements.
The product is an excellent substance to make eyelashes firm and healthy. On the Internet, you can most often find reviews of Biask and Mirroll brands. These brands are most often mentioned in a positive context.
The product is light in texture and has a rich orange hue. Before buying, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the composition, it should contain about 180 mg of carotenoids.This indicator indicates the quality of the oil.
The average cost for a bottle of Mirroll's product is 125 rubles.
- Universal application;
- Enough for an extended period of time.
- It can get dirty easily.
Apricot oil took the first place in the nutrition of cilia. The product itself is obtained from apricot kernels, it contains acids such as oleic and linoleic. It also contains potassium, magnesium and a vitamin complex. Besides the fact that the product is able to care for the eyelashes, it will help to cope with the skin around the eyes themselves.
The product is able to moisturize and smooth the skin. The pleasant smell emanating from the product will make you feel the approach of summer and will cheer you up.
Most of those who use the product often mark the Asper brand as the most effective to use.
In texture, the product is not thick, slightly viscous and greasy. However, it quickly helps to cope with damaged hairs and saturate them with useful substances. This makes the eyelashes healthy and strong.
The average cost is 85 rubles.
- Economical consumption;
- Attractive cost;
- Versatility.
- Not detected.
Rules for maintaining beautiful and healthy eyelashes
How your eyelashes will look depends on the health of the body as a whole, and on the particular hair care. In order to improve their condition and avoid loss, it is recommended to take the following steps:
- Wear protective goggles to protect your eyelashes from UV rays;
- Thoroughly washing your hands before touching your eyes, this will prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the mucous membrane and cilia;
- Less anxiety and avoid stressful situations;
- Use only high-quality decorative cosmetics, as well as cleansing lotions and tonics;
- Monitor your health and hormonal levels;
- Adhere to a balanced and proper diet;
- Additionally, eat vitamins A and E, as well as carotene;
- Apply and remove eye makeup correctly so as not to damage your eyelashes;
- Do not use products with an expired shelf life;
- Do without makeup at least once a week.
These tips will help you keep your eyelashes healthy and beautiful and make your eyes look more attractive and expressive.
Horsepower is a good activator for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, there is a double formula for application in the morning and evening. With this activator, the hairs become denser and the eyelashes are thicker