The best brands of dumplings in Russia for 2024


Pelmeni are a favorite dish of every schoolchildren and student. In addition, adults do not forget about them. Some people prefer to fry, others to bake in a pot or just boil. On the Internet, you can find hundreds of fascinating recipes with this semi-finished product and each will be distinguished by originality and uniqueness. However, not all varieties have a pleasant taste, so finding the right one is not such an easy task. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best brands of dumplings for 2024.

Method for preparing dumplings

Regardless of the selected category of semi-finished product, the dough must be made from 5 ingredients:

  • Flour;
  • Eggs;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Oil.

The filling can be different, but most often there are options that have 2 types of meat - beef and pork. Rarely, but there are representatives with lamb. Also, each product contains a certain amount of spices.

To save on production costs, some companies add soy on purpose. After the minced meat is cooked, it is sent to the refrigerator. After several hours, the meat mixture is sent to the conveyor.

Purchased dumplings: benefit or only harm?

Under ideal conditions, when a manufacturer values ​​their reputation, they make dumplings from pure meat. Moreover, its content is many times greater than the test itself. If we talk about such a product, then there is some benefit in it.

The customer receives a high-quality and balanced dish that will not be inferior to homemade options in taste. Such minced meat contains a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, various microelements that are beneficial to the body.

But if the company that manufactures the products is trying to save on everything, then these dumplings can be harmful to health. Especially the danger threatens people who have problems with the digestive tract. Such foods will be less absorbed by the body, which will cause more harm.

Varieties by category

Today there are over 550 different brands of dumplings. If we take into account the weight options, then this number will double. It is best to buy semi-finished products where there is a mark "product of category" A "". But in modern conditions, where there is a lot of competition, it is quite difficult to find such a product.

In total, there are 5 categories that correspond to GOST:

  • A. Only high-quality and premium options fall into this list. The meat content in the product must exceed 80%. This is an excellent and balanced semi-finished product that is suitable for everyone.
  • B. The meat content of this category is 60-80%.Although these dumplings are inferior to the first position, they can be found more often. Most of the representatives have a pleasant taste, the meat is well felt. Little test.
  • Category B includes products where the content of minced meat is 40-60%. Similar products are found in the middle and some expensive categories. Instead of pure meat, minced meat is made from leather, veins, pork emulsion, etc. Taste qualities are average, but quite suitable for infrequent use.
  • Latest models - with meat content up to 40%. Marking G and D. There are over 45% of such products on the market from the total number of proposals. Here the meat content is minimal, but there is a lot of soy and spices. Thanks to the latter, the tastelessness inherent in these models is compensated.

On the Russian market, models with such markings are rare. Manufacturers argue that it is impossible to cook minced meat without auxiliary additives. If this happens, then the cost of such a product will be even higher than the premium level, and there may be no demand.

Experts from Roskachestvo conducted an experiment, where they took 50 brands of popular dumplings. Almost every product contained residues of antibiotics, starch and mechanically deboned poultry meat.

Features of semi-finished products by weight

Some people try not to buy branded dumplings and prefer bulk products. Plus, they think it's even safer. But it's not that simple. According to experts, food products sold by weight can be more dangerous than those in a pack. Because in most cases, manufacturing is carried out in unsanitary conditions and without proper documentation. Because of this, there is often news of a high salmonella content in dumplings.

What to look for when buying loose goods

However, not everyone is ready to switch to factory packaging from loose products. Then you should know the selection criteria that will help you choose the right products without risk to health.

  • Before purchasing the selected semi-finished product, you should ask for batch documentation, which indicates the manufacturer, composition and support phone number. To buy delicious and juicy dumplings, it is better to give preference to popular brands that are in demand and encouragement from customers.
  • When reading the packaging, it is important to pay attention to the inscription “semi-finished meat product”. This is the only right decision that will help you purchase a quality product. It is important to understand that if it says "meaty", then you should not hope for a pleasant taste.
  • The product category does not depend on its name. A company that produces semi-finished products can call its product any attractive word, but this will not affect the quality in any way.
  • Good dumplings don't last long. Therefore, attention is paid to the expiration date. In ideal conditions, it should not exceed one month. When the opposite occurs and the product is ready for use after 6 months and after a year, you can be sure that there is less meat here than auxiliary additives.
  • No cracks or irregularities are allowed. Each dumpling should be flat and smooth. The minced meat should not leave the dough.
  • The color is whitish, but not bright white, this is important. When the opposite occurs, it indicates the content of titanium dioxide (E171). If there is a gray tint, this indicates that the dumplings have been thawed and may have been done repeatedly. Yellow - contains dye. It is impossible to buy semi-finished products of a pinkish tint, as this means only one thing - stale meat is used.
  • Some manufacturers disguise the soy content with the words "vegetable protein". You can buy such products, only the concentration of this substance should not exceed 10%. If the number is higher, it is better not to purchase such products.
  • Some buyers face a problem when the dough falls apart during the cooking process. It is impossible to determine the exact cause, because this can indicate either bad flour or low egg content.
  • The last thing to notice is the smell during cooking. If the product gives off a good aroma, but the broth remains transparent, then this indicates a quality product.

Top popular representatives of the budget segment

Ostankino Traditional

Not a bad budget model that will appeal to the undemanding user or lovers of fried dumplings. Sold at an affordable price, discounts are often found on this product. It prepares quickly, a person only needs 3-6 minutes. It can be served with various sauces or eaten without them. Category B

Average cost: from 65 rubles.

dumplings Ostankino Traditional


  • Low price;
  • Good taste;
  • Do not boil over;
  • Fast cooking.


  • Not found.

Starodvorie Selected Pork and Beef

Another popular budget-class product that users liked. Cooking takes a minimum of time. Sold in convenient packaging. Net weight - 430 g. The dough is good, does not fall apart during cooking.

The average price is 80 rubles.

dumplings Starodvorie Selected from Pork and Beef


  • Good composition;
  • No titanium dioxide;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Good aroma during cooking.


  • There are no significant ones.

"Lozhkarev" beef 420 gr

Contradictory dumplings that some people like and are blacklisted by others. However, there is nothing wrong with this option. The filling is acceptable, produced using modern technologies. Contains only ground beef, flour, water, eggs, onions, salt, oil, pepper and sugar to stabilize the taste.

Sold at a price: from 90 rubles.

beef dumplings "Lozhkarev" 420 gr


  • Pleasant taste;
  • Does not contain harmful substances;
  • The broth is transparent.


  • Dumplings with veins come across.

Morozko "Russian"

Quality dumplings stuffed with beef and chicken. They do not contain flavor enhancers, palm oil and preservatives, which makes the semi-finished product safe. Sold in a convenient cardboard box that does not take up space in the freezer. Energy value - 205 kcal.

The average cost is 95 rubles.

dumplings Morozko "Russian"


  • Good dumplings that are often discounted;
  • The taste is not negative;
  • Convenient cardboard packaging;
  • The broth is transparent.


  • Not found.

Hot thing "Butter Bulmeni"

Quite good category B dumplings that almost everyone likes. The product does not contain sugar and palm oil. The following ingredients were used as the filling: beef, pork, onion and mechanically deboned chicken. The last component is present exclusively to visually increase the meat component.

Inside each dumpling there is a small piece of butter, which gives a good aroma during cooking and has a positive effect on the taste. The composition is good, no preservatives are contained.

The average price is 110 rubles.

dumplings Hot stuff "Bulmeni with butter"


  • Aroma;
  • No veins;
  • Good taste;
  • Do not boil over if you follow the instructions;
  • Juiciness.


  • There are no significant ones.

Sam-Samych from beef

A more expensive option, unlike the previous options. The taste is pleasant. The calorie content of the product is small and is only 227 kcal. The shelf life is 3 months. Stored only in the freezer.

Sold at a price of 125 rubles.

dumplings Sam-Samych from beef


  • Pleasant taste;
  • You can buy at a discount;
  • Do not boil over;
  • Nice color.


  • There is a taste enhancer.

Rating of the best models of the middle segment

Daddy May "Juicy"

A good product that is distinguished by its taste and aroma. The broth remains inside during cooking, which has a positive effect on juiciness. It is made from premium flour, so the dough is not boiled. There are no harmful preservatives in the product.

The average cost is 160 rubles.

dumplings Daddy Can "Juicy"


  • Convenient preparation;
  • Qualitative composition;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Juiciness.


  • There are no significant ones.

Heroic with beef

Delicious dumplings sold in convenient packaging. The standard color is white, while the product does not contain titanium dioxide. There are no complaints about taste, meat and dough feel good. One pack - 1000 g.

The average price is 165 rubles.

Dumplings Bogatyrskie with beef


  • Good flavor;
  • Clear broth;
  • Composition;
  • Meat is felt.


  • Not found.

Fine Life Classic

The semi-finished product has a good value for money. The filling is made from pork, beef, onions and spices. The product tastes pleasant, no veins and cartilage are found, which is a plus. Weight - 800 g.

Sold at a price: from 170 rubles.

dumplings Fine Life Classic


  • Nice colour;
  • The broth does not darken;
  • There is a pleasant smell during cooking;
  • Good packing.


  • Sold only in Metro

From Ilyina Home GOST

Nice dumplings that adults and children will love. There is no unpleasant smell during cooking. The filling is made from quality ingredients, there is no mechanically deboned meat. Manufactured according to GOST, not TU.

The average price is 180 rubles.

dumplings From Ilyina Home GOST


  • Good value for money;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Manufactured in accordance with GOST.


  • Not found.

MIRATORG marbled beef

Not a bad option from a popular manufacturer, perfect for a quick dinner. The filling is made from marbled beef along with additional ingredients. The smell is pleasant, the broth remains transparent during cooking.

The average cost is 180 rubles.

dumplings MIRATORG marbled beef


  • Good packing;
  • Large dumplings;
  • Marbled beef filling.


  • Not found.

Melchevskie Pelmeni Tender with Chicken

Pre-packaged semi-finished products that are made not from pork and beef, but only from chicken. Weight - 400 g. Packing - cardboard box. During cooking, they emit a pleasant smell that fills the entire kitchen. Stored in the freezer, no more than 120 days.

Sold at a price of 185 rubles.

dumplings Melchevskie Tender dumplings with Chicken


  • Quality;
  • Fast cooking;
  • Optimal price;
  • Do not boil over.


  • There are no significant ones.

Rating of the best premium models

Siberian collection “Siberian

A good semi-finished product that almost everyone will like. The meat is felt 100%, while the dough is thin, which has a positive effect on the sensations. Prepares quickly, even if a person forgets about them, they will not boil over in a minute. The filling is only beef and pork.

Sold at a price: from 580 rubles.

pelmeni Siberian collection "Siberian


  • Bright and stylish packaging;
  • Feels like meat;
  • Thin dough.


  • Not found.

Caesar Classic 1010 g

A popular model that is often found at a discount. It belongs to category B, but in terms of taste, it reminds B. For the preparation of the filling, only three ingredients are used - beef, pork and onions.

Sold at a price: from 700 rubles.

Caesar dumplings Classic 1010 g


  • Frequent discounts;
  • Aroma;
  • Good packing;
  • The broth is transparent.


  • Not found.

Meat Courtyard Halal Signature

A pleasant product that does not boil over and retains its original structure. Juice is preserved inside. Cartilage does not occur. Two types of meat are used - chicken and beef. The dough is made from premium flour.

The average price is 300 rubles.

dumplings Meat Courtyard Halal Special


  • Good firm;
  • Quality;
  • Delicious meat.


  • Not found.

Farn Premium with beef 800 g

Premium products suitable for those who love everything tasty. There is nothing superfluous here, just dough and ground beef. Excessive salinity is not felt. They cook quickly and fill the room with a unique aroma.

The average cost is 630 rubles.

Farn Premium dumplings with beef 800 g


  • Nice structure;
  • Premium flour dough;
  • There is nothing superfluous in minced meat;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Not found.

Palych has Siberian

Most buyers know this company only for confectionery. However, it also produces good frozen products. Dumplings are made in accordance with GOST. There are no unnecessary components in the composition, everything is natural.

The average price is 615 rubles.

dumplings U Palycha Siberian


  • High quality packaging;
  • Nice meat;
  • Do not boil over;
  • The quality is on par.


  • Not found.

Velvet 1000 g

A good Category B product that does not contain GMOs, preservatives and palm oil. The filling is made from beef and pork, which has a positive effect on the feel. The dough is thin and pleasant.

The average price is 580 rubles.

pelmeni Velikosochnye 1000 g


  • Filling;
  • Category B;
  • Does not contain soy;
  • Composition.


  • Not found.


It is easy to find a tasty semi-finished product, but a person should devote some time to this. Indeed, today, even in the premium segment, low-quality goods are sold. If you have experience of using the products described in the rating, or more interesting models, tell us about it in the comments.


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