The best brands of corn grits in Russia for 2024


A sunny color product, an excellent natural antidepressant, the best remedy for everyone who wants to always be young and beautiful - who of us does not know about healthy and tasty corn grits? It is nutritious, flavorful, and very affordable.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for your attention a review of the best brands of corn cob cereals, from which, according to our consumers, you can cook tasty and healthy food.

Corn grits - what do we know about it?

Many modern nutritionists strongly recommend eating foods made from corn products. They claim that it is very useful, because corn contains protein elements, carbohydrates, fat, fiber and a few trace elements that every person needs:

  • corn porridge is one of the main helpers of digestion, it is abundant in fiber, which helps to establish metabolic processes and helps in the production of enzymes;
  • selenium, which is in its composition, strengthens the health of the body;
  • lovers of corn porridge receive the necessary trace elements and vitamins, which have a positive effect on the condition of bones, hair, nails;
  • corn is a great helper in the process of removing radionuclides and toxins;
  • vitamins help to keep the nervous system in good condition, because it is not for nothing that corn is considered a natural antidepressant, and those who consume it are usually in a good mood.

A bit of history

Corn belongs to ancient agricultural crops. Back in the fifteenth century, it was discovered in the European part of the world, and Columbus introduced America to corn almost 9 thousand years ago. There she became the basis of home food, and the ancient Aztecs gave her the name maize.

In those distant times, corn cobs were very small, no more than 4 cm, which is 10 times smaller than modern species. On the territory of ancient Mexico, the domestication of the plant took place; later, breeding work was carried out to increase the varieties of the culture. Now Mexico has many varieties of different sizes, tastes and colors - ears of yellow, white, red, blue, black are famous.

Europe quickly learned to cultivate the plant, corn was especially widespread in countries located in the Mediterranean Sea. From there, in the seventeenth century, the grain culture came to Russia, where over time it became widespread. At the beginning, they began to distribute its seeds to everyone free of charge, then they encouraged ordinary merchants to trade in boiled ears. For this, large vats were installed on the streets of different cities, corn was cooked in them and immediately sold to the townspeople. Thus, people began to stimulate to grow this crop.

Today corn grows on the vast territory of the Russian Federation, is very popular among the population, because it is a hearty, tasty and healthy snack and has healing properties.

The plant itself is considered environmentally friendly, its roots do not accumulate fertilizers, and chemical elements do not penetrate into the cobs.

Composition and medicinal properties of cereals

Corn is considered one of the types of high-calorie grain crops, in 100 grams of grains contains up to 340 calories, and this is much more high-calorie beans. Young ears are considered useful, they are rich in carbohydrates, sugars, fats, proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins and starch.

The vitamin group is represented by choline (B4), which protects the cell membrane and normalizes cholesterol in blood cells. The mineral group helps to improve the state of nervous and metabolic processes, maintain normal body weight, maintain the beauty and health of the body.

The grain culture has long been used in folk medicine, its soft "stigmas" have long been used to treat diseases.

In traditional medicine, they are still used today, however, it is not recommended to independently carry out treatment without consulting a doctor. There are a sufficient number of contraindications in the use of stigma and grains.

However, they have healing and medicinal properties:

  • help lower blood sugar;
  • have diuretic and choleretic effects;
  • reduce bilirubin;
  • have antihelminthic actions.

Gallstone disease, cholangitis, some types of hepatitis, cholecystitis are treated with home-made decoctions or an extract purchased from the pharmacy network. Long-term use of decoctions and extracts will help dissolve kidney stones.

Why are corn grits useful?

Corn meals contain carbohydrates, proteins, insoluble fiber, which have a positive effect on the digestive system. There is no gluten in porridge, therefore it is actively used in baby food.

Groats contain the necessary components:

  • vitamins B1, B5, they help prevent depression;
  • vitamin E - to improve the appearance of hair and nails;
  • silicon affects the function of the digestive organs;
  • iron and copper are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis;
  • a sufficient amount of phosphorus has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

The fiber present in cereals helps cleanse and remove toxins from the body, restore the balance of metabolic processes.

Popular corn dishes add variety to the family's meals. They help to increase immunity and restore the body after illness. They are recommended for use in case of diseases:

  • endocrine system;
  • hepatic disorders;
  • changes in the digestive tract;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • slowing down the processes of fermentation, putrefaction in the intestines.

Despite the benefits of cereals, its use may be contraindicated:

  • with ulcerative manifestations in the stomach and intestines;
  • with rapid blood clotting.

Therefore, in the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of including popular dishes in the daily menu.

What are the types of cereals

Corn grits are made from the cob. During processing, endosperm remains from them, and husk remains from the shell and embryo.

In the production of cereals, grain varieties are used that have a certain proportion of the content of the glassy and mealy portions in the grain.

Groats are made of the following types:

  • polished;
  • large;
  • small.

Corn grits are used for making cereals, hominy, soup, casseroles, curd filling.

Let's consider each view:

  1. Polished groats. Crushed particles of corn kernels of various shapes are obtained by separating the fruit shell and embryo, which are ground until the edges are rounded. Depending on the size of the grain, the polished groats are divided into several numbers. Polished groats are used to prepare various dishes from them.
  2. Large croup. Produced for the production of flakes and popcorn.
  3. Small groats. Crispy sticks with a variety of flavors are made from it.

The best producers of cereals

In Russia, the cereal products market is characterized by stability and good growth dynamics.The best manufacturers working on a wholesale scale are the leading Russian companies and holdings.

  • Agapov company

He has been working in the market of producers of cereals since 1998, specializing in the production of popular cereals, bran and waste for pet food.

All products are certified and meet the requirements of state standards. Products are regularly tested for quality control in the company's laboratories.

The company produces polished corn grits No. 4, corresponding to GOST 6002-69.

  • Firm TP Ambarel

The company's products participate in holding agricultural exhibitions at the republican and all-Russian level, where they receive prizes for the quality of their products.

The factories produce and sell corn grits of two types - white and yellow.

White cereal contains a large amount of protein, yellow cereal contains a lot of carotene. The products are packed in polypropylene bags weighing 800 gr.

  • Raduga Group of Companies

The company manufactures and sells corn processing products, with annual volumes reaching one hundred thousand tons.

The production complex is equipped with the best modern equipment, which produces a large volume of products that are sold in the domestic market and in neighboring countries.

The company produces three types of cereals, all comply with the established state standards. The products have a high content of proteins (up to 8.3%) and carbohydrates. Humidity does not exceed 15%.

Home cooking

The grains contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, which were already mentioned above. An important element of the composition of cereals is carotene, it contributes to the appearance of vigor and energy necessary for every person.

Eating cereals is especially beneficial for the elderly population with a sedentary lifestyle. It helps all those losing weight to remove excess fat from the body, does not cause excess fat.

Corn dishes have a beneficial effect on the health of children and adults. The process of preparing them is very simple and does not require much time.

Let's consider some recipes for preparing simple, quick, delicious dishes.

The most common is mamalyga - a steep porridge, which is a traditional dish of Moldovan cuisine. A variety of ingredients are added to it, which make the food unusually tasty.

Mamalyga with omelette, ham, tomato

To prepare a quick and high-calorie family breakfast, you need to prepare the following products:

  • corn porridge with milk 600 g;
  • eggs in the amount of 6 pieces;
  • milk 200 ml;
  • ham 400 g;
  • ghee 100 g;
  • green onions 300 g;
  • small tomato 3 pieces;
  • salt to taste.


  1. In the evening, cook porridge in milk. Transfer it to a cloth napkin.
  2. In the morning, dice the porridge into several 1.5 cm thick pieces.
  3. Grease a frying pan with oil, put a piece of hominy there.
  4. Cover the tomato with slices on top, cut the ham into cubes, lay it on the tomatoes.
  5. Pour everything over with liquid oil and send to the hot oven for baking.
  6. Beat eggs, doubling their volume, add salt and pour a glass of milk into the air mass.
  7. Pour the prepared omelet on top of the already baked hominy, send to the oven for baking, lowering the temperature to one hundred degrees.
  8. After the omelet is ready, pour over the rest of the oil and sprinkle the dish with chopped green onions.

Porridge on the water, cooked in a slow cooker

Lean corn porridge cooked in a slow cooker is an ideal dish for a healthy diet.

It cleanses the body well, is rich in useful vitamins and trace elements, and cooked in a multicooker turns out to be especially tasty.


  • corn grits - 360g;
  • water - one liter;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Rinse the groats.
  2. Put the clean kernels in a multicooker bowl.
  3. Pour in water, salt, close the bowl with a lid.
  4. Select the "porridge" program, set to the cooking mode for 1.25 hours.
  5. After the sound signal about the readiness of the dish, we take out the porridge and put it on the plates.

The food is tasty and dietary.

Nutritional value of 100 g of product is:

  • calorie content 89 calories;
  • proteins - 2 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 20 g.

Grain and milk casserole

Breakfast casserole is a tasty and healthy dish. It is loved by children for its delicate taste, and housewives for a short cooking time.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • medium fat cottage cheese 200 g;
  • corn grits 200 g;
  • one egg;
  • milk 200 ml;
  • sugar 20 g;
  • butter 10 g;
  • salt, sugar, vanillin, baking powder.

Step-by-step instructions for cooking:

  1. Put the curd mass into the prepared container, drive the egg into it, add salt and sugar and grind the mass with a blender.
  2. Pour the groats into the second container, pouring hot milk over it, leave for a quarter of an hour, wait for the consistency of thick porridge to form.
  3. Mix the curd mass with porridge.
  4. Add vanillin (you can also add chocolate products or existing fruits).
  5. Pour a handful of semolina into a greased form on the bottom, spread the curd mixture, which we bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for thirty minutes.
  6. We take out the finished dish, put it on a plate and let it cool slightly.

Nutritional value of 100g casserole:

  • calorie content 217 calories;
  • proteins - 10 g;
  • fat - 7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 31 g

A wide variety of foods are prepared from corn: cereals, salads, casseroles, cookies.

Consider the best cereals that are highly popular with buyers.

Rating of the best brands of corn grits for 2024


Corn groats are packed in special containers for cooking porridge in bags. It contains vitamins B and E, folic acid, trace elements of phosphorus, iron, silicon, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve the appearance of the skin, hair, nails.

Made from ground corn grits, the carton contains 8 portions-bags, the weight of the pack is 500 g.

Groats are gluten free.

The energy value of 100 g of the product is 340 calories.

Proteins - 8.5 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 75 g.

Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 50 rubles.

corn grits PROSTO


  • delicious porridge;
  • many useful substances;
  • convenient preparation in bags;
  • budget price.


  • coarse grinding;
  • poor quality packaging.


Made from # 4 corn grits. This product may contain traces of barley or wheat.

During heat treatment, corn porridge does not lose its beneficial properties. Recommended for people prone to allergies, as it is considered a low-allergenic product.

It must be stored in a dry place in compliance with all sanitary standards.

Packaged in flow pack packaging, weight 700 g.

The energy value of 100 g of the product is 330 calories.

Proteins - 1.2 g, starch - 70.4 g, fiber - 0.8 g, 8.3 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 714 g.

Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 92 rubles.

corn groats Makfa


  • useful;
  • good taste;
  • budgetary cost;
  • speed of preparation;
  • availability of cooking recipes on the package;
  • high quality.


  • constant stirring is necessary so as not to burn;
  • significant were not found.


Corn groats contain a large amount of proteins, valuable amino acids, a rich carbohydrate complex and an impressive set of useful vitamins. All this has a positive effect on the digestion process.

A variety of cereals, casseroles, soups, and other healthy foods are prepared from cereals.

Groats are stored in a cardboard package, packaged in 5 bags of 80 g each.

The energy value of 100g of the product is 337 calories.

Proteins - 8.3 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 70.0 g, starch - 4 g, fiber - 0.8 g.

Manufacturer: LLC "Resource", Russia.

Cost: 60 rubles.

corn grits Uvelka


  • tasty;
  • nutritious;
  • cooking in sachets;
  • natural product.


  • cooking time;
  • porridge can fall into a ball.


The manufacturer grinds corn kernels according to the model of Italian Polenta products. Such dishes are especially popular in Italy - they are baked with different cheeses and butter, served with different sauces.

The product is dietary, hypoallergenic.

Polenta is prepared as porridge with a sauce with vegetables, and in the form of puddings, cookies, baked goods. It is ideal in combination with a bitter or tender sauce, with vegetables, it is a versatile product.

Its bright yellow color betrays the presence of carotene, an antioxidant that protects the body and helps to prolong its youth.

Stored in cellophane packaging, weight 700 g.

The energy value of 100 g of the product is 330 calories.

Proteins - 7.5 g, fats - 1.0 g, carbohydrates - 72.0 g.

Country of origin: Russia, Mistral Trading LLC.

Cost: 43 rubles.

corn grits Polenta


  • high quality;
  • you can cook a variety of Italian dishes;
  • quick cooking (porridge is cooked for two minutes).


  • significant were not found.


Semolina is produced from corn grits. It is gluten free. The product is intended for use by all family members, expands the range of new, delicious family breakfasts. Thanks to the interesting grinding, the dishes acquire a new wonderful taste that children love. Semolina corn porridge is very tasty and healthy. It is prepared quickly - cereal is poured into boiling milk or water, brought to a boil and after a couple of minutes it is served to the table. You can prepare a dish with a liquid or very thick consistency.

Packaged in paper packaging, weight 450 g.

The energy value of 100 g of the product is 340 calories.

Proteins - 8.0 g, fats - 1.0 g, carbohydrates - 75.0 g.

Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 130 rubles.

corn grits Garnets


  • dietary, natural product;
  • fast cooking;
  • great quality;
  • pleasant taste.


  • rarely comes across in the grocery chain;
  • high price.

Agro-Alliance Classic

Polished corn grits Classic of Agro-Alliance are made from corn grain. It is low-calorie, easily digestible, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It is used in the preparation of baby food as a low-allergenic product. It is widely used for dietary nutrition or a sedentary lifestyle. Older people prefer cereal porridge for its quick digestibility, energy value, price and quality.

A very common dish from the Classic is hominy. The thick frozen porridge is cut into portions and used to make pies, sandwiches, snacks. It is also added to soups, casseroles, and delicious, inexpensive baked goods are made from corn flour.

The cooking method is quite simple: the ratio of one part of cereal to three parts of water is used, the cooking time is no more than half an hour after boiling.

The groats are packed in a bag, weight - 800 g.

The energy value of 100 g of the product is 340 calories.

Proteins - 8.0 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 75.0 g.

Country of origin: Russia Brand: Agro-Alliance.

Cost: 67 rubles.

corn grits Agro-Alliance Classic


  • high quality;
  • affordable;
  • useful;
  • renowned manufacturer;
  • fine grinding;
  • dietary product.


  • there may be traces of gluten.

All of the cereals considered have a high consumer confidence rating due to their taste, naturalness of products, quick cooking and budget cost.

All of the listed products are freely available at any supermarket; they can also be ordered through online stores.

The editors will be grateful for comments and feedback on the products that are provided in our review.


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