The culture of the twenty-first century - this is how the food commission at the UN called amaranth, noting its beneficial properties. The plant has been known for a long time, but it gained fame thanks to Japanese scientists who proved the uniqueness of its chemical composition only in the twentieth century. Healthy eating habits use the seeds of this herb for cooking. Such a diet helps to better metabolism in the body, gives the necessary energy.
The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best brands of amaranth cereals for 2024.
- 1 Amaranth - what is it
- 2 The history of the appearance of amaranth
- 3 Benefit and harm
- 4 Comparative table of the composition of different cereals
- 5 Types and varieties
- 6 Top manufacturers and brands
- 7 Rating of quality amaranth cereals for 2024
- 8 Nutritional advice
- 9 Amaranth recipes
- 10 How to choose a quality cereal
Amaranth - what is it
Since ancient times, amaranth has been used by healers as a unique miraculous plant with bactericidal properties, capable of expelling ailments, prolonging a person's youth, and restoring health.
Amaranthacea is a family of amaranths (shiritsaceae). As the botanical reference explains, it is a medicinal herbaceous annual plant with fleshy ribbed stems, pointed leaves, and actinomorphic petal flowers. Flowers gather in large inflorescences that look like elongated panicles. Blooms in July-August. One "ear" weighs up to a kilogram, each inflorescence contains up to 500 thousand seeds.
Wild bead is a weed that affects crops. The peculiarity of her cultured brother is the inability to grow without care.
The genus Amaranthus L has from 60 to 100 species (according to various sources), it is a group of pseudo-cereal plants, which are divided into weeds, fodder, medicinal, decorative, food. The last of the listed species is of great value for the food industry. For their beneficial properties, the seeds are called "golden grain".
The history of the appearance of amaranth
There is such a myth: the goddess of death Mara fiercely on earth, taking away human lives, and then amaranth grew - a flower that rejects death and gives health and life to all who use its most valuable properties. People learned to grow a green savior, cooked food, medicinal drugs.
For ritual rituals, the Aztecs sculpted idols from the seeds of a divine flower, mixing them with honey and human blood, which were eaten after the ceremony. It was believed that in this way a person receives vital energy and protection from dark forces.
The "golden grain" played an important role in the life of the indigenous people of Latin America. It was one of the main crops, according to researchers, amaranth ranked third after legumes and corn.
With the invasion of the conquistadors on the lands of the Incas and Aztecs, amaranth crops were destroyed. The conquerors associated the plant primarily with the religion of the indigenous population. To excommunicate the natives from their gods, amaranth fields were burned.
They started talking about the beneficial properties of culture only in the twentieth century.
Benefit and harm
The composition of amaranth is rich in:
- Squalene, which is responsible for the normalization of metabolism;
- Lysine, which helps the absorption of dietary protein and calcium;
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant that restores cell membranes and protects cells;
- Vitamins C, A, supporting the immune system, necessary for energy metabolism and the health of nerve cells;
- Rutin, responsible for the strength of the capillaries;
- Vitamin PP, involved in the formation of enzymes, the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates in cells;
- Choline, which supports the work of "gray cells", liver, nervous system;
- Calcium is a structural material of bone tissue;
- Phosphorus, essential for the health of the cardiovascular system, is one of the important helpers in the formation of bones;
- Magnesium, which is responsible for the synthesis of nucleic acids, an important participant in the necessary chemical reactions in the body;
- Zinc, an element involved in cell renewal and protein synthesis;
- Serotonin, which is responsible for the emotional state;
- Linoleic, linolenic, oleic acids, which play a major role in metabolism;
- Folic acid, which is responsible for the preservation of DNA;
- Amino acids methionine, tryptophan, which support healthy cell function;
- Protein is the basis for cell growth, a source of energy; By the way, amaranth ranks first among grains in terms of protein composition, ahead of soybeans, barley and wheat.
Comparative table of the composition of different cereals
composition | amaranth | corn | wheat | buckwheat |
proteins | 13.56 g | 6.72 g | 11.20 g | 11.73 g |
fats | 7.02 g | 1.49 g | 2.00 g | 2.71 g |
carbohydrates | 65.25 g | 79.91 g | 75.20 g | 74.95 g |
starch | 57.27 g | 70.2 g | n / a | n / a |
cellulose | 6,7 g | 3.9 g | 9.5 g | 10,3 g |
cholesterol | 0 g | 0 g | 0 mg | 0 g |
trans fats | n / a | n / a | n / a | n / a |
calcium | 159 mg | 4.0 mg | 40.0 mg | 17.0 mg |
magnesium | 248 mg | 28.0 mg | 122.0 mg | 221.0 mg |
potassium | 508 mg | 118.0 mg | 389.0 mg | 320.0 mg |
phosphorus | 557 mg | 76.0 mg | 379.0 mg | 319.0 mg |
iron | 7.61 mg | 2.9 mg | 3.4 mg | 2,5 mg |
manganese | 3.333 mg | 0.1 mg | 3.2 mg | 1.6 mg |
copper | 0.525 mg | 0.0 mg | 0.5 mg | 0.6 mg |
selenium | 18,7 mg | 17.0 mcg | 70.7 mcg | 8.4 μg |
zinc | 2.87 mg | 0.6 mg | 2.7 mg | 2.4 mg |
Sahara | 1.7 g | 0.6 g | 0.4 g | n / a |
ash | 2.88 g | 0.52 g | 1.6 g | 2.2 g |
vitamin K | 0.0 mg | 0.0 mg | 2.4 mcg | n / a |
beta carotene | 1.0 μg | 74.0 μg | 0.0 mg | n / a |
vitamin E | 1.2 mg | 0.2 mg | 1,3 mg | n / a |
vitamin C | 4.2 mg | 0.0 mg | 0 mg | 0.0 mg |
vitamin B 1 | 0.1 mg | 0.7 mg | 0,4 mg | 0.2 mg |
vitamin B2 | 0.2 mg | 0.3 mg | 0.3 mg | 0.3 mg |
vitamin B 3 | 0.9 mg | 4.3 mg | 4.9 mg | 5.1 mg |
vitamin B 4 | 69.8 mg | 14.4 mg | 23.1 mg | 54.2 mg |
vitamin B 5 | 1,5 mg | 0.2 mg | 0.9 mg | 1.2 mg |
vitamin B6 | 0.6 mg | 0.1 mg | 0,4 mg | 0,4 mg |
vitamin B9 | 82.0 μg | 149 μg | 78.0 μg | 42.0 μg |
Considering the storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other useful elements, fans of a healthy lifestyle have introduced amaranth seeds into their diet. Eat raw, in the form of cereals, as an additive to smoothies, muesli. Amaranth flour is used for baking.
The use of the "golden grain" will help restore shaky health:
- The hormonal background will be restored;
- Insulin production is normalized;
- The work of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system will improve;
- The body will acquire strong immunity against infections;
- The quality of blood will improve, the fragility of the walls of blood vessels will disappear;
- Blood pressure will return to normal.
- Nervous fatigue and depression will go away;
- Allergic reactions will cease to annoy;
- The use of "golden grain" is the prevention of osteoporosis, diseases of the cardiovascular and immune systems.
There is no gluten in the seeds of cultivated chickweed, so cereals are absolutely safe for people who have an intolerance to this group of proteins. Porridge can be eaten even by children under one year old. The recommended age for the first feeding is not earlier than six months. Usually porridge is prepared without milk.
However, despite the beneficial properties that a natural healer possesses, amaranth dishes cannot be introduced into the diet of people with diseases such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gallstones, and kidney stones. Those who are prone to allergic reactions to herbs and other plants will have to abandon the use of the "golden grain".
Types and varieties
In the world plant growing, seven cultivated amaranth species are distinguished. For the food industry, those plants are suitable whose leaves and seeds are used for food. Grain varieties are distinguished by light-colored seeds. Seeds and flour are used for the production of breakfast cereals, confectionery and pasta, instant and boiled cereals, and other food products offered by groceries.
Twelve varieties of amaranth are noted in the State Register of Russian Breeding Achievements, of which three are vegetable: Valentina, Krepysh, Memory of Kovas. Sturdy and the Memory of Covas variety use leaves.Variety Valentina, the owner of purple leaves and flowers, yields light brown seeds, both leaves and seeds are used for production.
How grains are valued for the following varieties:
- Giant
With dark green leaves and red flowers, there is a variety with a yellow color. The grains are white, flattened.
- Kharkiv
With green leaves, yellow flowers. The seeds are not white, but light colored.
- Voronezh
With green leaves, yellow-green inflorescences, light seeds.
- Helios
This variety has light yellow greens, orange flowers, white grains.
Top manufacturers and brands
Among the companies that produce amaranth products, several should be highlighted:
- LLC "Top Product"
On the market since 2007. Producer of dry mixes, spices. The company owns the brands Domashnaya Kuhnya, Zlachny Express, Testov, Royal Collection and other well-known brands.
- NOW Foods
American brand registered in 1968. The company itself was founded in 1948 by Paul Richard. The first product is soy. Since 1960, Paul's son Elwood Richard launched a line of healthy food products, and eight years later founded NOW Foods. Products and food additives of this brand are popular all over the world.
- Produced in the XXII century
Russian company headed by founders Alexander Fetisov and Murad Berdyev. “The healthy lifestyle market is growing, we are developing together with it, opening up new opportunities for your business,” the manufacturers declare. Deliveries are made to the regions of Russia, the CIS countries. The products are certified.
- Piotr i Paweł
Polish brand. The trading network was opened in 1990. The founders are Eleanor and her sons Peter and Paul Vos. Quality products, reasonable prices, excellent service - this is the opinion of the buyers about Piotr i Paweł. The chain's priority is the sale of Polish and international delicacies, and new products appear every now and then.
- TransCerob-Rus
A Russian company that has been holding the palm in its segment for over six years. The main task is to supply exclusive goods, saturate the market with natural organic products without sugar, preservatives, dyes and flavors. The products are ISO 20010, BIO, Organic, No GMO certified.
- Specialist
Russian company headquartered in the Altai Territory. Founder - Grigory Bakhtin. The main mission of the manufacturer is to create healthy products according to old recipes using modern technologies. Healthy food should be affordable, the Specialist's team believes.
Russian trade mark registered in 2017. The main office of the company is in Moscow. “Our ultimate goal is to make our clients more enjoyable! The pleasure from touching the cardboard of each of our packaging to the last spoonful of our product ”- this is POLEZZNO's business card.
Reviews about these brands and manufacturers are quite supportive. Buyers note the attractive design of the packaging, the purity of the cereal, and the truthfulness of the information on the composition. Clients of companies are advised to pay attention first of all to the products of these brands, when the question arises of the product of which company is better to buy.
However, it must be remembered that amaranth cereals are not sold in regular supermarkets. Where to buy then? The product can be found in the sports or health food departments, or in specialized stores. Many companies have trading platforms on the World Wide Web. In an online store, ordering an online product is simple: the site contains a description and characteristics, there is a photo of the product, the nutritional, energy value and how much the package costs. To understand which product is better to buy, you should read the opinions of buyers on independent forums. It is easier for beginners to find out what products are made from the "divine seeds of the Aztecs", often users share not only their impressions of the purchased product and give it an assessment, but also inform where to buy it more profitable.
Rating of quality amaranth cereals for 2024
Inexpensive does not mean poor quality. Russian grocery can please connoisseurs of healthy food with products at an affordable price.According to buyers, the best products are represented by the following brands.
7th place: Power of Altai.
Sold at an average price of 135 rubles.
Manufacturer "Specialist" offers budget quality products. Portion porridge is one of them. 5 pcs in the package. General characteristics: oatmeal with amaranth and seaweed additives. Free from GMOs and preservatives. Porridge cooking time - up to 5 minutes. No cooking.
- The taste is pleasant;
- Healthy hearty porridge;
- Convenient for a snack.
- In some lots, small stones were found in flakes.
6th place: POLEZZNO
The average price is 300 rubles.
Product type: amaranth, packing 300 g. Release form: loose. Seeds for the preparation of pastry and main dishes.
- Healthy diet.
- Unimportant sorting.
5th place TransCarob
The average price is 280 rubles.
Packing 100 g. The seeds are intended for adding to dishes, preparing an independent side dish.
- Environmentally friendly product;
- Suitable for healthy lifestyle.
- The taste and aroma take some getting used to.
4th place: Home cooking
Costs within 300 rubles.
Sold at an average price of 300 rubles.
Russian production. Release form: whole. Weight: 200 g. Groats for porridge, soup, garnish.
- Hermetic container;
- Benefits for the body.
- Dark grains come across.
Bronze: Piotr i Pawel
Can be found at a price of 250 rubles.
From a Polish manufacturer. Packaging 500 g. Nice design.
- Great health benefits.
- Difficult to find.
Silver: Now Foods Certified Organic Amaranth Whole Grain
The average price is 355 rubles.
Suitable for cooking cereals, soups in vegetable and fish broth.
- Tasty;
- Original;
- Helpful.
- Expensive;
- You can buy only in the online store.
"Gold": Products of the XXII century
The average price is 190 rubles.
Packing 400 g. Composition: amaranth grains 100 percent. No GMOs, preservatives, sugar.
- Pure product;
- Cook quickly;
- Value for money.
- The packaging is not very convenient.
The popularity of products consists of three components. This is a proven trademark, quality and naturalness of raw materials.
Nutritional advice
What is an amaranth diet for? It is known that it takes 28 days for the body to renew 75 percent of its cells. The body is able to recover from an illness completely in twelve to thirteen weeks, therefore, for medicinal purposes, amaranth cereals are recommended to be regularly consumed for at least three months. A month is enough for disease prevention.
- Before cooking, the cereals are soaked to reduce the properties of phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of nutrients.
- The used groats are thermally processed or sprouted at home.
- Breakfast is good both with amaranth porridge and with dishes from a mixture of cereals, which include shirin seeds.
- Boiled in milk or water, adding sugar or honey. The dish tastes better when flavored with dried fruits and cinnamon.
Amaranth recipes
"Golden grain" is one of the most popular ingredients in different cuisines of the world.
Classic porridge
Step-by-step instruction:
- Take two glasses of water per glass of grain.
- Boil the water.
- Pour the seeds into boiling water with continuous stirring.
- Season with salt to taste.
- Simmer on low heat for 10-15 minutes, covered.
- Remove from heat, wrap the pan.
- Add butter (or vegetable oil, whichever you prefer).
- If you want sweet porridge, add honey to an already prepared dish.
Garnish on vegetable broth
Ingredients: a glass of amaranth seeds, a small head of onion, a clove of garlic, three glasses of vegetable broth, salt, spices to taste.
How to cook:
Pour washed seeds into a saucepan with broth. Add chopped onion. Cook for 20 minutes, season the dish with salt and spices. Add crushed garlic. Wait 5 minutes with a low heat.Put the porridge on a plate, garnish with chopped herbs.
Breakfast without cooking
Ingredients: a glass of seeds, half a glass of applesauce.
Cooking method:
Soak the seeds overnight. Rinse in the morning, mix with fruit puree.
Vegetable stew
Ingredients: half a glass of grains, one and a half glasses of water, bell pepper, small young zucchini, 200 g of broccoli, carrots, onion, spices, salt.
Cut vegetables into small pieces. Finely chop the onion. Saute carrots and onions. Pour grains into the broth, put chopped vegetables there. Simmer over low heat until half cooked, add carrots and onions. Stir, add salt and spices. Simmer until tender. Well-cooked amaranth grains become transparent.
Ingredients: half a glass of grains, small carrots, 300 g of peas, 300 g of potatoes, 2 eggs, spices, salt, vegetable oil, oatmeal.
How to cook:
Boil peas, potatoes, amaranth and carrots. Mash vegetables, combine with grains, stir in eggs, adding salt and spices. Mix well to make minced meat. Blind cutlets, sprinkle with chopped oatmeal and fry until tender.
Amaranth bread
Ingredients: a glass of seeds, two glasses of corn flour, half a glass of walnuts, a couple of eggs, 3-4 tablespoons of honey, 40 g of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of baking powder.
How to cook:
Crush the nuts. Mix amaranth, flour, eggs, honey, baking powder and butter, add nuts, stir. Pour into a mold. Bake for 40 minutes, setting the temperature to 180 degrees.
How to choose a quality cereal
The main selection criteria are always a reasonable ratio of price and quality. Bitter, tasteless porridge, - complain the buyers deceived in the best feelings, who decided to diversify the diet, but bought a bad product. The most common mistakes when choosing amaranth groats are basic ignorance of how high-quality grain should look.
What to look for when choosing cereals:
- Shelf life.
- Packaging. It is advisable to purchase grain in a bag with a transparent window to see the color, shape, quality of the seeds. This is a guarantee to buy a good product.
- Composition. There are whole groats and grains on sale. Grit has a fine fraction. However, dust is unacceptable, this indicates defective products.
- Colour. A quality product is creamy or light orange.
- The form. The grains are round, easily poured inside the bag.
- The integrity of the container. If the material is damaged, there is a danger that the grain has been stored improperly and insects have entered it.
- Grilled groats are more suitable for cooking.
- Some manufacturers leave recommendations on storage conditions on the label - such information will not be superfluous.
The recommendations of experienced buyers are also worth listening to:
- It is not worth buying by weight, there is a possibility of purchasing a product with insect larvae, there is no guarantee that the seeds were stored correctly.
- It is better to trust trusted brands.
- When choosing a product on Internet sites, you must definitely study product reviews in different stores. If it is not possible to check the packaging with your own hands, to assess the quality of the seeds visually, it remains to trust the people's experts. Following the rules of a reasonable buyer, choosing high-quality amaranth groats on your own is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.
Dishes made from the "golden grain" will not only diversify the menu, but will also give the body vital energy, help to strengthen the immune system and resist diseases.
If you have experience in buying and using amaranth, leave a comment.