Water determines the very possibility of the existence of all living things on our planet. Due to the presence of water, biochemical reactions in our body proceed at high speeds. The work of the body's defenses depends on this, the speed of the body and brain reactions to external stimuli, the ability to survive in extreme situations, and generally survive.
The rapid development of industry over the past two centuries has caused massive pollution of the environment with industrial waste, and rivers and lakes - with waste water from industrial enterprises. The water has become dirty and unusable. The centralized water supply, equipped with water treatment facilities, is not able to purify water to acceptable conditions. The purchase of individual water purification devices will help to correct the situation. The editorial staff of the site "best.bigbadmole.com/en/" brings to your attention the best main water filters for 2024, a review based on customer reviews and expert recommendations.
From the history of water treatment
Until our planet was so densely populated, and the population was not engaged in industrial production, there was no need for large-scale water purification. The problem arose along with the formation of cities and the concentration of a large number of residents in them. The inhabitants of ancient China were the first to purify water. They impregnated the stick with a coagulant, a substance capable of making solid particles in a liquid stick together and precipitate. Then the water for drinking was mixed with such a soaked stick. So it was possible to get rid of the clay cloudiness. After that, certain flowers and herbs were added to the water to give it a pleasant taste and smell.
The ancient Greeks purified water from impurities by passing it through several layers of fabric. Such a device was used in ancient medicine and was called the "Hippocratic arm".
The ancient Romans were the first to supply clean water in huge quantities. They built aqueducts through which water was supplied by gravity to the eternal city. Mechanical impurities precipitated in huge stone sedimentation tanks. The construction took a hundred years or more and cost a lot of money. Therefore, water from aqueducts for the Romans was paid.
For its disinfection in those days, double boiling was used. With the development of industry and the accompanying urbanization, treatment facilities began to appear, where large water masses began to pass through the gravel backfill. Later, during the fight against the cholera epidemic, the water began to be chlorinated. However, chlorine is a poison, as it turns out. Scientists are currently looking for ways to control bacteria in water without the use of chlorine.
What are the individual filters
Filter jug
The cheapest and most affordable filter is a jug.This simple device is a small plastic container divided into two parts: the lower one for filling with purified water, and the upper one, equipped with a cassette filled with activated carbon. Granular ion-exchange resin, added to the carbon aggregate, softens hard water, large suspensions are retained by a fine mesh. Some manufacturers add silver to the contents, which kills pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
Water is poured into the upper part of the jug, undergoes complex processing and accumulates in the lower part of the device. The method is simple and effective. At the exit, the owner receives clean water suitable for drinking and cooking. Some models are equipped with electronic indication that informs the user about the condition of the cassette, or rather, about when it should be replaced. Such devices have their disadvantages:
- remaining dry, the element loses its functionality;
- an expired cassette saturated with harmful impurities becomes a source of pollution, therefore it has to be changed at least once a month;
- the performance of such devices is extremely low and does not exceed 400 ml / min.
Important! The cost of a pitcher filter is not great. If you do not know how much a cartridge costs and how often it needs to be changed, it may seem that this is the most budgetary option. However, taking into account the monthly replacement of cassettes, this type of device becomes very expensive.
The jug is ideal for a summer residence where the user visits on weekends. In this case, two cassettes per season are enough. You can read about the best filter jugs here.
Filter - nozzle
A simple device is a cartridge that fits on a mixer gander or faucet. The device has a small size and can be useful in the country or when traveling. It can be put on a crane in a train, hotel and take care of your health even in the field. It is worth considering that the nozzle will work effectively if the water has already been pre-treated. The nozzle will not cope with serious dirt. In addition, the traveler will have to take care of the availability of a container where you can store purified water. The performance of the nozzle is also low. The devices are inexpensive. The average cost ranges from 130 to 3500 rubles.
A simple device for removing suspended particles, scale and rust. It is a metal case (preferably brass) with three holes: inlet, outlet, and a slot for installing a mesh cylinder. They are manufactured in various diameters, with coupling and flange connections. The cleaning element is a cylinder - a mesh with cells of different sizes. The permeability of the meshes varies from 50 to 500 microns. The smaller the cells, the more dirt will trap the device. The mesh needs to be cleaned from time to time. For this, a simple, mechanical method is used:
- shut off the water;
- unscrew the sump cover;
- take out and clean the mesh;
- assembly is done upside-down.
If you do the operation regularly, you just need to rinse the mesh with water and reinstall it.
The housings are made in two versions: with a direct sump
and an oblique mud sump.
An excellent device for coarse water purification.
There are options that combine a sump with a ball valve in one body.
Sink filters
The most common type of flow-through devices with replaceable cartridges. A set of cleaning cassettes (usually three) assembled into a single unit is mounted under the kitchen sink. They are connected to the water supply with a flexible hose. The outlet is connected to a separate faucet mounted on the sink next to the mixer. The unit includes cartridges for various purposes:
- propylene, performs mechanical cleaning from sand, rust and other dirt in the pipeline;
- the ion exchange resin of the second flask reduces the concentration of hardness salts, i.e.softens hard water, protecting the walls of a kettle, pots, heating elements of washing machines and dishwashers from scale formation;
- the activated carbon filling in the third cassette cleans the water from free chlorine, organic impurities, heavy metals, and removes unpleasant odors.
The performance of the models ranges from 2 to 3 l / min. Depending on how contaminated the water is, the cassettes can effectively handle 4,000 to 10,000 liters. Compared to the jug version, the cost of consumables is less, cleaning is finer and the productivity of the device is greater. The best filters for washing have proven themselves as devices for fine purification of drinking water.
Main filters
Modern dwelling is unthinkable without household appliances that consume water in quantities that significantly exceed the performance of models such as "under the sink" and, moreover, jugs. Washing machine, dishwasher or icemaker with a connection to the water supply, they also need clean water. Otherwise, the owners will face serious costs for their permanent repair. The same goes for modern plumbing. A normal person needs to take a shower or a bath. Rusty and dirty water is unlikely to be suitable for daily hygiene procedures. The presence of free chlorine in it will do no less harm than good. Chlorine is poison. Taking a hot shower, the user simultaneously arranges for himself inhalation with chlorine vapor, and this is already the reason for many diseases. Inline filters are designed to eliminate these problems.
Types of main filters
Unlike models "under the sink", main devices are installed directly on the pipeline that supplies water to all consumers in the apartment: plumbing, washing and dishwasher. They can be used as devices for preliminary (coarse) cleaning before devices "under the sink". In this case, the resource of the latter increases.
This type of flow-through devices differs from the others, first of all, in the increased performance. For an average trunk device, this characteristic will range from 15 to 33 l / min. If this is not enough, devices with a capacity of 50 l / min are at the service of users, i.e. in an hour you will get three tons of clean water.
Trunk models work with and without cartridges. In the first case, periodic replacement of consumables is inevitable, two or three times a year. This means that there will be fixed costs for the purchase of consumables. The second option is the backwash model. Here cleaning elements made of stainless steel are used: mesh or cylinders made of thin stainless wire, with a distance between turns of 20.50, 100 microns. Pressurized water passes through the mesh, leaving mechanical impurities on the outside. The flasks of such devices are equipped with a drain valve at the bottom. To remove the accumulated dirt, it is enough to open the tap, first placing a container under it, drain the sediment and close the tap again.
This process can be automated by installing an electrically controlled valve instead of a manual drain valve and installing an electrical contact differential pressure gauge in the lid of the apparatus, which makes it possible to determine the degree of contamination from the pressure difference at the inlet and outlet of the apparatus. All devices are combined into a control wiring diagram. Now, on a signal from the pressure gauge, the valve will open, flushing will occur and the valve will close. The accumulated dirt along with water will go to the sewer through a flexible hose.
Equipment standards
There are two standards for the manufacture of cartridges and filters:
- SL - Slim Line (English thin line), European standard;
- BB - Big Blue (literally - big blue, but "blue abyss" is more interesting), American standard.
Equipment of the SL standard is more often used in devices of the "under sink" type, or for water purification at one point of analysis. The reason is simple. SL products are smaller and more powerful.Therefore, to provide clean water for a large apartment and even more so for a country house, it would be more correct to use devices and consumables of the BB standard.
Polypropylene cartridges
The main purpose of the main filter is to protect plumbing and household appliances from breakdowns. For this purpose, cartridges made of expanded polypropylene and polypropylene yarn are used. They effectively remove rust, sand, scale and debris from water. The main technical characteristic of a polypropylene cassette is its porosity, measured in microns (micrometer or one millionth of a meter). Some products are produced with a porosity of 5 or even 1 micron. This means that they will not allow particles larger than 5 or 1 micron to pass through. At the exit, we get water practically without mechanical impurities: dirt, sand, rust, etc. Manufacturers add ion-exchange resin to the polypropylene filler to soften hard water, or silver ions to destroy harmful bacteria. The resource, or the time of effective operation of a polypropylene filler, directly depends on its porosity. The more dirt stops the product, or the less porosity, the less its resource.
Important! You need to understand that the polypropylene cartridge removes only mechanical impurities from the water: dirt, sand, rust. It is incapable of cleaning water from organic impurities, iron or chlorine.
Carbon cartridges
It is used to clarify water and remove organic impurities, free chlorine, and unpleasant odors from it. They are made in the form of a container filled with activated carbon powder or sintered activated carbon. The material for the manufacture of activated carbon is a coconut shell calcined at high temperatures.
Cartridges for reducing the concentration of iron in water
Another serious problem for water users is the high iron content. It is iron that leaves a red bloom on the faience of plumbing fixtures, spoils the snow-white linen when washing. To reduce its concentration, cassettes with a deferrization function are used, made of special threads, impregnated with ion-exchange resin. The second option can be a container filled with a catalytic material, on the surface of which iron is oxidized and retained outside the element.
Softening cartridges
Hard water is characterized by an increased content of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium salts. They are the reason for the formation of plaque on the walls and bottom of kettles, heating elements of washing machines and dishwashers, which reduces their efficiency and sharply limits the working life. To reduce the concentration of hardness salts, use special containers filled with ion-exchange resin.
Important! There are containers filled with polyphosphate. They will not allow plaque to form on the surface of the heating elements, but the rigidity will remain the same.
Reverse osmosis
Devices with reverse osmosis function perfectly cope with water softening. The principle of operation is simple. The flask is vertically divided into two parts by a special membrane that allows water to pass through and retains hardness salts dissolved in it. Water is forced through the membrane into the “clean” half of the flask, while the salts remain in the “salted” part. However, it should be understood that softening water "to zero" is not good. Salts of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium are necessary for the human body in certain quantities and they are most easily absorbed with water. So after softening it with reverse osmosis, you will have to add a device with a mineralization function to the filtering complex - a container with minerals, passing through which the water is again saturated with salts.True, now in a regulated amount.
There is little sense in such softening. It is widely used in industries where demineralized water with reduced electrical conductivity is used. In this case, the management of the enterprise will have to organize the treatment of saline effluents so as not to fall under the sanctions of environmental departments.
In order to eliminate all problems with water, you can install two or three main devices with fillers for various purposes. Several manufacturers produce multi-housing devices for this purpose.
To select the optimal set of cleaning devices, you need to hand over water for analysis of the chemical composition in the sanitary and epidemiological station nearest to you. Having received it, you need to turn to specialists and listen to their advice. They will advise you on how to choose the most suitable cartridges for your water.
Which company is the best equipment to buy
The popularity of models depends on many of its characteristics: price, quality, functionality, performance. The buyer assesses how developed the network of service centers is, whether it is easy to find consumables for a particular model on sale. For example, the Russian company Aquaphor Viking has developed cleaning cartridges for their devices to their own standards, ignoring the prevalence and popularity of consumables according to Sl and BB standards. Now its buyer is forced to look for branded consumables. This is good for the company, but the client is limited in his choice. Nevertheless, Aquaphor's products are popular with domestic buyers for their ease of installation and operation, high-quality materials, and good performance.
The same can be said about other Russian manufacturers: "Geyser", "Barrier", "New Water". One of the best manufacturers of this type of equipment is the Russian company "Fibos". Its model Fibos Fibos 3 enjoys well-deserved popularity. Customers leave excellent reviews about Honeywell products from Germany.
Main filter selection criteria
- When choosing a model, give preference to devices with a drain valve. The ability to relieve flask pressure when replacing a cleaning element is a hassle-free experience.
- You should choose popular models from well-known manufacturers. Listen to the recommendations of experienced users, decide on the price, ask the seller if there are any problems with the purchase of consumables.
- The transparent body makes it possible to visually observe the degree of clogging and promptly clean the mesh or replace the cartridge.
- Models with plastic cases do well in cold water. Experienced users are not advised to install plastic on hot water, even if the manufacturer guarantees its operation at a working temperature of up to 100 ° C. Sooner or later, you will get a flood.
- When choosing a model with a metal case and not being able to visually observe how the apparatus is clogging, opt for a device equipped with inlet and outlet pressure gauges, or a model with a differential pressure gauge installed. This will allow you, based on the differential (differential) pressure reading, to determine when to replace the cartridge or clean the mesh.
- If you are looking for a model for a private house, opt for a device with a high capacity, not less than 30 l / min, and a cartridge porosity of not more than 20 microns. Water from wells is always highly polluted and it is not worth saving on the subtleties of purification. Here, it is desirable to install several trunk devices with different filling, based on the data of chemical analysis.
What to look for
- When buying a product, check the package contents. Make sure that the kit includes a special wrench for unscrewing the flask. During operation, try not to lose it. The key from another model will definitely not work, and if the flask "sticks" to the lid, you will not be able to remove it.
- Read the description carefully, especially the installation instructions. If you do not know how to install a line filter, contact a specialist. It is easy to break the threads in the housing cover, especially if it is plastic.It is very difficult to fix this and the danger of flooding the apartment grows at times.
Rating of high-quality main filters
Barrier BM 1/2
The tenth place is occupied by the budgetary main apparatus Barrier VM 1/2 of Russian design. The number of stages of cleaning - 1. A cartridge with a porosity of 1 micron provides a high degree of cleaning from suspended particles. It has proven itself very well in private houses with running water from a well. Almost completely cleans water from dirt, sand, rust and other mechanical impurities. Cheap cartridges and ease of replacement make it indispensable for pipelines with highly polluted water, allowing you to reliably protect household appliances and plumbing from breakdowns. The average price is 814 rubles.
- ease of installation;
- good performance;
- the porosity of the cartridge is 1 micron;
- cheap cartridges;
- affordable price.
- the holes in the wall mount bracket may not line up with the holes in the cover of the device.
Honeywell FF06 1/2 ″ AAM
The ninth line is occupied by a product developed by specialists of the Honeywell Corporation FF06 1/2 ″ AAM. A reliable pre-cleaner equipped with a stainless steel mesh with a mesh size of 100 microns. The product is durable, easy to assemble and disassemble. It is convenient to observe the process through the glass body of the flask. Connecting diameters of inlet and outlet are 1/2 ”(half-inch or 15 mm). The flask is equipped with a drain valve to drain the sediment when replacing the filling. Very comfortably. According to customer reviews, it perfectly justifies the cost of purchasing it. Its average price is 2289 rubles.
- durable body;
- transparent flask;
- the presence of a drain valve;
- high quality materials and workmanship.
- a large filter mesh of 100 microns, it is advisable to change to a smaller one of 50 microns.
Geyser Typhoon 10SL 3/4 ″
In eighth place is the model from the leading Russian developer and manufacturer - the Geyser company. This is the main device Geyser Typhoon 10SL 3/4 ″. The product name contains the following information:
- 10 indicates the size (height) of the cartridge in inches;
- SL - Slim Line (translated as thin line), European standard.
- 3/4 ″ - connection size in inches, which corresponds to the inner diameter of the hole in 20mm.
The body is made of stainless steel. This allows it to be used on cold and hot water. Steel and brass threaded connections are more reliable than plastic or powder metallurgy ones, as they are difficult to damage. The cartridge is easy enough to insert and securely fixed in the seat. The connection between the lid and the bulb is made with a clamp, quickly, simply and reliably. A wrench is not required to unscrew the flask. The porosity of the aggregate is 10 microns, which indicates a high degree of purification. Geyser Typhoon has a maximum capacity of 45 l / min. This is enough to provide consumers with purified water without delay. You will have to pay for it 5130 rubles. This is its average price.
- durable body;
- simple and reliable connection of the flask to the lid;
- when replacing the cartridge, no special wrench is required to dismantle the flask.
- the vertical size is 35 cm. When installing, it requires to leave a margin of height for dismantling the flask of at least 30 cm from the bottom of the flask to the floor, which makes the total installation height at least 70 cm.
New water A 082
The seventh place is taken by the apparatus of the Russian company Novaya Voda A 082. The body is made of stainless steel. The product works with cold and hot water. In a minute, it will cleanse 15 liters of life-giving moisture from suspensions, sand and rust. If necessary, you can assemble a cage of two or three devices with polypropylene, carbon filling and ion exchange resins. The average price of this useful device is 6,300 rubles.
- stylish design;
- durable steel body;
- does not rust.
- the key for unscrewing the flask is inconvenient; the steel handle is not rubberized;
- It is difficult to turn off the flask with one key; you need to complete the product with two keys.
Fibos Fibos mini
In sixth place is the product of Russian developers - Fibos mini. The product is very interesting. The company's engineers consider replacement cartridges to be harmful, contaminating the environment due to their long decomposition. Fibos filters do not use cartridges and replaceable consumables. The owner periodically flushes the cleaning element by opening the drain valve on the body to the duct. Installation is so simple that it is available not only to an ordinary buyer, but also to a customer. A feature of Fibos mini is the presence of silver ions in the filter element, disinfecting water and destroying microbes and bacteria. The product can be installed on cold and hot water supply pipelines. A differential pressure gauge is mounted in the cover to determine the degree of clogging of the apparatus. Productivity is low, only 5l / min, well, that's why it's mini. Its average cost is 7999 rubles. According to buyers, this is an excellent option for installation in an apartment.
- small size;
- durable body;
- the presence of a drain valve and a differential pressure gauge;
- the filter element with silver ions perfectly cleans and disinfects water.
- low productivity;
- high price.
Geyser 4CH
The fifth place is taken by another model of the Geyser company - with the 4CH brand. The stainless steel housing is equipped with a polyester bag filter with a porosity of 5 microns, which provides a high degree of purification from mechanical impurities: sand, dirt and rust. The bag is replaceable, with the possibility of its washing and re-installation. The model is installed on cold and hot water pipelines. A drain hole with a plug is provided in the bottom of the flask. Installation and maintenance are extremely simple and accessible to a more or less trained person. Average cost of the model: 7509 rubles.
- good design;
- robust stainless steel body;
- ease of installation and operation;
- difficulties with buying bags.
Aquaphor Viking mini
In fourth place is the product of the Russian company Aquaphor Viking mini. The delivery set includes a cartridge Aquaphor B505 - 13 for complex water purification from iron, organic matter, chlorine and heavy metals. The product is made of stainless steel and consists of two halves of the flask, tightened with a special clamp. No special key is required for disassembly. A double-sided rubber seal is installed between the upper and lower body halves. The assembled product does not leak. Connecting holes are completed with American type quick couplings. The performance of the model is 15 liters of purified water every minute. In addition to the mini version, the company produces Viking midi and Viking models, differing in size and performance. Mini has the smallest dimensions and can be easily installed in small confined spaces. Average cost of the product: 8490 rubles.
- durable stainless steel body;
- stylish design;
- two-stage cleaning;
- ease of installation and maintenance, available to an untrained user.
- not found.
Geyser Heath 32585
The three leaders are opened by the Model Geyser Hit of the Russian company of the same name. Simple and reliable device equipped with 100 micron mesh. A drain cock for backwashing is built into the bottom of the flask. The transparent body allows for a visual indication of the degree of contamination. Manufacturers guarantee normal operation of the product at a water temperature of no more than 90 ° C. It can be installed on cold and hot water pipelines. The maximum filter capacity is 33 l / min.In an hour, this inexpensive device will clear two tons of water from sand, dirt and rust. Not bad for a product bought for 1,380 rubles. This is its average price.
- affordable price;
- great productivity;
- no need to change cartridges;
- great option for a country house.
- plastic case;
- it is better to replace the 100 micron mesh with 50 microns.
Honeywell F 76S 3/4 "AA
The second place is taken by the product from Germany Honeywell F 76S 3/4 ”AA. Reliable device with a metal lid and a transparent flask, in the lower part of which a flush valve is mounted. The set includes a stainless steel mesh with a mesh of 100 microns. The manufacturer has defined the service life of its product at ten years. Real users have been using this model for twelve or more years without breakdowns and problems. In the transparent case, you can clearly see that it's time to rinse the device. The device belongs to the type of device that they say: "Install and forget." Maintenance, replacement of the cleaning element is not necessary in this case. It is used only for cold water purification. Average price of the device: 12882 rubles.
- strength;
- reliability;
- long-term operation without breakdowns, repairs, replacement of components;
- transparent body;
- flushing valve.
- high price.
Fibos Fibos 3
The best reviews from buyers were received by the leader of the Fibos rating Fibos 3. Its technical characteristics are impressive:
- The housing is designed for pressures up to 16 bar (1 bar = 1 technical atm.).
- Productivity is 50 l / min. That's three tons per hour!
- The porosity of the filter element is 1 micron.
Replacement of consumables is not needed. When developing the working element, military space technologies were used. A glass-sheathed stainless steel wire less than a human hair thick is wound onto the frame of the filter element. Water is forced through this mesh, leaving all the dirt on the outside. Due to the presence of silver ions in the grid, in parallel with water purification, it is disinfected. A flush valve is provided for flushing and removing dirt from the flask. The product works on the "Set and forget" principle. The device costs an average of 14,990 rubles. Ideal for a country house and apartment. Suitable for hot water treatment.
- great productivity;
- modest size;
- disinfection of water with silver ions.
- high price.
Main filter name | Specifications | average price |
Fibos Fibos 3 | Main filter type Water connection - yes The number of cleaning stages - 1 Usage: for cold water, for hot water Physical characteristics: Filter module included - yes Pump to increase pressure - no Storage capacity - no Productivity - 50 l / min Inlet water temperature - up to 95 ° С Inlet pressure - 0.50 - 16 atm. Porosity - 1 micron Connection size - 1 "Features: connection with adapter 3/4 inch; silver ions for disinfection and disinfection from all bacteria and microbes; without replaceable elements | RUB 14,990 |
Honeywell F 76S 3/4 "AA | Main filter type. Connection to the water supply - yes. The number of cleaning stages is 1. Usage: for cold water. Physical characteristics: Filter module included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. Outlet water temperature - up to 40 ° С. Inlet pressure - 1.50 - 16 atm. The porosity is 100 microns. Connecting size - 3/4 "(20mm) Transparent body - yes. Additionally: Service life 3600 days. The warranty period is 730 days. | RUB 12882 |
Geyser Heath | Filter type - main. Connection to the water supply - yes. The number of cleaning stages is 1. Usage: for cold water, for hot water. Physical characteristics: The filter module is included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. Maximum productivity 33.3 l / min. Inlet water temperature up to 90 ° С. Inlet pressure - up to 7 atm. The porosity is 100 microns. Connection size 3/4 "(20mm). Transparent body Weight 0.8 kg. Additionally Service life 330 days. Warranty period330 days | 1380 RUB |
Aquaphor Viking Mini | Main filter type. Water connection - yes Usage: for cold water, for hot water. Physical characteristics: Filter module included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. Dimensions (WxHxD) - 18x25.5x18 cm. Features: a two-stage filtering element (membrane / sorption) purifies water from mechanical impurities, heavy metals, chlorine, and disinfects it by those present in the filter material. silver ions. Additionally: Service life 3653 days. Warranty period 365 days. | RUB 8490 |
Geyser 4 Ch | Filter type - main. Connection to the water supply - yes. Usage: for cold water, for hot water. Physical characteristics: Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. The porosity is 5 microns. Connection size - 1 "(DN 25 mm). Features: stainless steel case. Additionally: Service life - 330 days. The warranty period is 330 days. | RUB 7509 |
Fibos Fibos mini | Filter type - main. Water connection - yes. The number of cleaning stages is 1. Usage: for cold water, for hot water. Physical characteristics: Filter module included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. Maximum productivity 5 l / min. Inlet water temperature - up to 95 ° С. Inlet pressure - 0.50 - 16 atm. The porosity is 1 micron. Connection size - 3/4 "(DN 20mm). Features: connection with adapter 1/2 inch; silver ions for disinfection and disinfection from all bacteria and microbes; without replaceable elements Additionally The warranty period is 365 days. | RUB 7990 |
New water A 082 | Filter type - main. Connection to the water supply - yes. Usage: for cold water, for hot water. Physical characteristics: Filter module included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. Maximum productivity 15 l / min Inlet water temperature - 2 - 93 ° С. Connecting size - 1/2 "(DN 15 mm). Additionally: Service life - 180 days. The warranty period is 30 days. | RUB 6300 |
Geyser Typhoon 10SL 3/4 " | Filter type - main Connection to the water supply - yes Usage: for cold water, for hot water Physical characteristics: Filter module included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. Recommended performance 30 l / min. Maximum productivity 45 l / min. Inlet water temperature - 4 - 95 ° С The porosity is 10 microns. Connection size - 3/4 "(DN 20mm). Dimensions (WxHxD) - 14x35x14 cm. Additionally: Service life - 330 days. The warranty period is 330 days. | RUB 5130 |
Honeywell FF06 1/2 "AAM | Filter type - main. Connection to the water supply - yes. The number of cleaning stages is 1. Usage: for cold water, for hot water. Physical characteristics: Filter module included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. The porosity is 100 microns. Connection size - 1/2 "Features: Additionally: Service life - 3600 days. The warranty period is 730 days. | RUB 3705 |
Barrier VM 1/2 | Filter type - main. Connection to the water supply - yes. The number of cleaning stages is 1. Usage: for cold water. Physical characteristics: Filter module included. Pump to increase pressure - no. Storage capacity - no. The porosity is 1 micron. Connection size 1/2 "(DN 15 mm). Features: purpose - protection of plumbing and household appliances that use water; other types of cartridges can be used. | 814 RUB |
Water is life. Pure water means a long life without diseases and ailments. You have a chance to access clean water.
Buying a device that can purify water from all nasty impurities, you will get rid of the need to spend money on your treatment, on the repair or replacement of the washing machine and dishwasher, faucets in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Lunch cooked in clean, odor-free water will give you real pleasure. Invest in your health. Think hard and buy a good main water filter. Our site will help you not to make mistakes when choosing the best model.