Best paintable wallpaper paints for 2024


Any, even the most fashionable and beloved interior over time requires repair, and sometimes completely replacement. The easiest and most affordable way to refresh the walls in your home is to paint the wallpaper. The difficulty here is only one moment - how to choose paint from an incredible number of colors, types and brands.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a review of paints for painting wallpaper, as well as a rating of the best of them for 2024.

In order to make it easier to navigate in the variety of colors, we will group them according to their defining characteristics and understand the advantages and disadvantages of this and that group.

Wallpaper paint type

Wallpaper type Paint type
PaperAll types of paint are suitable. The cheapest option is water-based.
Non-wovenLatex or acrylic.
Glass fiber
Liquid- -

First, let's see what wallpaper options exist.

Types of wallpaper

  • Paper ones are the most democratic. They are cheap, can be found in any repair goods store, they are embossed and smooth. However, they have one significant drawback - they are not at all durable and cannot be repainted frequently (no more than 5 times during their service life). To increase the strength, some craftsmen cover them with a special varnish. This adds durability and gloss. However, it exposes all the unevenness of the wall. In addition, for repainting, the varnish will have to be removed, which can lead to very disastrous consequences.
  • Vinyl is more durable. Composed of vinyl and foamed PVC. Withstand up to ten repainting without loss of integrity, but are afraid of mechanical damage. On sale you can find this type of wallpaper with an interesting texture - pattern or imitation. They work well in the kitchen or hallway.
  • Non-woven - created on the basis of a more technologically advanced material than those mentioned above. The composition includes three or even four different layers, which make the material very durable and unpretentious. They are elastic, withstand wet cleaning, as well as repainting up to 15 times. You can also find negative statements, which are mainly reduced to the non-ecological compatibility of coatings of this type. The fact is that with strong heating, the non-woven linen emits a certain amount of formaldehyde vapors. However, if you stick them on the walls of the hallway or hall and do not plan to set them on fire, you have nothing to fear.
  • Glass fiber is the most expensive and most technologically advanced type of wall coverings in our review. It is obtained by processing glass with special additives. The high cost is more than offset by its excellent appearance, environmental friendliness and durability. In addition, they do not burn and do not emit any odors or harmful substances. If you intend to surprise your guests and plan to frequently change the color of the walls, this is the best option for you.

Liquid wallpaper. For a complete understanding of the possibilities of decorating walls in residential premises, this type should be noted.In fact, it is a dry mixture of various materials, which is enough to dilute with warm water, spread on the wall and wait until it dries. In terms of painting, they can be compared to paper, i.e. they are practically not subject to painting and are very afraid of a rude attitude towards themselves.

How to choose paint

The choice of paint, in general, is an individual matter, but in addition to the question of applicability to a particular type of wall coverings, it is worth paying attention to a few more parameters. There are three most popular types of paint today.

  1. Acrylic.
  2. Water-based.
  3. Latex.

Each type carries a set of advantages and disadvantages, which we will consider next.

  • Acrylic - waterproof, bright and quick-drying. A common choice for painting all types of wallpaper. One of the indisputable advantages is vapor permeability. Such paint does not allow moisture to accumulate on the walls, which in turn prevents dampness and mold from developing. This is especially true for private homes with large internal temperature differences. Most suitable for non-woven wallpaper, but can be used for paper and glass wallpaper.
  • Water-based, its main advantages are accessibility and ease of use. However, according to other indicators, it is significantly inferior, it does not tolerate wet cleaning and quickly fade under the influence of sunlight. It is most often used for painting ceilings and walls covered with decorative plaster.
  • Latex - the most progressive in terms of strength and durability. However, it cannot give a rich, bright color and is more expensive than other types of paints. It has an extremely low consumption, since it must be applied quickly and in a thin layer. All this is because such paint dries quickly and if you tighten it with application, smudges and noticeable transitions may appear. Gloss level directly affects durability, so if this parameter is important to you, pay attention to it when buying.

Summary table of advantages and disadvantages by paint type

A type Advantages:Disadvantages:
Acrylicresistant to moisture and mechanical damage;high cost;
many factory colors;one texture option - matte;
does not emit harmful substances;dries for more than a day.
easy to apply and does not spread;
does not fade in the sun;
lack of unpleasant odor;
the walls underneath are not damp.
Water emulsiondoes not emit harmful vapors;not resistant to wet harvesting;
mixes easily with color scheme;afraid of direct sunlight.
made of matte and glossy texture;
easy to apply and adheres well to the surface;
an ambulance to dry;
there is no unpleasant smell.
Latexcreates a beautiful coating with a silky texture;high price;
resistant to moisture and mechanical damage;sharp, unpleasant odor until completely dry.
has a wide range of color shades;
you can choose a matte or glossy texture;
dries in less than four hours.

We count the consumption

Any renovation is a big financial cost, so it is quite natural that everyone who is in the process of renovating their home wants to save money. Many people are trying to buy paint with a minimum consumption per square meter. People often pay attention to information about the consumption of a particular paint in advertising brochures or on the bank and make a decision on the purchase based on it. However, not everything is so simple, the consumption depends on many indicators, the main of which are:

  • the texture of the canvas to be painted;
  • type of wallpaper material;
  • area calculation accuracy;
  • number of layers.

In order to purchase the optimal amount, consider not only the consumption recommended by the manufacturer, but also use (widespread on the Internet) consumption calculators that take into account different indicators.

Factors Affecting Drying Rate

Drying speed, like consumption, also depends on many factors. You can also be guided by the testimony of manufacturers, but if your object is urgent and the implementation time is short, every minute counts.Let's see how you can shorten the nominal drying time.

  • Even if, according to the passport, the paint should dry out in 6 hours, but you applied it a couple - three times with a thick layer, be prepared that the nominal period will increase by 1.5-2 times. Therefore, carefully monitor the thickness and number of layers, find the best compromise with the quality of staining.
  • Control the temperature and humidity in the room. In the cold season, it is recommended to install additional heat sources to minimize the loss of time for drying.
  • If the wallpaper is porous, you can safely increase the waiting time until it dries completely. This fact must be taken into account even at the stage of their selection.
  • Watch out for the draft. Ventilation allows the paint to dry faster, but the uncontrolled movement of air masses can only harm freshly painted walls. Strong drafts can lead to premature cracks and all work done will go to waste.

Required tools

A seemingly simple process requires not only an understanding of the properties of a particular paint and types of wallpaper, but also the availability of the necessary tools. Even the most basic assistants for this business - a brush and a roller, have their own nuances.

  • Rollers on sale are made of foam and fur. If you are going to paint over smooth walls, you will need a foam roller, if textured, a fur roller is more suitable.
  • Brushes must be selected according to their width and quality. If you notice that the brush is easy to part with its villi, it is better to refuse to purchase it.
  • Additionally, you will need to purchase: masking tape, a container for storing the working volume of paint, as well as gloves and a respirator.

Recommendations of experienced craftsmen

  1. Pay attention to surface preparation. On clean and dried walls, the paint will lay smoother, it will need less, and it will dry faster.
  2. It is recommended to pre-check the paint on a small fragment of the wall, as the shades may change during drying.
  3. Take into account the climatic conditions of the room and direct sunlight.
  4. Use the right tools, be careful and paint your wallpaper.
  5. Choose trusted products from trusted manufacturers

Useful Tips

  • The surrounding area must be carefully protected before starting painting. Threatened: window sills, windows, furniture (if any) batteries, floor.
  • Prepare paper or a special roller tray in order to remove excess. This will avoid overspending and unnecessary smudges.
  • The shade can be influenced not only by drying, but also by the color of the walls to be coated to which it is applied. Therefore, if you plan to paint the walls, buy white wallpaper or the lightest shades.
  • If you are not 100% sure of the evenness of your walls, choose a paint with a matte finish. It will help hide minor flaws.
  • A glossy shade will make the room visually brighter and larger, but even a slight unevenness will become clearly visible under it.
  • If you want to paint the walls with a lighter color, you should first prime it with white.
  • The primer will also help save more expensive interior paint.

Rating of the best paints for wallpaper for 2024

The rating is based solely on the feedback from experts in the building materials market and real buyers.

Latex Dufa Retail Eurolatex 7

The product is made in Russia using German technology. Has a matte finish. Perfect for wallpaper and drywall, washes well. Can be painted in the nursery, bedroom and other living rooms. Certified for use in hospitals and child care facilities.

The average price is 155 rubles per liter.

Latex Dufa Retail Eurolatex 7


  • perfectly tinted;
  • well applied;
  • corresponds to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.


  • not identified.

For wallpaper TEKS Profi matt

From the largest Russian brand, it is used for both dry and wet rooms. It will show itself equally well on the kuna and in the bathroom.The drying time declared by the manufacturer is 1 hour, however, in order for the freshly painted walls to be washed, they must dry for at least a day. One liter is enough to paint from 8 to 11 square meters.

The average price is 200 rubles per liter.

For wallpaper TEKS Profi matt


  • does not have pungent and unpleasant odors;
  • Does not retain dust and dirt.


  • tolerates only light cleaning, with intense friction - it is erased.

Water-based semi-matte JOHNSTONE'S VINYL SILK

European emulsion for coloring porous mineral materials. Penetrates into the structure of the painted surface and forms a strong and wear-resistant layer. Suitable for painting drywall, wallpaper, concrete and brick. It has high environmental friendliness, neutral, without toxic additives and elements, safe for use in any premises.

The average price is 579 rubles per liter.

Water-based semi-matte JOHNSTONE'S VINYL SILK


  • has high adhesion;
  • resistant to scratches;
  • washes well;
  • has no smell.


  • high price;
  • not widespread in our country.

Acrylic Neolab

Products of the Russian chemical industry. The special formula makes it resistant to wet cleaning, so it can be used in rooms with high humidity. Can be used in educational institutions, catering establishments and hospitals. Has increased whiteness, excellent tint with acrylic dyes. It is packed in an ergonomic plastic container with a comfortable handle.

The average price is 60 rubles per liter.

Acrylic Neolab


  • availability;
  • perfectly tinted;
  • does not have an unpleasant odor.


  • Requires extra effort to prepare the surface to be painted.

Latex Dulux 3D White

A trademark of AkzoNobel, the world's largest manufacturer of coatings and paints. Dulax 3D White water dispersion paint is suitable for painting walls and ceilings. It is formulated with marble and bleach for a fresh super white color. Any room after painting with 3D White looks more spacious, and the ceilings look higher. In addition, the advantages include the fact that it is easily applied without streaks and almost does not smell. Recommended for rooms with moderate humidity (bedrooms, living rooms, offices, utility rooms). Small apartments with low ceilings are especially suitable.

The average price is 310 rubles per liter.

Latex Dulux 3D White


  • Optimal consistency;
  • It rolls well with a roller and is smeared with a brush;
  • Leaves no smudges;
  • Leaves an honest white.


  • high price.

Water-based Halo

One of the first Empils brands for the Russian market. Designed for indoor work, except for wet ones. Suitable for all porous surfaces, including all types of wallpaper, concrete and brick. Forms a stable snow-white coating. Possesses high adhesion to various surfaces.

The average price is 78 rubles per liter.

Water-based Halo


  • Easy to lay down;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Availability.


  • requires several layers of staining.

Latex Caparol Samtex 7

Manufactured according to German technology. Resistant to mechanical stress, suitable for technical rooms and rooms with high traffic. It perfectly tolerates wet cleaning, is suitable for textured wallpapers, paints them well, emphasizing the structure with a matte effect.

Average price - 433 rubles per liter

Latex Caparol Samtex 7


  • time-proven durability;
  • lays down well;
  • endures intensive wet cleaning.


  • price - higher than analogues;
  • fakes are not uncommon.

For walls PUFAS Tapetin Farbe

Matt dispersion paint for dry and wet rooms. Resistant to cleaning without the use of detergents. It can be tinted only in calm pastel colors. Has excellent adhesion to most mineral building materials. Consumption declared by the manufacturer for one layer: 1 liter per 7 sq.m.

The average price is 135 rubles per liter.

For walls PUFAS Tapetin Farbe


  • moisture resistant;
  • good value for money;
  • economical;
  • dries quickly.


  • not identified.

Interior acrylic VGT VD-AK-2180

From a domestic manufacturer, VGT company. Copes with mechanical stress and moisture. Suitable for ceilings and walls, as well as various wallpapers. Does not fade or yellow during operation. Forms a smooth, matte, breathable finish

The average price is 100 rubles per liter.

Interior acrylic VGT VD-AK-2180


  • Good adhesion;
  • Whiteness after drying more than 90%;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Budgetary.


  • packed in small containers.


The product of the leader of the paint and varnish industry, Tikkurila. Can be used in rooms with high humidity. Can be diluted with water if necessary. Dries no more than two hours, after drying you can wash. Preserves and enhances the structure of the wallpaper. In addition to wallpaper, it can be painted on wooden, concrete and plastered walls. Suitable for sprayer.

The average price is 400 rubles per liter.



  • not toxic;
  • withstands intensive wet cleaning.


  • high price;
  • it is necessary to adhere to complex staining rules.

We hope our review will help you make a good choice of wallpaper paint. If you have experience using one or another paint from our rating, please share your opinion about it in the comments.


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