Best roof paints for 2024


Despite another jump in prices in the market of paints and varnishes in 2024, the demand for building paints is demonstrating steady growth, according to Rosstat. What roof paints are the most popular with Russian consumers, despite their 5-6% annual rise in price? The editors of the site "" have prepared a review of the best roof paints and varnishes for 2024 in terms of price-quality ratio.

Features of roofing paints

Roof paints have a wide range of functions. There are several important criteria for choosing this type of paints and varnishes:

  • It is necessary that the paint and varnish material be resistant to temperature fluctuations.
  • The product should not be subject to biological damage.
  • It is good if the paint has a minimum drying time.
  • It is also required that it has good adhesion.
  • The absence of harmful components in the composition of the material is also important.
  • Roofing varnishes must have good anti-corrosion properties.

Resistance of paints and varnishes to temperature fluctuations

Heat resistance is a very important property of a paint and varnish material, since a paint with good resistance to temperature fluctuations will serve its owner for many years. At present, special antifreezes or flame retardants are added to the composition of many paints, which greatly increase the heat resistance of the material.

Resistance of paintwork materials to biological damage

To reliably protect the roof of a house from biological damage, you should choose roof paints with antiseptic additives. Among antiseptic paints, not all are suitable for external use, but there are paintwork materials that are not afraid of the aggressive effects of the environment. Popular models of the best manufacturers of this type are Sputnik paint and varnish antiseptic or Tent-V paint produced by Avangard-TAKT.

Drying speed of paintwork materials

The faster the product dries, the less foreign substances such as dust, dirt, moisture will get into it. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose a primer-enamel with a fast drying rate. The champions in terms of drying speed are acrylic and water-based paints and varnishes.

Roofing materials adhesion

Adhesion is the ability of a paint and varnish material to reliably adhere to a surface.Products that have good adhesion do not tend to peel off, flake off the painted surface, or split. To check the level of adhesion of paintwork materials using improvised means, it is enough to apply a grid of cuts with squares to the paintwork material using any thin object. Next, we glue the scotch tape to the grid of cuts, and then abruptly tear it off the surface of the product - the number of squares that remains on the scotch tape will indicate the level of paintwork adhesion. The fewer squares left on the tape, the better the adhesion.


Do not forget that paints and varnishes are chemicals that contain components that are harmful to human health. Solvent vapors, aerosols, as well as poisonous gases that are emitted from the paintwork material during its combustion are only a few that can cause harm.

Anti-corrosion properties of paintwork

The metal roof, like no other part of the house, is subject to corrosion due to frequent contact with moisture in the form of rain, snow, hail. It is this feature of the roof that makes you pay close attention to the anti-corrosion properties of roofing paintwork. Popular galvanized paints with corrosion protection function. They significantly extend the service life of a galvanized roof.

Types of roof paints and what to look for

At the moment, the following types of paintwork materials for roofs are common on the market of paints and varnishes:

  • acrylic paintwork materials;
  • alkyd products;
  • oil paints and varnishes;
  • paints with anti-corrosion components.

Acrylic paints and varnishes

The popularity of acrylic paint models is due to their durability and strength. This type of paint can last for more than a dozen years. Their main disadvantage is considered to be high cost, but acrylic will have to be bought much less often than oil or alkyd paint and varnish material.

If you do not know which type of paintwork materials is better to buy, choose acrylic paints and varnishes - they are considered the highest quality.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd is not heat resistant. Such paintwork materials quickly fade, fade or fade. If you use an alkyd product, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to change the paint and varnish layer of the roof often. It is much more practical to use mixtures based on alkyd material. For example, an alkyd-urethane mixture or paintwork materials of this type with a zinc content for galvanized roofs will serve their owner an order of magnitude longer.

Roofing oil paints

This type is characterized by low heat resistance. With frequent temperature fluctuations, paintwork materials crack quickly. The material fades or fades quickly. The average service life of the product does not exceed 2–3 years. LMC does not tolerate exposure to sunlight. Of the advantages of paintwork materials, one can name its low cost, since these are mainly budget types of paints. They are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance, as well as the ease of applying the material to the roof surface.

Products containing anti-corrosion components

Such materials are designed specifically for metal roofing. They can be made on the basis of acrylic, oil or alkyd paints, the best of which are able to serve for more than one decade. Due to the presence of synthetic resin in the composition of such paints, they dry quickly, which significantly reduces the possibility of foreign substances, such as dust, dirt, moisture, getting into the paintwork materials.

Paints for different types of roofs

Depending on the material used in the construction of the roof, the roofs of houses are divided into:

  • metal roofs;
  • metal roofing;
  • slate roofs.

On the construction market there are many building materials for building a roof, but these types of roofs are most common.

Metal roof painting

Metal roofs are inexpensive in price and distinguished by their practicality, which makes them very popular among owners of residential buildings.If you do not know how to paint an iron roof, it will not be a mistake when choosing paintwork materials to purchase acrylic paints and varnishes, which have a number of advantages:

  • independence from weather conditions;
  • fast drying;
  • uniform coverage;
  • good adhesion.

It doesn't matter which company is better, it is important that the paint and varnish product for the metal roof has anti-corrosion properties, as well as has good heat resistance.

Paintwork materials for metal roof

Despite the fact that high-quality metal tiles do not need painting, there are many paints on the market of paints and varnishes that are suitable for this type of roofing material. What are the paints for metal roofing:

  • acrylic paintwork materials;
  • alkyd products for metal roofs;
  • oil paints.

For painting in sunny, calm weather, aerosol cans are well suited. It is necessary to apply paintwork in several layers perpendicular to the surface to be painted in even zigzag movements.

For slate roofing

A distinctive feature of slate is its heat resistance, which makes this material no less popular than metal in roofing. Slate also has properties such as increased fire resistance and water resistance. However, asbestos dust, which this type of building material begins to cover over time, as well as small cracks that form on the surface of the slate, are its undeniable disadvantages.

For painting slate, such paints and varnishes are used as:

  • acrylic paintwork materials;
  • special slate enamel;
  • liquid plastic.

Slate enamel is especially worth highlighting. Slate enamel with good adhesion is exposed to minimal UV rays.

The best acrylic paints for roofing

DALI, rubber, 3 kg.

LKM is intended for painting roofs, facades, plinths, etc. This paintwork product is suitable not only for exterior painting, but also for interior painting. The material easily withstands high and low temperatures both outside and inside the building. High humidity is not terrible for paint. The best primer-enamel is suitable for slate and tiled roofs, as well as for painting concrete products, drywall, various materials from wood, chipboard, metal surfaces, etc.

The average price is 1000 rubles.

DALI paint, rubber, 3 kg.


  • low cost;
  • high quality;
  • good adhesion;
  • durability;
  • used outdoors and indoors;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • heat resistance.


  • Not found.

Novbytkhim, roofing slate, 10 liters.

LKM is well suited for roofs made of mineral materials such as: slate, tiles, concrete, bricks, etc. The primer enamel is subject to minimal UV radiation, has good adhesion and is not afraid of bad weather conditions, in particular, wind, snow and rain. The material has good resistance to biological damage. The paint prevents lichen, moss, and various algae from appearing on the roof. The average service life of paintwork materials is five years, which, for example, is one and a half to two times longer than that of oil-based paints.

The average price is 2300 rubles.

paint Novbytkhim, roofing on slate, 10 liters.


  • resistance to biological damage;
  • does not change its color (does not fade, does not fade, etc.) after painting;
  • has low toxicity;
  • good refractory properties;
  • fast drying;
  • can be diluted with water;
  • low cost.


  • Not found.

NEOMID MASTER GOOD, rubber, 14 kg.

The material is recommended for repairing roofs made of tiles, concrete, bricks, slate and ferrous metal. The product is not afraid of high humidity, therefore it is possible to use paintwork materials in the interior of the house, such as bathrooms, kitchens, cellars, etc. The paint has good adhesion. Before using the paintwork, the surface to be painted must be cleaned of foreign matter: dust, dirt, rust, etc.It is not allowed to use primer-enamel in bad weather conditions: wind, rain, snow, fog. The surface can be painted with a spray, brush or roller.

The average price is 4000 rubles.

NEOMID MASTER GOOD paint, rubber, 14 kg.


  • fast drying;
  • elasticity;
  • good adhesion;
  • levels cracks on the painted surface;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • durability (average service life - 8 years);
  • low cost.


  • Not found.

The best alkyd roof paints

Tikkurila Panssarimaali, for metal roofing, 0.9 l.

A branded paint and varnish product of European quality is used for various metal structures, including paintwork materials for metal roofs. Due to its specificity, the material has enhanced anti-corrosion properties. Has an average drying speed of about 3-5 hours. It is recommended to start applying the second layer of the product after 24 hours. The paint has good weather resistance, since it is not afraid of either high humidity or other bad weather conditions.

The average price is 750 rubles.

Tikkurila Panssarimaali paint, for metal roofs, 0.9 l.


  • ease of use;
  • does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • weather resistance;
  • good adhesion;
  • heat resistance.
  • good anti-corrosion properties.


  • average drying speed.

TEKNOS Kirjo, 0.9 l.

Not the last place in the rating of high-quality alkyd roof paints is occupied by a Finnish manufacturer's paint and varnish product, which has pronounced anti-corrosion properties, since it is intended for painting metal structures. The material is also well suited for galvanized roofs. Average drying time is five hours. You can start applying the next layer after 16-18 hours. Paintwork should be used under favorable weather conditions. When the temperature of the painted surface is above 50 degrees Celsius, the use of TEKNOS Kirjo paintwork is not allowed.

The average price is 1000 rubles.

TEKNOS Kirjo paint, 0.9 l.


  • contains anti-corrosion pigments;
  • long service life;
  • easily applied to the painted surface;
  • weather resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.


  • meteorological dependence (increased sensitivity to unfavorable weather conditions);
  • high price.

Optimist F 310, for facade and interior work

The paint and varnish product made on the basis of acrylic latex is characterized by increased weather resistance, vapor permeability and elasticity. The material is intended for painting roofs, drainpipes, building facades and plinths. When using paintwork materials, you need to ensure that foreign substances do not get into the paintwork, i.e. you need to protect the product from clogging, otherwise the quality of the paintwork will significantly decrease. To apply paint to the surface to be painted, it is allowed to use a spray gun, roller or brush. Tinting of the product is carried out manually, as well as on tinting devices using water-dispersion dyes. Paintwork weight - 7 kg. The material can be easily purchased from the online store.

The average price is 2000 rubles.

paint Optimist F 310, for facade and interior work


  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • does not crack;
  • does not peel off;
  • does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • non-toxicity;
  • good refractory properties;
  • environmentally friendly product.


  • Not found.

The best oil paint for roofs

Super Decor, 1 kg.

A product with good waterproofing properties is little prone to abrasion, and is specially designed for decorative and protective finishing. There are a lot of positive reviews about Super Decor on the Internet. Paintwork materials are highly resistant to washing. LMC can be used for both external and internal work. This acrylic dispersion material can be diluted with water and tinted.Any pastes for water-based paints are suitable for tinting. The paintwork product dries to a solid state in an average of 1.5–3 hours. The shelf life of unopened product packaging is two years. You can find out how much large-scale paintwork materials cost on the manufacturer's website.

The average price is 350 rubles.

Super Decor paint, 1 kg.


  • waterproofness;
  • non-toxicity;
  • without smell;
  • good adhesion;
  • low cost;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • elasticity.


  • high material consumption.

LACRA MA-15, 0.9 kg.

Linseed oil serves as the basis for the production of paintwork materials "Lakra Ma-15". The product is ideal for roofs and plinths. Has good weather resistance. The product can be used for interior and exterior work. It is not recommended to use this paint and varnish material when painting floors. Before applying the product to the surface to be painted, it is imperative to clean it from foreign matter. Do not apply paintwork on rust. There are also recommendations to degrease the surface with a solvent and impregnate with drying oil. In an unopened package, the material is stored for at least 18 months. Complete drying time is 24 hours. During work, it is allowed to use a spray, brush or roller.

The average price is 200 rubles.

paint LACRA MA-15, 0.9 kg.


  • low cost;
  • weather resistance;
  • used for external and internal work;
  • ease of use.


  • dries up for a long time.

MA-15 Blossoming, 20 kg.

LKM has a pronounced glossy sheen. The product can be used for painting metal and wood surfaces. The material is intended for external and internal finishing works. Average consumption of paintwork materials is 1 kg. paints for 5–7 sq.m. painted surface. Before applying a paint and varnish product to the surface, it is necessary to clean it from the old paintwork material (if any) with a scraper and grind it. After sanding, be sure to remove all dust and other foreign matter. The product needs to be stirred before use, and it is also necessary to remove the film layer, if any formed during storage.

The average price is 1800 rubles.

MA-15 paint Blossom, 20 kg.


  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • use outside and inside the premises is possible;
  • good adhesion.


  • Has an unpleasant odor.

The best roof paints with anti-corrosion components

Chief Technologist, rubber, 1.1 kg.

Anticorrosive primer-enamel of Russian production based on latex, with the addition of antifreeze. Designed for protective painting, but can also be used for decorative purposes. Slate, black metal, brick, tiles, chipboard, fiberboard, galvanized iron, etc. are well suited as a painted surface for this paintwork product. It is used for both interior and exterior finishing works. The product has good water resistance and wear resistance, has good elasticity, adhesion, and also prevents the formation of cracks on the painted surface. A full description of the product's characteristics can be found on the manufacturer's website.

The average price is 400 rubles.

paint Chief Technologist, rubber, 1.1 kg.


  • crack resistance;
  • versatility;
  • fast drying;
  • elasticity;
  • good adhesion;
  • weather resistance;
  • ease of use.


  • Not found.

Master Good, water-dispersible, 2.4 kg.

The average consumption of Master Good anticorrosive primer enamel is 1 kg. products for 5-6 sq. m. of the painted surface. The composition of the paint and varnish material includes an antiseptic, pigments and a composition of latexes. The product is not afraid of exposure to bad weather conditions, has good heat resistance and water resistance. According to consumers, the paint and varnish product is resistant to abrasion. The surface painted with Master Good primer-enamel can be safely washed with water and household detergents.If the operating conditions of the paint and varnish product are observed in the process of finishing work, the service life of the material is on average 8-10 years.

The average price is 700 rubles.

Master Good paint, water-dispersive, 2.4 kg.


  • elasticity;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • weather resistance;
  • not prone to cracking;
  • vapor permeability;
  • low cost.


  • Not found.

Expert, rubber, 6.5 kg.

The last in the rating of the best roofing paints with anti-corrosion components is the latex paint and varnish material of the Russian brand Descartes, intended for painting roofs, including those made of ferrous metal. Differs in such characteristics as water resistance, elasticity and excellent adhesion. From roofing materials, paintwork materials are ideal for slate, ceramic tiles, galvanized metal. Primer-enamel is not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation and bad climate. The material lends itself to tinting with water-based coloring pigments. To change the color of the product, you can also use special acrylic colorants "Expert". Average consumption of paints and varnishes is 1 liter per 7-9 sq. m. of the painted surface. Paintwork materials can be ordered online on the manufacturer's website.

The average price is 1100 rubles.

paint Expert, rubber, 6.5 kg.


  • low cost;
  • weather resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • versatility;
  • dries quickly;
  • durability;


  • Not found.

Alkyd, acrylic, oil or with anti-corrosion components - the range of roof paints and varnishes is able to satisfy the taste of even the most demanding consumer. As you can see from our roundup, the best roof paints for 2024 have their pros and cons. They differ in price and volume. If you have already used the products presented in the article, or can give advice on where to buy high-quality paints and varnishes at a bargain price, or maybe you are familiar with new products on the paint and varnish market, we ask you to share your experience in the comments.


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