Best Hot Smokehouses for 2024


Almost everyone has tried homemade smoked meats or vegetables. A pleasant smell of haze, juiciness gives the product a unique pronounced taste. In this regard, people purchase household smokehouses, which are compact and easy to use. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best smokehouses for hot smoking.

The main device of the smokehouse

The equipment consists of a metal box with a lid, one or more grates and a tray for collecting substances emitted from the product.

The elements are placed as follows: special wood chips are placed on the bottom of the smokehouse, and products are placed on the grate. After that, the device is placed on fire, over time, when the lower part heats up, smoke begins to form inside.

Most users strongly recommend the use of alder sawdust, as they are much more effective in promoting smoke.

It is important to remember that the smoking process should be carried out with the lid closed, in this case the most favorable conditions are created inside. The main difference between hot and cold smoking is the speed of preparation of the product. So, with hot smoking, the food will be ready in a couple of hours, possibly earlier, while the other option takes several days.

What can you cook?

In the smokehouse, you can cook any meat products: poultry, beef, pork, etc. People who like to cook homemade sausages or sausages can use the smoker to add a rich flavor to the products. You can cook lard or whole chicken, but boil it before starting preservation. For lovers of exotic dishes or for those who want to try something new, the best option is smoked seafood that has been soaked in a special marinade. At the end of cooking, the shrimp (or mussels) will be covered with a golden crust and will have an incomparable taste.

You can make delicious tomato paste or eggplant caviar using a smokehouse. A light haze smell will have a beneficial effect on the taste. Fruits can also be smoked, but this is more suitable for connoisseurs of tasty and light food.

What types of device are there?

There are at least 6 types of smokehouses. The main feature of the device is its simplicity, so you can either buy it or make it yourself.

Stationary smokehouse

The option is intended for owners of a country house, since the structure is not removable and is placed on the foundation. It is mainly used by people who constantly preserve a variety of products, for this reason the device is equipped with a large firebox. This view can be built with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

Mobile model

Suitable for people who often travel or go to the country.The design is lightweight and compact, so it does not take up much space. The most common models are 30 cm high, 40 cm long and 50 cm wide. In order to start smoking, it is enough to place the equipment on a brazier or fire.

Some people actively use this option for home smoking in an apartment, all the smoke goes out the window through a special hose, and the heating process is carried out by gas or an electric stove. The most important thing when buying a smokehouse of this type is the presence of a water seal.

Large smokehouse

Has a larger capacity and high cooking speed. With this option, a person can safely smoke a pork or lamb leg. In 24 hours the smokehouse is capable of producing over 50 kg of finished products. To ensure stable operation in enclosed spaces, most manufacturers manufacture equipment with hoods. Depending on the operating conditions, the smokehouse can have both vertical loading (suitable for rooms with high ceilings) and horizontal (for low ceilings).

Electrical device

This model has both a number of positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, a person has free time, because there is no need to light a fire and maintain a certain temperature, since everything is done automatically. On the other hand, the taste of cooked food will not be fully revealed, and the cost of the equipment is too high. Most electric smokers are divided into two types: a device with a closed electric heater and an open one. To obtain rapid and volumetric heating, closed-type devices are used. Some devices can fully function on automatic batteries.

Gas smokehouse

In this option, all that is needed for conservation is propane. Some people like this option because of its economy and convenience, because gas is a relatively inexpensive natural resource. In addition, the equipment serves as a good alternative to electrical devices due to the fact that in some regions there may be power outages. The taste is also not original, but is on a level higher than that of electric models. Also, during smoking, the device must be constantly monitored.

Do-it-yourself smokehouse

In most cases, this option looks like this: a barrel with a lid where the raw materials are placed, and not far from it there is a fire that transfers smoke through a metal pipe. Although the equipment is simple in design, some beginners can make simple mistakes, such as placing the pipe too far from the barrel. Ultimately, this cooking method produces a semi-smoked product.

A little advice

To buy the most suitable option for smoking at home, it is important to take into account the size of the room, the amount of products and the method of supplying electricity. After that, choosing the optimal equipment is not difficult.

Rating of high-quality and popular models

Camping smokehouse TONAR

A budget device that has a fairly simple design and small dimensions: 34x21x16 cm. Designed for people who often go hiking. Made of high quality stainless steel with a wall thickness of 1 mm. It attracts many buyers with its price (from 700 rubles). Accommodation type - floor. Smoking takes place on wood chips, a small amount of food can be prepared in an hour. The lattice has one tier. Handles and odor trap are missing. Weight - 2.2 kg.

Camping smokehouse TONAR


  • Low price;
  • Portability.


  • The smokehouse should not be used frequently;
  • Low amount of cooked food.

Smokehouse Grillux Smoky Boom

The equipment has a square structure and is made of steel with a high temperature resistant coating. Withstands high temperatures without problems and has a long service life.The disadvantages include the absence of pens and a thermometer, so you have to control the smoking process yourself. The grilles are made of food grade anti-corrosion steel. The smokehouse can be taken to the dacha, as well as fishing or hunting. Placement method - floor. Includes 2 metal grates and a drip tray. Length - 54 cm, width - 25.7 cm, height 31.6 cm. Manufacturer - Russia. The smokehouse has many positive reviews. Weight - 12 kg. The average cost is 3511 rubles.

Smokehouse Grillux Smoky Boom


  • Good odor trap;
  • High quality corrosion resistant material;
  • Possibility of installation in an apartment;
  • The kit includes a gas outlet pipe.


  • Lack of handles;
  • No thermometer;

Smokehouse Forester C823

The model is small in size and mobility. Equipped with a special latch on the case, so that transportation will not cause additional difficulties. The device is made of high quality steel and is capable of withstanding temperatures not exceeding 650 degrees Celsius. The manufacturer notes that the equipment can last for several years. The smokehouse comes with two metal grates with a corrosion-resistant coating and a grease collector. A big plus is the presence of a thermometer on the lid, so it will become much easier to follow the process. During the manufacture of the device, special emphasis was placed on cooking food on charcoal, therefore the equipment is not equipped with a branch pipe for weathering smoke and it is not recommended to operate the device in an apartment. Also, a significant disadvantage is the lack of a water seal. The equipment is manufactured in Russia. Dimensions - length and width 30 cm, height - 20 cm. Average cost: 4099 rubles.

Smokehouse Forester C823


  • Mobility;
  • Thermometer;
  • Durability.


  • For its size, high cost;
  • There is no water seal;
  • When smoking, the handle gets very hot.

Smokehouse Alder Smoke Profi

The device is equipped with a water seal, which makes it possible to operate in an apartment on a conventional gas or electric stove. The advantage is the presence of a two-millimeter steel case, so the equipment is highly resistant to deformation from heating. To facilitate the extraction process, the grates are equipped with a special handle, but they do not have insulation, so you will have to work with tacks. The set includes a tray for collecting fat, a bag-cover for easy transportation and alder chips. Smokehouse dimensions - 50x30x30 cm with a weight of 26 kg. The average price is 6990 rubles.

Smokehouse Alder Smoke Profi


  • Good build quality
  • The set includes a bag-case and a book with recipes;
  • Two handles on the body;
  • Two-year warranty;
  • High-quality polishing of the case.


  • There is no insulation on the handles;
  • High price;
  • Weight.

Smokehouse Alvin EKU-COMBI

An excellent model that can be used both in the apartment and at a picnic or in the country. The device has a removable heating element, so smoking can be done both on coals and from the mains. To operate from home electricity, the equipment provides a start button, temperature control and light indication. All parts are made of stainless steel, safe for health, and can be washed in a dishwasher. To prevent excessive heat build-up, the housing is covered with a heat-resistant coating. The advantages include a three-story grid on which you can bake small products. Smokehouse volume - 20 l. With a diameter of 40 cm and a height of 50, the equipment has a relatively light weight of 12 kg, so transportation will not cause additional inconvenience. The average cost is 4260 rubles.

Smokehouse Alvin EKU-COMBI


  • Mobility;
  • Combined model;
  • Price-quality ratio";
  • Volume;
  • Long wire;
  • Includes a book with a variety of recipes;
  • Three-story grid;
  • Collapsible.


  • With active use on fire, the paint will begin to peel off.

Smokehouse Morozko Magarych

When choosing this equipment, it must be borne in mind that when developing it, the manufacturer focused on home use. Therefore, the smoker has small dimensions (24x30x20x cm) and low weight (4.5 kg). Accordingly, to achieve such parameters, it was necessary to sacrifice the thickness of the walls (1 mm), but the buyer will not feel any special problems if he uses the device in the apartment. So that when smoking products, the smoke does not cause discomfort, a branch pipe is located on the lid of the device, a special plastic hose is included in the kit, which can be fixed both on the window leaf and on the hood. There is also a water seal. For tight tightness and high reliability, the smokehouse has special latches on the body. The body is made of high-quality and heat-resistant steel with a floor type of placement. There is a tray for collecting fat and a grate with two tiers. The equipment has mostly positive reviews, most people highlight the main advantage of easy cleaning of the smokehouse from fat. Production - Russia. Price - 5500 rubles.

Smokehouse Morozko Magarych


  • Low weight;
  • Tightness;
  • Easy to clean;
  • The short-spacing two-level grate is suitable for smoking small vegetables.


  • Best used at home;
  • Small wall thickness;
  • Price.

Coal smokehouse "Prestige" 2 mm

The equipment is perfect for people who love camping or simply cannot imagine their vacation without going to the countryside. The smokehouse is made of high-strength steel with a special heat-resistant coating and a wall thickness of 2 mm. Therefore, frequent cooking over the fire will not cause any deformation. The steel is completely safe (AISI 304 marking). In this regard, the owners of this model can be calm about their health. The design has a good odor trap and a smoke outlet. There are two handles on the sides for easy carrying, but the handles are not insulated. When purchased, the kit includes a convenient carrying bag, a recipe book, two-tiered grate and a grease collector. The equipment can be purchased with different dimensions from 40x20x20 cm to 60x40x30 cm. The first model weighs 12 kg, the last 26 kg. The cost of a small-sized smokehouse is from 6,000 rubles, large ones - from 12,000 rubles.

Coal smokehouse "Prestige" 2 mm


  • The set includes a carrying bag;
  • Two handles on the body;
  • Easily cleared of fat;
  • 2 year warranty;
  • Excellent body polish.


  • The hose and stand must be purchased separately;
  • High price;
  • There is no insulation on the handles.

Hanhi Smokehouse

A good cylindrical smokehouse, which is suitable both for cooking over a fire and at home. The case is made of safety stainless steel with a wall thickness of 2 mm. Placement method - floor. The disadvantages include the presence of one baking sheet for smoking, the rest must be purchased independently. There is a breather (chimney) for removing excess smoke and a pan for collecting fat. Dimensions - 29x49 with a weight of 6.3 kg. The average price is 6400 rubles.

Hanhi Smokehouse


  • Universal use;
  • Tightness;
  • Thick walls.


  • Not found.

Greentex Dymok

Inexpensive domestic model with the most uncomplicated design (metal box with an electric heater). Ideal for small meals such as wings, drumsticks, medium fish or bacon. The device can only be used at home. Teng has good protection against fat. When cooking, you have to control the heating yourself. The manufacturer recommends using the equipment for no more than 40 minutes per set. The maximum weight of the loaded products should not exceed 4 kg. The equipment consumes 1 kW per hour of operation. Dimensions - 45.5x32x31.5 cm with a weight of 5.6 kg. Cost - from 2000 rubles.

Greentex Dymok


  • Low cost;
  • Low weight;
  • Teng protection;
  • Simplicity of design.


  • Self-controlled heating.


Above, we have considered the most popular devices, both budget and expensive models from various manufacturers. Ceramic smokers were not added to the rating because they have an extremely high cost. If you have experience using the smokehouses described in the rating, share your opinion in the comments.


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