Best robot toys for kids for 2024


Technological progress not only facilitates, but sometimes enriches human life. This applies, in particular, to children's toys. Robotic devices are not only entertaining but also educational. However, these toys cost a lot of money, so in order not to leave all the salary in the store, the editorial staff of the site "" presents a selection of the best robotic toys for children for 2024.

Robot Toy Story

Many things have become commonplace today. But it was not always so. A couple of decades ago, children could only dream of a remote-controlled car. Someone was lucky enough to even play with a radio-controlled helicopter. The world of children's entertainment has come a long way from wooden toys "nailed to the floor" to perfect robots that respond to sound and touch.

How it all began

Theoretically, the first mention of mechanized devices goes back to the 17-18 centuries. Historians remember toys with such names as "Mechanical duck", "Clerk", "Automatic musician", "Artist" and others.

Such toys worked on spring-pendulum mechanisms. However, it is rather difficult to call these devices robots. Yes, they performed some actions on their own, but this is an absolute zero in comparison with what modernity puts into the concept of "robot". Officially, the first automatic device is considered "Lilliput", 1932-1934. Japanese engineering has created a toy robot that can walk.

The "boom" of robotics and the war years

The appearance of the automated doll was not accidental. The so-called "boom" in robots started back in the 1920s. The topic of electronic devices was on the agenda, as it is today. The mechanized works of human hands have already been used in the spheres of production. They were called to facilitate the work of hard workers. But then came a difficult and tragic time in the history of mankind. And for the duration of the war, robots were forgotten.

Mid XX century

Even in the post-war years, the Japanese remained the leaders in the development and production of robotic toys with ever-growing functionality. For a time, the Land of the Rising Sun was helped by the supply of technology and resources from the New World. American cameras and radio components helped Japan to mass-produce toys. And the demand was growing.

Looking at this success, the United States also decided to try its luck in this area. In 1954, the first American toy robots saw the light of day. In addition to walking, they could boast of the ability to talk. Almost all of them had names. The most memorable is the Ideal Toy Robert the Robot.

Another landmark milestone in this story is the use of batteries to power robots. This gave them high mobility and greater freedom of action. This was invented, of course, by engineers from the homeland of the samurai.

50s - 60s gave a great impetus to the development of the industry. It was at this time that they began to seriously talk about the creation and implementation of artificial intelligence.Well, in the meantime, the best manufacturers in every possible way endowed their products with "intelligence". That is, the toys acted according to certain algorithms.

As for the creation of cybernetic toys, attempts to invent and assemble them were not only in high-tech workshops by professional engineers, but also by ordinary students and students. Indeed, robots became so popular that hobby clubs, robotics circles, and other educational and experimental units were organized everywhere. The main questions were only where to buy the necessary parts.


What is available today is a completely different level. Ideas that were just in the air some 30-40 years ago have already been implemented today. Artificial intelligence is far from new. So, for example, a year before the millennium, the same Japanese, Sony, assembled a robotic dog AIBO (with artificial intelligence), which could talk and adapt to the child. It is believed that from this moment a new era began in the development of toy robots. Subsequent models also gained popularity, but they became smaller, more perfect, smarter, etc.

At the present time, cybernetic devices for every taste and color are available for children: inexpensive, expensive, for boys, for girls, etc. Toys help in development: mental, communication, etc.

The benefits and harms of toy robots

Like any thing under the sun, toy robots are not useful in everything. Likewise, the harm from them cannot be elevated to the category of absolute. Therefore, in order not to make mistakes when choosing, it is necessary to understand everything in more detail.

Electronic pets and other representatives of their kind were designed to make life easier for a person. That is, in fact, some AIBO should play the role of a nanny. And this is where disagreements begin. Electronics advocates will say: well, here you are, you don't need to spend money on a nanny. Opponents will insist on the lack of socialization in the child. That, no matter how perfect the electronic doggie is, all the same, a living person cannot be replaced. Who is right and what to look for?

The difficulty lies precisely in the fact that there is no right side. Everyone chooses for himself. However, in order to make it easier to decide whether to start a toy robot, below will be the arguments in favor of the acquisition and the opposite.


  • Entertainment. This function, which is the source target, performs just fine. Moreover, this point is so developed that even an adult will not be bored. A conversation with a robot, teams and other interaction - everything is done at the highest level.
  • Care. Perhaps this is how you can "call" the next item. An electronic toy can monitor the temperature in the room, remind about any events (for example, parents that it is time to feed the baby), take a photo, and much more.
  • Development. The present time is making great strides forward in terms of child development through interaction with a robot toy. And for every age group (even for the smallest) there is a copy. If, for example, younger ones can learn to take care of a pet, then older ones can prepare for school, etc.
  • An outlet for allergy sufferers. There are times when you really want to have a pet, but the presence of allergies prevents you from doing it. Then this type of toy comes to the rescue. Of course, they are not real animals, but nevertheless, electronic pets can do almost everything that living ones can do. Who knows what the future holds?
  • Preparing for the world of gadgets. Robotic creatures can boast of another benefit - they, with their complex device, bring children into contact with the outside world of smartphones, tablets, smart homes, etc. In addition, children can learn to be careful with electronics.

This is where the global utility points can be completed. Yes, supporters will find many more advantages, but upon close examination, they can simply be attributed to one of the above points. However, complete criteria for choosing a robot without a negative side will not be.


As for the harm that these cute electronic creatures can do, I want to immediately dismiss silly statements like "artificial intelligence is the first step to the uprising of machines." Unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, the AI ​​in these species is not yet such that robots could "think out" of a riot. Whatever happens, they are always in control of the person. However, there are specific clauses describing harm or potential harm from robotic toys.

  • Lack of socialization. By far the greatest harm from toys will be when a child chooses a robot society over other children. Any high-tech and imaginary "liveliness" of the device can never replace a living person. In this regard, the child gets the wrong idea about interaction with real animals and people. Accordingly, the child's psyche is formed incorrectly. For example, an electronic dog will not bite, a real one - easily. A person may be offended, upset, jealous, etc., but a robot is not.
  • Stifling fantasy. Toys, including, have always been tools for the development of creative thought: for example, modeling a situation, coming up with dialogues, etc. But when a robot does everything for you, you don't have to use your fantasy at all. Needless to say, the creative component in children does not receive development?
  • Reliability. To reduce the cost of production, many companies use cheaper materials in the process of creating. That is, for example, metal is replaced by plastic. In this state of affairs, the robot toy will break faster. And small parts are known to be dangerous for children.

Despite the indicated points, harm is not always done. The proper participation of parents in the process of raising their child can easily help avoid the loss of fantasy and socialization. The problem of reliability is solved only by a thick wallet, which allows you to purchase a more expensive toy at a price, but more reliable.

TOP 10 best robot toys for kids for 2024

High competition in this area does not allow any company participating in this "race" to relax. Typically, consumers are the main beneficiaries of all this. Hence, the children are very lucky. However, widespread availability creates another difficulty - the difficulty of choosing from the available assortment.

However, below will be a ranking titled: Best Robot Toys for Kids for 2024.

10th place - LEGO NINJAGO

Talking about toys, the famous LEGO company cannot be ignored, because this is a real dinosaur in the games industry. In their design style, they climbed to 10th place in the rankings with the Japanese samurai Ninjago. It is somewhat similar in appearance to the Transformers, only without being embodied in a typewriter. And yet he bypassed the advancing on the heels "Nanodrome: beetles in the labyrinth".

Ninjago knows how to shoot, move and place a smaller toy, which comes in a set of 3 pieces. However, the samurai, first of all, will be of interest to those who like to collect constructors. A large number of small details and detailed instructions will captivate a child over 7 years old (it is for this age that Ninjago is designed).



  • Helps to turn around and get carried away by those who like to do assembly;
  • Affordable average price;
  • Careful study of details by the manufacturer;
  • Easy assembly;
  • Additional 3 small toys.


  • The robot toy, in fact, only outwardly answers its name. But, in principle, the cost does not imply any complex mechanical actions.
  • Made entirely of plastic. If dropped from the slightest degree of height, alas, breakage is inevitable.


Ninjago, of course, justifies his money. And the manufacturer has a name, so you don't have to worry about quality. An added benefit is the compatibility of this model with other LEGO toy products.

9th place - 4M Smart Robot

This specimen is already more advanced in terms of development, but less complex in design. The smart robot looks like a hemispherical dome, like an inverted aquarium. The 4M can move around and avoid obstacles.Of course, his maneuvering can hardly be called anything outstanding: the toy simply crashes into something blocking its path, and then starts spinning until it changes direction or goes around the obstacle.

Robot 4M


  • Mobility;
  • Easy assembly, if you figure out what's what;
  • Powered by only one finger-type battery;
  • Perfectly avoids obstacles;
  • Belongs to the budget category.


  • Breaks down quickly. According to buyers, Smart Robot 4M is not very reliable.
  • Despite the fairly simple assembly, it can be difficult to figure it out.
  • Low functionality.
  • Only for children from 8 years old. But for a given age, it becomes not so interesting.


The 4M is definitely noteworthy as it combines simplicity and mobility, low cost and easy assembly. Nevertheless, she will definitely not rise above the 9th line.

8th place - Silverlit Robocombat

The essence and style of the toy reflects the name - robotic combat (battalion commander). The product will especially appeal to boys, because it is necessary to fight the enemy. A great convenience is that 2 robots are included in the kit at once. Control is carried out by simple joysticks with buttons. The combat vehicle can move forward, left and right, as well as carry out 3 types of blow: left, right and combo.

Robocombat Silverlit


  • Lots of action;
  • 2 robots in a set at once;
  • Two modes. You can choose how and with whom to fight: against the computer or against another child;
  • Affordable price;
  • The dynamism is enhanced by light and sound effects.


  • Only one direction of the game is available: fights;
  • "Clumsy" in management;
  • Girls will mostly not be interested.


Thanks to excellent reviews and high dynamism, the Robocombat is very popular among families with male children.

7th place - Hasbro my little Pony - singing rainbow

If the previous model was designed for a male audience, then the "singing rainbow" will be of interest primarily to girls. The static toy invites the child to show and develop his singing talent. My little Pony comes with a microphone.

Hasbro my little Pony - singing rainbow


  • Nice and bright appearance. Very neat assembly;
  • The pony knows many songs and phrases from cartoons;
  • Through the microphone, the voice is fed into the speakers of the toy itself.


  • Poor audio performance: the microphone is weak, which makes the sound going there very quiet;
  • Microphone cord is short;


Given the shortcomings, the "singing rainbow" can still be a wonderful gift for a girl. Moreover, it is recommended to those wonderful persons who love to sing.

6th place - WowWee MIP

This is where the review of real heavyweights begins. Toys that can not only talk or drive, but can carry out more complex commands. Moreover, the best ones are controlled by voice, some gestures or even through a smartphone, they react to touches, sounds, etc.

A prominent representative is the balancing robot WowWee MIP, which has a wide range of capabilities. For example, he can safely take a glass of water from the kitchen to the room (by the way, the set includes a special tray that attaches to the MIP), moving gently, without spilling. In addition, the striking model from the popular WowWee company is able to follow the path that is drawn in the application on the smartphone. True, users note that he still needs a large enough space to rush akin to a train.

WowWee MIP


  • Knows how to dance to music;
  • Controlled by gestures, voice and gadget (knows 50 commands);
  • Successfully carries various small items on a tray;
  • MIP can change the mood;
  • Very high quality build;
  • 7 modes.


  • Small size;
  • If you try to update the firmware, it will stop working.


A very worthy gift for boys and girls. Convenient control via smartphone. By its actions, WowWee MIP "captures" not only children, but also adults.

5th place - WowWee Chippies "Chippie Dog"

Another model from WowWee, this time presented in the form of a dog. The electronic pet, as far as possible in principle, replaces the real dog. Chippies can do almost everything that an ordinary dog ​​can do: bark, cough, lick their hands, close their eyes, run, dodge obstacles, growl, and may even whine if scared.

In addition, the Chippy Dog can be "immersed" in a walking mode. While in it, she will wander around the territory (around the apartment, for example), sniff objects, etc. Well, in standby mode, the pet may even sneeze to remind of itself. In case of prolonged inactivity (more than 10 minutes), Chippy goes to sleep to save the battery.

WowWee Chippies "Chippie Dog"


  • Able to effectively replace the domestic dog for a while;
  • Ideal for those who dream of a dog, but are allergic to wool;
  • Reacts to voice and gestures;
  • Excellent sound and light accompaniment;
  • Allows the child to learn to handle animals;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Available in several colors.


  • Batteries run out quickly due to high energy consumption;
  • There is no mute mode.


WowWee Chippies cannot fully replace a real dog, but it is extremely useful in two cases: when due to allergies the family cannot afford a real dog, and for the child to learn to take care of a real animal by practicing on the robot. Therefore, if the question arises of which company is the best dog to choose, then WowWee is a win-win option.

4th place - Sphero Star Wars BB-8

The robot from the "Star Wars" films came closest to the top three. The character appeared in one of the episodes and not for long, but, nevertheless, this was enough to make the audience fall in love with him. Therefore, the toy is also valuable in that it can supplement the collection of fans of the famous series of films. In addition, it is made in the original design, since Star Wars itself is the licensor.

The robot toy is a spherical body and a small semicircular head that moves freely around the ball.

What can BB-8 do? And he can do a lot: thanks to the gyroscope, he can move himself and avoid obstacles, he can move along a route programmed via a smartphone (connection via Bluetooth).

Sphero Star Wars BB-8


  • It is part of the cult Star Wars;
  • Moves very dynamically;
  • Durable body;
  • Docking station included;
  • Projects holograms at some distance from itself (only on the smartphone screen);
  • Makes sounds, but also only through the gadget.


  • A full charge only lasts an hour;
  • No built-in speakers
  • There are no sensors (that is, it will not be able to bypass obstacles), so when it hits something, it simply bounces off and goes in the other direction.


No wonder BB-8 "Star Wars" is considered the best toy from this franchise, it can do a lot and looks very cute, not to mention the fact that the dynamics of movement is exciting.

3rd place - Cozmo

Cozmo, or, as it is also called, the little helper, has gained popularity not only with children. Even, perhaps, it would be more correct to say that he gained popularity not so much among children as among adults (or older children). So, for example, Kozmo knows how to plan your time and remind you of upcoming events. This happens due to the robot's ability to synchronize with different devices and applications, in particular, with the calendar. Artificial intelligence enables the "assistant" to develop and after a while he is able to remember and recognize (thanks to the built-in camera) the owner's face.



  • High quality artificial intelligence;
  • Helps in work / study;
  • The volume can be adjusted;
  • Offline mode;
  • Great fun.


  • Small size, because of which large pets can inadvertently swallow the "pet".


The robot is just perfect for its tasks. And he has practically no shortcomings.Therefore, Cozmo takes the honorable third place in our ranking of quality robotic toys.

2nd place - Roobo Pudding S

Emelya, another interactive robot with learning and interaction functions, climbed high. The age group from 4 years old assumes that the toy should be able to answer the questions that children have. Since she positions herself as developing. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult for parents to answer thousands and millions of “why” from a toddler who learns the world. Roobo's Puddins S is designed to take some of this responsibility.

Emelya also takes care of the little owner, reminding him, for example, to “brush your teeth” or “wash your hands”, to give different advice. The intelligence of the robot lies in the fact that with constant and prolonged interaction with the child, it adapts to his interests and develops with him. Surely such a description of Emelya for someone will simplify the dilemma of which toy is better to buy.

Roobo pudding s


  • The robot shows a lot of initiative (including recommending the child to ask this or that question);
  • Sings songs;
  • Tells stories;
  • Has the functions of teaching school subjects;
  • Can be used as a video nanny;
  • 6 hours of work without interruption;
  • With various lighting effects.


  • The answer is similar to what you can read in an encyclopedia, so it is sometimes difficult for children, especially small ones, to absorb information;
  • Pronunciation, and indeed all speech, needs improvement. Of course, a robot is not expected to have a wonderful literary language, but nevertheless, incorrect pronunciation of words is a serious drawback;
  • Sometimes the commands have to be repeated - it may not be recognized the first time.


A very useful robot and a great helper for parents and children. Virtually no flaws. Here are just the most important things that are required from a toy, he does not do enough. That is, entertainment from him, of course, is worth waiting for, but this is not always enough. That is why only the second place.

1st place - WowWee Robosapien

Finally, the first place in the ranking is Robosapien. Outwardly, it resembles some kind of robot from the comics. It looks impressive because it is made large enough. Sometimes, it can even be somewhat frightening when “angry”, but the red eyes only add to the creepiness.

The humanoid android has a small head, powerful body, and mobile strong limbs. In addition to the already standard functions for toys (moving, avoiding obstacles, responding to voice and gestures), WowWee's Robosapien is able to raise objects overhead, as well as throw them.

Control is carried out via a remote control panel or via a smartphone. The robot knows more than 60 teams. In general, we can talk about him for a long time, it's not in vain that he is our winner.

Wowwee robosapien


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Can execute more than 60 commands;
  • Learns;
  • There are many small buttons on the control panel, which helps to develop finger motor skills;
  • Picks up and throws objects;
  • Can push obstacles;
  • Long service life;
  • Convenient and simple control (including remote control) 4
  • Continuous work about 5 - 6 hours.


For the most part, users, against the background of the advantages, do not find any drawbacks in this instance. And those who find it, reduce all the disadvantages to one:

  • Cost. How much the robot itself costs is half the trouble. After all, it is necessary to purchase expensive batteries for it.


A wonderful companion who will certainly cheer up the child and his parents. Deserved first place.

Many children are now enjoying things their parents never imagined. However, there will be more. So far, one can only rejoice for modern children. But, in no case should you forget about the personal education of parents and communication with peers. What would your rating look like? Write about it in the comments.


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