The best sparkling wines for 2024


Every our compatriot, even if he is a 100% teetotaler, will surely take a sip of champagne at least once a year. This happens at the New Year's table, to the chimes. Some have made it a rule to buy champagne for all the holidays or to celebrate any significant event in their lives with it. However, there are a lot of manufacturers, the abundance of brands is dazzling in the eyes, a problem arises: how to choose something good. The editorial staff of the site "" offers an overview of the "Best sparkling wines for 2024", compiled according to the opinion of buyers and experts.


Types of sparkling wine

They got their name from the game of carbon dioxide bubbles formed as a result of secondary fermentation. They are produced in almost every country with developed winemaking. Consider what they are.

French champagne

The most famous sparkling wine, which is born from the classic technology known to us as champagnization. It was developed in the French province of Champagne. It is subject to strict guidelines developed by the Interprofessional Champagne Committee to ensure that the product is of the highest quality. Seven varieties of grapes are allowed, but most often it is made from three main ones: Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay.


Strictly speaking, even in France, only the products of the Champagne region can be called champagne. Drinks from Bordeaux, Burgundy, Loire Valley or Alsace are called Cremant. Produced using the same technology, the grape variety may differ from champagne.

Italian sparkling

Manufactured according to the Sharma technology developed in Italy. Unlike champagne, carbon dioxide saturation here takes place in steel tanks under pressure. The product is then filtered, bottled and marketed.

In different regions, drinks have their own traditional name. Each drink is distinguished by a grape variety, sugar content, unique taste and aroma:

  1. Lambrusco. It is produced from the grapes of the same name in the Emilia - Romagna region, or in Lombardy.
  2. Prosecco. It is prepared in several regions, including Venice.
  3. Asti. Produced only in Piedmont.
  4. Franciacorta. High quality product from Lombardy, using the classic champagne method and three main grape varieties: Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chadonnay.


This is what champagne is called in Spain. They are produced according to the classic Champenois technology, with secondary fermentation in bottles.Unlike French champagne, the material is Spanish grape varieties: Parellada, Xarello and Macabeo. Production is established in Valencia and Catalonia. The most famous Spanish producers are called Codorniu, Pago de Tarsis and Ferenesti.

Russian sparkling

The Soviet government often declared war on alcohol. The first "battle" took place in 1918-1923. Having abandoned this idea in 1924, the Soviet authorities decided to make champagne available to the broad masses of working people. In other words, the winemakers were tasked with developing a production technology in order to get a decent result quickly and cheaply. And the Russian chemist and champagne artist A.M. Frolov-Bagareev. He developed an apparatus called "Akratofor Frolov-Bagreev".

In contrast to the "Champenois" method, 27 days were enough to saturate with carbon dioxide in Akratophore. In total, from the beginning of the process to bottling, it took no more than one month. Taking care of the working people, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution of July 28, 1936, which provided for the construction of factories for the production of Soviet champagne in all major cities of the Soviet Union.

In 1953, the technology for the production of Soviet champagne was improved. The Frolov-Bagreev installations were replaced by the method of champagnization in a continuous flow. Its implementation has reduced the cost of each bottle by 20%. Soviet experts assured that the drink became more frothy and successfully resisted the effect of cloudiness. Today Russian wineries produce more than 220 million bottles per year. Of these, only three million bottles are produced using classical technology.

The best sparkling wine in Russia is traditionally produced by Crimean, Kuban, Don and Dagestan winemakers. Champagne has an unlimited shelf life, however, according to GOST, the manufacturer's warranty does not exceed 2 years.

Sparkling drinks

We should also mention sparkling or effervescent compositions. Their manufacturing technology is simple. They are filled with carbon dioxide directly from the cylinder. Sparkling wine is obtained by secondary natural fermentation, which makes it different from sparkling.

How to choose a good sparkling wine

Manufacturing technology

To appreciate any product at its true worth, you should study its characteristics and description, get acquainted, at least in general terms, with the technology of its production. There are five production methods. Let's consider them in more detail.

Traditional way

The saturation of juice with carbon dioxide occurs as a result of its secondary fermentation directly in bottles, located on special stands with a certain slope, with the cork down. Then it is aged on the lees for at least a year. Then the sediment is removed.

Interesting! The process of removing sediment from bottles is called disgorgement. A part of the bottle neck is frozen together with the sediment, after which the bottle is uncorked and the frozen sediment "shoots out".

The missing volume in the bottle is filled with a blended liqueur, or a mixture of a reserve of long-term aging, in order to give the masterpiece a unique taste and aroma. French winemakers only use this technology. It is also used in most households in Spain and Italy.

Sharma's way

It differs from the first method in that secondary fermentation takes place not in bottles, but in bulk tanks. The pressure in them is maintained until the end of the process. The product is then filtered and bottled. In this way, Prosecco and Asti are obtained in Italy.

Continuous secondary fermentation method

It is produced in special tanks in a continuous flow with constant monitoring of the carbon dioxide pressure. The method was invented by Soviet scientists and used by Soviet and Russian factories.


Saturation with carbon dioxide from a cylinder in bottles or tanks.

Important! The drinks obtained by the saturation method are called sparkling or fizzy, not sparkling.

Single fermentation method

Unfermented drink is bottled. The process of fermentation and saturation with carbon dioxide continues there.This method, along with the saturation method, is used to produce the cheapest products.

Criterias of choice

Country of origin selection

Better to choose Italian, Spanish or French brands. Among them there are enough decent options that do not particularly strain the wallet. Among domestic producers, it is worth paying attention to companies that have their own vineyards. There are many of them in the Crimea, the Don and the Kuban, in Dagestan. Among them, brands are distinguished by high quality: Chateau Taman, ZB or Zolotaya Balka, Fanagoria and many others. It is not worth spending money on goods made from imported materials, i.e. from producers who do not have their own plantations.

By production method

Preference should be given to:

  • traditional production method;
  • prepared by the Sharma method;
  • reservoir method.

The effervescent obtained by the saturation method or by the method of fermentation alone is not worth our attention.

By sugar content

Most appreciated are brut or extra brut, i.e. dry. Semi-dry, semi-sweet are considered last, although this is a matter of taste.

Label content

The labels from the best producers contain complete information about the wine, which will help you make the right choice. It should be carefully read and understood.

Container and packaging

It is better to choose dark glass bottles. Gift items are served in elegant boxes, often made of wood or metal. Accordingly, the price of the goods also increases. The presence of excise stamps is required, otherwise you are dealing with a "left product", which can be poisoned.

What else to pay attention to

A quality wine has a rich pearl.

Important! Perlyazhem is called the saturation of champagne with bubbles of carbon dioxide.

The bubbles must be large and must play for a long time. If the drink quickly "fizzles out" you bought something cheap and completely substandard.

For complete purchase information, just download the Vivino app. Then take a picture of the bottle and find out all the details about its contents.

Top manufacturers

Derbent sparkling wine factory

One of the oldest enterprises in Russia with a full production cycle, from grapes:

  • Chardonnay;
  • Cabernet - Sauvignon;
  • Aligote;
  • Riesling;
  • Rkatsiteli.

The seedlings were brought from Serbia and planted in 2012. On 1300 hectares of leased land. The plant's products are of high quality and have won awards at international exhibitions more than once.


The company was founded in 1869 and since then has invariably delighted customers with exquisite drinks. The high quality of the final product is guaranteed by strict control at all stages of the process and while maintaining the traditional techniques and secrets of local craftsmen.

"Golden beam"

The enterprise was organized in the Balaklava valley of the Crimea in 1889. On the lands of the company, they harvest grapes of almost all varieties allowed for the production of champagne. In 2005, a major renovation of the enterprise began. Today it is a modern production facility with a capacity of up to 10 million bottles per year.

Kuban - Wine

The enterprise was organized in 1956 on the lands of the Anapa region of the Taman Peninsula. Viticulture in these places has existed for thousands of years. Soil - climatic conditions practically coincide with the terroir of Bordeaux in France. The most famous brands:

  • Chateau - Taman;
  • Highland;
  • Aristov.

Patriarche pere

French manufacturer from Burgundy. The farm was founded in 1780. Per Patriarch is well known and loved in Germany, Belgium, Great Britain. Her Pol Remy Brut creman is a good alternative to champagne at an affordable price.

Les Grands Chais de France

Large and successful company that owns vineyards in Alsace, Loire Valley, Bordeaux, Beaujolais. Founded 1979. Production volume of about 1,000,000 bottles per day. Inexpensive cremans of the company have excellent characteristics.


The Chiarli family is one of the oldest Lambrusco producers. The estate was founded in 1860. Its products are considered the benchmark among Italian winemakers.


Champagne house Cadornio has been known in Spain since 1551. Since 1872 the company has been producing cava using the classic Champenois technology. Already 16 years later, samples of its products receive gold awards at international exhibitions. Today the company is exporting its goods

"Widow Clicquot"

The famous brand of French champagne. In 1814, after the victory of the coalition troops over Napoleon, the farm of Madame Nicole Barbet Ponsardin Clicquot found itself in the Russian occupation zone. Russian officers appreciated this miracle. Since 1814, Russia has become the main consumer of this champagne in Europe. Not a single ball or banquet took place without him.

The list of the best manufacturers can be continued for a very long time. There are about 30 French champagne houses alone. There are no less manufacturers of quality products in Spain and Italy. It is up to you which company to buy wine. For those in doubt, it is better to listen to the advice and recommendations of experts or salespeople - consultants.

Making a decision often depends on how much the product costs, or rather, how much the buyer can spend on purchasing it. If money is not a problem for you, it is better to purchase French champagne, at least in order to evaluate whether this drink is as good as they say about it. Otherwise, it is enough to buy a quality and inexpensive Lambrusco, Prosecco or Spanish Cava, or a French creman. Patriots of Russia, for the same money, can sit at the New Year's table with a bottle of Soviet Champagne.

Where can I buy

In large cities, networks of specialized stores are quite developed, offering goods from domestic and foreign manufacturers, and of various price ranges. Here you can not be afraid to buy not what you wanted.

It so happens that there is no such possibility. Then it remains to order the goods online in the online store. There are also enough virtual platforms selling ordinary and elite alcohol on the Internet. True, there is a high probability of running into a fake, or even outright poison. Therefore, before ordering a product, find and evaluate customer reviews about this or that Internet resource, ask experienced users, visit the official websites of manufacturers. Perhaps this way you will find a reliable supplier.

Rating of quality sparkling wines

In order to evaluate the variety of goods and their manufacturers, we will divide our rating into three parts.

The best sparkling wine for up to 500 rubles

5th place. Pink sweet "Derbent"

Made from white and red grapes harvested on Dagestan plantations. The alcohol content does not exceed 11%. The drink is light pink. Perlage is small. Aroma with fruity notes, clean and harmonious. The aftertaste is long lasting. The average cost is 300 rubles.


  • nice bouquet;
  • strict quality control;
  • affordable price.


  • not found.

4th place. Pink "Myskhako"

Semi-dry, 100% from Pinot - noir, harvested on the own plantations of one of the oldest companies in Russia. The alcohol content does not exceed 12.5%. The drink is light pink in color, soft and harmonious. The aroma attracts with strawberry tones, sweet spices. Served with vegetables, fruits, fish. The average cost is 350 rubles. Not a bad combination of price and quality.


  • wonderful aroma;
  • monosortic;
  • inexpensive.


  • not identified.

3rd place. ZB rose Brut.

The company, located in a valley called Zolotaya Balka, was founded by experts from the Massandra association, specifically for the production of sparkling wines. The line of this brand includes white, red and pink drinks with different sugar content: brut, semi-dry and semi-sweet. The sample in question has a pale pink color, has a floral scent. When tasting, raspberries and strawberries are distinguished. Made from crops from our own plantations:

  • Aligote;
  • Cabernet - Sauvignon;
  • Pinot Noir;
  • Riesling;
  • Rkatsiteli;
  • Chardonnay.

Not a bad aperitif. Served with pork and veal dishes. It harmonizes with game and lamb, salmon and tuna, shellfish, vegetables and fruits.The alcohol content does not exceed 12.5%. The average cost is 446 rubles. One of the best champagnes in Russia, according to Roskachestvo.


  • goes well with any snacks;
  • light, aromatic;
  • affordable price.


  • made from a large number of grape varieties.

2nd place. "Chateau Tamagne" white brut

Manufacturer - the company "Kuban-wine". The alcohol content does not exceed 13%. Prepared from grapes:

  • Sauvignon Blanc;
  • Chardonnay;
  • Traminer, one of the oldest varieties in Europe.

The drink is light straw color with a golden hue, harmonious taste and floral aroma. Served with the fish table. It goes well with flounder, halibut, salmon and tuna, shellfish. Will not spoil poultry snacks and soft cheese. The average cost is 433 rubles.


  • a good substitute for champagne;
  • inexpensive.


  • not identified.

1 place. Pol remy

Creman White brut. Producer Patriarche Pere & Fils, Burgundy, France. The drink can decorate a festive table and serve as an aperitif in a friendly gathering.

The blend is created from grapes:

  • Ayren is a Spanish variety, the most common, grown mainly in Spain;
  • Ugni Blanc - aka Trebbiano, white, grown in France, Italy, imported to Australia and New Zealand. It is considered the second most popular in the world;
  • Colombard is an old French variety grown for the preparation of cognacs and armagnacs.

The color is straw-yellow. Lime, green apple is felt in the taste. Mineral aftertaste. Fruity aroma. Served with fruits and dessert. The average price is 453 rubles.


  • perfectly replaces champagne.


  • not identified.

The best sparkling wine at a price of 500 to 1000 rubles

5th place. "Baron d'Arignac" Rose semi-dry

Creman from Alsace. Monosortic. The material was Bobal - a variety of Spanish selection. It is saturated with coloring agents. It is most often used in blends as a dyer. In terms of prevalence, it is considered the third after Mourvedre and Grenache.

Salmon pink. The aroma reminds of fresh fruits, spices, minerals. Strawberries and cherries are guessed in the harmonious taste. Perfectly complements fruits, light salads, pastries, desserts. The average cost is 609 rubles.


  • pleasant;
  • monosortic;
  • inexpensive.


  • not identified.

4th place. Lambrusco dell'Emelia Bianco Poderi Alti, Chiarli

White semi-sweet. Produced by the Chiarli farm in the province of Emilia Romagna. A very light wine with an alcohol content of no more than 7.5%. Single-varietal, made from Lambrusco grapes. One of the best Lambrusco in Italy. The texture is light, rich pearl. The color is straw-yellow. The aroma is floral - fruity. Easy, pleasant, inexpensive. Served with fish dishes, pasta, white meat, desserts. Excellent aperitif. The average cost is 660 rubles.


  • monosortic;
  • lung;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

3rd place. "Pierlant" Brut

Creman "Perlan" Brut "from Bordeaux (France). The production uses the classic technology of champagne production. Airene and Ugni Blanc grapes harvested on the company's plantations are sent for processing, where they are cooled and primary fermented. This is followed by the process of secondary fermentation on the lees, which takes place in bottles installed at a certain slope on special stands. After two weeks, the sediment is removed, a certain amount of sugar is added, the bottles are sealed. Manufacturer - Caves of Landiras plant is today the leading manufacturer and supplier of Cava to European countries.

The color of the drink is pale yellow. The aroma is complex. Floral tones are felt first. Then they are gradually replaced by fruity notes, freshly cut herbs, green apples. The subtle sensations of spices give lightness and grace to the sensations. The taste is no less rich, balanced, harmonious and very elegant. The leading role in the bouquet is given to a green apple and tropical fruits. Light acidity emphasizes piquancy and gives freshness to sensations. "Perlan" Brut "is not ashamed to present as a gift. The average cost is 729 rubles.


  • easily replaces champagne on special occasions;
  • excellent aperitif;
  • quite affordable price.


  • not identified.

2nd place. Cadorniu "Niviana" Brut Rosado Cava DO

Spanish rose cava from Catalonia. Made from red grapes: Monastrell (Mourvèdre), Trepat, Garnacha. It is prepared by infusion on the skins for several hours, with secondary fermentation in bottles, removal of sediment and sealing in accordance with the classic champagne technology. The finished Cava is aged in the basements of the farm for at least 9 months. The storage temperature should not exceed + 11 ° С

The drink has a pale pink color. Perlyazh long, small bubbles. The aftertaste is long and fresh. The aroma is filled with berry tones and tropical fruits. Producer - Cadornho, one of the oldest Spanish families. The average price is 891 rubles.


  • will not yield to the best champagne;
  • classical production technology;
  • fairly affordable price.


  • not identified.

1st place "Clos Amador" Brut Delicat Reserva Cava DO

A sample of exquisite Spanish Cava from Pere Ventura. The blend uses three varieties of Spanish grapes: Macabeo, Perellada and Xarello, the main material for the production of cava in Spain. Each variety is harvested by hand and subjected to a soft pressing procedure. The resulting formulations are mixed, stabilized and bottled, where the secondary fermentation of the drink takes place.

After fifteen months of exposure, the sediment is removed and the product gets a greenish-yellow color and persistent perlyage, the aroma of green apples and citrons. The wine has a clean and fresh taste, combining notes of fruit and pleasant sourness. An excellent aperitif. Served with oysters, ham, cheeses, nuts and pates. Doesn't spoil meat, fish, seafood at all. A great alternative to champagne for you New Years. The average price is 911 rubles.


  • excellent taste;
  • delicate aroma.


  • the price is high.

Elite sparkling

5th place. "Widow Clicquot" Brut

Introducing the famous Champagne made in the Champagne region from Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay. The blend necessarily contains from 25% to 35% of the reserve composition, with an exposure time of 10 to 20 years. This gives the drinks a unique and recognizable taste. Manufacturer - Veuve Clicquot. The drink has a sparkling golden color, multifaceted refreshing aroma, in which fruits, pastries and vanilla are guessed. It is used with desserts and as an aperitif. Average cost: 4115 rubles.


  • mesmerizing color and rich perlage;
  • perfect gift and decoration of the festive table.


  • high price.

4th place. Ferrari, Rose Brut, Trento DOC

Italian luxury pink. Produced by Ferrari, northern Italy, province of Trentino - Alto Adige. Prepared from two varieties: Chardonnay and Pinot Negro. The technology is classic. Insists on the lees for several years. The color is soft pink. The aroma contains hawthorn and currant. Sweet almonds and musk are felt in the taste. Served with delicious appetizers for desserts. The average cost is 5014 rubles.


  • excellent quality;
  • extraordinary taste;
  • gift wrap.


  • the price is not for everyone.

3rd place. Luis Roderer, Brut Nature, Chardone AOC, 2012

White, brut from one of the oldest houses in Champagne - Louis Roderer. Made with Pinot Meunier, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir (55%). A golden drink with a rich pearl, lemon - citrus aroma and rich, multifaceted taste. Young wine is an excellent aperitif. With an increase in the aging period, the taste becomes richer and perfectly harmonizes with fish, lobster, white meat, berry desserts. The average cost is 13,490 rubles.


  • golden color;
  • rich perlage;
  • excellent taste and aroma.


  • very high price.

2. Krug, Rose

Creamy pink from Krug champagne. It is blended from three varieties: Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay. Aged on lees for at least 6 years. Then disgorgement and another year of aging. The result is a pink and golden drink with a rose petal and peon aroma.The taste pleases with a harmonious combination, which contains ginger, honey, citrons. This masterpiece is served with dishes representing haute cuisine. The cost is 23956 rubles.


  • Nice colour;
  • richest taste;
  • long aftertaste.


  • very expensive.

1 place. “Dom Perignon”, Rose Vintage 2006 Extra Brut

The product of one of the most famous Champagne houses - Moet & Chandon gets the best reviews. The dry pink is created from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir for eight years. It is sheer splendor, symbolizing luxury, sensuality and seduction. The 2006 Dom Pérignon pink has a golden pink color.

The scent is incredibly complex. At first, it reminds of dark spices and cocoa, then they are replaced by fruity notes: fried figs, apricots, candied fruits.
The taste of champagne is full of subtle plant shades, has a dense, grainy structure, characterized by intensity, juiciness, clarity. Simple, modest traditional dishes for which southern Europe is famous: Italy, Spain, France help to appreciate all its charm. The cost of a masterpiece can be up to 29,000 rubles.


  • great aroma;
  • unforgettable taste;
  • the best gift for the anniversary.


  • not everyone can afford it.

Good sparkling wine gives a sense of celebration to all participants of the feast. This is not a product for every day. For the average consumer, there are enough really high-quality drinks on the market at an affordable price. Fans of exclusiveness, if wealth allows, can spend an absolutely indecent amount to sip a truly royal (or royal) champagne. The editors of the site hopes that our review will answer most of the questions that arise when buying sparkling wines, so as not to make mistakes when choosing.


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