💊Best Antihistamines in 2024


Allergy is the scourge of our time. People of all ages and sexes suffer from intolerance to various substances-allergens today. Itching, sneezing, skin rashes are some of the most harmless symptoms of this ailment, because there can be more serious and dangerous manifestations. This is why it is so important to have a good allergy medicine on hand. What antihistamines are, and how to choose the best, we will describe below.

How does allergy manifest?

An allergy is nothing more than a reaction of the immune system to a certain substance. A kind of false alarm, when the immune system perceives the allergen as a pathogenic microorganism, splashing histamine on it. And it is histamine that already provokes the appearance of all sorts of reactions - rash, itching, etc.

For the most part, it is the allergens that determine the type of allergy. She may be:

  • Household, provoked by dust, dust mites, wool, saliva and animal excrement, mold, etc.;
  • Food, caused by all sorts of foods or ingredients;
  • Medicinal, provocateurs, in this case, medicines or their individual components;
  • Seasonal, caused by the flowering of various plants.

Allergy can manifest itself in the form of:

  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Pollinosis (rhinoconjunctivitis);
  • Hives.

Different drugs can have a specific focus, that is, be more effective, for example, in conjunctivitis, while others have a broader spectrum of action and can suppress a variety of allergic reactions. In addition to antihistamines, the doctor may prescribe medications from the corticosteroid class, which can be in the form of pills or injections.

When treating, it is important not only to suppress the release of histamine, but to neutralize the allergen.

Types of antihistamines

Today in pharmacies there are three generations of anti-allergenic drugs, while the most modern and less dangerous drugs are the third generation. They, as a rule, act faster, the effect after taking it lasts longer, and there are fewer side effects from them on the body. However, they still did not supplant the drugs of the first and second generation, because sometimes it happens that only the well-known Suprastin from the 1st generation of drugs can help.

First generation antihistamines

The most important advantage of the drugs in this group is their low cost with a tangible effect.


The most famous and most effective drug in this group. In everyday life, it is used in the form of tablets, while you can feel the effect of taking it in 15 minutes, and it will last about 6 hours. There is also an ampoule form of release, but in this case, the introduction is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor and only if help is needed urgently.

The drug is approved for use in children from one month of age. However, it is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

Elderly people should be careful with taking the drug, since the list of side reactions in Suprastin is impressive.You can not take it when driving a vehicle, since a significant slowdown in reaction is possible.

The cost of suprastin is an average of 190 rubles.



  • High efficiency for various types of allergies;
  • The cost is acceptable;
  • Can be taken by children.


  • Perceptible inhibition effect;
  • Increases drowsiness;
  • It has a large number of contraindications.


This is a Russian-made drug, the main active ingredient of which is mebhydrolin. Just like Suprastin, the effect after administration occurs in a quarter of an hour, while it will last longer - up to 2 days. Why, unlike Suprastin, he is not called the best! The fact is that diazolin has a very strong effect on the human nervous system. Its reception is possible only under the supervision of a doctor. For the same reason, the medicine is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children under 3 years old.

Drug cost: up to 100 rubles.



  • Budget price;
  • Fast and long lasting effect after administration;
  • Can be used to prevent allergic rhinitis.


  • Forbidden for children under 3 years old;
  • Has a strong effect on the nervous system;
  • There are many contraindications and side effects.


The dosage form of this drug is different. These can be tablets, syrup, or injection. After taking, the effect will appear in about 30 minutes and last up to 12 hours. The main manifestations of allergies, in which tavegil is most effective: skin reactions, including dermatitis and urticaria, rhinitis. It is used to neutralize the most dangerous manifestation of allergies - Quincke's edema.

The drug in the appropriate dosage form can be taken by children from the age of one year. Tavegil, to a lesser extent than Suprastin, causes drowsiness, but it is still contraindicated in situations where a quick response is necessary.

The cost of the medicine is 170 rubles on average.



  • Perceptible effect on skin reactions;
  • Long-lasting effect;
  • Low price.


  • Narrow focus;
  • There are contraindications;
  • Forbidden for children under 1 year old.

Second generation antihistamines

This group of drugs has a more gentle effect on the nervous system. When taking them, there is no drowsiness or delayed reaction. However, those who have heart disease should be careful with their use, it is this vital organ that second-generation drugs influence.

Of the positive qualities - the manifestation of the result of admission is almost instantaneous and its preservation is often up to 2-3 days.

Various dosage forms of drugs allow them to be given to children of different ages, including those who have just been born (for some drugs).


This drug has a wide spectrum of action. It will be effective for food allergies, reactions to animal dander or insect bites, and it will help with seasonal manifestations, for example, to pollen from flowering plants. Its result is noticeable within 30 minutes, while it will last for 24 hours.

Contraindications include children under 2 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.

Claritin can be safely taken by drivers, since it will not affect the reaction. However, the medication can cause tachycardia without disturbing the heart rhythm.

The cost of tablets is from 200 rubles.



  • Does not affect the central nervous system;
  • Fast and long-lasting effect from admission;
  • An excellent preparation for rashes and allergic coughs.


  • Affects the work of the heart and kidneys.


This drug significantly neutralizes itching, as well as other skin manifestations. It can also be used for other types of allergies. The various dosage forms in which the drug is sold make it possible to give it even to children after 1 month of life. The effect of the reception lasts up to 2 days.

Despite the fact that the drug belongs to the 2nd generation of funds, it still has a certain effect on the central nervous system, has a mild hypnotic effect. Therefore, it is better for people who drive vehicles to choose another medication.

The drug in any form is contraindicated for nursing mothers and pregnant women in the first trimester.

Fenistil in drops costs 400 rubles.



  • Various dosage forms of the drug;
  • Fast and long lasting effect;
  • Broad spectrum of action, especially effective for skin reactions.


  • The presence of a slight depressing effect of the central nervous system;
  • Incompatible with alcohol;
  • The presence of contraindications.


This drug is produced in Spain, the active ingredient is ebastine. It is highly effective, while the result not only appears quickly and lasts for 2 days. After discontinuation of the drug, the result remains for another 3 days.

However, significant performance in this case also has a downside. As side effects, drowsiness and a decrease in overall performance are observed. Also affects the work of the heart.

Kestin is contraindicated in children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating women, those for whom an adequate and quick reaction is important.

The cost of tablets is an average of 450 rubles.



  • Prolonged effect after administration;
  • It is enough to drink a 5-day course.


  • There are many "side effects";
  • It is forbidden for children under 12 years old, and under 15 - a limited admission regimen.


This drug is produced in Italy, while it can be used for emergency damping of allergic manifestations, as well as for the treatment of chronic forms. The maximum effect is felt one hour after taking the medicine and lasts up to 72 hours.

However, there are also pitfalls here. The drug has a significant effect on the kidneys and excretory system. This means that in the presence of diseases in this area, Zyrtec should be taken strictly under the supervision of a physician. In some cases, drowsiness is noted after taking, therefore, this tool is not recommended for drivers.

Zirtek does not have a ban on the use of children, the main thing is to choose the right dosage form. But it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers to use Zyrtec in case of allergies.

Average cost of the drug: 350 rubles.



  • Fast and long lasting effect after administration;
  • Can be given to children from six months;
  • Treats various forms of allergies, including chronic ones;
  • Does not depress the nervous system.


  • Negative effect on the kidneys;
  • There is an impressive list of contraindications.

Third generation allergy medications

The drugs in this group are the most expensive. The reason lies in the fact that they are effective, do not cause addiction, do not affect the nervous system, and have a minimal effect on the work of the heart. Their work takes place at the cellular level.


The active ingredient of this drug is desloratodine. Erius is produced both in tablets and in syrup. It is the syrup that can be given to children aged 1 year and older. There are few side effects here, but the manufacturer warns in the instructions that young allergy sufferers may experience an increase in body temperature. Dizziness and cardiac arrhythmias are rare. In some cases, reactions from the digestive tract are possible.

The cost of the drug is on average 600 rubles.



  • Equally effective for different allergic manifestations;
  • Can be used by children over a year old;
  • Side effects are rare.


  • One of the most expensive drugs;
  • Still, there are contraindications.


The medicine, like erius, has various forms, however, in the form of a syrup, it can be given to children only upon reaching 2 years of age. And pills - starting from 6.

Relief of reactions to allergens after taking citrine occurs after 30 minutes, and the effect lasts throughout the day. The drug is effective for household allergies, hay fever and other forms.

Tablets (10 pieces) will cost an average of 150 rubles.



  • Works with different types of allergies;
  • Not only relieves symptoms, but also treats the disease.


  • Restrictions on admission to young children;
  • There are "side effects"

Topical allergy treatment

Despite the fact that allergy is a reaction of the body as a whole, that is why the main part of antihistamines is used internally, its manifestations can be localized in specific places to a greater extent.

In this case, in addition to oral drugs, those that are applied topically are prescribed.

Allergic rhinitis

What to do if your nose is stuffy or mucus is profuse. Drops will come to the rescue. Among the most popular and working drugs are:


The main active ingredients here are finylephrine and dimethindene. And if the first guarantees relief of breathing due to the vasoconstrictor effect, then the second suppresses the release of histamine and is an antiallergenic component of the drop.

The drug can be dripped to children over a year old.

The cost of the Vibrocil is about 300 rubles.



  • Combined drug: suppresses histamine and makes breathing easier;
  • Comfortable instillation, no burning sensation.


  • Do not use for more than 7 days, as thinning of the nasal mucosa (bleeding) and addiction is possible.


These drops are not classified as antihistamines, they are GCS for local use, in their composition - momentzone, which guarantees anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.

It should be remembered that hormone-containing drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and taken under his supervision!

Desrinitis can be used both for the prevention of seasonal allergic rhinitis, and in situations of an already existing seasonal and year-round rhinitis. It can also be prescribed for acute sinusitis and rhinosinusitis.

Allowed for children from 2 years old.

Cost: about 400 rubles.



  • Quickly observed effect;
  • Can be used for children;
  • Can be a preventive measure.


  • “Get off” the drug should be gradual;
  • When instilling, the technology described in the instructions should be followed.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Such a manifestation most often has a seasonal character (flowering of a certain type of plant) or upon contact with a large amount of a household allergen (getting into a dusty room with a corresponding allergy). When the eyes are watery, eye drops will help.


The active ingredient in the composition blocks histamine H1 receptors. Drops should be used at least twice a day and a course of at least 10 days. It is permissible to use droplets up to 4 months, that is, to additionally protect your eyes during the entire flowering of the irritating plant.

The drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 3 years of age.

The cost of Opatanol is 480 rubles.



  • Topical treatment of allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Can be combined with other ophthalmic drops.


  • When instilled, slight discomfort may occur;
  • Instillation involves removing contact lenses.

Skin rashes or reactions to insect bites

In this case, it is important not only to relieve itching, but also to suppress further deterioration of the condition. And if, for example, mild conjunctivitis, you can do with local treatment. Here, with severe itching, complex therapy will be more effective - tablets and ointment.

Of the most effective for skin rashes, fenistil-gel can be noted, its effect and cost were mentioned above.


When choosing an ointment, it should be remembered that local application involves the presence of small inflamed areas. With large-scale lesions, when the whole body is covered with a rash, gels and creams, as a rule, are no longer used.

In custody

According to most allergists, allergies cannot be cured. So, you need to make sure that the surrounding allergens do not cause discomfort, and even more so do not pose a danger. Effective antihistamines are designed to help modern people cope with allergies.The correct selection of the drug and minimization of contact with the allergen will allow you to live a full healthy life!


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