Extraction of a tooth is classified as a surgical operation, and from the point of view of the course of the inflammatory process, a person may be recommended to use certain medications. Antibiotics are mainly prescribed if inflammation is observed in the postoperative period, which spreads to the gums, purulent discharge also appears, or cystic formations are simultaneously removed, and a wisdom tooth is extracted. It should be remembered that all medications are prescribed solely according to indications.
How to take antibiotics correctly
It is necessary to take antibiotics only as directed by a doctor. On average, the duration of the course is about 7 days.
Many people complain of side effects while taking antibiotics. At the same time, many unpleasant surprises can be avoided by adhering to the following recommendations:
- in order to avoid difficulties with the absorption of the drug, it should be taken one hour before a meal or not earlier than 2 hours after it;
- it is necessary to drink tablets only with boiled water;
- it is strictly forbidden to drink the preparations with milk, juice or other fruit drinks;
- you cannot take antibiotics in combination with antacids, since these drugs are not compatible with each other;
- while taking antibiotics, candidiasis should be prevented;
- when taking antibiotics, it is contraindicated to drink alcohol.
After the use of antibiotics, signs of dysbiosis may appear. In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is advisable to start taking zubiotics for preventive purposes. The course should last from two weeks to a month.
Treatment with antibiotics must take place under the supervision of a doctor and under strict adherence to all recommendations. It is strictly forbidden to independently shorten the course and not observe the frequency rate. Failure to comply with these recommendations, as a rule, leads to the fact that the body becomes insensitive to the drug and various microbes begin to develop in it.
The best antibiotics of the penicillin group
Antibiotics of the penicillin group are universal drugs that provide timely and effective disposal of a person from bacterial pathologies. The composition of such preparations includes fungi and living organisms. They are most often recommended for use by dental surgeons after tooth extraction.
The combined preparation of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid quickly and effectively eliminates the source of inflammation. The medicine acts directly on the pathogen and is often prescribed by dentists when a patient is diagnosed with swelling of the cheek, mouth tissue, or a flux appears on the gum. The drug is produced in different dosages. Both in tablet and powder form. The remedy is considered one of the best in terms of effectiveness, but despite this, it is recommended to use it in cases that are not burdened with complications.
Average cost: 356 rubles.
- efficiency;
- a wide range of actions;
- good absorption;
- acceptable price;
- availability;
- approved for use by both adults and children.
- not recommended for people with liver and kidney disease.
Flemoxin solutab
The drug has a powerful effect on pathogenic flora and is very effective against many gram-positive bacteria. The main active ingredient of the antibiotic is amoxicillin trihydrate. It belongs to semisynthetic penicillins, available in the form of tablets. It is prescribed mainly for adults. As practice shows, the medicine is effective, quickly relieves gum inflammation and prevents fever. The dosage and duration of the course is determined in each case separately.
Average cost: 491 rubles.
- ease of use;
- efficiency;
- no fakes;
- the course of treatment is set individually.
- possible side effects;
- the presence of contraindications.
Penicillin broad-spectrum antibiotic is highly effective and affordable. Most often it is prescribed to patients who have gum flux. The active ingredient is the component of the same name. On the pharmaceutical market, the drug is presented in three dosage forms - tablets, granular powder and capsules. The drug effectively destroys bacteria of various origins and prevents complications. According to doctors, amoxicillin is a universal drug that is widely used to treat both adults and children.
Average cost: 100 rubles.
- efficiency;
- availability;
- after administration, the time of maximum concentration does not exceed 2 hours;
- low price;
- quick achievement of the result.
- during application, support and restoration of the intestinal microflora is necessary;
- the presence of contraindications.
The best antibiotics of the lincosamide group
Lincosamides have a pronounced bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Effective against gram-positive microorganisms.
The product is manufactured by a Serbian pharmaceutical company. Marked with a quality mark. Available in capsules. Used for intravenous and intramuscular injection. Basically, it is prescribed by doctors in cases where the patient has an intolerance to substances of the penicillin group. After surgical intervention for the extraction of teeth, they are prescribed for children aged 8 years and over, as well as for the adult population. The main component is clindamycin hydrochloride, which can suppress the harmful effects on the human body of gram-positive infections of various types. As for non-spore-forming anaerobes, bacteroids and many other microorganisms, the effect of the drug is 10 times stronger than, say, that of lincomycin. Dentists do not prescribe a substance in the presence of bronchial asthma, acute ulcerative colitis, myasthenia gravis, renal and hepatic failure, the elderly, who are over 80 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers.
Average cost: 166 rubles.
- can be both injected and taken orally;
- quickly absorbed;
- the maximum concentration of the drug is reached in one hour;
- has a wide spectrum of action;
- there are not too many side effects.
- significant cost, but the drug is worth the money;
- it is necessary to carefully study the annotation, as there are restrictions on the use with other medicines.
Russian and Belarusian pharmaceutical companies have set up production of the drug. The release is carried out in one dosage - 250 mg. It belongs to the group of lincosamides. The most effective remedy for gram-positive bacteria (staphylococcus and streptococcus), which are the source of the appearance of gum on the gums.Analogs include drugs such as Doxycycline, Amoxicillin and Ciprofloxacin. The cost of the goods depends on the manufacturer.
Average cost: 71 rubles.
- excellent efficiency;
- efficiently and quickly copes with pathogens;
- universal remedy;
- convenient dosage;
- insignificant course of treatment;
- affordable price;
- sold in all pharmacies;
- can be ordered online in the online store.
- there may be side effects, so you need to carefully study the annotation and take the drug only as directed by your doctor.
Cephalosporin group
The medicine is produced in Russia and the Republic of Belarus. Prize-winner in the nomination "Best Packaging" in 2024. It is present in the rating of the best drugs - antibiotics, slightly below the maximum score. It is considered a novelty, it is ranked as a third generation product. The action of the drug is such that it is able to cope in full with gram-negative, gram-positive, anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms. Dentists, as a rule, prescribe this particular drug after surgery, as it quickly and effectively copes with purulent-inflammatory processes. Release form - powder for infusion solution.
Average cost: 25 rubles.
- highly effective; beta - lactamase resistant;
- universal (prescribed for both children and adults);
- convenient dosage;
- high quality;
- no fakes;
- acceptable cost.
- individual intolerance is possible;
- it is not advisable to take it simultaneously with other antimicrobial drugs, regardless of the form of their release and the frequency of administration.
High quality and highly effective German-made drug. He has received many awards and prizes. The second generation medication is prescribed not when the extraction of the tooth was forced due to the appearance of a gum on the gum or purulent inflammation, but when the operation is planned, without negative consequences. Thanks to timely application, postoperative wounds heal quickly. It is also able to destroy gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and not only them. The tool is used in conjunction with other medicines. For example, to enhance the effect, you need to take aminoglycosides in parallel. To weaken the effect, it is worth using the drug in conjunction with bacteriostatics.
The medicine is so unique that it can only be prescribed by a professional dentist with extensive experience. Much will depend on the clinical picture. The form of the product is various. It can be purchased in tablets, powders, capsules, suspensions, pills. The dosage also varies. Its principle of action is the complete destruction of the walls of pathogenic cells. It is prescribed for both adults and children. You can take it even with food, which does not interfere with the rapid absorption of the drug. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the patient's condition and wound healing.
Average cost: 220 rubles.
- high quality of the drug is guaranteed;
- form of release;
- you can choose an acceptable dosage;
- a long course of treatment is not provided;
- helps both in adults and children;
- acts on bacteria of a certain type in order to destroy and prevent their subsequent reproduction.
- not all pharmacies offer goods;
- overpriced, but the medication is worth it.
The first generation drug is produced in Serbia. There is an excellent tolerance to it by different categories of patients. The main task is to completely destroy the cells of bacteria, preventing the possibility of their reproduction. The medicine has been used for a long time and has proven itself on the positive side. It is prescribed for those who have undergone a surgical operation to remove a tooth and there are no purulent foci.The drug also successfully destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and other pathogens. There are two forms of release: powder and capsules. Can be taken orally or in diluted form.
The average price of the drug is from 85 rubles
- quickly absorbed;
- easy to use;
- convenience of reception;
- portability;
- preservation of the therapeutic effect for 5 - 6 hours;
- complete excretion from the body through the kidneys;
- the minimum number of side effects;
- a wide range of applications (in addition to dentistry);
- long shelf life of the drug;
- is inexpensive;
- sold in every pharmacy.
- overdose can lead to unwanted results.
Fluoroquinolone group
It is difficult to refer to a universal medicine, despite its effectiveness. Basically, it acts on gram-negative bacteria and a certain type of gram-positive microorganisms, while being resistant to beta-lactamases. Doctors, knowing its advantages and positive characteristics, prescribe it in order to block DNA synthesis in bacterial cells. The production is carried out by pharmaceutical companies in Israel, the Republic of Belarus and Russia. Children cannot take it, therefore it is prescribed for people who have reached the age of eighteen. Otherwise, you may encounter adverse reactions. As for contraindications, their list is so impressive that the drug should be taken under the strict supervision of the attending physician. The active substance reaches its maximum concentration after two hours from the moment of its intake. It is excreted in full through the kidneys. To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, aminoglycosides, beta-lactam drugs, metronidazole are taken in parallel.
Average cost: 186 rubles.
- efficiency;
- high quality product;
- absorption rate;
- completely excreted from the body.
- you need to take very carefully;
- too many contraindications;
- significant cost.
Tsipronol, Tsifran, Tsiprolet
The group of Indian drugs is widely represented in the domestic market. Their manufacture is based on ciprofloxacin. The medicine is used when a flux appears. In pharmacies, a dosage of 500 mg is mainly sold, it is rare to find tablets of 250 mg. But the dose can be adjusted by halving a large tablet. For these purposes, the manufacturer has provided a special notch or risk. The frequency of admission is twice a day.
The average cost of production is from 80 to 110 rubles.
- high quality product;
- efficiency;
- safety;
- low cost.
- significant are missing.
As a rule, tooth extraction takes place on a planned basis, in special institutions, in good conditions, by professional doctors and without negative consequences. But there is a chance of getting a postoperative inflammatory process. To avoid it, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. This will make it possible to suppress residual pathogenic bacteria, avoid purulent discharge, fever, and so on.
There is no single rule for prescribing medications. The dentist selects medicines depending on the age of the patient, his condition, the presence or absence of chronic diseases. Self-medication must be discarded immediately.
Antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor to avoid side effects.
There are certain contraindications that you need to be aware of. The first thing a dentist should do is to find out from a person whether there are any individual contraindications. If there are problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, gentle medications are prescribed. Sometimes it becomes necessary to administer an antibacterial drug before the operation, so that there is no need to take it later. If the patient is constantly taking other medications, then this information must be brought to the doctor without fail, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the body.In the absence of contraindications, antibiotics must be taken without fail if prescribed by a doctor.