🚭Choosing the best smoking cure in 2024


The problem of smoking and the fight against it has been going on for dozens or even hundreds of years. When deciding to quit a bad habit forever, it is important to choose the most effective smoking cure. Today pharmaceutical production comes to the rescue. The market is filled with drugs that help to get rid of tobacco addiction in a wide variety of forms and formulations. How to make the right choice and not be mistaken. Let's try to figure it out.

Nicotine addiction, what is it

Before you start with something to fight, it would be nice to get to know the enemy in the face. What is nicotine addiction

Cigarette smoke instantly delivers nicotine to the brain tissue. By acting on a specific group of receptors, it causes the entry of dopamine into the bloodstream, or, as it is called, "the hormone of joy and pleasure." The smoker feels calm and relaxed for some time. Until he needs the next dose. This is how the addiction appears. There are the following types of nicotine addiction.

  • Physiological, when, as a result of smoking, metabolic processes are disturbed and the body stops producing dopamine on its own or does it in insufficient quantities. The main symptoms: without tobacco, a person becomes irritable and unhappy, his emotional state is depressed. Improvement occurs only after the next dose of nicotine enters the body.
  • Psychological, when the hormonal background is stable, but a person does not leave the feeling that a smoked cigarette will help solve a difficult problem or find the right solution. Oddly enough, this kind of addiction is fraught with frequent relapses.

Determining the form of addiction plays an important role in choosing smoking cessation methods. In the first case, failure cannot be attributed to a lack of willpower. You will most likely need long-term medication. In the second case, the smoker is more in need of sedatives in order to prevent breakdowns during stress.

Mistakes when choosing a smoking cessation method can negatively affect your health and lead to periodic relapses. What to look for when choosing a remedy for tobacco addiction.

  • the composition of the drug and its effect on the body;
  • the form and functionality of the proposed tools;
  • contraindications for use and side effects;
  • price characteristics.

With or without nicotine

Currently, manufacturers offer many methods for those who decide to quit smoking to cope with the urge to smoke. Among them are drugs containing nicotine or nicotine substitutes, and drugs that directly affect the receptors in the brain and break the link between the fact of smoking and getting pleasure. And also a kind of "bogus", among which the leading positions are occupied by electronic cigarettes. The latter cannot rightfully be attributed to the means of combating smoking. Psychological dependence on cigarettes does not disappear anywhere.

Substitutional drugs

Taking medications containing medicinal nicotine or its analogs is the most popular, according to buyers, method to help defeat smoking addiction. The active substance, entering the body, triggers processes similar to smoking. What is the secret With the right approach, doses are gradually reduced until the need for tobacco and nicotine, in particular, disappears.


  • A wide range of products, in the development of which the best manufacturers participated;
  • Time-tested tools that allow you to quit tobacco addiction without stress and discomfort;
  • Advanced functionality that allows you to choose the optimal form: tablets, chewing gum, sprays, inhalers, patches or ointments;
  • It's easy to find a drug for every budget.


  • Does not allow you to cope with the addiction in a short time;
  • It can be addictive, because in fact, taking drugs of this group, a person gets the desired effect, as well as from smoking;
  • It has a negative effect on the body, primarily on the digestive system, as well as on the heart and blood vessels. The use of chewing gums and lozenges, sprays and inhalers damages the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat.

Consider the most popular models of this group, which are described below.


The active ingredient is nicotinic acid. How it works In the same way as a regular cigarette - it artificially induces the release of the dopamine hormone into the bloodstream. How it helps to cope with smoking During therapy, do not smoke, since the accumulation of nicotine in the body causes intoxication or poisoning.



  • the body does not experience stress from a sharp quit smoking;
  • the drug is available in three dosages, so it is easy to adjust the dose, depending on the smoking history and the degree of addiction;
  • various forms of release that satisfy many selection criteria: sprays and chewing gums for single use at the time of an acute desire to smoke or anti-tobacco patches and tablets for long-term therapy;
  • quite a budget option - the average price ranges from 480 rubles for chewing gum to 1000 rubles for a patch.


  • addictive.


If you carefully study the reviews, you can safely say that Tabex is the most effective remedy for smoking cessation from substitution therapy. Created on the basis of cytosine, it perfectly functions as a substitute. But at the same time it blocks the receptors responsible for the enjoyment of smoking. It has a cumulative effect, which manifests itself in aversion to tobacco.



  • the drug is effective in combating severe forms of nicotine addiction;
  • not addictive;
  • affordable price - around 1000 rubles for one hundred tablets.


  • release form - tablets;
  • the drug can cause side effects: drowsiness, dizziness, headaches, which usually disappear after a week of treatment;
  • when taking the drug, care should be taken for people with problems with blood pressure and blood vessels.

The originator of Tabex is the Bulgarian company Sopharma. However, today the market offers analogues at more democratic prices of Russian production. For example "Sibektan" or "Truskal". Which company is better to choose a tool here directly depends on the financial capabilities of the buyer. The active substance and the therapeutic effect are the same.


An economical option that allows you to get rid of a bad habit in a short time. Substitution therapy suppresses the urge to smoke and relieves the symptoms of cigarette quitting syndrome.



  • in comparison with similar drugs has fewer side effects;
  • the release in various dosages is adjusted;
  • is produced in the form of chewable lozenges or a patch;
  • the drug is affordable - in the region of 500-700 rubles.


  • it is necessary to give up cigarettes in the first days of admission, which significantly affects the general condition of the body;
  • not suitable for severe physiological dependence.

Preparations that do not contain nicotine and its analogues

Medicines in this group are aimed at suppressing the craving for smoking on a psychological level. The active substances directly affect the receptors in the brain that respond to nicotine by producing dopamine. In addition, they have a sedative and antidepressant effect. More suitable for people with psychological dependence, as well as for smokers with little experience, firmly decided to give up their addiction.

Below is a selection of the few drugs in this group.


In fact, it is an antidepressant that maintains high levels of the dopamine hormone in the body. The scheme of action is simple. Quitting smoking is often hampered by stress or setbacks. The "happiness hormone" stabilizes the emotional state, and the need for a cigarette disappears. Zyban is actively used in the complex therapy of severe tobacco dependence.



  • relieves the symptoms of smoking cessation syndrome;
  • improves the state of the nervous system;
  • suitable for the treatment of severe and long-term addictions;
  • prevents sudden weight gain.


  • definitely, its cost, a package of 10 tablets costs 750-800 rubles, the course of treatment is from seven to twelve weeks;
  • you need a prescription to buy.


A new generation drug with a body cleansing function, receiving the best reviews in recent years. Helps get rid of psychological addiction to cigarettes and removes toxins.



  • causes a persistent aversion to tobacco and minimizes the risk of breakdown;
  • cleanses the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces appetite and prevents you from gaining excess weight;
  • helps to get a lasting result in a short time.


  • is currently not sold in pharmacies, which is alarming.


The drug, the active ingredient of which is varenicline tartrate, simultaneously stimulates the hormonal system to produce small amounts of dopamine and blocks the nerve endings that allow you to enjoy smoking. The best effect is shown in the treatment of psychological addiction to nicotine.



  • high efficiency of the drug;
  • low relapse rate.


  • high price;
  • a large number of side effects.

Homeopathic remedies

Most products made from extracts of herbs or animal tissue are aimed at reducing psychological dependence.

Bullfight plus

The most famous homeopathic remedy made in Russia. According to the instructions, to get rid of the addiction, it is enough to suck the pill every time you want to smoke.

Bullfight plus


  • The dietary supplement is positioned as an absolutely harmless agent that has no side effects;
  • is among the inexpensive and effective remedies, according to smokers.


  • you can only check its effectiveness on your own experience.

Tablets, spray, patch or ...

It is not enough to find a high-quality and effective remedy that will help you get rid of an unpleasant and bad habit without health consequences. It is advisable to choose the dosage form that will meet all your requirements. Everyone has a different rhythm of life. The degree of dependence on tobacco also varies. Someone needs to take a pill in the morning, someone needs replacement therapy throughout the day. Manufacturing firms offer many solutions.

  • Tablets, lozenges, chewing gums or lozenges have long held the leading positions in the ranking of anti-smoking drugs. Quite convenient, available in various dosages, some help to instantly relieve the urge to smoke. But there are also disadvantages. If these drugs are nicotine-containing, then they do not have the most beneficial effect on the oral mucosa and the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sprays - help reduce the negative effects on the digestive tract. Predominantly referred to as "emergency" drugs. Frequent use is not recommended in order to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.
  • Nicotine patches are one of the most convenient and safest forms of replacement therapy. Manufacturers apply a composition with various dosages to the material, so choosing the right one is not difficult. Suitable for active people. Eliminate the factor of forgetfulness. It is believed that they are addictive with prolonged use.
  • E-cigarettes. To say that they completely allow you to get rid of nicotine addiction is impossible. And from the psychological - for sure. Use formulations with nicotine content, or herbal mixtures. In the first case, talking about getting rid of a bad habit is at least silly. It can only be argued that tar does not enter the smoker's lungs along with cigarette smoke. In the second case, psychological dependence persists. The cigarette continues to soothe in stressful situations.
  • Chewing tobacco. Many believe that in this way they reduce the harmful effects on the body. However, nicotine addiction persists.

So which remedy to choose

And yet, how to choose a cure for smoking. Which to Prefer High efficiency or low cost. Ease of use or laudatory reviews. We will draw up, on the basis of the above drugs, several lists that will satisfy certain requirements.

Most effective anti-smoking drugs

  • Zyban - provides an integrated approach to the treatment of nicotine addiction in different directions.
  • Tabamex - cleanses the body of toxins, causes aversion to tobacco and the smell of cigarette smoke. Gives the minimum percentage of relapses.
  • Tabex is one of the popular drugs that helps to cope with the most severe cases.

Preparations with various forms of release

  • Nicorette and its analogues. Produced in the form of oral medications, sprays and inhalers, patches. Everyone will be able to choose the form that is convenient for him.
  • Niktivin - available in the form of tablets, chewable lozenges and patches.

The most affordable medicines

  • Niktivin. Depending on the form of release, the cost will be: from 500 rubles for a pack of chewing gums, up to 700 rubles - for ten pieces of plasters.
  • Nicorette. A wide range of drug forms gives you the opportunity to choose according to the price criterion. You can pick up medicines costing from 480 to 1000 rubles.
  • Tabex. A pack of one hundred tablets will cost 900-1100 rubles.
  • Tabamex. The price of the set, which includes drops and gel for the oral cavity, is 1800-2000 rubles.

How to deal with addiction to nicotine and whether it is worth it for him to do it, each person decides for himself. At the moment, the choice of methods and tools is huge. From self-purchase of a patch to referral to a narcologist. If the addiction is strong and long-term, then it is better to undergo comprehensive treatment, which will include substitution therapy and drugs that help get rid of the desire to smoke in any stressful situation, or just for the company.

It is this kind of treatment with the use of drugs, sedatives, and, possibly, methods of psychotherapeutic influence that will allow you to get a lasting result and help to avoid relapses in the future.

Smoking and nicotine addiction are two different things today. But they cause colossal and often irreparable harm to health. And do not forget how not banal it sounds, but not only the smoker himself suffers from the addiction, but also his relatives and friends.


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