Preparing for the pool is a very responsible and serious business. To do this, you need to collect a large number of things: from a certificate to hygiene equipment. How not to forget anything? From the article you will learn what to take with you to the pool, as well as the editors of the site "" prepared an overview on budgetary skin care products before and after visiting the pool.
- 1 What to take with you to the pool?
- 2 Basic items in the pool
- 3 Body care
- 4 How do I put wet things in my bag after exercise?
- 5 What should a child take to the pool?
What to take with you to the pool?
A bag intended for going to the pool should contain the following list of items:
- hair care;
- body care;
- face care;
- swimsuit;
- hat;
- towel;
- shale;
- glasses;
- documents;
- washcloth;
- medicines;
- additional personal supplies.
In order to properly compose your travel bag, it is important to adhere to all the recommendations outlined below.
Basic items in the pool
Swimming will require a huge number of items, including equipment.
Why do you need equipment for the pool and how to choose it correctly?
All the mandatory and recommended pool items play a large role in ensuring the safety of the swimmers.
- Swimsuit
Essential for best swimming speed results. The material leaves the muscles compressed during swimming, which guarantees greater performance.
Swimsuit. The swimsuit cannot be split because wearing a bikini in the pool is not etiquette. For bathing, you need a one-piece bathing suit of neutral shades without rhinestones, ropes and other additional decorations. Lycra must be included in the composition. A swimsuit should not be chosen a few sizes smaller so as not to experience discomfort during exercise.
- Bathing cap
It is necessary to ensure movement at a higher speed, to prevent clogging of the cleaning filters. You can choose a hat based on silicone or latex to keep your hair dry. You can also purchase a headdress made of textiles - the hair will get wet, but the head will not experience the unpleasant sensations of squeezing.
The best quality caps are silicone, they are used by professional swimmers.
- Goggles
Essential, first of all, to ensure safe diving. The fact is that when the mucous membrane of the eye and chlorinated water comes into contact, vision can deteriorate at times. Glasses and masks prevent possible irritation of the mucous membranes.
How to choose a mask: you should give preference to inventory made from softer materials, the edges of which fit tightly to the skin so that it does not leave marks on the face. The popularity of the models is due to the convenience and comfort of wearing.
This item rating is basic. These items must be taken to the pool classes.
What documents should I take with me?
Even in a place like a pool, some securities should be taken.
- Gym / pool pass;
- Certificate from a medical institution that the visitor is healthy and has the right to visit the pool;
- The passport. It is necessary if the certificate will be issued directly in the gym from a local therapist;
- Money or bank card. This is necessary in order to pay for a visit to the pool (in the absence of a subscription), a trip to a cafe or a local canteen.
In order to prevent documents from being damaged by moisture, it is necessary to place them in a waterproof bag made of cellophane. Reviews say that it is desirable that the pouch has a zip fastener.
How to issue a certificate for the pool?
Registration of a certificate to the pool is necessary in order to make sure that the visitor to the pool is not a vector of diseases. What you need for reference:
- Examination by a pediatrician or a general practitioner, depending on the age of the visitor.
- Delivery of feces, urine, blood tests (general analysis). There should also be test results for E. coli, AIDS, syphilis. Less often, the administration of the sports complex requires the results of scraping.
- Results of gynecological and dermatological examinations.
The certificate can be issued at a regular city clinic.
What to take with you from the medicines?
Some gym goers neglect this point, but we recommend taking several medications for your own safety.
- Allergy remedy. The medicine is necessary in order to prevent an allergic reaction to the means with which the water is disinfected.
- A remedy for nail fungus. Use as a prophylaxis against fungal diseases.
- Bandage, hydrogen peroxide, plasters, cotton pads, iodine. These funds are necessary for first aid for cuts and bruises.
All medicines must be packed in a waterproof cosmetic bag so that they do not suffer from moisture. In addition to medicines, it is recommended to take with you micellar water for makeup removal.
Additional inventory for visiting the pool
These things are not necessary for the pool, but they can be useful for performing hygiene procedures.
What funds to take?
- Lotion, face and hand cream. Chlorinated water has the ability to dry the skin, so these products are useful in order to restore the pH balance.
- Comb and elastic band. It is necessary in order to properly remove hair under the cap.
- Hair dryer. A device for drying hair in the pool is sometimes used for a fee or on a first-come, first-served basis with other visitors, so it is recommended to take your own to save the family budget and time.
- Additional inventory. Additional items are required for playing sports in the pool. You should ask the administration of the sports complex if it is allowed to bring your own equipment.
- Food and drinking water. After exercising, appetite wakes up, so it is recommended to take a snack to satisfy hunger.
- Fitness bracelet. The functionality of the waterproof watch allows you to independently track the time and intensity of sports. The best brands are Garmin Swim and Misfit Shine.
- Hair towel. After shampooing, this thing is irreplaceable.
- Underwear. For hygiene reasons, change your underwear after swimming.
- Player. The waterproof apparatus will help you to shorten your workout time. With it, you can listen to energetic compositions and swim to the music.
- Silicone earplugs for ears and nose. This device is useful for those visitors who often suffer from mucosal inflammation.
These things will help make your pool sports more comfortable.
Body care
When visiting the pool, it is important to use skin care cosmetics. It should be specialized to flush and neutralize bleach. The best manufacturers recommend buying only cosmetics from trusted companies.
Why do you need cosmetics for the pool? Bleach and other substances used to disinfect water negatively affect the condition of the skin, hair, nails. This is an important selection criterion.
What basic hygiene products should I take with me?
For every woman, hygiene products are an integral part of personal care.
- Shampoo. A common and familiar remedy will not work for the pool. Here you need to purchase a special shampoo that will neutralize the harmful effects of bleach. Below will be a list of the most popular products for professional swimmers and amateurs and recommendations on how to choose.
- Shower gel. Before and after visiting the pool, you must take a shower with a special tool. These procedures are necessary in order to protect the skin from the effects of disinfecting substances dissolved in the pool water.
- Washcloth. Also necessary for showering before and after visiting.
- Towel. After a shower, you need to wipe off excess moisture. In order not to carry a large towel with you every time, you can purchase it of medium length. Of the materials, it is best to give preference to the popular microfiber models, because it is highly absorbent and lightweight.
These hygiene products are essential items in the bag of every pool visitor.
How to care for your hair before and after?
You don't need to wash your hair before swimming. Hair should be tied up in a tight bun and hidden under a hat.
After going to the pool, if your hair has been exposed to chlorine, it should be washed with a mild shampoo. After that, apply a balm or mask to the ends, then apply oil.
Hair products suitable for use when visiting the pool
- Shampoo by L'Occitane. A gentle, nourishing hair care product. Of the advantages - a relatively low price (300 rubles), nutrition and moisturizing of thin and dry hair. Of the minuses - can only be ordered in online stores.
- Shampoo Luxury Care Supreme Shampoo, Marlies Moller. A tool ideal for going to the pool. From the pros - makes the hair soft and silky, makes the ends heavier. The disadvantage is the cost.
- Swim Care Shampoo. Professional hair care product. Of the advantages - quality, professional care, neutralizes the harmful effects. Of the minuses - cost, inaccessibility.
- Shampoo Malin + Goetz Gentle, Neroli Shampoo. A regenerating agent suitable for answering the question of how to protect hair. Of the advantages - beautiful packaging, minimal consumption, moisturizing and nourishing curls. Of the minuses - cost and inaccessibility.
- Hair mask "Nourishing repairing", from DAVINES. A product that can restore dried out ends. Of the advantages - hydration, nutrition, recovery. Of the minuses - the cost, you need to keep it longer than it is written in the instructions.
- Hair mask Biopoint swim & sport. Specialized protective agent. From the pros - protects the hair structure, moisturizes, nourishes, indelible. Of the minuses - the cost, available for order only in specialized online markets.
- Hair Mask Aromacology from L'Occitane. Oil-based remedy for dry hair. From the pros - a natural mask, budget, moisturizes, nourishes. Of the minuses - a small volume.
- Base Philip Kingsley, Swimcap Cream. Protective agent for hair. From the pros - a professional remedy, protection of the hair structure. The disadvantages are small volume, high cost, available only in foreign online stores.
The funds are strikingly different from each other in price, choose based on the possibilities.
How to care for your body before and after?
Before the pool, you must take a shower with gel and a soft washcloth. You should not apply any greasy cream - it is important to take care of the comfort of others. It's also important to shower with a mild cleanser after swimming to rinse off any bleach and moisturize your skin.
Rating of quality gels and oils
- Gel "Almond and Cherry" Korres. Characteristics: an agent that restores the alkaline balance of the skin. Of the advantages - effective cleansing and moisturizing. The disadvantages are high cost, high consumption.
- Biotherm Vitalate gel.Product with the function of neutralizing chemicals. Of the advantages - skin cleansing and neutralization of harmful substances. The disadvantages are inaccessibility and small volume.
- Dolce Milk Gel. A tool that has a large line of aromas. From the pros - a wide range, the presence of milk proteins, protects the skin, high-quality hydration and nutrition of the skin. Of the minuses - it is difficult to open the lid with wet hands, small volume, high consumption.
- Milk Lait de Douche, Biotherm. Soft body milk. From the pros - gentle cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Of the minuses - inaccessibility, average price.
- Gel BioEcologico BioBagno Doccia, GUAM. Means for gentle skin cleansing. Of the advantages - gentle cleansing, long-term hydration, convenient packaging. Of the minuses - no flaws (according to buyers).
- Oil from Clarins. Extra moisturizing for the whole body. From the pros - fast absorption, low consumption. Of the minuses - inconvenient packaging, small volume.
- Milk Kiehls Creme de Corps. A gentle moisturizer. Advantages - quickly absorbed, light hydration and nutrition, does not leave marks on clothes. Disadvantages - high consumption, high price.
How to take care of your face skin?
Facial skin requires separate and careful care before and after the pool. Before swimming, it is important to wipe your face with toner and moisturize with a nourishing cream. After - wash with cool water with a special tool, wipe the skin with toner and moisturize.
What cream to take to the pool
- Creme de la Mer cream. Moisturizer and Protector. Of the advantages - it creates a protective film, provides comprehensive care, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Of the minuses - small volume, inconvenient packaging.
- Chanel Hydra Beauty Nutrition Cream. A luxury moisturizer. Description: of the advantages - light texture, moisturizing and protection of the skin, neutralization of harmful components. The downside is the price.
- Mask "Pomegranate" Sephora. Extra hydration for tight skin immediately after swimming. Of the advantages - convenient packaging, additional moisture, low price. Of the minuses - one-time use.
- Garnier Nutrition and Comfort Cream. An affordable skin moisturizer for pool lovers. From the pros - an affordable price, moisturizing and skin protection. Of the minuses - inconvenient packaging, small volume.
- Nutrisource cream, Biotherm. A nourishing agent for dry skin. From the pros - the composition contains a large amount of oils, high-quality hydration and nutrition, eliminating the feeling of tightness from the action of bleach. Among the minuses - glass packaging, inconvenient lid.
- Cream Rejuvenate & Correct Nourishing Day Cream, Juvena. A gentle moisturizer for professional swimmers. Of the advantages - it contains amino acids, restores skin elasticity and color. The disadvantages are high price, inconvenient packaging, small volume.
It is important to select funds based on the recommendation of a doctor in order not to make mistakes when choosing.
How do I put wet things in my bag after exercise?
Folding wet items into a bag can be a problem with constant training, as you need to do it so that other items do not get wet.
What types of packaging are there and what to look for?
- Place each item in a separate plastic bag, fold into a T-shirt bag and carry separately. This method is not used by frequent visitors to the pool, because it is inconvenient for every day.
- Purchase special cases designed for transporting wet things. This method is expensive but is often used by professional swimmers.
- Purchase a sports bag with a special waterproof coating. This is the most convenient and budgetary option.
Any of the above options can be used. It all depends on how comfortable you are.
What should a child take to the pool?
In addition to all of the above items, the child may need additional things to start learning to swim.
- Scapula. A device made of plastic plates; designed for hands. Essential for developing the correct technique for children.
- Kolobashka. A device similar to foot floats.It is necessary to perfect the technique and develop sufficient speed.
- A tube. In addition to goggles, a snorkel may be required, which is designed to allow breathing underwater.
- Board. A subject that helps beginners learn to float.
In order to learn how to swim, your child may need additional equipment. This can be a special vest, armbands, or a special training circle.
The preparation to the pool requires high-quality preparation. It is important to take along not only cosmetics and care products, but also other items. Thanks to this list, your pool fees will not be a big problem as before.