Gift ideas for the New Year for a child 11-14 years old


Development and learning, interest and emotions. These are the goals that should be pursued when choosing gifts for children. The editors of the site "" know how to surprise a teenager. Therefore, he offers the reader to evaluate the idea of ​​gifts for the New Year for a child of 11-14 years old. The article will give valuable advice on choosing a presentation and understand how much you should count on.

How to guess with a gift for the New Year

Any answer to a question always has its own clear instructions. Although all algorithms collapse when it comes to children, it is still possible to single out specific criteria when choosing a present for the younger generation.

What does he like?

Usually, by the age of 11, each child has certain inclinations, outstanding abilities in some kind of occupation, or just a hobby, hobby. Our task is to find out the "vector" of aspirations. The method of obtaining information does not matter: through parents or other relatives; through their own observations; as a last resort, just talk directly with the teenager.

If no methods are suitable, then you can get the child interested in writing a letter to Santa Claus. It is unlikely that children at this age still believe in him, but in a playful way they are able to express their desires on the shelves, clearly and specifically. And that's what we need.

Assessing the appropriateness and usefulness of a surprise

What seems to an adult to be quite original and interesting may lie after the festive presentation in a dark dusty corner. To do this, you need to understand the characteristics of the age of boys and girls in this period. Now they are trying to hone the properties of their character as much as possible and feel independent. This means that an expensive, lovingly chosen product, but which does not develop any abilities or does not perform the necessary functions, will still lie in the same corner. For the most part, this applies to large soft toys - bright, effective, but useless.

We create an atmosphere

The conditions and form in which the gift is presented are no less significant than the gift itself. Even a ballpoint pen from the hands of Santa Claus, handed over at his residence, seems to be a more exciting item than a set of name plates displayed on the table without beautiful packaging. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend big money on that very "atmosphere". Nobody demands it. It is enough to come up with a New Year's quest that will captivate the child in search of a present.

A selection of useful and interesting gifts for the New Year for a child 11-14 years old

The fashion for gifts is such that it is customary to give phones, tablets, various gadgets and gadgets to them for any occasion. But let's try to move away from stereotypes. Our review contains the most original ideas for surprises for children for the New Year.

Dance mat Aspel Dance Performance II

This acquisition definitely defeats boredom. From that day on, she simply is not in the house. A device for spending time actively consists of:

  • a platform marked out into zones, where you need to step with your feet during the dance;
  • USB cable through which the rug is connected to the TV;
  • a disc with a dance program;
  • adapter for mains power supply, as well as a battery connector for wireless use of the device;
  • instructions with packaging.

The size of the rug (80 cm x 90 cm) allows not only children but also adults to participate in entertaining competitions. A program that gives points helps to evaluate and compare the dance skills of different participants. The cord, 1.4 m long, ensures the optimal distance from the TV screen.

Dance lovers will get incredible pleasure from such a New Year's surprise. Moreover, its cost is 2500 rubles. - fully pays off with the received energy and emotions.

Dance mat Aspel Dance Performance II


  • Teaches you to dance and feel the rhythm of the music;
  • Creates a positive atmosphere;
  • Good for health;
  • Suitable for entertaining children and adults;
  • Inexpensive.


  • On a slippery surface, the mat can be movable;
  • No backlight.

Starry sky projector STAR MASTER

It's easy to get into a fairy tale. The SM projector is all about creating a cozy, warm environment with a touch of magic. Perfectly soothes, relaxes the child, and at the same time decorates the interior of the children's room. Perfect for celebrations.

Absolutely inexpensive, costing about 300 rubles, the luminous device is able to change the ambiance of a room, and with it the imagination and impressions of young connoisseurs of beauty.

You can power the product from the mains - if the projector is used as a night light, or with batteries - it is convenient to often carry it around the rooms. The gift can be called universal, because it is difficult to find those who will not like it.

Starry sky projector STAR MASTER


  • Beautiful projection - gives a sense of magic;
  • Two glow modes;
  • Mobile;
  • Low price.


  • Weak construction.

A more expensive and functional alternative to a projector can be home planetarium.

Teenage signature robe

To highlight individuality and emphasize status - no problem. More than half of the younger generation dream about it. Having your own signature robe means looking as mature as your dad or mom.

There is no point in reviewing any particular model of the robe, since today there are a lot of manufacturers who sell products with ready-made imprints of names. You can also arrange the application of the desired inscription to order.

The cost will vary depending on the quality of the selected product and on the complexity of the text you want to apply. On average, it ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Teenage signature robe


  • Practicality;
  • Uniqueness;
  • Emphasizes the personality of a boy or girl.


  • Not suitable if the teenager, in principle, does not use bathrobes;
  • It's not cheap.

"Chocolate" notebook

There is no need to doubt the originality of this presentation. Ideal for girls, because at this age, interest in personal notes, questionnaires, etc. increases. The design attracts attention and further sharpens the interest of those with a sweet tooth.

According to customer reviews, such a notebook even smells like confectionery, despite the fact that there is not even a hint of aromatic additives in the composition.

It costs mere pennies - from 80 rubles. up to 200 rubles depending on the seller. And you won't have to wait long for the donee's enthusiastic reaction.

Notebook "Chocolate


  • Creative appearance;
  • Looks impressive when used at school;
  • Cheap.


  • Refers more to symbolic gifts or as an addition to the main one;
  • Not very suitable for boys.

Intelex Cozy Plush Panda Warmer Toy

Caution! There is a risk to buy out the entire "zoo" heating pad after purchasing the first one. An incredibly convenient and practical invention that will delight boys and girls with its idea of ​​execution.Outwardly, it looks like a standard soft toy, but inside it is a hypoallergenic, safe filler - millet grains and dried lavender.

It is quite easy to use: it heats up in the microwave in 1-3 minutes and keeps warm for 2-3 hours, depending on external conditions. Convenient to carry when walking outside. The manufacturer allows adding various aromatherapy drops to the toy. However, the product should not be washed. The special fur material can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth.

Cozy Plush is something that will surely delight a teenager in cold winter. Oh yes! And not only in winter, but also in summer. Because the heating pad can be cooled in the freezer by putting a bag on it and used as a cooling agent in the sultry heat.

In addition to the panda warmer, there are many versions of the product in the form of other animals.

The cost of toys of this series varies within 1500 rubles. - 2000 rubles.

Intelex Cozy Plush Panda Warmer Toy


  • High practicality;
  • Originality;
  • Suitable for different ages.


  • At first, it may slightly climb;
  • Cannot be washed.

Light tablet for drawing and copying

This idea will appeal to art lovers. The tablet replaces the old familiar window through which pictures were redrawn, standing for hours in one position. In this case, all efforts were reduced to nothing if one of the sheets slipped even by a millimeter. There are also fasteners that hold all layers of papers and pictures well. Therefore, work can be safely postponed and continued at any convenient time.

The format of the fixture is designed for A4 size and smaller. It is extremely simple to create drawings and drawings of any complexity with your own hands, being in absolutely any position. In addition, the device makes it possible to create portraits from photographs, which will definitely impress others.

It is easy to hold in your hand as it weighs only 0.32 kg. Contains modern electronic components that allow you to do what you love for a long time without straining your eyes. A soft glow with three lighting modes provides a comfortable working environment for growing creative people.

Price - from 1580 rubles.

Light tablet for drawing and copying


  • Reliable and easy to use;
  • Practical use for the school;
  • Safe for the eyes;
  • Develops creative skills.


  • Not a suitable gift for those who don't like to paint.

Reindeer and Sled Dogs Trip

The next idea is good for the curious and active. You can provide a lot of positive emotions and impressions if you purchase a certificate for an excursion to reindeer and sled dogs in advance. An unforgettable adventure guarantees outdoor activities. The excursion program includes:

  • acquaintance with the inhabitants of the Far North, where the guide will tell you how life works in the Arctic Circle;
  • feeding deer and wild dogs from hands, animals will be allowed to touch;
  • offer hot tea with sweets;
  • will be allowed to be photographed in ethnic clothes hugging wild animals - everything is free;
  • riding on cheesecakes.

In addition, there are other inhabitants of the territory who are allowed close to people - wolves, foxes, donkeys. You can also take photos with them on your device.

There is a similar farm in the suburbs of Moscow at the very edge of the forest. Clean air, well-groomed area, fed happy animals. Those who have already visited the excursion report that the deer are there like in films about Christmas, very funny donkeys and endlessly cute huskies.

The cost of a worthy surprise for the new year is 550 rubles. for one child. Adults will most likely go with him. For them, the ticket price is 750 rubles. This tour is not the only one of its kind. Throughout the country, in different cities there are the same, no less interesting deer farms. You can choose the option that will be located closest to you.

Reindeer and Sled Dogs Trip


  • Fascination and activity;
  • A lot of impressions that will be remembered for a long time;
  • A symbolic gift for the new year;
  • New knowledge and skills.


  • Remoteness of the object of entertainment.

Craft Kit Scrapbook

In adolescence, more than ever, creativity is the main focus of classes. An excellent gift idea for a girl is a scrapbooking kit. Its essence lies in the original design of photographs, commemorative pictures and objects with various ribbons, colored paper and other decorative elements.

The ready-made set already contains the necessary materials for creating various kinds of designs for your album. Lack of skills in this art form is not an obstacle. Since the set comes with a very simple and understandable instruction for creating products of different levels of complexity. The execution technology very quickly draws the child into the process, develops creative and inventive skills.

The cost of different kits may vary. On average, the price of one set is 2300 rubles.

Craft Kit Scrapbook


  • Environmentally friendly and safe materials for work;
  • Develop creative skills;
  • The finished work in the form of an album captures events in a vivid, creative form.


  • Not suitable for boys.

Experiment kits

Experiments are mostly male fun. It is those teenagers who are accustomed to checking the world “to taste” who will appreciate such a present. The most varied and interesting sets are presented by the Simple Science brand.

Each set, costing from 150 rubles. up to 200 rubles, contains certain materials and reagents. When used according to the instructions, a certain chemical effect is obtained. Very spectacular, demonstrative experiments provide invaluable experience in the world of natural chemistry and physics. The kits are intended for children over 12 years old.

They are sold in boxes with the name of the experiment. Here are some of them:

  • pharaoh's serpent;
  • polymer worms;
  • volcano;
  • hologram;
  • multi-colored flame;
  • handgam;
  • crystal;
  • hot Ice;
  • colloidal garden and much, much more.

If you buy 3-4 sets, then in this way you can assemble an entire home laboratory. Incredibly curious, entertaining and informative for adolescents.

Experiment kits


  • Develops an inquisitive mind;
  • Provides knowledge in chemistry and physics;
  • Originality of donation;
  • If you conduct experiments on New Year's Eve, then everyone present will be able to enjoy the "show";
  • Flexible cost of the final gift, which depends on the number of sets.


  • Observance of safety measures is necessary;
  • Not suitable for girls.

Pull-up bar Iron Gym

"In a healthy body ..." - then everyone knows. The compact device is intended for home use. Attaches in a matter of minutes to the doorway. Immediately after training, you can remove it or use it further, but already on the floor.

In winter, there is no opportunity to spend time on outdoor sports grounds. But you will not have to deny the pleasure of the child - to engage in physical activity at home. The device is suitable for training different muscle groups: biceps, triceps, chest muscles, back, development of body statics. By installing the horizontal bar on the floor, you can swing the abs and leg muscles.

Such a gift will help children to shine when passing school strength standards. The cost of the horizontal bar is no more than 1100 rubles.

Pull-up bar Iron Gym


  • Develops physical data;
  • Lightweight and compact;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Multifunctional.


  • Not suitable if there are medical contraindications.

Children's lunch box for school

The “Non-Stop” mode has already become a habit among modern children. It is rare to meet a child who, after school, does not go to the fifth circle and preparatory classes, but goes home. Such a plastic box for easy carrying, storage and consumption of homemade food will be a salvation from harmful snacks on the way.

There are three compartments inside the container: one large (500 ml) for the main course (it can be liquid) and two small (180 ml) for salads, fruits, snacks.The set also includes appliances, and even a skewer, so that it is convenient to eat sliced ​​fruit or cheese.

All compartments for food are quite tightly closed and withstand the most unbridled shaking. Steam valves will keep warm sandwiches out of the water and make it easy to open a container of hot liquid.

The material of the product allows you to heat containers in the microwave or freeze in the freezer. Lunch box dimensions 15.8 cm x 11.8 cm x 11.9 cm - does not take up much space in the portfolio. Very nice design in pink and green colors. Cost: about 1500 rubles.

Children's lunch box for school


  • Practical;
  • It is most appropriate for any type of child's hobbies.


  • Not found.

Kinetic sand

Designed for the manufacture of various kinds of figurines and crafts. Develops creativity and fine motor skills of hands. Perfectly relaxes and relieves stress. And it is this factor that can attract a child to him in adolescence. Outwardly, the sand seems rather wet and sticky, but in fact it is completely dry and does not leave any marks on the skin.

Gives unlimited freedom to fantasy. Sold in different colors and shades. Keeps the given shape for a long time. An irreplaceable gift for children in whom tactile sensations prevail over other senses (they are called kinesthetics). The average price of one package is 550 rubles.

Kinetic sand


  • Unleashes creativity;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


  • High price.

Advent calendar

The Advent calendar is not yet as widespread in Russia as it is abroad. Its idea is to enhance the anticipation of the country's main winter holiday. All children (secretly speaking, and adults too), in anticipation of the new year, count the days until an important event. To fill this time with impressions and exciting activities, the Advent calendar was created. It consists of a certain number of boxes equal to the number of days counted. As a rule, they begin to "keep their finger on the pulse" from December 1. But no one forbids starting from December 15, December 25, etc.

Each box contains a surprise. In edible versions of the calendar, these are mainly sweets. The more expensive options will have various and pleasant surprises, to which, in addition, there is a New Year's task. There is nothing more fun completing New Year's tasks from a box. For example, the content of the average price category of the calendar can be as follows: a New Year's toy with the task "to bake sweet cookies" or a greeting card with the words "make an urgent wish and not tell anyone about it." The "luxury" sets contain quite serious gifts: cosmetics, interior decoration items and even small electronic devices.

Manufacturers make calendar shapes for every taste and color. It doesn't have to be rectangular at all. Most often it can be found in the form of a Christmas tree or a house on which windows are located.

Optionally, you can create your own Advent calendar. Fill it with valuable useful gifts and assignments. True, for this you need to have excellent imagination, imagination and creativity. Apart from the material from which it will be made. But it will be a wonderful gift from mom or dad.

The cost of a calendar varies greatly. You can find it for 200 rubles. and for 3500 rubles.

Advent calendar


  • Creative;
  • Fascinating;
  • Creates a New Year mood and an appropriate atmosphere;
  • A wide variety of forms, themes and prices.


  • A good set is quite expensive;
  • There is a large selection only on import trading floors.

New Year's quest for teenagers

The quest is a fun adventure. Its essence consists in passing consecutive tasks and solving clues. Finding a hidden gift is considered the outcome of the game. Stores offer a great variety of similar games in the New Year's theme.

This variety of leisure activities simultaneously engages the child's physical and mental abilities. Completing the quest with two, three, or even a whole group awakens an incredible passion for the game.The location of the game can be anything: at home, on the street, at school, etc.

The standard set of quest games contains instructions, tasks, creatively designed on cards (about 15-20 pieces) and answers so that at some point the game does not come to a standstill. An inexpensive and fun home adventure will cost about 350 rubles.

New Year's quest for teenagers


  • Develops logic, thinking, speed;
  • Active play;
  • You can play with friends and relatives;
  • Inexpensive.


  • One-time passage of the game.

The editors of the site "" presented gifts for the New Year for teenagers with any preferences: for active, calm, curious and inquisitive, handicrafts and those who just want to have fun. We hope that the reader will definitely find what he was looking for. Share in the comments what exactly you liked and what ideas for the winter holiday you have.


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